346 Reviews liked by G0ld_3r

If you dislike this game, it's because your soul is tainted by capitalism.

When cocaine just isn't enough for you

Some periods of my life, I identify with the Undead burg portion of the game--the sense that there's always something around the corner, the constant threat of the firebombs, the ways you can diverge off the beaten path and hit Blighttown, Darkroot Basin, or touch some of the Catacombs before anything. I also enjoy how openly some of the problems are positioned--there's a dragon torching all of the bridge, how are you going to get across? Just solid video game logic.

At other points of my life, I've identified the most with the darker, openly antagonistic areas of the late-game. The spookiness of Tomb of the Giants, the literal PS3 CPU scorching lava Lost Izalith, the deception of the Duke's archives; it's a game that assumes you're capable of handling it's more ambitious, difficult ideas of not just level-design, but also of narrative through level-design--even if New Londo Ruins is frustrating, the stillness that comes through the game in this section is so palpable, it feels only natural that there's just a black abyss at the bottom of it all.

At all points of my life though, I've always enjoyed Anor Londo, Sen's Fortress, and Ash Lake. The first two are self-explanatory, those two sections have more or less defined the Soulsborne genre, but Ash Lake also slaps just cuz it's got that rockin melancholic beach vibes that are hard to come by.

At no point of my life though have I fully enjoyed Dark Souls front to back though, there's always some point of 'disconnect' between what I'm feeling and what the game wants me to feel. Sometimes the early game just bores me to tears and I give up, other times the noticeable quality drop of the 4 Lords section slowly saps my will to keep playing, and other times I think "well, I haven't gone through Blighttown legit since my first playthrough, it can't be that bad' and immediately regret that thought as the framerate hits the floor. I can't really fault Dark Souls for this, its kinda how ambitious projects go, but it's a game I think everyone should play at least once, even if I have no specific drive to experience all of this again.

"Four souls will be blessed with light, and so, it shall begin..." :')

Basura de juego, no puedo describir cuánto lo detesto. Porquería de ambientación, pérsimo diseño de niveles, y asqueroso sistema de combate: simplemente infumable. Además es pretencioso a más no poder, las cinemáticas cortan de manera abrupta el ritmo del juego, ni siquiera el contexto sobrenatural es suficiente para mantener enganchado al jugador. Horrible en todos los sentidos.

No rescato ni una sola cosa de este juego, no puedo seguir jugándolo, no se lo recomendaría a nadie.

Repetición y decadencia, de un ciclo y de una saga. La premisa es que los grandes señores pasan de repetir lo mismo por enésima vez y nosotros, the ashen one, una cascara vacía y requemada de tanta hoguera, vamos en su búsqueda porque nunca se tiene suficiente. Así como los primeros Souls adaptaban el combate de Castlevania al 3D, con ataques que implicaban un compromiso ineludible de tiempo y exposición antes de devolver daño efectivo al final de cada animación, aquí se opta por homenajear a Sonic el erizo y sus volteretas. Como viene siendo tradición, recorreremos palacios vacíos y en ruinas, reflejos de lo que solían ser, y nos cruzaremos con personajes vacíos y en ruinas, reflejos de lo que solían ser. El escenario termina por colapsar en un amalgama de arquitectura gótica que dejó de tener sentido hace tiempo y en un campo de flores nos enfrentamos al cosplayer de Gwyn. El jefe final de la saga, como no podía ser de otra manera, son los propios jugadores.

Aunque en cierto modo sea la experiencia Souls definitiva por el pulido de mecánicas y gráficos, que sea una trama sobre el bucle de estar condenado y repetir siempre lo mismo a lo largo de los siglos y las numerosas referencias a juegos anteriores hasta tal punto de repetir varios escenarios hace que me pregunte si realmente era necesaria la existencia del juego y no hubiese valido con volver a rejugar el primero y ya.


The game plays better and I hate it.

The dragoon plays better... which I hate because its a living thing and every single game with a living thing feels heavier
because well, they're alive, like in Panzer Dragoon.

The in-game cutscenes have more movement but are rough as hell, the simplicity of the original made them stand out a bit more.

You can say this game is "better" in some aspects, but does it make it a better product than Drakengard 1? nope

si tuviera que describir este juego con una palabra seria con "único". Ghost Trick se siente y se ve atemporal.

sin haber intentado ser pretencioso ni haber tenido un alto presupuesto en su desarrollo, es un juego con arta carisma y que tiene algo que la mayoría de juegos del mercado no tienen y es que se nota que los creadores le pusieron cariño al juego y no les importaba en lo más mínimo que vendería millones de copias, sino en hacer algo que a ellos mismos le gustara y lo consiguieron ya que aunque en la actualidad no haya llegado a vender una millonada, es un juego de culto aclamado por todas las personas que lo han jugado. todo lo que propone, desde el gameplay hasta el tono de la historia lo hace de manera excelente.

If you enjoyed this game you're a psychopath. I did.

This story revolves around a group of awful people, a murderer, cannibal, pedophile, a guy that sings wonderwall, every person here has its faults and they're not good people. Killing shouldn't be fun, at some point you just drag-on on these kills looking for a happy ending for these characters... but why? they really deserve it?

No, they don't, we don't even know if a lot of the things that happened actually did because just like certain stories, there are different points of views of these things, and just like the description of the first verse from the last chapter, maybe Seere will tell your story, with every chapter having different pages and even different verses with mixed events. We can look for an ultimate truth, but would it change something?

Just like Caim, we can try different things but it would make things worse, or it would loop back to other things, sometimes you just don't deserve a happy ending.

Idk I enjoyed this game and I think that says more about me than the game itself XD

People will shill any soulless cash grab if it serves them to shit on something they hate.

EN: When I heard that this game was being created by Ubisoft Montpellier I couldn't wait for this game, who have created gems like Rayman Origins, Legends and Beyond Good and Evil.

I had high expectations and they totally exceeded them, it's amazing how they took advantage of a dead franchise to modernize it and create new things in it. You can see the passion behind this game, taking the best of modern metroidvania (Metroid Dread, Hollow Knight and Ori).

The combat is pretty good for what you would expect in this genre, with several combo options, it doesn't get tiring thanks to the fact that as you advance more powerful enemies come out in old areas. I would have liked another type of sword to make more combos.

The bosses are the best part of the game, they take everything you've learned from combat and test your reaction, the parry is extremely satisfying and an important part of your defense against them.
Excellent exploration, all areas connect and good progression system, note that the map is gigantic, even bigger than Hollow Knight apparently.

They also innovate in the genre by adding a mechanic to take a screenshot and have it marked on your map, it's a game that asks you to explore by yourself, no indicators of where exactly you should go and have a self-made map of the things you are missing to get.

The movement is so satisfying, running, sliding, jumping and the fluid animations add to that feeling, it reminds me a lot of Metroid Dread (I wish for a sequel that adds something similar to Metroid's Shinespark, the movement would be perfect with that addition and more satisfying).

Good skill set, my problem is with the ability that you can carry bombs with you, it's tiring to have to fetch bombs in certain areas to go back to a golden door and destroy it to get in.

Another thing I didn't like is that although there are a lot of amulets, many of them are directly useless, something that doesn't happen with games like Hollow Knight, where most of them are useful.

Although you can tell that Ubisoft wants to give another face with this game, you can tell they are still part of Bugisoft, it is frustrating the amount of bugs, I just beat a major boss being invisible and basically immortal, the dialogues are repeated, the golden doors don't open when you throw bombs at them, etc. I hope they fix those bugs, they ruin the experience a bit.

I also suffered from several crashes, especially for running out of internet and putting my PC or Steam Deck in sleep mode, it's unforgivable that they ask you for internet for a singleplayer game, it's really annoying to lose progress because of that.

ES: Cuando escuche que este juego estaba siendo creado por Ubisoft Montpellier no podía esperar por este juego, quienes han creado joyas como Rayman Origins, Legends y Beyond Good and Evil.

Tenía grandes expectativas y las superaron totalmente, es increíble como aprovecharon una franquicia muerta para modernizarla y crear cosas nuevas en ella. Se nota la pasión que hay detrás de este juego, cogiendo lo mejor de los metroidvania modernos (Metroid Dread, Hollow Knight y Ori)

El combate bastante bueno para lo que cabría esperar en este género, con varias opciones de combo, no llega a cansar gracias a que a medida que avanzas salen enemigos más poderosos en zonas antiguas. Me hubiera gustado otro tipo de espada para hacer más combos.

Los bosses son la mejor parte del juego, toman todo lo que has aprendido del combate y te ponen a prueba de tu reacción, el parry es extremadamente satisfactorio y una parte importante de tu defensa contra ellos.
Excelente exploración, todas las áreas se conectan y buen sistema de progresión, nótese que el mapa es gigantesco, incluso más grande que Hollow Knight aparentemente.
También innovan en el género añadiendo una mecánica para hacer captura de pantalla y tenerla marcada en tu mapa, es un juego que te pide que explores por ti mismo, sin indicadores de donde exactamente debes ir y tener un mapa hecho por ti mismo de las cosas que te faltan por conseguir.

El movimiento es tan satisfactorio, correr, deslizarse, saltar y las animaciones fluidas añaden a esa sensación, me recuerda mucho a Metroid Dread (deseo una secuela que añada algo similar al Shinespark de Metroid, el movimiento sería perfecto con ese añadido y más satisfactorio).

Buen conjunto de habilidades, mi problema es con la habilidad de que puedas llevar bombas contigo, es cansino tener que ir a buscar bombas en ciertas zonas para volver a una puerta dorada y destruirla para entrar.

Otra cosa que no me ha gustado es que aunque haya un montón de amuletos, muchos de ellos son directamente inútiles, algo que no pasa con juegos como Hollow Knight, donde la mayoría son útiles.

Aunque se nota que Ubisoft quiere dar otra cara con este juego, se nota que siguen siendo parte de Bugisoft, es frustrante la cantidad de bugs, acabo de vencer a un jefe importante siendo invisible y básicamente inmortal, los diálogos se repiten, las puertas doradas no se abren cuando les lanzas bombas, etc. Espero que arreglen esos bugs, arruinan un poco la experiencia.

También sufrí de varios crasheos, especialmente por quedarme sin internet y poner mi PC o Steam Deck en modo de suspensión, es imperdonable que te pidan internet para un juego singleplayer, es realmente molesto perder progreso por eso.