played in 2023

a ranked list of all the games i played in 2023

8/10 bare on content at the time i write this, but the game is so fun and unique that i hope they continue to update it into something amazing
6/10 more re4r. the early sections are mostly a rehash of the main game's early sections, while the later sections add many new levels and bosses, and were hit-or-miss in quality for me. the new mercenaries content is very welcome as well
5/10 skating is pretty cool, but overall i wish this had just slightly more depth to it
7/10 plays great and has a very unique gameplay feel, but there are many sections i didn't enjoy (let's compare to the original re4... that game has actually 0 sections i dislike playing... maybe the final boss is a little boring). even tho the original is a perfect game and this isn't, i'm glad both of them exist as neither one replaces the other
9/10 instant fav. i hope this type of game becomes its own genre - short-hike-likes & gator-game-em-ups!! on top of the writing being heartwarming, the movement is pretty advanced. there are a lot of toys to play around with and the physics system lets you fling yourself and get around really fast, so it's fun to just walk around, look for things and complete objectives. the quests and their storylines are all so affirming and i gladly did all of them
8/10 i've been ignoring the phone game market completely the last couple years so i have no idea what they're generally like, but i would accept many more mechanically rich and short BEATABLE phone games like this one
6/10 fun re4 inventory management puzzles. you should know if you'll enjoy this just by that description
5/10 a couple funny moments (the tattoo dialogue made me laugh & i still think about it sometimes). overall, pretty pointless. i feel as though it barely showcases the steam deck's features. everything demonstrated here could be done with any other controller from the last generation.
3/10 this gets dull fast. i wish the wealth of content and unlockables + fun castlevania asset use were transposed onto a more fun game. you can’t convince me that the auto-attack system has benefits over a more traditional combat system where you aim your attacks. lastly, i find the RNG component pretty exhausting. i’ve done numerous runs where i play as competently as always, but unless the random rolls give me a good synergy of upgrades, my DPS will just not stand a chance against the horde at later levels. resetting a 15+ minute run due to low DPS, rather than poor skill, really makes this feel like i’m just playing an overly long and consulted slot machine instead of a video game
6/10 i found the game interesting and relaxing for about 20 hours. then lost motivation to keep playing, came back after a couple month break, had no clue what i was doing, realized i wasn't even close to the halfway or even one quarter mark of the game, and just felt i was done. had some fun but never really enthralled me and i really wish it wasn't so long
2/10 so soulless. no production values to speak of here. why make a game for a popular brand if its going to be this cheap? the game also seems to revel in berserk's rape-ier and contentious additions, which all but confirms for me that this game wasn't even made by berserk fans
4/10 boring. everything takes too long. during the transitions i wanted to use my phone and disengage with the game. i wouldve preferred all novel bc gameplay segments were the most tedious - searching the room for the 1 thing to interact with did not feel like a good use of my time. the lack of QOL - you cant save whenever you like, for some reason. theres no transcript to reread previous text, which for a VN is just awful. character names can be forgettable bc they stay on the screen for a second before vanishing. im cool with the story being confusing, but why does the game have to make it even harder for you?
7/10 undeniably awesome action & mechanics. the only thing holding it back for me is that it's all non-stop action, and it gets exhausting. i prefer when my action games have some downtime/exploring/platforming, and this is just non-stop combat arenas. it took me months to beat because i'd boot it up and play only a couple levels before being pooped, and this game has a LOT of levels. even still i can't deny this is an awesome action game with lots of hype moments & tons of content, and i had a lot of fun
4/10 meh. i'm a fan of the way beck feels in might no 9 so i started with him but did NOT like how he feels in this game. the slide would cancel on me after .5 seconds which would get me hit and losing a charge after getting hit is too annoying. then i switched to gunvolt and found it a fair deal better, but hes not very interesting. also very plain level design. couldnt find a way to switch to boss powers, i assume theyre not in the game. some bosses were frustrating.
1/10 i hate this. my partner and i played it together and it put us in a terrible mood nearly every single time. the game is absolutely joyless. exactly 0 good things happen to the main character. for some reason, it seems the designers made it a point to tackle as many sensitive topics as they could think of, such as rape, homelessness, war in the middle-east, etc. but they are handled with little care. the game design is shit too, david cage clearly doesn't enjoy or play any video games, so design wisdom learned over the years goes completely over his head and are missing from this game.
9/10 i loved so much about this game. the unique premise, the way each day's task feels insurmountable at first until you start to master it, the choices you have in developing your own personal system for efficiency. learning to process paperwork both thoroughly & quickly while developing little time-saving tricks and internalizing world details was extremely satisfying, no other game i know of expresses its worldbuilding in this way. while i was playing this game i constantly thought about it at my real job
6/10 i mostly backseated this one. neither me or my partner have played the psp game so there were some new levels for us, but mostly was disappointed to see levels from the prior ps2 games with worse performance and nothing substantial added
8/10 i don't play a lot of shmups or bullethell games - if i do it's because the game either personally appeals or me, or is beginner-friendly. this game is both! i counted numerous castlevania references and the gothic horror art is very well-done. i'm a huge fan of 2d sprites used together with pre-rendered 3d models. the game is forgiving because when you game-over you can respawn right where you died, so you can play the game as long as you want if you don't care about score
7/10 the combat is great and kicking people around is lots of fun. i didn't enjoy the magic as much as i'd hoped and the jank seriously needs to be cleaned up, this game has some of the worst hit detection i've seen. still a great & unique game but could have been way greater
7/10 nails the feel & vibe of berserk 100%. the levels are overly big hallways and mazes with nothing meaningful to find, but i never stopped enjoying the combat and combo system so i didn't get sick of playing the levels. it's all worth it for the boss fights anyway
8/10 this game is fantastic because the movement is really free-form and complex, and the game is very unintentionally funny
8/10 unmatched atmosphere in games. the late game gets a little frustrating, but it matters so little. scanning for lore details & combat strats is so much fun
9/10 a really cool and atmospheric mix of ultima underworld, morrowind, and thief. the world design here is really inventive, and the main town is one of my favorites in any rpg. the spell system allows you to figure a lot out on your own and includes a lot of out-of-combat spells, which i love to see in an rpg. a little clunky but if you can get used to old UIs, it's surprisingly not too difficult to complete
7/10 really fun in co-op. in particular i'm a big fan of the enemy design & the big open levels that let you experiment with different vehicles and weapons
7/10 mixing powers is a great mechanic. this game has great levels that are so fun to look at. what's holding this game back the most is the sluggish movement
5/10 enjoyed the first level. the rest i thought were really annoying - i know this is a beloved game so i'm sorry! played a couple levels and then dropped it
6/10 ten outta ten visuals with pretty poor controls and gamefeel. the vibes carry it mostly. i like the animal pal mechanic, but some of the animals are horrid to use
2/10 a much worse way to play mega mans 1-3. bosses that i've beaten an actual hundred times with my eyes closed in the og games were suddenly difficult for no reason at all - this version of the games just feels busted


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