Jen Recommendations

Games I think Jen would enjoy that are available on PC... This only includes games I have played so I will add games as I go along. I wrote some notes (if I had any) under each game, as well as linked to a playthrough from my favorite Let's Play Channel, "PlayFrame", if you want to get a taste of the story and gameplay.

This game has a free trial that gives you A LOT of time to try it out. There are currently 5 story expansions; the first 2 (A Realm Reborn and Heavensward) are available in the free trial. You can also get your character up to level 60 in the free trial.
Link to Free Trial Game:

Good video to watch before playing:

Also, this is a great video to watch as well as a primer:

PlayFrame Playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: This is a really difficult game, so try to buy this with a friend and co-op through it.

PlayFrame Playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: I will totally help you play through this game. It shows it's age, but it is a damn good game.

PlayFrame Playthrough:

VoidBurger Playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: This is PART 1 of a 3 part remake series. It is a remake, but also an update of the story. It is faithful to the story, but adds just enough that will keep you guessing what will happen next. While their are some faults, I LOVE this game. It is near perfect.

PlayFrame Playthrough:

PlayFrame DLC playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: This is PART 2 of a 3 part remake series. This game is massive. It adds a shit ton of new content that it is almost overwhelming, and it is partially an open world game. Not as strong of an entry as Remake in my opinion, but still good and remains fairly true to the source material even though logistical changes were made.

PlayFrame playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: A flawed masterpiece. One of the most odd and thought provoking video game's I have ever played. Technically this is the first game in the NieR series (this is a remake of the game which released for XBox 360 only and...honestly, there is a lot more to it but you can ask me about it if you are curious, lol) but only loosely. You do not need to play it first for that matter. You can play Nier: Automata if you would like. Nier: Automata has a much better combat system but this one is still good. Play in any order you would like.

PlayFrame playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: Mechanically, this game is stellar. The story is constantly making you think it is one thing and then becoming something else entirely. It is honestly really impressive, gameplay wise and story wise. Technically this is a sequel to NieR Replicant, but only loosely. You do not need to play that game to play this one, or to play it first for that matter. Play in any order you would like.

PlayFrame playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: This is one of my favorite games. I am not a huge superhero person, and when people were praising this to death I was extremely hesitant to buy into it's prestige. But the people weren't wrong. This is a masterpiece. The story can feel generic superhero at times, but it all leads to something really impressive that makes it much more unique than you might think at first glance. The web swinging is so much fun and the open world mechanics are really fun. Highly recommend.

PlayFrame playthrough: DOES NOT EXIST YET (sad face)
Danielle's Commentary: An incredible game. Not as stellar as the first, but still really impressive.

PlayFrame playthrough: DOES NOT EXIST YET (sad face)
Danielle's Commentary: This series is complicated, so let me first start out by giving you some simple instructions. There are 6 items included in this package: 4 games and 2 "movies". Despite their order in the main menu, THIS is the correct play order - Kingdom Hearts 1, Re:Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts 2, 358/2 Days (movie), Re:Coded (movie), Birth by Sleep. Kingdom Hearts can be a little wild but I promise it is a really fun time. Lots of games say "Re" or "Final Mix." You don't have to worry about what this means, but if you really care then feel free to ask me and I will explain in person. :) KH is my favorite game series.

PlayFrame playthroughs:
Kingdom Hearts I:
Re:Chain of Memories:
Kingdom Hearts II:
358/2 Days:
Birth by Sleep:
Danielle Commentary: This contains 2 games and 1 "movie". Play order: Dream Drop Distance, Back Cover (movie), 0.2 Birth by Sleep. There are no bad titles here, but Dream Drop is the moment when KH really goes off the rails for me. Still a fun game, but you really have to suspend your disbelief.

PlayFrame playthroughs:
Dream Drop Distance:
Back Cover:
0.2: Birth By Sleep - A fragmentary passage:
Danielle's Commentary: An incredibly fun entry in the series.

PlayFrame playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: I really enjoy rhythm games. The music in the KH series is amazing and when this game was announced it felt too good to be true. It is such a love letter to the music, even if the story is garbage.

PlayFrame playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: I won't lie, this game is A LOT. Going into it, you should know that it is very long. The main campaign is almost 100 hours. If you decide to pursue the extra story you can get in the campaign, it is easily 115+ hours. But wow is it worth it. There are some details that haven't aged well (honestly, they weren't even okay at the time of release) but the good stuff is really good. It is such a great stick it to the man story. Aesthetically, it is perfection. Playing this just makes you feel cool. I've never encountered a game that reaches the same level of satisfactory menu design as this one.

PlayFrame playthrough: DOES NOT EXIST YET (sad face)
Danielle's Commentary: The first game SuperGiant put out and it is a pretty good entry. Cool gameplay and complex story.

PlayFrame playthrough (not a full playthrough, was filmed prior to the channel changing their identity to PlayFrame):
Danielle's Commentary: The second in SuperGiant's library. This is a really cool take on turn based gameplay. The combat is really fun and interesting, and the story is told by completing different objectives. It is an impressive entry.

PlayFrame's playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: I freaking adore this game. It is one of those games where the story is pretty vague. You have to put the pieces together based on environmental clues. The gameplay is so satisfying, especially when you nail the mechanics. Plus, you have a bird friend with you who you can snuggle with and it is the cutest thing ever.

PlayFrame Video:
Danielle's Commentary: A relatively short game where you play as a cat navigating a dystopian society. The vibe of this game is so good.

PlayFrame Video:
Danielle's Commentary: One of my favorite games of all time. This game captures a certain depth that make most others of the same genre pale in comparison.

PlayFrame playthrough: DOES NOT EXIST YET (sad face)
Danielle's Commentary: One of my favorite games of all time. You play as a man named Henry who is attempting to escape his problems by becoming a fire lookout at a national park. His only form of contact is Delilah via radio.

PlayFrame playthrough:
Danielle's Commentary: I love this game...but I can't say why. It is pretty short. Gameplay is pretty chill, you are mostly examining items. My only word of advice is to not look up anything before playing. Go in blind. It is such a rewarding experience.

PlayFrame playthrough: DOES NOT EXIST YET (sad face)
Danielle's Commentary: Made by the same folks that developed Gone Home, this is another narrative heavy game that relies on you to explore environments to piece together the story.

PlayFrame playthrough:
Ever since this came out in 2020, it is always free in June/Pride Month. If you are at all interested in playing, it would be download it then.
This game is on the flash drive I gave you.
This game is on the flash drive I gave you. It is one of my favorites.
This game is on the flash drive I gave you.
This game is on the flash drive I gave you.
This game is on the flash drive I gave you.
This game is on the flash drive I gave you.
This game is on the flash drive I gave you.
I forget if this is on the USB or not, but I have this game so if you want to play it, let me know and I can give it to you.

Danielle's Commentary: The third entry from Super Giant. At it's core, Pyre is a sports game. It is just as narratively complex as previous entries, but one of the most unique approaches to a story.

PlayFrame playthrough: DOES NOT EXIST YET (sad face)


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