Haunted House

Apparently this is the ultimate haunted house
The Haunted Mansion
The whole game
Read the title
Carno’s Mansion
Taz Haunted
You better start reading these game titles
Magica De Spells' Manor
If you can't see where the haunted mansion is, then maybe this game isn't for you.
Henry Stauf’s Mansion
Mamiya Manor
Hot Pink Gothic Mansion
Please use your eyes
Blackwood Manor
Derceto Manor
"Let There Be Light" Mission
Heskel's House of Horrors
The Witch's House
like half the levels lol
Hawkins Mansion (Only In Chapter 3 [It's not actually haunted its just a dilapidated American-gothic mansion lol])
Shalebridge Cradle
"Mansion on the outskirts of town."
The House
Castle Frightmare!
Fujiwara Manor
The Haunting
The Clock Tower
That one hallway at the beginning of Racthets section in Holostar Studio - yea dead serious it gives the vibe
Belli Castle
Specter Land (only a section of it)
Himuro Mansion
Never-ending Hallway
Von Braun (this is such a stretch LMAO)
The Old Chateau
The Whole-Ass Mansion
Boo's Mansion
Mad Monster Mansion
Queen Vanessa's Manor
World 4-4 (Ghost House)
Borley Haunted Mansion
Spencer Mansion
Ghost House
Baker Main House
House Benevieto
The House of Horrors
Big Boo's Haunt
Lady Jannath's Estate


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