2021: Games I have played, ranked

Ah yes, I played a lot of games last year. Some good, some bad, and a lot of 2.5/5. I tried to put my thoughts into every single game. (whatever came to my mind) Expect a lot of me using the words "vibe" and "jank" and stuff like that.
Looking back, I played a lot of classics I always wanted to play and finally got into a genre I always wanted to get into (fighting games and you'll see A LOT of them). Next year I got a lot of stuff I wanna play. Will I play them, or will I just forget? Who knows really.

Note: I have forgotten to finish this up so if some stuff refers to "this year" just autocorrect it in your mind as "last year" kthxbye


Cave Story Sex RPG 2007
Cave Story Sex RPG 2007
Completed (No Rating)
Micro-popular game in the backloggd circle. Now, I won't rate what essentially feels like a diary entry, so play it yourself, it's 15 minutes long. I know I am technically rating it here on this list, but let this rated number be an arbitrary guide on how much I enjoyed it/found it interesting.


Lacrymo Tennis 2016
Lacrymo Tennis 2016
Played - (Not Rated)
Hauling tear gas with a tennis racket while the french public do what they do best... 'tis quite something


Museum of Mechanics: Lockpicking
Museum of Mechanics: Lockpicking
Completed (No Rating)
What a great educational piece about how a simple, but common mechanic, is used throughout games, series and genres. It really showcases how there isn't one definitive solution to any problem in game design and development. While it's presentation is kept to its minimum, I highly recommend it.


Played (Not Rated)
Oh wOW, another prototype, where the main gimmick is ~janky controls~. Ugh
A Game of Changes
A Game of Changes
Abandonded - 0.5/5
I'll only refer to this game as a counter example of "respecting the player's time", as the game should be called "A Game of Waiting" instead.
Abandoned - (0.5/5)
Another sterilized, minimalistic looking puzzle game that is void of any charm or personality. I feel like I am getting meningitis every time my eyes gaze upon something like this.
Played - (0.5/5)
Psst, Hey kid - That game idea you just had that basically boils down to "Hey, what if 'insert game', but it's 'change one aspect of the game'" and you think it's super cool? Yeah no it's actually fucking stupid don't do that.

Example one: this game.
Prank Call
Prank Call
Mastered - (0.5/5)
Took me about 15 minutes to 100% it and wow do I want those 15 minutes back.
Played (0.5/5)
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Cannon Father
Cannon Father
Played (1/5)
Literally cannot tell you anything about this game. Very forgettable wave-based, top-down roguelike
Cavern Kings
Cavern Kings
Abandoned (1.5/5)
A roguelike from 2014, ultimately abandoned due to lack of funding.
Aside from the questionable performance, I didn't really enjoy playing the game. Like- it's fine, but nothing where I would sink my teeth in. However, I did enjoy some of the prototype games from the dev (vine2D) when I randomly played them.

In the end it sucks that a game had to basically be cancelled, stuck in early access limbo for eternity. But on the other hand, I'm happy that the dev still continues with game development, with their last 'venture being the development of Shovel Knight: Pocket Dungeon. Very interested to see how that turns out!
Played (1.5/5)
See SUPER CUBE ATTACK, but it's a bit more clunky.
Four Sided Fantasy
Four Sided Fantasy
Completed - (1/5)
Feels like they ran out of budget to flesh out the story and gameplay, as the game feels unpolished and borderline unfinished. But aside from that, I feel like are other games out there that do the stuff showcased here much better and more coherent.
Ghost Story
Ghost Story
Abandoned (1.5/5)
Abysmal level design squanders the potential this cute game has to offer. It's a shame, but when 70% of my time playing it is spent aimlessly walking around without a clear idea on what to do next, then of course I won't continue playin it.
Jotun: Valhalla Edition
Jotun: Valhalla Edition
Completed (1.5/5)
Who would have thought that a game where you fight against norse giants would be so goddamn boring.
Skin & Bones
Skin & Bones
Abandoned - (1/5)
It be lookin like an early Newgrounds-style platformer (the bad kind). One glance at one of the game's screenshots and you will not only see rows upon rows of uninspiring platforming, but nothing that you haven't seen before. The game lacks flavor, juice, the sauce, whatever you want to call it. It just needs SOMETHING.
Donut County
Donut County
Completed (2/5)
I don't know, having the game always be refereed to as a "Katamari-like", I was shocked to find this game to be soo... cowardly? Aside from "ohh wow random hole and characters saying "lol" and stuff i guess", it never really goes beyond that.
Abandoned (2/5)
Ultimate Jank 3000: Will you jump and land properly, or will you perish like a dog?
Abandoned (2/5)
Not only do you make stuff in the game disappear, but also 70% of my fps. Delightful!💀

I get, it the game has cloth simulation but like you COULD have optimized it and why is the only thing you can change in the options the resolution I-
Interactivity: The Interactive Experience
Interactivity: The Interactive Experience
Completed (2/5)
~Wow~, meta narrative that looks like it has an interesting premis- Ah shit nevermind.
Kid Icarus
Kid Icarus
Abandoned (2/5)
Ok ima fight Kid Icarus for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
damn Kid Icarus for the Nintendo Entertainment System got hands.
Mario Bros.
Mario Bros.
Played (2/5)
Wow Mario, why your jump so ass?
Replayed (2/5)
MySims was one of my childhood games. Now going back to it years later, I wanted to finish it and see if my fond nostalgia still holds up. Suprise: It doesn't hold up. Progression is just an endless grindfest of resources. The building mechanic is neat, but can feel pretty repetitive and downright annoying.

To be honest, I probably went into this game with the wrong mindset. If I had taken my time and "enjoyed" the ride, then the game would've prob. been a better experience for me. Forcing myself to finishing it was like swimming against the current - dreadful.
Paper Brexit
Paper Brexit
Completed (2/5)
I know there is probably some metaphor or something and yadda yadda, but it has been quite a while since I played it and me - an intellectual - just rated the game without writing down any notes of what I thought of the game. So I will just trust my past self I guess
Abandoned (2/5)
It's a puzzler that never expands upon the mechanics of the game and instead only expands the playfield. I see no reason to every finishing it.
Super Cube Attack
Super Cube Attack
Played (2/5)
Ah yes, another random grab from the Racial Justice Itch Bundle. A twinstick wave-based bullethell with shapes and colors... It's functional, but yeah that's pretty much it.
Toybox Turbos
Toybox Turbos
Abandoned (1.5/5)
Mindnumbing racing coated in a clean-cut, sterilized kitchen environment. Though I gotta say, this game helped me with my sleep insomnia (in that it put me to sleep).

But yeah had to drop it cuz' I felt like my soul was being drained by this game.
2000:1 - A Space Felony: Or How I Came to Value My Life and Murder Mercilessly
2000:1 - A Space Felony: Or How I Came to Value My Life and Murder Mercilessly
Completed (2.5/5)
I enjoys these oddball game spoofs on classic film flicks. While this game feels like it offers more style over substance, the presentation alone makes it, in my eyes, worth a playthrough. (especially given the short playtime) That said, I wish the cross-examination was more engaging? In the end you could just click on everything and just brute force it - it kinda kills the detective vibes.
Blazing Beaks
Blazing Beaks
Played (2.5/5)
Now this might sound like the "ohh gettin' Persona 5 vibes again" meme, but this game does remind me a lot of Nuclear Throne. The risk-reward mechanic is truly something special and it fully makes use of it. It's just that, given I have bought it on the Switch, I am constantly fumbling around, hoping to god I am hitting something with the tiny little Joycons. Cute and charming, but I am not motivated enough to finish it with these tiny controllers.
Celeste Classic 2: Lani's Trek
Celeste Classic 2: Lani's Trek
Played (2.5/5)
I like the mechanics, but it feels more constrained than the original. Very odd implementation of a hookshot. (I mean it works, it's just kinda weird) It's a pleasant suprise nonetheless.
Crab Game
Crab Game
Played (2/5)
I am really not a fan of the game dev's youtube, but the game is fine with friends to play.
Drawful 2
Drawful 2
Played (2.5/5)
It's good, but kinda too vanilla in comparison to the other jackbox games, yknowwhatIamsayin'?
Emily is Away
Emily is Away
Completed (2.5/5)
I was too young for the AOL heyday. Nevertheless, the game is cute, I guess? Feels more like a proof-of-concept than a fully fleshed out idea. I couldn't really get myself invested - I feel indifferent.
Enter the Gungeon
Enter the Gungeon
Shelved (2.5/5)
All these weapons be lookin so creative and fun, then they be doin' no fucking damage.
Friday Night Funkin'
Friday Night Funkin'
Completed-ish (3/5)
A rhythm game for people who don't play rhythm games. Newgrounds represent, I suppose. But the devs got to be the most delusional ppl out there, thinking they will even deliver every stretch goal they promised on their kickstarter.
Hotshot Racing
Hotshot Racing
Completed (2.5/5)
While the reviews here on backloggd are mostly negative, I sure had my fair share of fun. Just do yourself a favor and mute the godawful v/o. In it's essence, it's an alright racing game. Granted, arcade is the only good mode and the car handling can feel a bit odd at the beginning, but I got used to it.

However, the rubber banding coupled with slipstreaming kinda ruins the excitement? You can never stay at first place that long until an AI slipstreams past you. Most of the race I am idling at #2 or #3 place until I just slipstream and boost my way to #1 at the last curve. Slipstreaming also defeats using speed type cars. I primarily used drifting cars and never had any problems competing with other cars.

It's a competent racer, but nothing really to write home about.
Kingdom Ka
Kingdom Ka
Completed (2.5/5)
I adore the multimedia aesthetic, but I wish that, given the adventure game aesthetic and style, I had a bit more agency in the puzzles/encounters.
Knight Club +
Knight Club +
Played (2.5/5)
Knight Club + is in every way an improvement over it's humble bundle predecessor. And yet, I feel like I enjoyed the original a lot more. The added helmet buffs should in theory provide a lot of depth and variety to the already satisfying gameplay, but they only feel like a hinderance, a wall so to speak, from the pure and honest gameplay the original offered. This minor mechanic has, in a way, gated off my enjoyment from the game, added unnecessary complexion to a solid baseline that I cannot access anymore. It feels like they tainted it's pureness for the sake of avoiding staleness, and I don't know how to feel about it.
Mallory and the Marble Sanctum
Mallory and the Marble Sanctum
Completed (2.5/5)
It's an half hour long demo/alpha/whatever you wanna call it and oh boy am I looking forward to the finished game. I am such a fan of the artstyle: The muted colors, desolate labyrinths, surprisingly polished presentation (especially in the UI); the contrast between the props/environments with the pitch-black, cartoony silhouettes that make out the cutesy characters, it all amalgamates to such a unique, but familiar aesthetic that I just vibe with. I just hope the platforming gets improved. I don't know if I have problems with depth perception or something , but I seriously struggled platforming through some of the sequences.

I can definitely see it becoming a popular game once it fully release (it has a lot going for it), but the future of this project is shrouded in mystery as the developer has just dipped off of twitter and yeah idk what's going on with the project.
Mario Party 6
Mario Party 6
Played (2.5/5)
Manically pissed off about this game.
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
Mastered (2.5/5)
Completely enthralled by it's atmosphere and general vibe. The hyper-crunched, monochromatic visuals paired with stylistic hard cuts and effective use of drone sound ambience create a foundation of unease and uncertainty - a feeling that the game heavily rides on. These impressions are what I consider the strong suits of the game, as the structure of the game with it's stilted dialogue soured my experience. Presenting options that are on two comical extremes, where one leads to a fail state (be mean to person 😠) and the other to the definitive ending (be nice to person😊), feels cheap, hand-wavy and kind of undermines the issues and topics the game is tackling.
Completed (2.5/5)
A beautiful soundtrack and artstyle cannot save the repetitive gameplay and just stretched out story and ending. Once a certain aspect of the game gets revealed, you kinda realize that 80% of the game - the grinding, exploring and building up your squad and skills - becomes essentially filler. It also doesn't help that this part is just not as good as the other 20% of the game, but you still need to push through these horrendously paced moments just to receive a crumb of worthwhile content.
Pac-Man 99
Pac-Man 99
Played (2.5/5)
Hehe, wow. I do not know how to play Pac-Man properly.
Completed (2.5/5)
Look there are like a bazillion versions of Picross/Nonograms, I just happened to own one. I enjoyed it. It's polished, got some unlocks, you can generate boards, it's kinda neat.
Slap City
Slap City
Played (2.5/5)
Rarely have I seen a game so strongly embrace it's jank and quirks as Slap City does. Why bother with good level design, if you can make it piss poor and use it as fuel to the jank. For some it might be a bit too much, but idk, this unabashed clunkyness is kind of charming.
Slime Rancher
Slime Rancher
Completed (2.5/5)
Trapped in a skinner box, interacting with stitched together, orthodox implementations of features and mechanics, where every goal, milestone and improvement reached unveils itself as a means to an end (the end being slime collecting), while following the literal trail of narrative story beats. Slime Rancher's gameplay loop is a mental fidget toy, that continuously expands upon it's system by just adding new disjointed features to it, an aftereffect of it's early access roots.
The Müll Littoral
The Müll Littoral
Completed (2.5/5)
It feels like im divin' into the mind of an anxiety-ridden, fanfiction-y obsessed 15 year old. I mean, I enjoyed it? Like subtly doesn't exist in this game, but the art and presentation where pretty unique and left quite an impression on me. It feels very honest in what it is presenting. Sure, some stuff is pretty jank: Gameplay-wise it's trial-by-error bullshit where you die if you click something at the wrong order - but every aspect, down to the fact that it is made with flash, gives me a very hand-crafted, honest experience made by a person who honestly cared.
There Is No Game
There Is No Game
Completed (2.5/5)
The steam release (Wrong Dimensions) caught piqued my interest, so to "test the waters" I decided to check this out. It's neat I suppose, but definitely excited what the steam release pulls out of its hat.
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Played (2.5/5)
Dont lets its self-aware title and its cheap Unity assetflip aesthetic fool you, in its garbage lies some janky fun to be had. Get it for 1€ (or 1.13$) with a mate, hop on deathmatch and just relish on its terrible jank
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Played (3/5)
The ultimate fanservice game. Peak artstyle translation to the video game medium. Truly a beautiful game to look at in stills and in motion. But it's an assist fighter and it's just not my kind of thing. Nothing fills me with more motivation than starting an online match, getting hit once and just seeing your dude gettin evaporated.
Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island
Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island
Completed (3/5)
A subversion on the classic detective/noir movies with the vibes of a Saturday morning cartoon. While the detective solving and mystery may be as shallow as the coastline of the so-called "haunted island", its charming and clever writing carries its short-comings. It greatly benefits from it's short playtime, as the fetch-quest-y gameplay doesn't feel that bad if it's only an hour long. I really look forward on playing its sequels.
Gunfire Reborn
Gunfire Reborn
Retired (3/5)
The shooty shooty is fun and all, but I just don't vibe with the progression. Locking weapons to harder difficulty modes just doesn't really vibe with me that much and I pretty much lost all interest with the game after I finished the normal mode. A lot of my friends were pulled into this game by its similarity to Borderlands 2 and gotta be honest I didn't really get into Borderlands that much so I guess this game didn't hit as hard as it did for my friends. But playing Gunfire with them is so much fun, thanks in part to the loot system, that prevents hording and ninja lootin and even encourages sharing and splitting up resources. Overtime however, I felt a sense of mindlessness kick in with the game. As runs felt like they were repeating and I wasn't really discovering anything new, my enthusiasm of the game just trickled into nothingness and I just kind of stopped playing the game. I enjoyed my time with it, but I don't know if I will return to it.
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug X
Completed (3/5)
For what it's worth, this is some sublime, short afternoon fun. It's kinda therapeutic, gunnin' down enemies from left to right with these gorgeous sprite works. I also enjoy how the game just cannot handle the amount of shit there is on screen with frequent slowdowns lol. Just very fun, but I honestly cannot imagine 1cc'ing something like this.
Orcs Must Die! 2
Orcs Must Die! 2
Shelved(?) (3/5)
A neat little blend between tower defense and third person combat. While the actual fantasy of tower defense (the slow build-up of a massive melt-box for your enemies) isn't really present in the game - Missions only last minutes and you only ever need to build defense at the start-ish of the path - it offer's a lot of options and combinations to play around with. Progression is nice, with you being able to upgrade and purchase/re-spec your equipment after every completed mission, always allowing you to gather more cool gadget and trying out new stuff on the fly. If you can play it with a friend of yours, do it. I honestly recommend it, it feels super cool to defend two sides at the same time with a mate while you both slowly build up a solid annihilation path. However, I always felt a sense of mindlessness in it's gameplay, as I never really felt a sense of urgency or real difficulty in these missions. Maybe I haven't played enough. I should probably play more of this.
Completed (3/5)
Expectations: Oh wow careless LocoRoco, funky wubby uwu.
Reality: ℑ𝔱'𝔰 𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔬 𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 WORLD 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝒾𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕞. 𝒯💞𝒟𝒜𝒴 𝒲𝐸 𝑅𝐼𝒮𝐸 𝒜𝒩𝒟 💍𝒱𝐸𝑅𝒯𝐻𝑅❀𝒲 𝒯𝐻𝐸 𝟣%.
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
Played (3/5)
Still dont know how I should feel about no motion inputs, but this game is just fun. It also made me realized how much of my childhood has been branded by the colorful rangers, with me being able to recognize so many of them through all the different entries of this franchise. Like any big fighting game, the menu's are... "bizarre" (to put it lightly) and I am still afraid of online play, as I will get completely eviscerated the moment the enemy connects a hit on me.
Completed (3/5)
Delving deeper into more alien-like scenery, discovering remnants (wink nudge) of the past and discovering mildy weird things. Remnants is a short experience that, thanks in part to the excellent execution of the art and sound design, makes it quite a memorable one. Though I wish some crumb of gameplay was present, I am glad to have played it!
Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection
Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection
Played (3/5)
The first fighting game thingy I played this year before I dived into this short addiction burst of trying every possible fighting game out. I definitely enjoyed it! Being able to play the multiple entries of the game franchise in one neat little package was nice (also being able to play online is also pretty cool). Feels the most unhinged fighting series I have played, with attacks cutting through players health like a knife through a loaf of bread, paired with the most UNGA-BUNGA character designs visually and mechanically. It truly is something else.
Sayonara Wild Hearts
Sayonara Wild Hearts
Completed (3/5)
It feels so weird that an indie studio would try to focus on a lot of "AAA-game" qualities, like Cinematic Camera, Quick-Time Events, short cinematic gameplay bursts. It's like I am playing an Uncharted "blockbuster-sequence", only that it's just a pop album. Don't get me wrong, it's a good ass and fun pop album. A pop album that you listen to on a Free Spotify account, always interrupted by a dumb-ass ad. Seriously, why does the game always break up the flow by booting you back to the level-select screen after every level?
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
Completed (3.5/5)
Got Filter'd, but from what I have played I definitely enjoyed it. Skullgirls players are a different permutation of humans and I just don't feel like investing time into this game with them as my opponents. I am not a fan of assist fighters, my brain just cannot keep up with it and as such, I have no motivation to keep hustlin' in this game
Tekken 7
Tekken 7
Played (3/5)
I press a button - I gotta open the Tekken-o-lexicon. I get hit once, my opponent suddenly turns into a professional juggler. I enter a match, I don't even fucking know what my opponent's char can do, let alone my own.

Me sad. Me pick Akuma. Life better.
Them's Fightin' Herds
Them's Fightin' Herds
Played (3/5)
Quite a fun game, held back by it's tiny roster and just not being able to recommend it to people. If you disagree, you are not who I am referring to.
Titan Souls
Titan Souls
Completed (3/5)
Been meaning to play this game for YEARS and it's good. Felt like some design choices bounce off of me, but the massive obsession of focusing on just one mechanic is what makes the shine and also makes it fall short. Ultimately, it leads to some bossfights feeling same-y or downright janky to beat. Playing through a boss reminded me of s super meat boy stage, where you try to finish the boss as fast as possible before any weird parameters are thrown in the mix,making the boss fight way harder.
Tomorrow Won't Come For Those Without
Tomorrow Won't Come For Those Without
Completed (3/5)
Lacking the education or perspective to truly parse the themes presented her, I was still completely engulfed with the bleak tone of the game. Still kinda disappointed it follow some of the pitfalls RPGMakers games of that kind typically go (puzzle design)
Tough Love Arena
Tough Love Arena
Played (2.5/5)
Fuck Beef.
We Were Here
We Were Here
Completed (3/5)
A strong foundation for an asymmetrical co-op game, bogged down by some grander puzzles breaking and the walky-talkie mechanic being a source of frustration. Still, very interested to see how the sequels improved/expanded upon this.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Shelved (3.5/5)
A trendsetter that left a strong impression in this genre, but I guess it isnt my cup of tea? I don't know, I might have soured my experience by playing the game too safe, but I don't wanna lose units as it just means I gotta grind a few more hours until I reach the end. Also I really don't have a sense of connection with my squad and people - the grand setting of a global alien invasion doesn't really lend itself to that I suppose. I kinda just lost steam 15 hours in, but I might go back and finish it once I'll get motivated again.
Completed (3.5/5)
Fantastic moment-to-moment gameplay mixed with some questionable to down-right mean-spirited encounters. DOOM works because it focuses on making every encounter worthwhile. A resulting problem to that is the map layout: Encounters are just stringed and stapled together, resulting
in a mandala-like floorplan, where I was easily getting lost and didn't know where I was supposed to be going. DOOM's strength comes in it's strong combat and versatile arsenal. Even though bosses are pretty terrible and the more open-ish levels completely lose all the things that make DOOM's encounters work, blastin' a demon with your shotgun just feels so damn good, that's all I care about in the end.
Gravity Bone
Gravity Bone
Completed (3.5/5)
Gravity Bone is a lot more comical than Thirty Flights of Loving. A hyper-condensed experience that still manages to set lore, expectation and intrigue. A parody with one strong punchline at the end. Short, charming and sweet.
Killer Instinct
Killer Instinct
Completed (3.5/5)
Damn Sabrewulf got hands
Kirby Super Star
Kirby Super Star
Completed (3.5/5)
Wow.... Kirby 😳
Honestly love the approach of multiple "games" packed into one, where the foundation is the same but a lot of stuff gets changed around to keep it fresh. I really enjoyed the Meta Knight chapter - Kirby rushing through the ship, beating everyone up while the enemies go "OH FuKC Oh shiT it's KIRbY AWGaAWD". Some stuff does feel janky - I felt like I was constantly dying out of nowhere or from out of screen(or maybe I just suck ass lmao) and a lot of content does get repeated, but I sure had my fair share of fun!
Played (3.5/5)
What if Pokemon 🤔 But M👀M👀O👀 🥵🥵🥵🥵
Man, I was PUMPED to play this. I set everything up, got a whole squad of friends to play it with, I played for an hour or two, entered the first cave and just INSTANTLY lost the motivation to continue. I don't know why, but early caves in Pokemon games don't pass the vibe check idk.
Rayman Origins
Rayman Origins
Mastered Replay (3.5/5)
Rayman Origins holds a special place in my heart, as I was completely in love with it the first time I saw and played it back in 2011. I would beg my parents for a copy, and repeatedly play the demo over and over and over and just be in an ecstatic state of happiness, moving around these gorgeous environments with these butter smooth controls. When I got the game, I played the game non-stop. In the back of mind however, I felt something was off. Something about the flow of the levels just kinda felt jarring. But I ignored it, as I was having so much fun with the game anyway.

Then 2013 hits and it's sequel, Rayman Legends, drops and with it the realization hit that Origins was a mere straw house compared to Legends brick house. Legends is such a major improvement in every major aspect that it is almost hard to play Origins again. Origins almost feels like a prototype. A first draft, a framework to jump off from. The level design lacks the flow and elegancy, instead relying on a more breathier and adventurous approach. Levels also lack identity: A world feels just like a collection of levels of the same theme instead of definitive ideas and experiences.

I still look fondly at Origins, mostly with rose-tinted glasses, but it's no Legends.
Sludge Life
Sludge Life
Mastered (3.5/5)
You either ride with it's vibe, or get filtered by its static cities and janky gameplay.
SoulCalibur VI
SoulCalibur VI
Played (3.5/5)
I have a hard time grasping and understanding 3d fighters. They differ so hard to 2d fighters, but every single time I go into one of these games, I expect to translate my muscle memory and knowledge from 2d fighters onto these games. And every single time I am confused and (sometimes) frustrated with it. But SoulCalibur feels so different to every other fighter I have played, it was easier for me to get into it than I thought. That and it is straight up bonkers. I played it with a friend of similar skill level and we just had a blast playing and discovering more about the game with each session and creating our little abominations through the extensive character creator. Truly something unique and one-of-a-kind.
Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
Completed (3.5/5)
The holy chalice of video gaming. The sense of player freedom found here cannot be understated: Mario has a versatile and expressive moveset that still feels fresh and fun to this day. But c'mon people: y'all forgot about the worlds past the first handful? It feels like it painfully tries to do its own thing, not accounting for the camera and Mario's moveset. As such, the latter half feels like a drag and squandered quite the magical moment I had when I started it. It's hard to rate this game given it's such a important cornerstone of gaming culture. I still gotta put respect to it, y'know?
Completed (3.5/5)
Terraria is a weird one. It's a game that I couldn't imagine playing alone or without a wiki. Its progression is as obtuse as you can get, where I genuinely thinks its impossible playing it without a guide. (Empress for example) Farming is annoying, building seems unnecessary and progression can feel grindy at times. But man, playing it with friends, looking up builds, setting up goals, preparing for a boss and executing upon it; it gave me a microscopic feeling of playing an MMO and I had so much fun with it. It also helps that the game has such a good level of escalation, as you get more and more equipment that by the end you are basically performing air combat with dozens of projectiles. A bizarre, but lovely game.
The Jackbox Party Pack 7
The Jackbox Party Pack 7
Played (3/5)
In the pits of another Lockdown, my friend group became very obsessed with party games. The Jackbox Party Packs were one of these games. The selection here is super good. Quiplash, Champ'd up, Talking Points gotta be our favorites. The rest (idk which are the rest) are... eh fine i guess? Overall, a very strong Jackbox Pack of games.
The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match
The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match
Played (3.5/5)
I be feelin' like a grasshopper n shit, god damn. I really like the speed of the game and wished I could've spend more time with it, but my group just didn't vibe with it that much, so I ultimately haven't played a lot of it. That and I honestly don't have the energy to find and play against ppl of my skill level so oh well.
Umurangi Generation: Macro
Umurangi Generation: Macro
Mastered (3.5/5)
Feels like the dev made this game just to reaffirm his statements, cuz boy is this game pissed off. No subtlety, just angry shouting and I dig it. Don't think the levels are as good as in the base game and while I definitely enjoy the upgrades (the skates), I feel like it kinda ruined the exploration for me as I was just swooping and whooshing around instead or really taking notice of the environment.
Played (2/5)
My head hurts when I think about the game.
BlazBlue: Central Fiction
BlazBlue: Central Fiction
Played (4/5)
BBCF is the de facto anime fighter in my head. It's the most balls to the wall fighting game I played this year, starring a large and diverse roster full off nutty-ass characters, each with their own playstyle and unique mechanics. We got stick girl. We got a samurai with parry. We got questionable loli character that has a surprisingly fun kit but I will not play here because she is a small child and I am not comfortable with that. We got Mai, a noobstomper and the bane of my existence. And a lot more. It's so unabashedly anime in almost every aspect, I love it (including some godawful lobby system). It fucks, shits and cums.
Completed (4/5)
Technically a replay, but I really wanna put a special shoutout to this little free prototype I found on itch. It's made by the people that made TOEM and it's a free-roam-based gliding game, where you fly and boost around a desert landscape and pickup power-ups on multiple landmarks. Probably the game I had the most fun with gameplay-wise, that instantly put me in a flow-like state everytime I played it. If ya got like 15 minutes to spare, give it a go. I highly recommend it.
Kero Blaster
Kero Blaster
Mastered (4/5)
A lovely throwback run-and-gun that does a lot with the few things it works with and creates a fun, bite-sized experience that respects the players time while also feeling non committal. I'm just gonna refer to my review, but pretty much: play it, it's like 6 hours in total and is the equivalent of being tucked in your warm and comforting bed while it's snowing outside.
Kind Words
Kind Words
Played (4/5)
Feels like the Lofi Girl crawled out of her youtube video onto a video game and made it about altruism. Gotta respect the hustle sheesh.
But forreal though this game is so endearing and lovely, I am just happy it exists.
Lethal League Blaze
Lethal League Blaze
Completed (4/5)
LLB is a major step forward from its predecessor in regards to aesthetics, mechanics, balance and vibe. The redesigns and new cast of characters feel unique and ooze with charm and confidence. The soundtrack is just wow... funky. Still kinda speechless how well Team Reptile managed the step to 3D, as it looks effortlessly slick and very reminiscent of its Jet Set Radio influences. I like the RPS solution implemented here, as it fully addresses a major flaw in it's predecessor. Still not sure how I should feel about the healthbar though, but I get why it is implemented. ALSO YOU CAN GET COSTUMES FOR YOUR CHARACTERS, I CAN GET DRIP BY GRINDING SO GOOD UGHHA. Now if you excuse me, I will listen to some jams proceeds to listen to Ordinary Days for 10 hours straight
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
Completed (4.5/5)
High octane, unhinged fighter of the astral plane. That 2000s anime flair added with the absolute feral combat is just my kind of thing. Watch two flies battle it out with ~crunchy~ low rez particle effects. A large roster of characters with multiple versions, a huge array of colors and stages to pick from. Certified Banger right here.
Mini Motorways
Mini Motorways
Completed (for now) (4/5)
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Mini Metro has a lot going for: It builds of the foundation the original has laid out and extends it to create an entirely different, but familiar, experience. The interactivity, UI, and the way how you go about things is pretty much the same as in Mini Metro, which is nice, familiarity is a good starting point to go off of. What sets it apart lies in it's name: Motorways. Roads can be freely drawn on the playfield, which allows for more freedom, but also adds an extra level of complexion to the whole ordeal. The only problem I have with the game is that I feel like I don't have as much of a direct impact as in Mini Metro. Overall, I really really like this game.
MySims Agents
MySims Agents
Completed (2/5) (DS version)
Back in the day, I played the Wii version of MySims Agents, and I was havin' a blast with it. I still believe (with rose-tinted glasses) that this game is good. Having enjoyed that version, I was eager to try out the DS version as it is a completely different game in all aspects.

It's "When you walkin" the game. (for a lack of a better description and I know some games relish on that aspect and I get it, but this game aint it (Source: Dude trust me)) Now I don't know why, but my brain has concocted an association with this game to Flower, Sun and Rain. Granted, I have never played FSR, but every time I hear it mention, I am just thinking of MySims Agents DS gameplay and I dont know why. please help.
Played (4/5)
Comfy and exhilarating at the same, the game executes upon what it aims to do wonderfully and I just adore the sense of speed the game offers while allowing you to take your own risks. My brain go wee when I fly down near the mountain, so yeah.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Completed (4/5)
One evening I came to the sudden realization that I have never finished the original Super Mario Bros. So I just did that. I booted it up and played all of it in one sitting. It's Mario. It's good, what can I say. You gotta play it if ya haven't, just sayin'.
Played (4/5)
A very slick and modernized version of the iconic block stacker. It offer's a lot of granular options that you can fit to your liking. With online play and various modes to boot, TETR.IO allows you to play and experience Tetris however you want. The contrast between the comfy singleplayer Zen mode experience and the sweat-filled, drowned by stacks of tetris, online lobbies is so strong that I mostly avoid the ladder. When I want online Tetris, I go with 99.
Tetris 99
Tetris 99
Played (4/5)
Tetris 99 is probably the definitive casual and fun experience I've had this year. Every time I turn the switch on, I always end up playing 1 or 2 rounds of T99. Due to it's format and always-populated lobbies, I am always going to have a good time with it and not be completely floored by a more experienced lobby. (looking at TETR.IO) I also love the cross-promotions they do, keeps the game fresh with new themes. I am probably still gonna play this game in 2022, so there isn't much to say than: wow, this Tetris game thingy sure is fun.
The Jackbox Party Pack 6
The Jackbox Party Pack 6
Played (2.5/5)
Mostly just played Trivia Murder Party 2, but even that was ok at best. I feel like the US-centric filter button is just for show, cuz' I felt like we were still gettin' some of them and yeah idk.
Thirty Flights of Loving
Thirty Flights of Loving
Completed (3.5/5)
Thirty Flights of Loving (and to an extend Gravity Bone) feels like an entry to a long-running movie franchise that I know next to nothing of, but one late night as I awake from my sleep, half-awake and half-dazed, I see this movie, an entry deep into the franchise, runnin' on my TV. I try to focus, but periodically keep falling back to microsleeps, falling in and out of consciousness, while wild images and plot drama are laid out in front of my eyes. I kinda get what happens, but I don't have a full picture of it. It looks awesome, but I don't know what exactly is going on. This is pretty much my opinion on Thirty Flights of Loving vignette-style presentation: It is such a unique pacing tool that it still feels incredibly fresh for a game from 2012, but I will admit that, by the time I arrive at the museum (aka the end), I kinda felt like I missed something. Like story-wise, I guess it flew over my head a bit? Still the game got vibes for days and I dig that.
Completed (4/5)
How Elon Musk imagines his transit loop is gonna look like. A visceral, terrifying rhythm game that practically assaults your eyes and ears. Maybe a bit too much, the game has a lot of clarity issues. Also the "ring of death" feels forced and dumb and I don't vibe with it. A game worth playin' til' the end.
Umurangi Generation
Umurangi Generation
Mastered (4/5)
Jet Set Evangelion, a photograph experience for doomers. I don't have anything to say what hasn't been said about the game before. Enough jank to be a certified hood classic.
Completed (4/5)
Traversing through the botanic-like city map environments, in a constant state between meditative and challenging gameplay, swimming about from platform to platform as a little squid dude feels me with total bliss. Ynglet feels to me like laying on a bed of sunflowers, breathing in the fresh air and making out shapes from the clouds above.
Buck Up and Drive!
Buck Up and Drive!
Completed (4.5/5)
You can grind on railings. AS A CAR. and do car flips. Need I say more?
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition
Completed (4.5/5)
A character action game of epic statue, with endless amounts of style, flair and vibes. Provides both non-stop entertainment with its combat and over-the-top presentation and crushing difficulty with its memorable enemy encounters. Quotable as fuck and once you are done with the game, you are rewarded with essentially a victory-lap through the game again as you can play as bullshit McOverpowered Vergil. The definition of Kino.


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