My preferred way to play each Final Fantasy

will be updated as I go
(includes bonus matsuno corner)

Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy XVI
Will probably play in English voicework and Japanese subs (if available)
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
Original ps1 version (no mouths)
Script:Japanese/OG translation

The original translation is a classic, warts and all. I never want to change it tbh...
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
same as remake
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
Script: Japanese/Woolsey

The Woolsey version is a classic. I also liked the Woolsey uncensored patch
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Script: English voices (Japanese Subtitles)

Barret's English voice is too good. Similar to x-2 this lets me see the original script at the same time as I can hear my preferred voice track
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Script: English

English script is a lot funnier
Final Fantasy XIV Online
Final Fantasy XIV Online
Yet to try Japanese script
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
Version: PC
Script: Japanese

Japanese script is much better and has better and more natural voice direction
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII
Script: Japanese/English
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Script: English

The best version from what I've played so far
Vagrant Story
Vagrant Story
Script: English
Tactics Ogre: Reborn
Tactics Ogre: Reborn
Script: English with Japanese Voices

Alexander O. Smith is king again, but the game suffers from poor English voice direction. Japanese voices will let me hear the original script or I could just simply turn them off.
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
Script: Japanese

Best atmosphere and gameplay rhythm is on the NES, despite the bugs. Each next iteration loses the magic due to changes to battle calculations, encounter speeds, subtle changes in map designs and aesthetics
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Script: Japanese

I prefer how the game looks and plays on psp
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
Script: Japanese

Great script in Japanese
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy V
Script: Japanese/Fan Translation

The Japanese is Hilarious, though I like the fan translation too. One day I'm gonna try the ps1 translation
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Script: Japanese
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Script: Japanese
Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition
Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition
Script: Japanese

Japanese voicework works a lot better for this game imo
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Version: MOBILE
Script: Alexander O. Smith's English

The english improves the script so much and gives it such character, but the PSP version had lots of technical issues. Until a newer version is released, Mobile is the best way to play (unfortunately)
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Script: Japanese
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
PC/Modern Consoles
Script: Japanese

Needs speedups in a way that 7 and 8 don't and the Japanese has certain aspects that make it stand out
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Script: Japanese

Supposedly the English version was toned down for kids or so I hear
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy II
Script: Japanese

Best atmosphere in NES version
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy III
Script: Japanese

NES has the better class system and script to the DS remake
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Script: Japanese
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection
Script: English

I really like this English script and it's a smoother, somewhat easier playthrough
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV
Standin for Kingsglaive/brotherhood anime

Kingsglaive - English
Brotherhood - Japanese

I actually really liked the kingsglaive film and the english script/voicework done for it. But I prefer the Japanese for the main cast of xv
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
didn't play
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
didn't play (enough)
Final Fantasy II: 20th Anniversary Edition
Final Fantasy II: 20th Anniversary Edition
Script: Japanese/English

PSP version has easier growth calculations and easier to get through
Final Fantasy XI Online
Final Fantasy XI Online
Yet to try the Japanese
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
PS1 Version
Script: Japanese/English

It has better sound and more explanations for items and cards
Final Fantasy X International
Final Fantasy X International
Script: English

The voicework of the English is far better, and the international version has some changes to the sphere grid. Can't stand the HD version models
Final Fantasy VII Snowboarding
Final Fantasy VII Snowboarding

Script: Japanese
Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission
Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission
Script: English voicework with Japanese subs

This is the way I'm playing it now, and the only setting available for the game. I'm rather enjoying it like this actually. Again I can't stand the HD version
Final Fantasy XII International: Zodiac Job System
Final Fantasy XII International: Zodiac Job System
Script: English voices with Japanese subs

I want to try this version
Before Crisis: Remake
Before Crisis: Remake
Only playable version afaik
Script: English
The Spirits Within
Placeholder for the film

only an English voiced version exists and what a mess of rewrites and cross cultural (mis)communications it is


3 months ago

can you elaborate on the battle numbers with ff1 ports pre-psp? unless im misreading
you'd be the only person online to mention it I think lol. i always figured it was basically 1:1 with the famicom

3 months ago

I can't find a lot about it online either outside of vague gamefaqs posts, but I think I read something about it in an ultimania, though I can't remember fully.

But, a while back I played almost all the versions of 1 back to back and I found the ps1 and gba versions missed attacks more often especially in the beginning of the game, had more frequent encounters, and the damage ranges at portions of the game felt noticeably different. You can try it as well.

I believe part of this is because they had to massage the system to accommodate for bug fixes they didn't consider in the NES version. For example, in the nes version, intelligence had no effect, and weapons refered to their index number instead of crit number for crit calculations. But, when they play tested the nes version back then, they tuned it such that the growth of those things over the course of the game felt smooth, fun, and exciting without necessarily realizing completely what was influencing those (crit, magic, etc) systems.
After fixing statistical bugs like that, that growth curve and rhythm will of course be changed. Things like spell damage felt less spontaneous and more predictable, and crit chance felt more frequent and less impactful. To massage those aspects back to a more fun growth curve across the game, I believe certain attunements had to be made to calculations. On top of that, the target curve had to be different from the NES since each iteration went for a an easier experience. For example, the number of battles you could beat in the few dungeons before having to exit was substantially increased.

Seeing the game as an adventure simulator based on the relationships between minute statistical decisions like this, I believe the experience feels different in each version in a way that's hard to express.
Furthermore, I think something happened with the maps getting redrawn and the old encounter rate that makes the rate of battles per "screen" off compared to the original relationship.

Some of this is conjecture of course since I didn't hack the game and it's based on my personal observations "feeling out" these things so feel free to test them yourself. It could be that the battle calculations haven't changed and it's just tables that were edited, but it feels really different to me. I wish I had the ultimania with me that described how the calculations worked

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