Remakes and Remasters: Do they honor the original

This list aims to examine whether or not a Remake or a Remaster does its job well.

Criterias are:
-Is the remake/remaster better to play?
-Does it respect the original's artistic vision?
-If a full blown remake, is the original available?

For the sake of fairness, no ports on downsized hardware. So no SNES games on GBA.

Complete reimagining that's worse in every single way to the original. Basically a diet Call of Duty that's not even as good as Call of Duty. Thankfully forgotten by time and OG is now preserved.
Very good but some might prefer the original sprites. Lost of the DS touch screen make the 5th case of 1 a bit odd.
Omitting Origins is terrible for that game's preservation. Even through its the weakes, leaving it out entirely is just odd.

Asylum and City are.....meh, some parts look better some worse.
The Remake itself is a downgrade as it loses the beautiful 2D art in favour of really shitty psp 3d models. But the original is bundled with so it's harmless.

Konami agrees through, as only the OG is sold nowadays.
Most people tend to prefer the original as it's less censored, but I think the gameplay improvements of these make it the winner in my book.

OG is better preserved than this.
Plays a lot better but textures are honnestly worse than OG......
On PC/PS4/Xbox One

The Switch port has the best of both worlds so get that one. The original is preserved though it.
Terrible for the preservation of a game that invented an entire genre. Breaks the lore of the OG for rule of cool.

I am worried this will happen to Bloodborne.
Very good, adds a feautre present in the sequels but lets you turn it off. Very welcome, weird its only on Switch through.
Adds Virgil so better.
Objective Improvement, no downside.
Has some interesting ideas like the track designer but overall just worse than the original in every way. Neither are preserved.
Meh, music had to be replaced due to copyrights and dosent include Budokai 2. So pretty bad for preservation overall.
Objective improvement in every way, but originals not very well preserved.
Pretty damn cool, if a little too hard. Both it and OG are preserved.
Very weird case. But overall do no damage as the original is very well preserved.

Will lose point for being a secretly terrible entry point for newcomers through.
Improves its graphics too much for its own good. Has AAA quality model in what is clearly a PSP game and it just looks off.

Original is not preserved so not a plus on this.
Objective improvement, models look great and natural, best PS1 remaster. Original preserved on Steam for some reason.
Most people really don't like the new models, but I personally prefer it. I aknowledge being int he minority over that one.

PS3/Vita release only had remixed tracks, original OST was included in later re-relases thankfully.
Mostly an improvement

Neither this nor the og are preserved. New cutscenes are pretty good, new translation is 50/50 as the OG does have its charm.

It's very petty but i like the death screams in PS1 a lot better, they sounded super raw.
I get that these games had a hard hardstyle to upgrade to HD but this is awful. Made even worse by the delisting of the original PC ports from steam. They're available on Rockstar's website but they cost 40$ and you cant buy them individually.

Fuck this thing.
Launched in a horrid state apparently but right now its actually pretty damn good.
Objective improvement in every way, includes content otherwise japanese exclusive.
Already awful game made more awful by stealing assets from KH1. Erases the original.
Kind of a "who asked for this" type situation.

Completly pointless endeavor, should have been on Switch and it actually would have preserved the original.
Objective Improvement in every way. OGs available
OGs might have an 8-bit charm lost in this.
Meh but game is preserved so I won't complain too much.
Weird case.

Completly remixed new levels and new content that's actually pretty good, but controls way worse than the original.

OG is way more preserved and this is the one lost to time.
At its core mostly fine, complaining about a speedrun glitch being removed decades prior from 64 is kind of silly. Galaxy and Sunshine look really good, but the lost of sunshine's pressure control is a shame.

Completly pointless from a preservation standpoint as it was a limited release. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Nintendo.

Seriously what the fuck
Preserves the original and adds a genuinly fun side mode which I presume will be the basis for the next big 3D Mario Game. Good example.

Looks worse than the original, has lifeless 3D models instead of the charming sprites of old. The new music is terrible through thankfully you can switch it back to the original.

Makes the original unpreserved.
Pretty damn good. Mass Effect 1 is massivly improved, ties the 3 games better toghether, the OGs are available.

Loses points for removing butt shots (they were very important to the plot)
Objective downgrade.
Digital only in the 90s in the US means the OGs were better preserved even at launch.
Loses the 8-Bit charm in favour of grading genesis sounds.
Soundtrack is a net downgrade. Voice acting is a net downgrade. Stupid matrix scenes that somehow make Metal Gear sillier than it should be.

Yet somehow has a weird charm I can't explain?

This is the one lost to time anyway. OG is very well preserved.
Missing a few extra mini games but otherwise solid renditions of the games, and 60fps improvement for 3 is welcome.
Absolute GOAT. Makes a prototype into an extremly solid game.

Original is better preserved than this, and even included in this package.
Decent game and improvement over the OG (that is more preserved than this) but will always live with the stain of the AM2R deletion controversy.
The Goat, looks insanely good for a remaster and improves on the controls a lot. Do this for Prime 2 and 3 plz.
Objective improvement on gameplay, Brother Nier fits the story better but Daddy Nier gets his tribute in the extra challenge modes. Soundtrack sounds a little worse than OG but not super noticeable.
Terrible port but thankfully OG is more preserved than this.
Some lighting issues, but plays so insanely better than the original that you will never want to go back.
Improvement on every single front. And original is still available anyway. The gold standard on how to do this.
Objective improvement in every single way. Except music, but i can let that go.

Pokemon has terrible preservation all across the board so it's actually somehow less available than the originals.
Good but not quite as good as OG. Dosent do any damage through.

Neither this nor OG is preserved.
Objective improvement in every single way. Turns a good game into a masterpiece.

The original WAS better preserved at the time this released but has since been lost, not the fault of this remake through.
If we're being honnest, this is pretty terrible when judged as a remake. I think most of us could have forgiven having only two campaigns, one for Leon, one for Claire, as the OG 4 campaign systems was insane. But they couldn't even bother to do two campaigns that work toghether. Route A and B fight the same boss making the narrative a complete mess. Also complete loss of the original as far as preservation is concerned.

Saved by the fact that the game itself is insanely good. Like had this had the care put into the mutliple campaigns this probably would be the best Resident Evil game ever made.
Same preservation problems as 2R, but not a good game, and butchers the original far more than 2R.

One of the worse examples by far.
Actually much better than the last two. Most of the content is there, Ada is dlc yes but fairly cheap at only 10$. Original is preserved, Remake is different enough to stand as its own game yet faithful enough to be respectful of the OG
Not terrible, but loses the very unique vibe of the original. Awful to preservation through.
Absolutely awful. Troy Baker James and Amanda Winn Lee Heather sound terrible, go back to Persona 4. Looks straight up worse than their PS2 versions.

OG 2 is preserved thanks to fans, OG 3 is not so lucky but i'll pray that it is in the future.

Terrible, awful servers, shitty file sizes and steals from modders.

Originals still on steam through
Terrible lighting and texture rework. Terrible for preservation of the original.
Massive improvement with sadly some audio issues, made even worse in the HD re-release.
"Preserves" the original yes, but makes it worse in every way
Probably the only case where someone can complain that a game is "too" well preserved.
Massive improvment over the original, which is also preserved.

Nintendo more of this please.
Objective improvement inf basically every way. Few minor gripes visually, as some blood is censored. Fire Temple music is better in the original but this was censored long before this remake so I won't harp on it.

Less preserved than the original.
Butchers the original really badly. A worst version in every way.

Original is preserved thanks to Nintendo's laziness of not porting this to switch and simply dumping the 64 rom on their service instead. Thank god for Nintendo being lazy.
Graphical improvements are hit or miss, as it can look beautiful sometimes, and awful at others.

Gameplay improvements are unquestionable through.

Both this and OG are unpreserved.
The only slightly upscaled textures make it apparent this game's artstyle hasnt aged all that gracefully but otherwise very solid. Locks a very hard mode behind an Amiboo and that is awful through.

Neither this nor OG are preserved
Objective improvement in every way. Massivly trims down the OG's bloat and gives you an alternative to motion controls.
Game made for 2 screens dosent work on 1. Who could have thought.

I'll be fair and admit that there wasn't really a way to authentically preserve this one, since 2 screen hardware seems to have gone away. So I will give point to SE for at least attempting to make it available
Massive improvements on all 3 games. Preserves them well.
Erases the original for a 0 mod with a butchered retelling of 1. Absolutely awful.
Slightly less bad than Kiwami 1, but still a 6 mod that loses 2's magic.
Restores a bunch of content so good on that, but the 60 fps make the combat worse somehow.

So neither it nor OG is an ideal way to play this.
Japanese cancel culture is something else. Removing an actor in a 10 year old game is so insanely petty i'm baffled.

OG not preserved.


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