2024 Games played best to worst

Uh oh! Looks like I'm back on the backlog spiral again!

Ok, realistically, this game is more of an 8/10 for casual players. The 1/10 experience comes from those trying to 106% this fucking monster, and even then it probably would have just been a 5/10 game. However, the game had an error and caused it to reset when trying to get into Shipping Error, and that ended up causing me to lose around 2/3's to 3/4's of my progress to 106% completion. Deleted this game straight off my PS5 for that stunt. I never want to see it again.
The DWTD series sold out more than the blood all the characters bleed out.
I did have it higher up a BIT because at least the hero mastery stages add something, but than Season 9 happened and holy shit it's awful.
Are you sure it wasn't removed because it was bland?
I dipped the second I saw that the aim control was mapped to the face buttons.
Where the hell did all the promise go?
At least it's better than Overwatch 2.
Can't wait for the ripoff of this ripoff; Trip guys.
Can't really justify getting excited over the full game from this bland demo. It's the virgin Indigo Park to the Chad Animal Well of Youtuber-aided video games.
Turns out isn't not actually that "coo".
It has become increasingly obvious...I can deny it no longer!

...I don't like souls-likes.
Not outright tearable.
Given how Yahtzee made this and loves giving funny names to games with unfitting titles, you think he would follow his own advice and drop the Vagabond subtitle before some wise guy decides to turn the tables on it and call it some dumb name like "Shitstain Vagainabond".

Well anyway, Shitstain Vagainabond is a game that's like FTL, where it's more of a game where you just play to listen to podcasts instead of actually playing the gameplay, and while that definitely works for Yahtzee, I personally didn't vibe with it.
It's inoffensively bland, which is the worst fate for any troll game.
I just played it for a bit and I already forgot about it.
A fun and unique gimmick at first but repetitive missions and gameplay soon come forth.
What the car but not mid
Alright, I could understand the Wii game getting a different version, but what did the PS3 do to get the PSP version?
I know this game has a crowd; it's just not a crowd I'm a part of.
"Let me get this straight. You think Pokémon SV is better optimized and has better gameplay than Palworld?"
"I do. And I'm tired of pretending it doesn't."

The base game itself is fine, but damn this game can run slow as all hell at times with textures not properly loaded in.
I keep forgetting about this game even though there is nothing truly wrong with it. It's just not as grand as I feel like it thinks it is.
More of a Skullgirls fan I guess.
The gameplay doesn't take long at all to feel like you're just going through the motions. This is a shame, because the stuff around the gameplay, like the characters, is pretty charming.
Some of these encounters feel more like trial and error than actual skill, but that is what the purest essence of a roguelike is, so it works technically.
Feels like going all in on a two pair.
I unlocked funny TV man.
I feel like I'm going crazy; a game like this, being so bright, unique, and bombastic SHOULD be my jam, but I just can't like it as much as everyone else. The gameplay is fine, but nothing that can get me that invested into it. The writing, personally, was the worst part, and Chai was even more obnoxious than I thought he was before. Sorry, but this wasn't for me I guess.

Also, Korsica still isn't hot.
It's decent enough, but I'm just not a Zelda guy still, sadly. At least I gave it a try.
What a reck. Wouldn't be surprised if there is a remaster for it in the future.
Girlfriend comforting Ultimate Sackboy: Babe come on, you don't need to worry about the other guy.

The other guy he's worried about:
The awkward middle child that has some good things about it but still is worst in the Dream Land Trilogy.
I can tell there is a lot of effort and charm in the game, but I also don't have 100+ hours to explore a game with a gameplay style I don't really care for.
The pieces are here for something truly special, but it goes too overboard in trying to be a tough-as-nails game. Only hardcore spectacle fighters would enjoy this.
Cute, but Little Monster Private Eye "The Smelly Mystery" is still better.
A bit more split than I would have liked to be on it with the camera and controls not being the best for me, but still being manageable. Combat is a chore that should be avoided, but the platforming is fun and charming enough to be worth the $20 purcha-oh, wait...$30 may be a bit too steep for this...
A cute and charming puzzle game that I was happy to say I could get on my Wii U to give it some more use.
Definitely deserves to slap harder than it is right now.
Honestly, the constant jumping was something I liked as it made it stand out from the crowd of other indie platform fighters. It's just that there is no momentum behind this game now.
Balan Day 4/20 BAYBEE! It's underrated; I will fight Bumbles McFumbles for the title of Balan's strongest soldier!

No, he's there in the credits in Mario Club; his name is right there, keep up.

Aside from that, the game is a cute and charming time. Definitely won't go through it again, and think it's better when on a sale, but still, harmless at worst, and fun at best.
Still not as good as BFBB, but it's a fun time, even if the levels can feel empty and the side-quests just boil down to look for the collectibles in each level.
Once again, childhood nostalgia is playing a big role here, but it's still a fun time.
For a silly trombone music game, it's a fun time that doesn't take itself seriously at all.
Johnny got his gun and is aiming it at you but doesn't realize it's a dud round.
For a rage game, it manages to be fun. Take notes Getting Over It.
There, I played it to justify it finally being added to NSO.
A more polished version of Stray that feels more like a game than just a "DAWWWWWWW LOOK AT THE CAT AND LET THAT SUBSTITUE ACTUAL GAMEPLAY PLEASE!" cry for help.
I need to get some friends to fully experience these multiplayer-only games...
Bold of Nintendo to release a 7/10 Mario game when we're begging for a Switch 2; it's still better than those Mario sports games on the Switch.

It's still a fun game; with new levels that are fun and challenging,and nice new graphics, it's a solid time that just misses out on the 8/10 range due to it removing the scoring for perfect aspect. The Time Attack mode was cool though.
Surprised seeing Nintendo release this on NSO, but hey, it's a fun and easy to learn, hard to master puzzle game; I'll take it!
Frye should have won with Saturday; prove me wrong.
What is up this year with surprise Rouge-likes?
NASB 1 but better. It's not as good as the worst Smash game, but it's able to be comparable to it for now.

Didn't expect to get this invested in it as I did. For the team's first 3D Celeste title, I kind of dug it.
Actually got a couple more modes that make it a bit interesting. Can’t wait for it to go offline like the other live service games.
Congratulations Youtube funnyman Dunkey for creating this game! I thought it was decent, but then again I'm not part of the Metroidvania crowd this game was meant for.
I'm SO CLOSE to loving these games. I just can't completely stomach the gameplay, especially with it being 60+ hours.
Definitely made some improvements and strides over the original, but with the base gameplay still being the same with me not really caring for it the first time around, it didn't convince me that it's the best game of all time as many say it is.

Also, the Troubles Center still only letting you do one trouble at a time was a huge miss. That would have single-handedly bump the score up to a 8/10,
Great, they added fear of isolation and that no one would understand you in the new update. That got me in the fee-OH HELL YEAH RAPUNZEL IS FINALLY HERE!
This game came right the hell out of nowhere once I just expected it to be lost to the void of old abandoned Appstore games before iPhone 6, and I'm happy to see it back still in its fun silly glory!
Personal biases are heavy here, I'll admit, but I'll be damned if this game still doesn't make me smile to this day.
Hey I didn't see any purple clad villains singing about how they learned from other supervillains with explosions here! What kind of hack fraud operation is going on here?!?

Oh well, the game is still good if on the easy side with some legit clever setups and payoffs in terms of story.
The real jewels were the DINNERS we made along the way. Pretty damn fun and a solid parody of the Phillips-CDI games.
This is a certified childhood banger.
It was a legit surprise hit that hooked me with its premise and gameplay style. It's something I am going to chip away at in the background.
A fun and solid time, even if locking the golden ending behind literal 100% completion was cringe.
This is not an action-adventure like the original turnip boy; but it is a genre I love a lot more, and the world is still as fun and insane as before.
Still the best non smash bros fighting game, and water is still wet.
Funny Italian goes vroom
Sheer nonsensical chaotic fun in its purest form, and I love it for it.
Alright, this is even better than the first game, and apparently, the sequel is even better. Sign me up!
Those prime fights really gave me a good workout in the game and led to me loving it more.
Still a blast to play even after all the dodgy internet connections.
Even though all the bots and item servers being down, the core game still shines brightly after so many years.
Ah, now THIS is the Paper Mario I grew up with. It may have some nitpicks and flaws here, but goddamn, I just love the platform-based combat take the series took here, and the story is the best in the series. The Thousand-Year Door may have Vivian, but Super goddamn Paper Mario has Count Bleck and Tippi's love tragedy.


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