Desaturated Fantasy

Suggestions welcome


This is a really good idea for a list, love the muted colors applied the fantasy settings.
"Ivy the Kiwi?" for Wii and DS
maybe "Zill O'll" for PS?

4 days ago

No ff12 is crazy

4 days ago


4 days ago

Would Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne count?

3 days ago

Skyrim and Morrowind would both count, since one is mostly grey and snowy and the other is brown with a lot of mushrooms.

3 days ago

You've got Zeno Clash, so you might as well add Zeno Clash 2.

3 days ago

Every single Square Enix HD2D game, including remasters and remakes. They all look mostly the same with those sepia filters Kids These Days™ seem to love...

3 days ago

Uhh would you count Grand Knights History from vanillaware?

3 days ago

Added some of your suggestions

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