the best video game music (no orchestral slop allowed)

No, I don't care about your le epic 12-minute JRPG final boss theme

Sharp X68000 version

Flash Flash Flash
Pretty the must entire soundtrack, but my favourites:

The entire soundtrack, seriously why did they put so much effort? My favourites:

Autumn Mountain Battle
Toad Town Unfolding


1 month ago

In The Wind mentioned.

Ah, so you are a real one. Good to know...

1 month ago

title redundant because the good orchestral songs are obviously not slop

1 month ago

That Hresvelgr music is...
I'm at a loss for words, I did not know this existed
it's easily my favorite PS2 soundtrack now, it blows my mind something this good went under my radar. Thanks for sharing this!

1 month ago

Origami King, what a Soundtrack. Try hearing Color Splash too, is not far behind. Specially, the World Map Medley track.
Ristar has a great OST also. Planet Flora, Planet Freon, the intro music, etc.
I'd say all of VVVVVV.
Night in the Woods has some catchy music also.

1 month ago

Umihara Kawase Shun? You are cultured, good sir.

1 month ago

the jazz jackrabbit music being that divine despite being attached to an utterly pedestrian platformer is why the 90s rocked.
The Cho Ren Sha 68K link is in Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi.

1 month ago

@Snigglegros I'm just joking of course, but orchestral stuff is so overdone and expected

@JetWolfEX Yeah, the Gust music team is no joke. Atelier and Blue Reflection also have some phenomonal soundtracks.

@PhantasyGanime thank you, I fixed the link.

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