Games Night With Vee: Post in the Comments and I'll Pick My Favorite of Your .5/1 Star Games.

To make it more interactive, feel free to insult any of my 4/4.5/5 star games. I still haven't actually logged everything, but screw it.

I'm not here to make friends.


throws wiimote through friend's skull

Alright alright, this game falls off a cliff around the time you land on the swamp planet and they forget to balance the game better for your lack of strafing, but I still really like the visuals on the PS2 Ratchet games. I also genuinely enjoy how Ratchet and Clank actually have character development between themselves here, unlike the remake where they're just automatically buddies as soon as they meet.


My uncle had a copy of this for his PS1, I played it a bunch back then and kinda got into it. It legitimately had nothing to do with Lara having huge tits either, because I was still a boy in the phase of "ewww girls have cooties". Used to scare me a shitload too, I often wonder how petrified I would've been if I ever saw the last some sections of this game, especially with the final boss and his ability to pulverize Lara into paste.

I would love to revisit it some day to find my current take on it.

Alright, I understand why some people dislike this. It definitely pales in comparison to the genius puzzle-platformers on GB/GBA, but I do love it's attempt at combining beat'em up mechanics and 3D platforming. It's still one of Treasure's more middle of the road offerings, but I like it!

I don't like this game, it's stage design puts me to sleep and the bosses are dumber than bricks. It's OST is almost as baffling as Sonic Chronicles though, one minute it's poorly imitating GnR, then other times it's putting out genuine slappers like this.

I unfortunately never super got into Naruto when it aired! I caught a bunch of episodes of the Chunin Exams when it was airing on Toonami overnight, but I hadn't latched onto it like a ton of others did. I was always kinda curious about it though, it seems to have some cool stuff and I would love to see ArcSys do a fighting game based off of it. Would totally try it!

Hey, remember Goblins vs. Gnomes expansion? Ah, yeaaaaah I sure do too. Good times.

You asked to go to 1.5 stars if I wanted to, but I refuse to, because I too am an FE hater.

I'm probably in the minority for this, but I actually really really dig some of the artwork that is done of Sonic and friends in medieval armor and shit. I dunno, I just think it seriously goes hard.

I feel like Metroid NES was fun back in the day, but man I still wanna swing a golfclub at the kneecaps of the dude who went "yeah you know what? start the player with 30 HP if they continue. Fuck them."

Good times in my shitty computer lab classes in middle school. I know nostalgia is the worst thing in the entire universe, but it's hard to forget that stuff.

As big a DBZ fan as I am, these older games always make me giddy for an odd time in my life when I discovered emulation and went "ah! all these DBZ and Sailor Moon games I missed out on!". Then found out most of them were horrifically mid or trash, the ost in this one at least is a banger.

Ecco Jr and me have a really weird relationship. Ecco's games were way too hard for me as a child, so I ended up getting attached to this one growing up, but then I revisited it not long ago and it's..........

Bad, holy fuck did I have low standards as a kid. It's funny how Ecco Sr. and Ecco Jr. have done a complete 180 in terms of which one I prefer. Perhaps it perfectly reflects maturity in a way, but maybe I'm just looking into it way too much.

Earlier I noted how many Simpsons games there were, little did I forget how many Star Wars games there were. Like, I completely forgot about this game's existence despite the fact it was on a console like the Xbox, something I should be a bit more aware of considering my age.

It's baffling really, I wonder if anyone is crazy enough to make a detailed ranked list of every Star Wars game ever made on here.

I honestly feel like I'm one of the few defenders of MK in the more hardcore circles of the gaming community. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they're like the second coming of King of Fighters 2002 or anything, but I do feel like they're better than what people give them credit for.

MK4 in particular I actually think is one of the more underrated entries, it's fast and full of a hilarious amount of jank and broken garbage. It particularly has some really great TAS's, check it.

My favorite era of crap fighters tbh.

X6 in all honesty is probably one of the most confounding entries in the X series. Created entirely behind Inafune's back, it's level design is like half-garbage and half-okayish? Blaze Heatnix's doughnuts of doom stage is horrific, but it always makes me come back to this excellent video series from someone with way more skill than me who did a minimalist run of this entire game.

Like I honest to god kinda like it, maybe it's the OST but damn it's a fuckton more interesting than X3. A beautiful disaster of a broken game.

There's something about these licensed racing games. I like to call them "car games", because they're completely faceless with no character or Dale Earnhardt/Jeff Gordon on the cover to rope you into playing it beyond the fact it has cars in it. It makes me seriously curious about them. Does it have great feel to it's driving? Does the soundtrack slap?

Nothing? Damn, well at least it's got cars in it. It makes for cheap filler for the shelf I suppose, or maybe a really cheap buy on PS1 for a replacement case for my copy of Castlevania Chronicles that had it's case damaged during transit.

I dunno, I love car games. The soul of soulless mediocrity.

I did not pick RE6! Luckily for you I haven't dived into that series much yet! I did however have the misfortune to be reminded of this damn game from your logs, lmao.

Memories flooding back of playing this on my friend's crappy Windows 98, it has to be garbage right? Maybe I'll revisit it one day, it may very well be the rural armpit version of Doom that I need.

"Really Vee? Another nostalgia pick? You weren't even that young when this came out!" Shut up! I played it a ton in my high school tech class to ignore the teacher! ;-;

May I shock you? I have made friends off of this game. GASP

every hat on everyone's head flies off their head and straight to the ceiling

Okay, look I knew this was coming up regardless, game is poop but I genuinely have fond nostalgia towards this thing. Still thinking about the ost just going absolutely nuts as Taz terrifyingly skis downhill to his demise.

Man, The Simpsons must've had a record with the amount of trashware that was put out over the course of the 90s. I'm honestly always curious if any of them are actually worse than Bart Vs. The World on NES, but I never quite worked up the courage to see for myself.

None of them are as good as Simpsons Wrestling though, I can tell you that much.

Anyways, here's my favorite bit from The Simpsons.

I have a big fondness for Atari games. Their simplicity is something else, and as always I'm curious about times prior to mine for my main hobby. I've lately been getting an itch to start randomly playing them again, and perhaps challenge myself into writing for them. One day I'll write a short story about 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe or something.

My favorite thing when browsing other people's loggings for this is finding random games I haven't played and get a sudden urge to play out of morbid curiosity.

It helps that I enjoy baseball. I'm sure it's proper shit, but still.

Part of me really wants to rally behind the game for letting Zelda be the main protagonist of the story, I also really dig the art community's ability to redo the game's cutscenes. Check it out.

Okay, so a very funny story about this one. Long ago in my old apartment I lived within walking distance to a GameStop. I went there while they were running a big sale on all of their PS2/GC stuff to basically rid their inventory of it. I grabbed Super Monkey Ball, Metroid Prime and....something else can't remember.

But yeah, I got home and found out the guy gave me Super Monkey Ball Adventure by accident. I was mildly annoyed, but whatever! An easy mistake to make, the discs are small too so maybe they just didn't notice. I went back the next day after work to exchange the games, and guess who was there? An old friend from high school. Turns out they started working there recently, it was a bit awkward but hey, was kinda heartwarming to see them again after a while. Ended up friending them on social media and stuff later.

Dunno, I have nothing to say about the game itself, but it did help me get back in touch with a friend.

Tbh, I actually haven't played Sonic Chronicles, but this music here I think genuinely rips. It's ost is super strange, because like the overworld stuff is all garbage midi shit, but the battle stuff is this hyper-compressed hard shit I genuinely enjoy.

It was a tough call between this and one of the Elf Bowling games. I'll never forget the weekend of Elf Bowling fever for Backloggd, but your achievement of surviving Desert Bus while hallucinating a small Homer Simpson in the back shouldn't be ignored.

Props to you good sir.

I like The Count's voice clips in this, they're shockingly clear for the NES. Though kinda sucks seeing it's rating so low, I know backloggd hates education games but c'mon.

One of the few youtubers I follow stands behind this game and swears it's good, all while playing many rip-offs of it that are apparently far worse. I myself have never played it, and probably never will due to my detachment to mobile, but it never ceases to amaze me how creatively bankrupt and "follow the leader" the entire indie horror scene is most of the time.

If it's not a PT-inspired walking sim, then it's a FNAF ripoff, and if it's not any of those it's the lowest effort Granny knockoff possible, which already looks low effort. I just find the entire thing ironically comedic.

I actually haven't played this, but knowing the context of how this was played, it's already a favorite because playing bad games with friends is the absolute peak of video gaming.

I'm still thinking about the story of T.Hawk's actor bailing during filming for the game. I seriously wanna know what crazy racist shit they had planned for him.

Okay, this one's another childhood pick I'm afraid. I have revisited it not terribly long ago, and it's indeed not good. Me and my cousins probably had more fun mocking Chuckie than playing the game itself. We all wanted to bonk Angelica on the head.

That bitch will get it one of these days.

Mythologies is poop, but thinking about it brings back memories of sleepovers with my friend back in elementary where we spent hours slowly getting through this game while elbow dropping eachother, and pretending to be The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The cutscenes are also fantastic. Listen to this hard shit here too.
chandler redo because I didn't realize this was on there

I love the Acclaim era wrestling games, the spamming of shitty voices is my favorite thing and I can't get over how many useless match types are in these games. Oh baby a match that's just fighting in the back of some guy's apartment parking lot!

Peak wrestling kusoge.

I almost chose Hearts, almost, but the allure of early day fighting games is just too much. I already have a soft spot for bad ones, and the bonus of seeing a beloved series start at such a low end of the spectrum only to raise themselves up later is pretty inspirational.

What a bop though.

I swear to christ I WILL PLAY THIS GAME EVENTUALLY. I'm still wondering how much coke was snorted for them to think of a pencil imitating Jim Carrey to do battle with other 90s gaming giants like Sonic the Hedgehog, BUG! and Gex.

turns into six-year old again

Yay! Monster trucks! Yay!

turns back to normal

Woefully generic indeed, but once again my rural upbringing barges in and forces me to have an ironic liking towards these games.

The amount of quality LPs that have been made off this game is too numerous for me to hate it too much. God, it's been way too long though, christ some of them probably turned a decade old by now.


1 year ago

Pick me!!! I'm a hater!!!

1 year ago

Based PFP

Don't really have an issue with your ratings they're pretty based

1 year ago

Whoa... a Night of Games? On Backloggd dot com?

1 year ago


1 year ago

Go for it. I don't have a huge amount of low ratings though

1 year ago


1 year ago

i'm picky about my 1/10s. i challenge you to find anything decent in them

i dont really see much to take issue with in your favorites. thps3 is better than your 10s tho

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

Fellow Mega Man: Powered Up enjoyer spotted. I dunno if there's anything worth salvaging from my .5/1.0's but you're free to try.

1 year ago



1 year ago


1 year ago

Pick me!! I'm a hater!!

1 year ago

im such a HATER that i HATE being a HATER

1 year ago

Good luck. I am not that much of a hater.

I can't hate your favorites since you're a musou chad.

1 year ago

My two .5 star games are both jokes so feel free to go to 1.5 stars if you feel like it

1 year ago

I was a fool to rank Simon's Quest so low forgive me

1 year ago

Please notice me Vee-先輩!

1 year ago

Phew, you guys love me too much I think.
I'm a lover, not a hater

1 year ago

spyro is mid sorry

1 year ago

the fact that anyone thinks ratchet & clank is 1 or 2 out of 10 really just proves that they haven't played enough games to know what something of that score should be

low hanging fruit on a52 tho. of course it's funny as fuck

1 year ago

Go for it

1 year ago

In retrospect I think I would rate Ride to Hell a bit higher now. It did spawn a lot of great LPs but it's also just fun to play. Mainly to laugh at how pathetic it is.

1 year ago

Idk man, theres only like, 2 good songs in MMX3 and those are Toxic Seahorse and Bilzzard Buffalo

1 year ago

Oh shitbiscuit

1 year ago

i loooove hating things

1 year ago

I really love how Crush Crawfish has a sick intro and then the actual song is the most generic thing in the world.
If you're gonna do me you can go up to 1.5 stars, but that's still only 6 games, so...

1 year ago

@Vee I had actually changed my mind about Simon's Quest months ago and just forgotten to change my rating

1 year ago

more like ratshit & stank 🤮

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