Post-Game Repository

These are games which offer substantial story content after the main story ends. Or at the very least lots of content to do after the base game. In this case something like Monster Hunter would fit. Personal ranking of post-game as well as Worthwhile Post-Game content. Technically, some of these can be described as epilogue of a sorts. Being somewhat loose with the definition of postgame. So I can add any games fitting under the criteria. Everything after Hades. I haven't played but heard post-game is worth it. Updating constantly.

If you don't see multiple games within a series. I'm using one game to represent them. Notes enclosed will add clarification when needed. Otherwise, no note included.

Part of my Repository folder. A series of lists to inform/educate others on games within a niche not many people know including myself.


Alan Wake II: According to a friend of mine who is currently playing Alan Wake II NG+ they're doing insane stuff. So it seems like worthwhile post-game content for story content. Personally haven't played the game yet, but this is great news for the list and for Alan Wake fans.

Alan Wake: So after the base game there's dlc that apparently take place after the main story. Then there's American Nightmare too.

Control: I've heard over the years would connect to Alan Wake II. And while I haven't played this one either, the title fits since the DLC for Control connect to Alan Wake II.


Added by @DoubleCakes

I had no clue "Baba is you" has postgame. So I digged a little and can confirm it does. If you want to read more from users experiences you can find them here thankfully spoiler tagged so nothing was truly spoiled for me. phew. Still im amazed.


Disgaea 1 will represent the series.

Added by Zakdj. "post-game is often the meat of the content more than the actual main story."

"The main stories of Disgaea can be completed by around level 100~, the max level cap is 9999. It has ALOT of post game! "


Apparently there is postgame here offering 30+ hours of content. Incredible. Only played DQ3 so this looks amazing to try for postgame. Not sure if the rest in the series does this, but man that would be awesome to hear


Added by @DoubleCakes

Adding a link here for those curious about this game's postgame. Seems like the steam user Zerael had a fantastic time clearing it so I'll share their story here. Didn't read spoilers inside, but thankfully the de-classified bits looked mighty interesting to read about!


Apparently this has postgame. Wow. And valhalla extends it too with story stuff.



"extensive post-game that leads up to the true ending of the game." - Added by @ZapRowsdower

"Most Kirby games starting with Return to Dream Land have a postgame consisting of The Arena, a selection of harder levels, and The True Arena with bosses from these harder levels. This trend originated in Super Star Ultra, but due to the structure of the game it's hard to say where the main story "ends" for that one."
^ Added by @LinkBetweenGames


Using Refrain to represent the series

"Labyrinth of Refrain and Labyrinth of Galleria count; they both have post-game content that carry on the story past the "proper" ending."

Added by @Apocynadeae


"post-game update added in that also leads to a new ending." - Added by @ZapRowsdower


I think fits due to the secret ending being another whole act if the player completed the requirements to unlock it. 13+ curses researched along with certain choices given to a special character in the game.

Roguelike beneath the Stolen lands offers a rogue-like dungeon for further extra content within this edition.

Not sure on Wrath of the righteous so we'll see when I play it or if anyone wants to chime an entry lemme know and ill add it. Although I think it fits due to the game having multiple season passes... hmmm


This series has postgame! Choosing Pikmin 2 to represent the series.

Suggested by - @NOWITSREYNTIME17
"after the credits you unlock a whole main area with the games hardest and longest caves. They can get quite difficult but they're really fun"

After some digging around the web it looks like:
Pikmin 4 also has postgame that looks like it has a sizeable amount to complete after the main story.


Without saying too much. This most definitely qualifies under Story. And I hear RDR2 has one too?! Haven't played the 2nd.


Apparently there's NG+ quests available and its best to complete the MQ early on. According to my friend TehLostOne -

"TLDR is that you get some cool stuff for NG+ but you lose all quest progression, bases, items, ships, retain levels/skills. The MSQ is only about 15-20 hours, and you can skip it on NG+. So IMO just do mq first, then ng+ for the exploration"

Update from same friend. Modders were able to get the upgrades. Apparently you'd have to play until NG+11. So technically you can mod the NG+ into NG.

Still according to a different friend of mine not on the site he posted this image to me.

If the link doesn't work here's the full text:

"non-spoilers TLDR: Not super worth it to rush NG+ you get some cool things but thats more of a bonus to encourage a new playthrough rather making yourself rush through the base game. in Hindsight cohh would have preferred to finish his first run normally."" - michaelhudson3737 from youtube

Interesting seeing differing opinions. But cool to see postgame here. If anyone wants to add or clarify this. I'd be interested to see your thoughts.


Choosing Super Mario Odyssey to represent the post-game in the series

According to @kleptomato -
This entry has ""the real game begins after the credits", that theres such a huge amount of moons to get after beating the story that its the main appeal of the game."

the following entries also have postgame, but haven't played them to be sure. But according to some findings I saw online they praise them.

Thousand Year Door

Galaxy 2

3D world


Upon doing some light research to prevent myself being spoiled I would say the expansions for each mainline have enough content to do after the base game. Some can fit during the game, but for the most part some of these entries could work postgame. I've chosen Morrowind to represent the Elderscroll series since I started with Morrowind.

Tangent. To my absolute shame I've never completed a Elderscroll game. Played OG morrowind on xbox, played a ton of Oblivion with mods and even skyrim with mods. Never have I beaten any of them compared to the fallout ones. So I have no clue what happens after the main story ends.


Looks like theres some worthwhile story content here after you finish the base game.
Same as Nier entry...
Turns out the series has Postgame.
Only finished Arise post game, & base game of Abyss, Symphonia and its sequel Dawn of the New World.

Arise has a cool post game. Not much on story, but content wise its good.


Large scale expansion happening after the main story. So now this fits post game even more for worthwhile story
Includes all expansions. And a placeholder for FF mainlines/spinoffs

Technically this does have postgame in an mmo sense. After the base story ends you have more to do leading up to the expansion.

ARR - A Realm Reborn
HW - Heaven'sward

Here's how it goes:

ARR - Base story
Post ARR -
Post HW
Post SB

Only finished up to Post SB so far. But the rest like Shadowbringers and Endwalker all have postgame too.

- Final Fantasy Type-0 Has a postgame
- FFXII qualifies. Though I never played it.
- Tactics Advance works
Front Mission 1st remake technically fits.

The original SNES release only had the OCU campaign. Game was later remade on the Playstation that includes the USN campaign. A focus on more experienced veterans while telling the other side.

The playstation version would later be ported to the Nintendo DS. Updated with secret missions providing extra backstory in both campaigns.

Remake has both campaigns and the secret missions with new story content to follow in 2024

1 secret mission is unlocked if you run through the UCS campaign in NG+. Occurs after the final mission.

Protip: NG+ goes absurdly fast. You can finish the campaign in 2 hours lol

So essentially I consider Front Mission 1st having postgame. Essential to complete to understand the entire story.

I'm not sure if the rest in the series have post game since I still need to play more, but if anyone chimes in regarding 3 especially then lemme know and i'll add another entry here. Not sure if that counts.
There is a second campaign in the form of a coop campaign which occurs after the base campaign called Spartan Ops
Placeholder for the rest of the Pokemon entries. Turns out the series has A LOT of post game.

Arceus has a eyebrow raising post game I found to be cool.




Firered and Leafgreen


Diamond and Pearl


Heartgold and Soulsilver

Black and White

Black and White 2 - Added by @seymourflux

X & Y



"Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon had the Rainbow Rocket storyline." - Added entry from @DrWarm -

Scarlet & Violet - Added by @seymourflux

Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

More in detail in this thread for some games
Turns out the Atelier Series does have Postgame. Can't believe I forgot after finishing this one.
Broken steel dlc occurs after the main ending allowing the character to continue after the main story ends. So this technically fits. FNV and F4 from what i've seen don't have postgame? Well ngl if we add mods then we have endless postgame content lol So I've chosen FO3 will represent the rest of the franchise.
Technically this expansion occurs after base game. So it fits post-game
This technically fits if you buy the DLC The City that Never Sleeps

The Miles Morales game takes place after the DLC.
This actually has NG+. Head to Chrysler building and face off the true final boss. Revealing new story bits not found in a first playthrough. Worth a playthrough or see on youtube.
I think this entry fits. Despite only finishing one route. If you go back for NG+ you can get the other endings. So there is plenty of content here. If anyone wants to add to this note, feel free to say so and I'll add more info.
Placeholder for Trails games

3rd - See those doors please
CS2 - technically fits due to the NG+ hidden scene. Which has MASSIVE LORE implications

Reverie - Has a larger postgame than previous games. After the main story ends. Not going to say anymore than that.
Choosing ACVI to represent the series.

Think this fits since you can get the other routes after base game. Only three games fit the bill.

ACVI - Fits. More endings to get after the base game. Just make sure to follow a guide to not mess up since you only have 1 save. I used these two guides to check.

For Answer - Same as above.

Last Raven - Same as Above.

ACV - Kinda fits. The optional missions occur after the main game. Doesn't offer much, but it does have a tiny bit of story in there.

Suggested by @MrWarm -
Celeste has Chapters 8 and 9.
Postgame includes a wealth of content.

+ Additional main story quests
+ Extra bosses to fight in the world.
New noticeboard quests unlocked including - "A challenge ???"
+[Blank] state changed. with new enemy types new and old areas.
[E%^&fall] unlocked offering more than 10 chambers to fight variants of old bosses and one new raid boss.

Additionally includes the expansion Bitterback Isle. Endgame content. Brutally difficult. Be prepared to die all over again in beating this monstrosity. But worth it for those who can't get enough of the base-game. Featuring:
+ Expansion story content in a dungeon
+ Large map with shortcuts
+ More new enemy types + new bosses within
+ New secret augments and loot types to purify using rift crystals.

The Arisen edition includes all DLC released previously.
Placeholder for FE games with Postgame.

Radiant Dawn -
This entry technically fits due to the 2nd playthrough secrets being attainable. Revealing MASSIVE LORE revelations.

See here in serene's forest in 2nd playthrough section on how to get them if you don't mind the slight spoilers. Keep in mind you need to import a save from gamefaqs for this to activate on a 1st playthrough.

Essentially you're importing a 2nd playthrough save. This is what I did to get the lore stuff.

3 Houses -
Bit of a tricky game to say this one has post game. Since upon finishing you can delve into the other routes. So bit of stretch. Decided to add it here. But if a good argument is made I can remove it.

3 Hopes -
Same as above.

Shadows of Valentia -
Turns out this game has a post game. After the end credits. Buddy of mine is currently going through it so ill update this more later.
Placeholder for ALL monster hunter games since afaik there is still so much content you can do after the base story. Only finished MH1, MH2, MHFU, MHW.
Portable 3rd, Tri, 4, I never finished.
Placeholder for Automata too.

Technically fits. Since some players don't know there is an ungodly amount of content to do story wise after you beat the base story for the first time. Not going to say anymore than that.
Why is this #1? Well after the main story ends. You can reach the true epilogue, only occurring in one particular route. Divided up in 4 episodes. One episode contains a long dungeon of 100+ floors but the rest are far shorter, extra context on the plot of the game, as well as a nice aftermath after the base game ending. Honestly felt this was incredibly rewarding with new maps, new characters to recruit, extending the story and one hell of a final postgame maps to tackle. Worthy challenge for those interested in tougher content with rewarding payoffs.
Base game doesn't have post-game. But ahah! Loophole! This edition includes all the dlc. One of which Blood and Wine fits for postgame. So this technically fits!
Place holder for the Xenoblade games.

XC1: Definitive edition has Future Connected.
XC2: Has NG+ Which has some very cool blades worth getting. Title screen will also change again once you beat NG+
XC3: Not going to say much, but HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.
XCX: Been years since I played so I forget if there is postgame. Probably there is


10 months ago

Really excited to eventually playing Chained Echoes since Ive heard so many things and watched a little bit of a play through. Im guessing they probably have like a special dungeon or something after you beat the game in classic Jrpg fashion.

10 months ago

@DrJeans - Hell yeah! Looking forward to your thoughts on it! The post game is cool to check out. I didn't expect there would be some. There's multiple sidequests you can complete and bosses to challenge. So a decent amount of content.

10 months ago

Very nice, yeah I may play pretty soon actually once I finish up the Original Yakuza on PS2.

8 months ago

would mario odyssey qualify

8 months ago

@kleptomato - I haven't played the game yet so I'm not sure. Does it contain postgame and is it worthwhile to do? If so I'll add it.

8 months ago

i never played it either but the statement i always hear about it is that "the real game begins after the credits", that theres such a huge amount of moons to get after beating the story that its the main appeal of the game. hopefully someone who has actually played it will confirm

8 months ago

@kleptomato - oo i see. I'll add it then. Thanks!
pikmin 2

8 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 - oo interesting pick. Never knew the series has post-content to do. Is it worthwhile to complete the postgame for Pikmin 2? I admit I never played any in the series so I'm curious.
I'd say so personally, after the credits you unlock a whole main area with the games hardest and longest caves. They can get quite difficult but they're really fun

8 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 - oo i see. Sounds like it fits then. Thanks I'll add it!
no prob

8 months ago

Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon had the Rainbow Rocket storyline.
Celeste has Chapters 8 and 9.

8 months ago

@MrWarm - oo neat I'll add the entries. Thanks!

6 months ago

As someone who usually stops playing after hitting credits, this is super interesting to see; a few of these I've indeed played, mainly Hollow Knight, a few of the Pokémon games and Odyssey, but a ton of these I didn't even know they had such a prominent and strong after-the-credits content, and I'll be sure to keep playing Dragon's Dogma, AC VI and RDR1 a bit more after finishing them when I get to them. Amazing and pretty useful list!

6 months ago

Kirby and the Forgotten Land has an extensive post-game that leads up to the true ending of the game. I still have never done it but OneShot got a post-game update added in that also leads to a new ending.

6 months ago

The Pokemon spot should have Black and White 2, and Scarlet & Violet

6 months ago

Environmental Station Alpha may qualify
Same with Baba Is You

6 months ago

@DeemonAndGames - Thanks! And yeah I usually stop after hitting the credits too! Oh man you're in for a good time with those games. I still need to play hollow knight myself and some more with quality post-game content.

@ZapRowsdower - I'll add the entry in. Thank you!

@seymourflux - Oh man I forgot to add in black and white 2. I'll correct that. Thank you!

@DoubleCakes - Did some digging on them both and I feel they work out! Never knew these had postgames. I'll add them in. Thank you!
Most Kirby games starting with Return to Dream Land have a postgame consisting of The Arena, a selection of harder levels, and The True Arena with bosses from these harder levels. This trend originated in Super Star Ultra, but due to the structure of the game it's hard to say where the main story "ends" for that one.

4 months ago

@LinkBetweenGames - Huh I never knew more Kirby games have postgame. But deeply appreciate the explanation! I'll add in the extra context for the entry. Thank you so much!

2 months ago

I wanted to mention Disgaea, since as a franchise it's post game is often the meat of the content more than the actual main story.

2 months ago

@Zakdj - oh wow I didn't know Disgaea series had postgame. Thank you so much I'll add it in!

2 months ago

The main stories of Disgaea can be completed by around level 100~, the max level cap is 9999. It has ALOT of post game!

1 month ago

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude , i didnt know almost any of these

1 month ago

@torbatti - Same here! Its why I wanted this list to be made so more people know about it. Thanks to everyone who helped submit qualifying games! I'm sure there's plenty more out there that could be included.

1 month ago

Labyrinth of Refrain and Labyrinth of Galleria count; they both have post-game content that carry on the story past the "proper" ending.

1 month ago

@Apocynadeae - Added both! I'll use 'Refrain' to represent the series. Added the Galleria entry inside. Thank you so much!

Funnily enough I've been eying both for a while to get more into DRPG's.

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