grief your friends

Actions speak louder than words, and these games offer you the chance to tell your friend that they are a non-valuable member of society who should not be allowed to enjoy interactive media

ACoolBlaze5: minecraft. destroying your friends’ houses and tricking them with genius traps is a part of the core minecraft with friends experience
a co-op griefing classic. unparalleled
giving me the ability to construct a wall millimeters in front of their face with a single button is one of the greatest gifts i've been given
kingbancho: "when i played l4d2 regularly with friends i would use the medkits to lock them into place healing them at bad times and i would also heal them when they were nearing the top of ladders which would force them off the ladder and send them falling down"
i hope you didnt like having star bits you piece of shit
the OG. cant believe i forgot that it lets player 1 pause while player 2 is playing
wowgoodname: "If we’re talking about Mario, New Super Mario Bros Wii is the ultimate relationship killer"
T0M196: "Don't know if this qualifies but I'd say delaying the countdown in Halo would always annoy the boys before a game of fatkid."
Chris! Chris! Come on! Sheva! Over here! Not right now
why teamkill when you can use the many gadgets in the game to turn the game into a survival horror for them
letshugbro: "Super Mario 3D World affords you generous opportunities to cast your friends into the abyss if their platforming skills prove to be suboptimal. An incredible game of deceit and desperation."
co-op open world games will always be a candidate but trying to stealth an area only to see that your friend has decided to report a random pedestrian 3 meters away as a domestic terrorist is a core part of the watch dogs 2 online experience
put on the mask. you know you want to
just by making them boot up this game you are griefing them
you have to really trust your friends to play this game with them because anyone with an iota of creativity will find some way to surround your base in traps. or build an IED-launching trebuchet aimed at your base. or lure an armsy to your base. or
pretty strange how easily you can use traversal tools to make traversal more difficult
the virgin "hide all their shit and make fake ghost noises" vs the chad "hide in a locker with smudge sticks and a crucifix all game to tank the team's sanity"
ghost mode generally prevents you from interacting with the other person's world, but you can get "ghost" versions of certain items that will break that boundary. love to throw ghost coins at the feet of my opponent while he's crouched. fuck you buddy
convince your friends to play without formally assigning "Teams" once and they will never let you do it again
will never forget one friend cooking up a peanut butter, honey, and mayonnaise sandwich, only for another friend's character to eat it and immediately become suicidially depressed because it tasted so bad
yes it requires a multiplayer mod but slowly squeezing your friend off the road is top 10 funniest things if you can pull it off
noisemakers are for cowards. real men throw actual-ass grenades at night and let their lower level friend get eaten alive
a million ways to make sure your friend has no fun, many of which can be made funnier by requiring tremendous work/commitment on your part
everyone knows about the planes and thats the weak shit. the funnier thing is pushing your friend's tiny tank off a cliff while they're taking potshots
GutterTrash: "mario golf toadstool tour lets you repeatedly taunt in your friends faces while they try to aim their shots, both positive and negative. just spam buttons and along with everything else theyre gonna have to focus through repeated monkey noises and dozens of "I simply can't wait to see your shot." real fun shit"
imagine mario party if half the minigames let you punch other players to stun them for a half second at a time. also you can punch like 4 times in 2 seconds
this game is already a fight against the game's physics systems and firing bloody limbs across the room makes it a 2v1
people stealing shit in survival games is a classic but its especially dire in this one given that your base just whole-ass collapses if someone takes the blood essence
Diaper Commander: "You can orbital drop stuff on people and I think friendly fire is always on. Once I decided to kill my whole squad with a drop because they refused to call me Diaper Commander (I was roleplaying as a war baby and they didn't want to be part of it)"
accidentally killed my teammate with a flashbang one time
unlike overcooked this is less dependent on having a role for everyone to play and more dependent on everyone understanding when you trigger certain timers, since a single failure ends the whole thing. too bad im on the phone speeding the whole thing up so every customer arrives at once
this game is wet dog ass and part of the reason i say that is because i did play this when i was younger, and one time some dudes wedged four garbage trucks across two chokepoints on the map, effectively quarantining players on either side of the map for an entire day. yes they were mashing the horns the whole time
throwing worthless "gems" to trigger traps is an invaluable tool when playing solo and also while trying to get the achievement for teamkilling a friend
my friends are generally not good enough at this game to understand that i am going to destroy their markets the second i join their customs union
FranzMagitek: "imagine an excruciatingly hard bullshit platformer but if you co-op you can camp the level exit and jump on your friends head, killing them and making them respawn at the start of the level. i'd kill a man"
another one of those games where you're supposed to use in-game comms, but the more fun decision is dying and using your newfound omniscience to feed your discord buddies bad info

(please dont use discord to actually help win though that shit sucks man)
this is the only golf game i've ever seen that lets you play defense by just body blocking the hole and using special abilities to blast shit around. the first golf game to ever let you be downright mean
seeing how the bulk of the game is about hiding in plain sight, its very easy to ratfuck your teammates (purposely or otherwise) by making a very loud noise right next to them while theyre trying some shit


2 years ago

when i played l4d2 regularly with friends i would use the medkits to lock them into place healing them at bad times and i would also heal them when they were nearing the top of ladders which would force them off the ladder and send them falling down

2 years ago

god i forgot about that. i also wish csgo still had the bug that let you wedge a decoy grenade in some scenery, prompting it to go off at double the volume and 10x the speed of the normal gun sound:

2 years ago

yknow on the topic of fortnite, it used to just straight up have friendly fire. most fun i ever had with that game by a wide margin was going into squads with a friend and leaving our other two teammates to die as they yelled at us with their xbox mics.
on a relevant note, mario golf toadstool tour lets you repeatedly taunt in your friends faces while they try to aim their shots, both positive and negative. just spam buttons and along with everything else theyre gonna have to focus through repeated monkey noises and dozens of "I simply can't wait to see your shot." real fun shit

2 years ago

i once downloaded a hack for payday 2 that let you spawn bags of gold and shit, which isnt really that fun because it just removes the game part of the game. the real fun comes from checking the box that says "remove shout cooldown" and forcing everyone in the game to listen to the most obnoxious character in the game scream commands at them 5-10 times a second

2 years ago

Helldivers. You can orbital drop stuff on people and I think friendly fire is always on. Once I decided to kill my whole squad with a drop because they refused to call me Diaper Commander (I was roleplaying as a war baby and they didn't want to be part of it)

2 years ago

helldivers is such a good addition that im a little hurt i didnt add it originally

2 years ago

Shit this is a really similar idea to a list I made today, what are the chances

2 years ago

Super Mario 3D World affords you generous opportunities to cast your friends into the abyss if their platforming skills prove to be suboptimal. An incredible game of deceit and desperation.

2 years ago

@Kanonenfieber: you were really loud when talking about it so i made it for you

2 years ago

Don't know if this qualifies but I'd say delaying the countdown in Halo would always annoy the boys before a game of fatkid.

2 years ago

I feel like that goes for a lot of games but spiritually the idea "belongs" to Halo because everyone I know has memories of doing this during couch co-op in this particular game. also im picking halo 3 because its the one that came out when i was in middle school

2 years ago

If we’re talking about Mario, New Super Mario Bros Wii is the ultimate relationship killer

2 years ago

mario has been there to witness the end of all my treasured relationships

2 years ago

reiterating that bloody trapland is the perfect example for this. imagine an excruciatingly hard bullshit platformer but if you co-op you can camp the level exit and jump on your friends head, killing them and making them respawn at the start of the level. i'd kill a man

2 years ago

minecraft. destroying your friends’ houses and tricking them with genius traps is a part of the core minecraft with friends experience

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