2022 Hopes And Dreams

idk who this fad originated with but i will update at the end of the year to see how many of these i actually do manage to get to lol.

I'll also be knocking out the suggestions from this list which everyone is always welcome to add to at any time, suggestions are never closed! https://www.backloggd.com/u/wowgoodname/list/hit-me-with-a-game-and-ill-play-and-review-it/

beginning my Kill the Past journey
if this one happens in a real way it's over for the rest of this list
Stand in for the entire series

1&2 Chronicles DONE https://www.backloggd.com/u/wowgoodname/review/291421/
and 2 and as many of the rest of them as i can stomach
i WILL finish this in 2022 god DAMN IT
stand in for the series in general
as many of the rest of them as i can stomach
stand in for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
series in general etc
Stand in for these three games and the two rushes
and a handful of other kunio games i've been sitting on
wanna start making a dent in the saga series; won't stop until i've started and half-finished every game series there is
stand in for various, but the majority of them


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