CHAD games

games that may or may not be super well-made, but their design choices are so overwhelmingly powerful that you can't help but give them credit regardless. play these to become a real chad

loosely ranked by accessibility

fuck you
features puzzles for three year olds, a downright idiotic story, completely moronic characters, god-awful animation... and yet it's the most entertaining game in the trilogy
disc 1 is a filter; disc 2 is also a filter
this has the budget of a shoestring, and it's also totally evil
bet you think it looks cute, huh? think it'll be an easy game? play it then fucko
classic asshole game
despite having a fantastic narrative and some of the best arpg combat ever it'll repel anyone opposed to its confident campiness and ps3 quality visuals
case in point on why game devs shouldn't just do what their players expect and want them to do
contains weird spongebob porn in its files for some fucking reason
do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do... do-do-do-do doo doooo... fun fact: the ps2 discs were fucked up and often froze while loading, causing bigsky interactive to go out of business
all three burger king games are supremely powerful solely for the fact that they exist
bizarre evangelion typing tutor; mostly in english. let me know if you need help finding the ps2 version
jesus christ
made to piss people off, but only upsets complete prudes
features insanely labyrinth-like dungeons which all look the same
initially a staff of four that didn't even know what model rigs were. these devs are on the craziest fucking grindset and i'm rooting for them the whole way
absolutely stunning graphically, but completely sadistic with its level design
contains epic rooms, nightmare effects, and gate
duff mcwhalen tells me the enigma cannon has a clean 62% chance of working. i believe him
the 00s video game equivalent to shock rock in the 90s; designed to cause controversy
working designs essentially took a decent chunk of this game's script, decided it was unnecessary, and then replaced it with dumb jokes and pop culture references. it's based
a concept so immediately repelling that almost nobody knows how to play it properly
alienates new players left and right with its unforgiving, tactics-based battle system
does exactly what it sets out to do, but still filters people despite the ai being extremely reliable
thoroughly satisfying and uplifting adventure
literally designed for you to fail
you need to beat it twice
the guy who made it deliberately taunts you throughout
what can i do for you?
broken battle system aside, i don't say this lightly: the story in final fantasy viii makes absolutely no fucking sense at all whatsoever
not only is the leveling system a total filter, but the dungeons are weirdly obtuse and filled with dead ends, as well as unfair pick-a-path door choices
borderline incomprehensible game
red door; blue door
getting some real evergrace vibes from this one
it's not here because of the framerate
intentionally mind numbing
making ff7 into a shooter was a chad move as is, but as if that wasn't enough, they gave the starring role to a dante-knockoff vincent valentine. the catch is that he has almost 0 personality, and rarely says anything at all - even when he's spoken to directly
need i say more
most people assume this is a dmc clone, and then hate it because they get their ASS kicked
massive filter due to its unique controls and a few notoriously difficult segments
THE BOUNCER has some of nomura's worst designs, unrefined combat, and a retarded story to boot. despite that it's still ridiculously entertaining
the shameless edginess is kinda charming in hindsight. it's better than bombergirl anyway
blatantly inaccessible, and utterly bizarre in every way
three words: bolt; rimfire; zinaida
sports a steep learning curve and a downright sadistic finale


3 years ago


3 years ago

james pond 2

2 years ago



2 years ago

Xenogears disc 2 and NG 6-2 are big brain hours

1 year ago

Just wanted to say i started Drakengard 1 a while ago because I saw it in your favs + NieR and i gotta say the game has been pretty fucking good and unlike a lot of what I played before, there’s this sickness permeating every part of it and i love it, not one of the “its gameplay is intentionally bad” people just for clarification, I actually find the gameplay to be quite well made and the animations are great though i do agree with it being oddly mind numbing.

1 year ago

glad you're enjoying it! drakengard mechanically is more or less an inferior musou, but the direction brings it up several notches. i think it's fun for a casual playthrough, but bear in mind that you'll need to collect all of the weapons to play the final mission and see ending E, and the weapon hunting is truly sadistic and time consuming

i'd suggest doing it (and i've got a pretty good text guide i can send you for it) but feel free to just download a complete save file after ending D if you don't want to go through that headache

that said if you think you'd enjoy this gameplay even if it wasn't as visceral and gritty, then check out samurai warriors 2. it's more arcade-y than drakengard but infinitely more polished and rewarding

lastly, check out ace combat 3 (jp version patched) if you enjoy the flying stages. it's similarly weighty and designed by a lot of the same staff. also a fantastic game in its own right

1 year ago

Appreciate the recs and I’ll make sure to check em out! As for the endings I’m unsure, I doubt I have the energy for that kind of stuff, even when it comes to NieR I only ever did 2 endings (though I want to do them all sometime) I’ll make sure to try and get to Ending E on Drakengard since what little I heard about it greatly intrigues me and i’d like to see what the fuss is about.

1 year ago

link for the spongebob files ?

1 year ago

google "spongebob supersponge hidden files"

1 year ago

don't Google that shit I did it once a few years ago and The Old Ones have been chasing me ever since

1 year ago

Finished the game and looked up the requirements, yeah I’m not grind 65 weapons lmao. I’ll do the endings before E and call it a day.

1 year ago


1 year ago

yeah do be sure to at least get a save file for the endgame though if you can. a video doesn't fully do it justice

1 year ago

fyi though ending A is not considered "finishing the game" at all. there's plenty more stages to do for the B, C, and D endings

1 year ago

Yeah I just finished D and I’m Devastated (get it), not due to Drakengard’s rather disturbing content but due to the fact that, as a video game, it’s considered an outlier to it’s contemporaries, It’s not JUST the amount of sensitive subjects it brings up or how it deals with them but that it’s not ashamed of being a video game and wears it on it’s sleeve without care, take for example the multitude of alternatives endings, it directly tells you they exist and how much you got left, and the way it uses that exclusive to games aspect to enhance it’s rich narrative, the more you struggle and try to make things better the more you end up making them worse and worse and worse, and even without that just the prospect of alternative endings itself is cool as shit, no fucking movie or tv show (which modern games can’t stop dickriding) can pull something like that off.

The Watchers got the game industry

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