sijrben favourite games ranking

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my favourite game. this one will be hard to beat.
I am a more whole person having played this! just the best for so many reasons. it's riddled with holes and flaws and terrible parts, but none of that makes me like it less. the Souls series peaked here.
considered this my favourite for a long time. it's an incredibly important game to me. No game I've played has ever captured the energy this has.
considered this my favourite for a time. it's incredible in so many ways.
the best zelda! i love traversing this world in all its little gameboy magnificence. they don't make em like this anymore.
perfectly executed. the best sequel.


the greatest puzzle game series.
I've gone back and forth on this over the years, but it really does mean a lot to me.
blown away! immaculate experience. this is the type of game that inspires me to create.
a game I struggled to like for a long time, but when it clicked, it really clicked.
a childhood favourite. there was surely a time when I would have considered this the best game ever made.
one of few games I've played over and over. i can feel the developer talking to me with every step in this game. it tells a story like no other.
the pinnacle of loneliness in games. masterpiece.
a return to creative, open, exciting, adventurous mario! very good.
a controversial pick among my friends, but a game I really clicked with when it first came out.
such a unique game. nothing else like it, aside from its sequels which are progressively less and less similar.


holistically badass
truly cozy. hard to describe.
the nicest movement in a game
childhood favourite
childhood favourite!
the worst version of the best* game.
the first game I played that scared me as a kid
almost certainly not the best dragon quest game. in fact, although i haven't finished it, I consider 11 to be better. but it's the first I played and the first I loved.
it's been so long since I played any of these, but I know I considered them among my favourites at one point.
a game with more flaws and nitpicks than I can count, but a game that's ultimately very awesome
such a unique experience
my relationship with the pokemon series has soured so much over the years. i used to consider games like Pokemon Platinum, Heartgold, Black & White 1 & 2 to be among my favourites, but they just aren't anymore. Red really isn't either, but there's a fondness I have for the idea of Pokemon that must be represented, and Gen 1 is very special to me in all the ways that it is.
not a game. there's no gameplay in this. it's a book, and I haven't done a lot of reading in my life. for a time I considered it one of my favorites, but as time has gone on, I've come to think of it differently. Still great, still here, not as fond as I used to be.
a genre that's sucked too much time out of my ADHD ass. a take on the genre that has something to say. it's an important one.
there's so much I hate about this game. there's so much I'd change in a heartbeat if I could. I have so little respect for the current developers of the game, and so little respect for the original developer for a different reason. but, at the end of the day, those moments I cherish in this game are pretty amazing.
I've never finished this, and I don't know if I ever will. It's kind of a shitpost game just meant to upset people who get mad at stuff like this, but there's something about it. The execution here is just kind of flawless. I think of this as a weirdly perfect game.


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