Games that I played in 2024

I made a compilation of the games I have played in 2024. Whether they are recently released titles or older games that I am experiencing for the first time, this should be the perfect place to make quick notes on my thoughts on games if I happen to not give any of these my full written reviews because either I have little to say or I just dislike it to waste my time on that

The ultimate farewell of IGA & his team working on Castlevania, a perfect swan song that is universally adored by all.
Replaying this game on PS5 did remind me why this is a masterpiece.
Such a charming game that I felt very relaxed to go through and take my time with it.
Really simple, but addictive Zombie game that knows what it is.
It's chaotic, fun, and addictive. Creating one of my favorite experiences with mates in recent memory.
One of the most gratifying 3D platformers that I have ever played and easily Sonic Mania Team’s Magnum Opus.
Ubisoft Montpellier continues to prove to me that they can cook hard!
What a fantastic fanmade reimagining of a Game Gear game that created some of the best 2D Sonic action in ages
A well-made metroidvania with tight puzzles and cool atmosphere to be absorbed by.
Glad to see Castlevania's spirits living on with this amazing game.
IGA & his team trying to make a bad Castlevania game on the DS (impossible challenge).
This is a well put together top-down co-op shooter that I have slept on for way too long.
A mix of deck card and city builder mechanics to create a uniquely addictive roguelike that feels so comfortable to play on mobile devices.
A compelling world and story wrapped up together with satisfying combat and decent stealth that have top-tier production value.
More Metro goodness that I started to fall in love with and keeps being as strong as Metro 2033.
A mix of 2D Zelda & Diablo that Drinkbox Studios combined very well.
Wonderful hidden gem of a 2D collectathon puzzle-platformer with a ton of charm and so fun to play.
Very meaty tile puzzle game that surprised me a lot in its challenge to keep me engaged.
Happy that this fulfilling rhythm experience of the greatest hits that oozes with charm got me introduced to this series.
Beautifully simple, stylish beat 'em up that I had a blast with my friend and further made me like the genre.
Tough but rewarding game with precise and responsive controls. Wrapped up together with nostalgic visuals of Newgrounds.
A pure new Super Monkey Ball goodness with no asterisk unless you are only into the mini games (I’m not).
One of the finest modern 2D platformers that I have slept on for way too long.
Pretty fun adventure with a ton of effort & more meat to it than I was expecting.
Solid homage to old-school Sega racing games, but still stands out on its own feet.
Glad to have revisited this fun explosive open-world game despite its few flaws.
Comfort open world template that still manages to be gratifying & fun despite not being unique
Very satisfying action beat-em-up/platformer that is fulfilling despite its short length.
Very short, but satisfying shooter that I had a great time with completing it.
My first dive into Star Fox & now I understand its devoted fan base. Its enjoyable, charming, and has great replayability.
Fun bite-sized Uncharted adventure that I'm happy I got out of my backlog shelf.
Excellent sequel that tops the first one in nearly every front except for the combat.
This is a simple, but good platformer whether I judge it as a handheld or not.
A meaningful expansion that isn’t as strong as the base game unfortunately with taking a few steps back.
A damn fun racing game that is unfortunately plagued by the usual 2K greed.
What a charming platformer that feels like a short quality 3DS eShop game that you would get for cheap.
Really fun simple puzzle game that I wish didn’t end too soon with such little content.
Fun gameplay loop that overstays its welcome, unfortunately.
Although I find the gameplay to be shallow, it's still pretty fun to sail around with my mates.
If the worst game in the series is just decent with some jank, this franchise is very impressive to me.
The story falling apart aside, it still offers fun gameplay with visceral combat and multiple playable characters to still enjoy it.
An alright rhythm platformer that really got me bored of it eventually to put it on the shelve.
This rogue-lite adventure is just okay, but it fails to hold my attention to beat a run.
It has to be impressive to make a bad Puyo Puyo clone, but leave it to Meat Boy to do that…
Just play Splatoon for the love of the god.
Fun core gameplay & good visuals are covered in slug by horrendous monetization & shallow content
The shit cake that High Impact Games have cooked, which can be added to their pile of terrible handheld games.
The sequel is a complete disaster, failing to grasp the essence of what made the original game so enjoyable for me.


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