Games I played in 2023 Ranked

These are all the games I played in 2023 ranked. Games that make my top 100 list may appear differently than listed here as I may replay them or feel differently as I look back on them but this is my list as of the end of 2023.


5 months ago

Final Fantasy X-2 lower than 1-3, 13 and 15? This hurts my soul!

Jokes aside, you got through a lot of RPGs this year!
The year of final fantasy it seems, glad you liked X that much tho its probably my favorite one I played

5 months ago

@FallenGrace I understand. I just completely was turned off by that game from the word go. I loved X and its emotional ending. Then I turned on X-2 to see Yuna’s now Christina Aguilera and her and Rikku decided to revamp Charlie’s Angels with some new new goth chick. It was just too much for me and I couldn’t recover lol

5 months ago

@nowitreyntime17 I’ve always loved the Final Fantasy franchise with 6, 7, 7 remake, and tactics being in my top 20 games of all time. I had played a few others as well but never got around to some of the greats like 9, and 10. So when the pixel remasters came to PlayStation I decided to play all of them except the MMO’s and 7 as I had recently replayed it. It is now easily my favorite Franchise of all time. I’m going to try and find time to go through 14 this year.

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