games with active dismemberment

i'll knock your fuckin' head off

games where de-limbing plays an active role. rare instances of dismemberment (e.g. mario sunshine's blooper boss), generic gibbing (gears of war), or mk-esque fatality events (samsho) do not count. rpgs with part breaking (labyrinth of refrain) also do not qualify unless the breakage is shown (valkyrie profile 2)

suggestions welcome!

fair warning: this one's less cartoony/satisfying and more just uh, visceral and snuff-like. i honestly don't recommend it!
borders on being a rare instance, but it impacts the gameplay significantly enough for me to let it slide
more about dismembering yourself but mechanically involving nonetheless
rpg with part breaking that is shown on-model
lightsaber dismemberment is accessible via cheats
original ps2 and pc versions only


3 months ago

hmmm I guess you are right

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