(PARTIALLY-ARCHIVED) Games you aren't allowed to like, according to terminally online whackjobs/contrarians

Have a suggestion? I'm all ears for your opinions!. I can only say so much with this list, so I'm more than happy to hear you out. Everyone who posts a submission for that list will be properly credited.

In which I take pettiness and occasionally stupidity and blend them together with my special spices. That come out of my ass.

Occasionally this is a serious list, but some of this is also just me making jokes at the expense of contrarians.

My seriousness works in three degrees:

There's plenty of piss and shit to be had in my comments section. By all means, the urinal cake is yours. Have a problem with the fact that I'm a fucking idiot? Name one instance in which I'm specifically a fucking idiot, and I'll shout you out under the particular submission you had a problem with. Criticism is welcome, as long as it's actually constructive.

The Last of Us Part I
The Last of Us Part I

I saw a lot of discussion around this when it was coming out that it's not necessary, it shouldn't exist, et cetera. And when it came out, the general response was, "It's well made, but unless you really love the first game or haven't played it, you can skip". I want you to notice something really specific about those speakers right now: none of them were disabled enough to need the suite of accessibility options offered in Part II. When Part II came out, that suite was praised in hypotheticals. But when Part I pretty much exists as a more polished of the original version for the same audience those hypotheticals applied to, suddenly it's a cynical cashgrab? I don't get it.

Before you say it, no, I don't think these settings could have just been magically patched into the Remastered version of this game. If I'm not mistaken, that was running on the PS3 version of their engine retrofitted to run on the PS4. I'm not going to say that there weren't major improvements with the Remastered version, but I do think that, with such an engine being created with the explicit purpose of being a seventh-gen workhorse, it's likely tied to many of the limitations of that generation—both subtle and overt. That then leaves them with two options: either port the assets for the original project into their new engine or use this as one of many excuses to build it from scratch.

And yeah, I think they did a pretty good job there. I think, whether or not you need to have this in your library, it's a commendable effort. It is undercut by the fact that the original game didn't look all too shabby, to begin with, but what's there is still pretty remarkable.

And in case you're wondering, the PC port is pretty decent by now. The Lock-On option is pretty janky with a Mouse and Keyboard, but just about everything else—from top to bottom—plays as well as it should. Although I do miss the controller gimmicks :/

Cringe culture was a mistake.

Do you honestly think that the weird or embarrassing fans of Undertale would have mattered if cringe culture wasn't a thing? I wouldn't say that the internet ruined Undertale as much as I would say the obsession some communities had with highlighting its fans drew more ire than what it was worth.

I'm not defending Undertale because it's cute, or it's queer, or it's funny. I'm defending Undertale because I don't think the way it got treated was fair at all.
God of War
God of War

"It doesn't play like the thing I liked many, many blue moons ago, therefore it's bad. It is also a pop-culture friendly artifact, therefore I attribute it to Reddit. Ha, Reddit bad. I'm an intellectual, I use Twitter."


(I've gone on at length on this before, but social media dick-measuring is just an annoying waste of time. It's like a hypocrisy contest. Somehow, the worst elements of organized religion look vaguely favorable in comparison. At least that has a purpose. Are people really just that bored and discontent with their lives that they'll waste moments of their limited, waking life getting uppity over a collective like they're one gray, homunculus blob? Fuck me.)
The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II
im dum lol


Mother of god, where do I start with this one? Put it this way: the crazies are so far out of the woodwork for this one that not only did they harass an actress over the actions of the fictional character that she had no hand in writing, they've now elevated that to harassing said actresses son, who also had no involvement in the script-writing process. The Last of Us Part II is also one of many games that are deemed "woke" for having the audacity to suggest that people of color, queer people, and just anyone who isn't a cisgendered, heterosexual white male exist. The audacity to suggest that, of the 8.1 billion people living on earth, people are different from each other???'

There's also something in there about how the story is genuinely divisive in its subversive and inconsistently paced nature, which are fine complaints. Oh, and the director of this game made some comments about the Isreal-Palestine situation that aren't very pretty, so therefore nobody is allowed to like this. The problems I have with both are as follows: as Gamergate proved, it's very easy to disguise some very repugnant, disgusting shit under very simple guises so the general public doesn't confront you over views you know are regressive and abhorrent. If you aren't trying to make me second-guess myself, fair enough, I don't begrudge you for that. But I have to be really sure that you're not just saying that to get me to look away; I refuse to be that naive. As for the Palestine thing, I agree that Druckmann's comments are pretty bad. I'm not gonna mince words or pull punches there, that was a very shitty thing to say. I will say, though, that he was not the only person who worked on The Last of Us Part II. He was not the only person making creative decisions regarding the storytelling choices, characters, and scenarios. You can dislike his contributions and the troubling implications of his personal views seeping into them all you want, but I don't think it's fair to the rest of his crew for them to be thrown under an umbrella they might not belong under. In other words, I'm fine being a little apologetic towards games made with manpower in the hundreds because, with a team that big, I don't think it's possible for everyone to agree on everything on an ideological perspective. To be less polite about it, it's fucking absurd, stupidly redundant, and just kind of makes you look like a simple-minded asshole.

You'll see a couple of hot-takes on this list, but this one isn't one of them unless you're part of the problem. In which case, you missed the point of the game so much that you might as well be a character in it.
Persona 5
Persona 5

Persona 5 is stupid and silly and flawed in many ways, but it's very much a product of another culture trying to come to terms with its own inadequacies. I almost kind of expect that sort of thing to fumble the bag in some massive departments. I'm not saying all of its issues should be handwaved because I wasn't Japanese in 2016 when this first came out, but I'm willing to cut it some slack for at least trying to ask big questions about the environment it was produced in. Maybe that's just me, personally, and that's fine.
Death Stranding
Death Stranding

Don't compare yourself to others!

Is what I would be saying if I had any confidence at all that my voice matters. It's that and "be confident!" that irks me the most because they're just so, so detached from the insecurities they're responding to. At some point, I hope to get used to feeling so meaningless. Insignificant. Maybe there are better coping mechanisms for it; I don't know. All I know, all there is to be known, is that I just need to distract myself from that truth. Why do I need to worry if I just keep talking? Just keep talking, never shut up. Write paragraphs upon paragraphs about fucking nothing because it helps, if only for a second. Delete it and write again, and again, and again. Revise pieces nobody bothers to look at because nobody needs the same distraction. Go in, go out—day in and day out. And don't be creative, that's fucking embarrassing. Be creative in the right ways, write poetry in the right ways, be funny in the right ways. They love to say it, but tell me one time where it's been true. Please.

Fuck, it's exhausting.

What Death Stranding reminds me of, every so vaguely, are the days at work where that mindset doesn't drag me down, the flow states that come from finally being able to let go out of thin air, knowing full well that the blasé faire approach only helps yourself in the long haul. But shouldn't that be the goal? Shouldn't that simplicity be celebrated? I think we take it for granted because when it's not, it's a feeling we know all too well. And it eats at you. Gradually, throughout the course of weeks, sometimes months, as the feeling of discontent begins to drown what you have left. On those days, you simply walk past it all, not giving mind to the idea that there isn't a place for you in this world for a moment. You work with other people, distant and close to your personality in varying ways, and all seems right with the world, like you can, in fact, feel worthy of something.

I don't think Hideo Kojima meant for Death Stranding to be about those moments when you finally have the courage to live your life. But fuck me if it doesn't resonate in that way ever so slightly.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Added to this list per Backloggd user Alexcicle's request.


before looking at what the ruckus is about...

Honestly, this just seems fine? I get the impression that a lot of the hate it gets is probably from the crowd that thinks all anime is cringe, which is true to a degree, but that's probably just because it's a foreign entity. Can you imagine how off-putting some of our American traditions must be to Europeans? Christ, I don't even think you have to; they never shut the fuck up about it.

I think it's fine that foreign things are weird, off-putting, and occasionally transgressive. As long as the culture isn't "we hate all body types ranging from X, Y, to Z" and that's not what's being reflected, I would consider the awkwardness a nice learning experience. Something that I keep yammering on about because it means a lot to me is the ways in which media connects us—i.e., the line between consumption and appreciation. I think foreign media might honestly be one of the most overt forms of that. I respect it.


after doing the bare-fucking-minimum...

Okay? The game's sexualized to a degree. I mean... I have nothing to say about that, really. I think it's fine for something to have sex appeal and to lack it.

This is about her boobs, isn't it? Yeah, I would be lying if I said I didn't think those designs are a little silly. But whatever. It doesn't affect my bottom line, I don't care.
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

I think the hatetrain of Cyberpunk was a confluence of three pretty nasty things: one, PR, corporate, and the team that actually makes the game are three separate entities that, even with solid management, are disconnected from each other on a pretty regular basis; two, rising tides and changes within the game industry ensured that certain industry darlings wouldn't be done with some of the biggest pieces of digital pop cultural artifacts for at least the next dozen or so years, so both corporate and the public at large projected their hunger for that project onto something else; word of mouth is king. For my safety, I can't describe the exact details of my job, but from where I'm working, I've observed the impact of word of mouth. Word of mouth that says something is mediocre will put a damper on things, but word of mouth that something is bad? It doesn't matter that "good" and "bad" aren't objective metrics. We have too much shit to care about how disconnected using word of mouth as a metric of totality makes us. So it didn't matter that Cyberpunk is as sincerely produced as they come, or that it had, at the very least, the fundamentals of a pretty fun game in there. If you liked it, you stood against that totality, and thus were in support of the things it despises.

And then something really fucking funny happened. That totality was then tricked into questioning itself, and now the word of mouth is that Cyberpunk is a good game, now. Not that it had a good base to work off, it's good, now.

You still have a few contrarians in the mix who laugh the whole thing off and say that everyone but them is an idiot. Usually, I like to think that vapid statements like that can be justified in some contexts. But nah, it's just vapid in this context.

I do wish they were NB options, tho :/

Like, that's valid right there. I want to experiment, damn it!
Spec Ops: The Line
Spec Ops: The Line
Spotlight: Chandler

Review spotlighted: Attack on Titan 2.

This review is great because it gets straight to the point. If you're gonna criticize filler, be all killer. I love it. I chose this one, in particular, because it reminds me of some of the gimmicky, cruddy licensed games we grew up with. Not that I remember that many of them, but I get that feeling, and it's weirdly nice in a bitterly nostalgic way




...it was released twelve years ago.
Spotlight: sign

Review spotlighted: Dusk

I keep hearing good things about Dusk, but something about it doesn't resonate with me as much as games like Turbo Overkill and Ultrakill. I do like seeing someone in a similar boat articulate what puts them off, though, if only because the work other people do vindicates the blindspots I have when it comes to analysis. A little on the petty side? Sure, I guess. But it's neat and I like it.



Maybe it's just cute that you get to play as a cat?

I know I can be a glutton for substance, but I get it, and I don't think it's worse-off because of that.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

It is genuinely funny to me that Wolfenstein II is where the whackjobs suddenly started to suspect that there might be an agenda to the newest addition of KILL NAZIS IN THE FACE SHOOTY SHOOTY BANG BANG BEFORE HITLER STICKS HIS DICK IN THE MOON LIKE IT'S A WHIRLPOOL

It's never been subtle, but now it's "woke"? Oh, they put a black person in it, and also "everyone I don't like is a nazi", because that's totally applicable to a series that's been about killing full-fat, never disguised nazis for at least a quarter of a century at this point.

But it made you look dumb?

Buddy, it's always made you look dumb. Even when it made you look powerful, it made you look dumb. Idiots, man.
Fallout 4
Fallout 4


Spotlight: Fern

Review spotlighted: Tekken 8

I have little-to-no relationship with the fighting game community. I know even less about Tekken. I know one of my siblings once owned a Tekken game on his PS3 that had a movie on the same disc with the game, but I never played it.

What I like about this review is that you don't need to be an aficionado to understand why they like the game. All-killer-no-filler, makes a persuasive argument quick and snappy. I like it.



Did you know that it's not been proven that they used Pokemon assets in this? Did you know that it's also not been proven that they used generative content for this? One person said that, and it flew across the airwaves like it was gospel.

"But it's derivative!" Okay? Like the other ninety-nine thousand roguelikes and card games you play on Steam? I get it, it's too derivative for some people. I also just don't care.

The problematic stuff in here is problematic and goofy, fair enough. But some of the outrage I've seen over this is just milquetoast roasting that could be applied to too many indies without thought.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

The Way of Water was a blast the first time I saw it next to people who actually wanted to see it. Then my siblings were dragged into seeing it, and I had to listen to my brothers complain about it, and the magic was just kind of lost.

I think a big part of the "no cultural impact" """argument""" (my ass) is that Avatar is too goofy and sincere for those kinds of viewings to work. You have to let yourself get taken by the cartoonish-ness of it, and that's where the magic is.

I don't get why people thought this was just gonna be more Ubisoft slop, like that wasn't fitting for the IP in a sense. Like kindred spirits, I say.

Honestly, this doesn't seem terrible. It looks like something that's probably lots of fun to pick up every now and then for a refresher. Maybe it gets a little tiresome if you try to grind it out in one go, I get that. But I appreciate it all the same.

Do you want to know what really fucking sucks? When your only memory of a game is that people pretty vocally disliked it. Like, look at that cover art. That shit looks stunning, and if it's in any way indicative of the game it's for, then it's a shame that it got buried when it was released.

LittleBigPlanet and Dreams were punk rock. You never created anything on those platforms but for the thrill of being able to say you thought outside of your own box, and nobody bossed you around in the process. Shit was made for the hell of it; quality be damned!

There's a partial misconception that the same can't apply to Roblox. I say partial because it's true that, while this description is befitting of its origins, it has become a cesspit of monetization in-and-out of its many experiences over time. It's true that, if you play any of the top experiences currently trending on Roblox, this is something you'll notice immediately. And yeah, I'm with you on that one. It's fucking weird for there to be officially sanctioned loot boxes in a game mostly frequented by children.

My recommendation, then, is to try to stop playing the popular experiences. Stop looking for games that have talent behind them. Stop playing the MM Picks.

When Roblox games are shitty, they're shitty in ways that still inspire me. When they're glorified Asset CDs made without the consent of the original authors, I find bizarre artistry on display. Your typical asset flip is cobbled together cynically for money, without much effort, by grown adults who know the exact game they're playing. What you get on Roblox is children who don't know better, who don't care about what language the game speaks in or what color its serpent tongue is. These are unknowing minds who have just seen the coolest shit in their life for the twentieth time today and want to share it with you because, to them, the contribution of theft is a shared imagination. I do think that, if you wanted to use such a concept as the basis for a meme about communism, you could. But what's more important to me is that it stresses the punk that Media Molecule honed in on. They never lost the light in the way that Roblox has, but that's not to say that Roblox is a burnt lamp. There are, after all, boxes that its userbase is still thinking outside of on their own terms, and I love that for them. I hate that, with the slow death of Dreams and the almost nonexistence of LittleBigPlanet, these experiences no longer linger without compromises. But sometimes, you just gotta take what you can get.





(No, but for real, it's really funny to me that the goalpost has moved from CDPR back to Bethesda)
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Spotlight: ShineSpark

Review spotlighted: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

So, I've been replaying Skyrim recently. My character's a Kajiit, not named after our two kittens, but instead after a viral Beavis and Butthead-tier clip from four years ago that I only found a couple of weeks ago. It never ceases to be amusing reading that name in the cordial font all of the letters you receive are in. I have a ton of mods installed. I'm not talking 300+ GBs, like some of the modlists I've seen, because past a reasonable point, you're just spitting in the face of the developers.

All of this is to say that I wasn't there for Skyrim, really. And I haven't really ever "gotten" it vanilla because of that. But I do know someone who was. I remember the way my older brother saved up every cent he could to buy a copy of it for our PlayStation 3 at the time. He had this silky teal box that was originally meant for the wet wipes that we weren't supposed to flush, but did anyways. I remember thinking the bike ride to the nearest gaming store was more of a trek than I know it to be today. I remember how, every chance he could, he would be on our PS3, losing himself in the game's world. My biggest regret from that time period wasn't growing tired of the same three games we played on rotation, but not treating my older brother's experiences like it could be one of those games.

And so naturally, I agree with what this writer has to say. They hit the nail on the head; kudos to them.



Stage left: the internet's newest punching bag.

Rationale: pride flags; live service; that description, though; they killed Batman, though.

Not this again.
Depression Quest
Depression Quest
As penance for any and all criticism given toward any specific entry on this list, I will be highlighting underrated reviews by my critics. This isn't to try and make my critics go away, but to highlight that only the bigots aren't my friends here.

Anyway, here's your first serving. Thank you to BigGnome for the criticism, I appreciate it.


The phrase "Jesus Christ on a Bicycle" isn't potent enough for the biblical levels of mustache-twirling villainy thrown at the creator of this. You know that scene from Dr. Strangelove that you know about, even though you've never seen Dr. Strangelove? A hypothetical god would will that if they were Zoe Quinn or any of the other (then-)women harassed during Gamergate, and I wouldn't blame them.

There's no forgiving it. If you were a part of it, you may have changed, but your actions haven't. You were directly responsible for one of the worst moments in a person's life. Imagine how it would feel to live with that. Imagine if it was also over one small, cutesy little thing you decided to do in your free time for fun. Nobody deserves that! And my god, in hindsight, the letter that started this all reads so, so much like the rantings of an unhinged ex refusing to take accountability for their actions through self-destructive coping mechanisms. That isn't a "woke" sentiment, that's just what that document reads like. Mother of god, how was anyone fooled by that? Maybe the average person really is that dumb. Fucking hell. Dear god. We're all doomed.

Fuck the abusive prick who started it all, fuck everyone involved, fuck anyone who still spouts apologia for it, fuck those who exploited the worst moment in a person's life for political power. Fuck every single one of them.
Silent Hill: The Short Message
Silent Hill: The Short Message
Post-script to both The Last of Us Part II and SH2R:

I remember when this leaked, there was this whackjob on YouTube who was cussing out Sony Santa Monica—not the developers, by the way—because the protagonist had melanin in her skin, and also, bullying was stupid or something.

I'm all for good-faith criticism. If you don't like that The Short Message is about as subtle as your typical season of The Boys, fair enough! But when you have to shout and cuss at people who aren't making those creative decisions, you're just kind of a fucking asshole.

I've talked about this before, and I'll repeat it here: this is where my enthusiasm for these kinds of discussions goes to die. I hate that what media critique means to a subset of the internet is getting mad at nothing and flinging shit over petty nonsense. This is the exact reason why "the audience score will reveal all"/"trust the critics, bro" are such foolish mindsets to foster. That's not culture; that's posing. FOH.
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2

Anything Silent Hill-related belongs here. Remakes, too, for that matter.

There's a lot to be skeptical about, for sure. But I do believe that skepticism does border on being a circlejerk. A lot of it is older fans, or people who know about the series from those older fans and want to seem in with what's cool, just dunking on the thing for having the audacity to exist. "It's the developer they went with," okay, but there wouldn't need to be such a panic over who's developing this thing if there wasn't a silent outrage already. "But it's the combat they showed off", or "it's the way they made James look", or this, or that. Same shit, different day.

In defense of remaking Silent Hill 2, a re-release would be nice, but they botched that last time so badly in such a uniquely fucked way that I'm not sure they ever want to think about it again. They could just emulate it, but I sense a palpable fear over the mere suggestion of doing it a second time. From the perspective of the modern gaming landscape, Silent Hill 2 just kind of throws you in its world and expects you to know it has tank controls, and what each individual button does. There isn't much in the way of tutorialization. You might say "well, I know better," but the reality of a nearly all-digital future is that the concept of a manual has been nearly lost to time. Games that come with manuals now are either limited in their production or cater to collectors looking for a quick fix of nostalgia rather than serving a practical use. And that's if they're not just one piece of paper that's been folded in a weird way that includes safety warnings and nothing else. My point about the lack of tutorialization isn't that the average gamer is an idiot who needs to have their hand-held 24/7, but that it's likely not the only aspect of Silent Hill 2 that would confuse somebody who didn't already know what to expect coming in. Let's say that Konami isn't scared shitless of the idea, they would need to modify the game a la the work Nightdive Studios does, but given the lack of source code they would have to work off of, I can see similar problems persisting.

The reality is that re-releases are cool, but remakes sell. Don't personally like it? Cool, you're not the target audience. Anything that would suggest that you are is there purely to keep you from telling new customers to play the original instead. It's not fanservice; it's manipulating word-of-mouth.

With that in mind, I'm not the most hopeful for this that I could be, but the internet's definition of skepticism is so tiresome that I'm willing to be open-minded to spite it all.


3 months ago

Updated the wording at the end of my second entry to be less edgy/aggressive. Not because "it makes me worse than them!!!" (please, bitch), I just didn't like the way it came off.

3 months ago

I've been saying Bethesda is le bad since Skyrim.
Starfield is trash.
Fight me.

3 months ago

Xenoblade 2

3 months ago

@AmazingPenis Fair enough lol

Adding one more dead cop brb
I didnt know anything about this depression quest game and I barely know anything about gamergate but the little I've heard throughout the years just sounds awful, maybe eventually Id look into the whole thing but idk seems like a lot. I will admit I've been on the hate train myself for both palworld and silent hill 2 sad to say but I'm glad undertale and p5 are here cuz I do think both can be pretty overhated. Either way, good list!

3 months ago

@NOWITSREYTIME17 Apologies for the twelve-hour delay in responding to you. I was at work, and then my parents wanted to see a movie with me afterward. The movie was alright.

Thank you! I appreciate the compliment.

@Alexcicle I'll probably add that to the list, but it'll be categorized under Half-Hearted because I have no experience with that series or its fanbase. I have heard enough rumblings to know that it could probably fit on this list for roughly the same reasons Undertale did, however.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

I guess you could add the latest pokemon games to the list

3 months ago

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3 months ago

As @Alexcicle and @Mapache have dutifully reminded me, I'm not in with every single controversy that's ever plagued a game's discussions. If you have a specific game you'd like to see on a list like this, and you have your own opinions on it that you'd like to share, my community submissions variant of this list is now up and can be accessed by following this link: https://backloggd.com/u/Yultimona/list/games-you-arent-allowed-to-like-community-submissions-edition/

I will credit you. You're free to post your submissions in that comment section, but I also made a form for you to fill out if you so choose.

3 months ago

Really really great list.

The Silent Hill entries specifically resonate with me fairly hard. I have my reservations for the 2 remake but I also am willing to try to meet it on its own terms and at least give it a chance.

The Short Message is where I really feel a number of fans are so stuck in the past that they cannot give anything an actual reasonable chance without losing their shit and weirdly lying about what the game is even doing and I feel this has been a problem with the SH community since the games started being developed externally all those years ago.

3 months ago

@TransWitchSammy Hey, thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the compliments you've given me.

Yeah, agree with you on that front. It just kinda seems weird to me that any series that's revered is only revered in the past tense. It poisons the well, but it's also an unhealthy, unflattering way of looking at things, whether it be for your personal life or for the products you consume. That's not to deny that downward spirals exist, but they exist in differing contexts and spaces.

3 months ago

Find it funny that you try to use the "Think of the regular workers" defense for TLOU2 yet not once did you acknowledge the abusive work environment the game is associated with, another major talking point against the game. Like idk maybe it might be just a little tone deaf to start off the list with genuine harassment like GamerGate and the legitimately fucked reactionary response to TLOU2 and then dedicate more words to complaining about people rightfully not wanting to support a game because of stuff related to the current most important dividing line in politics than the latter. The Backloggd equivalent to the "quit having fun" image.

3 months ago

@BigGnome I'll turn the other cheek.

Yeah, I can see how this list can be construed as such. My intent with this list wasn't a big ol' "Quit Having Fun!" pissyfit; I try to understand the source of outrage where I can. I'm just tired of outrage being the only outlet for these games in some cases.

As for what my own opinions, I'm not going to give a counter-defense because I'm perfectly fine admitting that I'm just wrong about some things. We all have bad opinions, and I'm no different.

Thank you for keeping me humble.

3 months ago

New rule going forward: constructive critics are rewarded by having their less appreciated work highlighted.

I'm not doing this to be performative. I care a lot.

3 months ago

Don't hate it personally but people usually dont like when you say final fantasy 13 is your favorite mostly because of it's linearity and kind of weak story but people joke haha hallway sim but the battle system is interesting at least

3 months ago

Since I take it you're the one who DM'd me, I'll be adding that to the community submissions version

Thank you!

3 months ago

anyone angry about this just proves its point tbh

dont agree with all of these. dont think that matters. i will argue your point on spec ops though: it being 12 years old doesn't have any bearing on any argument. political, anti-war games have existed for a long time. just look at cannon fodder for the amiga

don't disagree with its placement on here. a lot of annoying discourse surrounds that game without even playing it - just think the logic is wack. you can just say it's annoying lol

2 months ago

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2 months ago

Fuck it, I have time.

@chandler, @ShineSpark

Part of this list is meant to be humorous/deliberately played up, but due to the variety of tones I go for here, I can see how I miscommunicated that.

In any case, it's been amended now. Silly entries, such as the ones you pointed to, now clearly state as such.

As for your spotlight, I'll get on that.

2 months ago

that wasn't reaaally a detracting point but i'll take it i s'pose lmao. shout out to aot2 final battle tho. i plugged like 60 hours into that somehow. totally agree with the childhood licensed game vibe

2 months ago

be brave and add league of legends

2 months ago

I was going to suggest Coffin of Andy & LeyLey as a joke but someone suggested it for real 🗿

2 months ago

@SneakyToucan You still can! I'm totally okay with duplicates

2 months ago

Yeah, I'm not above a good shitpost, throwing some shade or flat out making fun of something I think is terrible. There is, however, a line where it crosses over into someone just being an obnoxious douchebag. I just learned to tell those people to touche grass. I rather listen to honest criticism, even if I end up completely disagreeing with their take, then having someone screaming at me that I'm not allowed to like this and that because of some arbitrary aspect they just decided has to matter to everyone. That said: Alice: Madness Returns, Final Fantasy 8, Resident Evil 5, Tales of Zestiria and Escape from Monkey Island are all bangers. Anyone disagreeing can get fucked, lol.
@novaniles woof, you are not gonna like my eventual re5 review loll, alice madness returns tho I'll give you. banger

2 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 I mean thats fair, Re 5 isnt exacly a beloved game, im just one of those weirdos who loves it. And yes, Madness returns fkn rocks. Im actually playing the original Alice right now via my totally 100% legal version of the special edition. Im so looking forward when I get to the Sequel.

2 months ago

Did the Spiderman "hahaha, you serious?" gif irl looking at this list

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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