Formative Games

List idea entirely taken from @PhantasM_ (list here), it was a bit of a challenge to remember core games that had a serious impact on my tastes today, but here's my attempt at going down memory lane.

trying to make a mental note of cutting off anything past 2012, as I was around 9-10 years old.

I don't remember what it was called, but I loved this online PvP gamemode where two teams built out trails to eachother in cobblestone. I always built little archer points.
I never finished it because the mission where you have to go and save cortana creeped me out + was too hard.
Those loading times on the PS3 were fucking brutal, but I waited everytime cause I thought the online was that cool. Today I wonder, what the hell did I even do in the online for that long
This is the most important game, hugely inspired me and influenced who I am today. countless memories with the community, priceless moments were shared.
Found this one in a bargain bin at Best Buy and convinced my parents to get it. Best bargain bin find ever.
Made my mom play this with me once, she got stuck in a bush.
I mostly played SMB3
This game probably helped me fall in love with Star Wars, I can credit a lot of me knowing stupid character names to this
I was literally the god of Mario Kart Wii, every square filled with gold.
My favorite platformer :)
I sucked at the main game so I just played Deathrun lobbies a lot
Catch me in the Dojo bro
I was a Ganondorf main, the worst character in the game lol
100%'d this game as a kid, a truly grand accomplishment.
Still the coolest arcade experience ever.
What my parents THOUGHT my first M rated game was. My dad played Black ops 1 constantly and of course it led to me playing it.
that Tennis shit wasn't no game that shit was kill or be killed
I was absolutely obsessed with this games multiplayer for a good while, I still remember a lot of the maps vividly.
Me and my friend only ever played this with the angry cars cheat code. We thought it was unbelievably hilarious.
Everyone used to always play this and Mario Kart DS after school, was awesome.
Really lucky I picked this one up, exposed me to so many 16-bit greats like Shinobi III, Dynamite Heady, etc.
Was a master of These two as a kid, I beat the entire Wii game in one day can you believe it.
Never forget when my dads drunk friend just came in and fucking obliterated me in MK infront of my friends. A truly humbling moment
The first M rated game I ever played.
I thought the 2 wheel guy was fckn badass
Core Memory: brought a friend for camping, there was this lodge/restaurant nearby, me and friend just played Street Fighter II there the whole time while the summer Olympics were going on, can't remember which year cause we didn't watch at all lol
Now this game consumed me. I was seriously obsessed with this world and the community within it. I saved up for quite a long time to get that lifetime membership. Absolutely loved this game.
I could never beat the silver surfer guy at the end.
One summer me and my cousin dumped 50 million quarters into this game to beat it. We should've gotten medals for that one.


Yeah in absolutely no way should I have played this as a kid, a somewhat offensive game!
I got this game literally just because of the Star Wars crossover lol. Always felt odd playing this in the living room cause of how much skin the characters showed lol.
Using this a representative for all the plug-n-play machines we had, most were also Namco.
Little kid me was DESTROYED as the Target employee explained to my mom that the game requires a monthly subscription. Luckily that subscription went away :)
Another game where I played it with a fixiation on the physics. Idk why but the slo-mo cam everytime a crash happened was endlessly addicting, I did that more than actually play the game.
I thought the physics in this game were hilarious and insane.
We only rented this one but this was my first exposure to a game where you can build your own town n whatnot, I thought it was incredible.
Super underrated Battlefield, played this game constantly despite no unlocks, the maps and gunplay were just endlessly fun.
Can you believe I still suck at Tekken?
I remember asking some silly question in chat, and someone got me with the Alt-F4 trick, it was my first time ever reading it. Safe to say I felt so stupid but also furious at that fella lol. Also vividly remember the announcer on some modded servers "M-M-M-MONSTER KILL!!!!!"
Mained the Shark dude
This was Skylanders before Skylanders and no one remembers it. Very surreal game.
Bizzaro Mario Party, if only I knew.
You know I don't fuck around with Dr mario
I thought the opening sequence was unbelievably cool
Idk if you could tell but I liked a lot of racing games back then lol.
This game was kinda wack in retrospect.
Start of the flash games, I spent way too much time playing some of these lol
Yeah this game was not the best, but it had Spongebob in it!
Really liked unlocking all the monsters more than playing the actual game. I'd show my dad and my godfather all of the monsters I unlocked
This game kinda sucked ngl, however, I really liked unlocking all the characters, also I had a physical blaster accessory with it.


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