Megaman Ranking (soarry C_F)

totally original idea
also genuinely sorry if u like classic because im gonna be mean to most of em

Mega Man 9
Mega Man 9
not arguing about this game if anyone in the comments brings up the placement. Don't like it, never will. Hate that inti was trying to do something new with megaman until this game came along and sent everything back to square one. You can like this game if you want, and I'm glad you can! But I do not, and it represents almost everything I don't like about the series constantly repeating its mistakes.
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 2
The internet gaslit an entire generation into thinking this was the best one, and I just don't get it. I mean, it can be fun? but it still carries over the stiff controls from 1, has a bottom 5 worst endgames in the series, and it just didn't fix any of the issues of the first game in my opinion. I can sorta see the appeal but I don't want to play this again honestly.
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 5
AI generated NES megaman game #2749
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
i regret including the classic series on this list
Mega Man II
Mega Man II
i regret everything
Mega Man III
Mega Man III
All three of the MM GB games I have played are shit
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X6
Objectively dogshit, but honestly very fun to break and speedrun as Zero. I've mellowed out on X6 over the past four years, and gained a lot more appreciation for things like the story and general tone of the game. However... the level design is absolutely chaotic and the nightmare system sucks. I plan on re-reviewing this game someday because my original review was very misguided and overall unpleasant, to be honest. "this is ranked too hi-" shut up. It's shitkino and it's MY shitkino.
Mega Man X7
Mega Man X7
Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10
read above but add 1
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 3
Blatantly unfinished, while 3 introduced some great things to the series like the slide, rush, and protoman... eh? I don't hate this, and I think it's better than 2, but I don't really have desire to play it again.
Mega Man Xtreme
Mega Man Xtreme
It's alright. I'm usually the kinda gal to say that "no game is not worth playing" but I really wouldn't blame anyone for skipping on this.
Mega Man Xtreme 2
Mega Man Xtreme 2
Wow, TWO megaman x games released in 2001 and they both have borderline CBT level design? What a coincidence!
Mega Man
Mega Man
The first one! I have a lot of respect for this entry, it's buggy as hell and the level design is whack af but I think this was a spectacular first try for the entire series.
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 4
My favorite of the NES styled megaman games. Don't have much to say other than that it's fun.
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 6
It's fine
Mega Man X3
Mega Man X3
First couple stages are rouuuugh. I don't think the level design here is as good as X1 or X2, but once you get enough upgrades I think the game snowballs into a decently fun MMX experience. I just wish the difficulty was tweaked a bit.
Mega Man X5
Mega Man X5
Never can properly gather my thoughts on this one. I think the levels are usually good enough for me to consider this one something I enjoy, and the theming of the story is very cool. The Improvement Project hack of the game does X5 a lot of justice, but the original version of the game has a huge pacing issue overall and it's just such a huge step down from X4.
Mega Man Zero 2
Mega Man Zero 2
The worst Zero game. I replayed it very recently and I just think that the levels are not good and the difficulty is unfun, the game bombards you with offscreen enemies to an annoying degree and the main saving graces are the controls and handful of good stages.
Mega Man ZX Advent
Mega Man ZX Advent
Haven't played this game in 4 years but I'm gonna assume this was on equal footing with the first one. I kin Ashe
Mega Man X8
Mega Man X8
My ranking of X8 fluctuates a lot but I think overall I still like it? Not really sure what to say on it other than I think it's a fun time at certain points. I'm tired of the snarky ass consensus that "people only liked X8 because it wasn't as bad as X6 and X7", which is just genuinely untrue. People like X8 because it's a fun game, not because of your cynical ass reasoning.
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX
The continue system is dogshit. Other than that, pretty good level design? Aside from whatever the FUCK that boss rush stage is, Jesus Christ. The map is very vague and overall this game would've been better if it had a normal level select and scrapped the overworld entirely. This is not a metroidvania in the slightest.
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Basically a glorified minigame collection and I don't have much to compare it to the other 99% of the games on the list, I just think it is a cute spinoff and expansion to Legends 1 overall. I'd fuck Glyde
Mega Man 11
Mega Man 11
A game worth the wait! While I do wish this game had more playable characters, MM11 is still a complete feeling package. It's a great return to the series after a decade of no games and it's probably my favorite classic series game.
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 7
How the FUCK was this game developed in 3 months?
Mega Man 8
Mega Man 8
Overhated. It's just such a cute little game! I understand the distaste for the gimmicky level design, but it's just such a comfy experience for me, plus the JP OP is peak.
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man & Bass
Actual hidden kino and then you get to the fortress, what the fuck. The lack of E-tanks also pisses me off and some of the bosses are bad, but I think the main 8 stages are pretty fun all around, the endgame just needed to be less awkward.
Mega Man Star Force DX
Mega Man Star Force DX
Technically didn't get to finish this because I lost my save data at the last 1/3rd of the game, but I'm counting it anyway because this game is overlooked. I think Starforce 1 is a genuinely good attempt at having a story of overcoming loss and grief for a kids game, if I had played this at a younger age it probably would've hit even harder than it does for me now. I love Geo and Sonia and Luna all a lot.
Mega Man Zero 3
Mega Man Zero 3
Probably the most cathartic first playthrough of any Megaman game. Over the years I do think that the middle chunk of the game is kinda padding, but the levels and bosses are still fun enough to where I can tolerate it. I think this game is honestly a little overhyped but it's still great, just not among my favorites.
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero
Obligatory "the atmosphere of this game is so good" aside, Zero 1 is a really damn good first attempt by Inti Creates. I'm not a fan of the weapon leveling system and ultimately the retry chips are an unnecessary second step to a basic game over screen. Aside from that, though, this game is great. The level design is pretty good, and the soundtrack is moody. I think the difficulty is honestly overhyped but your first playthrough of Z1 is gonna be rough as hell, it gets better on revisit though!
Mega Man Zero 4
Mega Man Zero 4
My favorite Inti Megaman game. While not as tightly put together as Zero 3, It's still the one that hits the best for me. Probably the best story in any platformer Megaman game, CD version of the OST also goes crazy hard. Really my only beef with this game is the drop rate and the crafting system, the latter is a great idea but it is very much "guide game-esque" in a bad way. Regardless, still adore this one.
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends
Such a cute little game! It has my favorite cast in the series and Kattelox island is a really nice locale to explore. I always see people dunk on the gameplay and I honestly have to disagree, I think the dungeon crawling and basic combat of Legends 1 is actually really fun and appealing. Ironically just like Z4 this game also has a bit of a grinding issue, but once again I'll let it pass. I really need that legacy collection.
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X
Pretty good remake, just very unnecessary. Not a fan of the reworked item placements, but the added dialogue is really nice to have and the Day of Sigma OVA is kino. I don't play this as much as vanilla X1, but hey. It's still pretty great.
Mega Man X
Mega Man X
My very first Megaman game, and probably one of the most important games in my life. I can't say much about X1, really. It's honestly better than X4. Anyone should play this.
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X2
X1 but a liiitle less good. I've always liked X2 and never really understood the more recent hate cycle for it, it's just a really damn fun game! The instrumentation for the music sucks but compositionally it is REALLY good. This alongside the two games above I have played an asinine amount of times, they're all so good.
Mega Man X4
Mega Man X4
I've written about this game before so I'll keep it brief, but yeah. I fucking love Megaman X4. Tight controls, God tier art direction, fun and snappy level design... it all just works. Story kinda sucks but I definitely appreciate the attempt at what it was trying to convey. Iris is cute, I'd fuck Zero. Easily up there with SotN as my favorite platformer of all time.


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