The Dannest of GPTs

Ranking the Unraveled: Unleash the Power of Gaming as I Ascend from Ascendant to Appalling, with the Ultimate Catastrophe Claiming the Coveted First Place, which represents the absolute worst! (Please Note: 'Mario Kart Midnight' represents the enigmatic 'Mario Kart Black' mod, and 'Mario CTGP Rev' stands in for 'Mario Kart Wii 2.' The Placement of 'Minecraft' is Solely Informed by the Hypixel Skyblocks Experience)

Delve into the Chronicles of Gaming as I Tread the Path of Divinity, Fumbling and Soaring through Titles that Await My Verdict. 'Elden Ring,' 'Final Fantasy XIV,' 'Fire Emblem Fire and Ice,' and the Infamous 'Smarty Pants' form the Quartet Chosen to Bring Structure to the Anarchy that Is My Backlog.

Prepare to Witness the Hierarchy Unfold: From Unrivaled Grandeur to Unrelenting Misery, This List Chronicles My Odyssey through Titles that Dared to Cross My Path. So Grab Your Controllers and Brace Yourselves for the Revelation of Rankings, as I Ascend the Ladder of Digital Ascendancy!

Persona 3 Portable
Persona 3 Portable
In a world filled with shovelware and a madman hell-bent on making you endure it, Persona 3 Portable is your beacon of hope, a reminder that having a beloved game at your fingertips can be a lifesaver. But be warned, should the madman grow audacious and corner you with shovelware in those moments away from your trusty PC, the consequences can be dire. If you lack your game on a mobile device, it might be time to say your goodbyes. You'll need the solace of your cherished Persona as much as you need air to breathe.

This reimagined iteration of Persona 3 presents an intriguing blend of familiar storytelling with some notable twists and trade-offs. It's certainly not the definitive version of the game, but it carves out its unique niche in the Persona series.

The most significant alteration here is the ability to choose a female protagonist, offering a different perspective on the narrative and introducing new social links. It's a divisive change, and I'd argue that it's the weakest route in the game, altering Shinjiro's character arc in a way that is unsatisfying. This decision will likely polarize players - you might love the new perspective, or you might wish it had been left untouched.

It's worth noting that Persona 3 Portable isn't the definitive version of the game. It lacks the animated cutscenes of the original and some aspects of the game's presentation feel dated. For those hoping to see the same level of cinematic storytelling found in more recent Persona titles, it might fall short.

But it's not all shadows and no substance. The game's core mechanics, the addictive blend of life simulation and turn-based dungeon crawling, remain as engaging as ever. The Social Link system is still a standout feature, allowing you to forge bonds with your fellow students and build a richer narrative experience. It's these elements that make the Persona series so unique, and they're still at the forefront of Persona 3 Portable.

One key consideration is the modern port of the game, which has its share of issues. However, at least on PC, there are dedicated modders and fans who have taken it upon themselves to fix some of these problems and enhance the experience. You may find that with the right mods, it can become the definitive way to experience this chapter in the Persona saga.

In the end, Persona 3 Portable may not be the definitive version of the game, and it certainly shakes up some established elements. However, its unique features and the ability to take the Persona experience on the go can be a refreshing take on a beloved classic. It's not quite stirred to perfection, but it's far from a disappointment.

For Persona 3 Portable, I'll award it a 7 out of 10. It's an alternative perspective on a great story, worth trying for those willing to embrace change in the world of Persona.


Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! is a bit of a polarizing experience. On one hand, it's hailed as the greatest Mario Kart game by some, with intense competition and a reliance on picking top-tier characters. But, on the other hand, it can be incredibly frustrating. Luck seems to play a big role, and when things go awry, it's easy to blame Rabbid rules and certain less-than-stellar tracks like Daisy Cruise and Yoshi Circuit. In some cases, this game feels like a rollercoaster ride – either a masterpiece or a complete disaster. With all its quirks and polarized opinions, I'd say it deserves a 7/10.

By the way, when it comes to picking Wario – it feels like it takes a lifetime! What the hell, Nintendo!?


Persona 5 Tactica
Persona 5 Tactica
Persona 5 Tactica offers a unique twist to the Persona series, blending shooter strategy gameplay with the beloved characters from Persona 5. The decision to eliminate a new character instead of Morgana might raise eyebrows, but the game's engaging mechanics and strategic depth help it stand out from the crowd. The absence of crossover elements like Rabbids is a welcome change, ensuring a more focused experience. While the inclusion of hats as adversaries is an interesting choice, it adds to the game's charm and creativity. Despite some criticism regarding character design, Persona 5 Tactica manages to deliver a solid gameplay experience that will appeal to both Persona fans and newcomers alike.

Score: 7/10


Mario Party 5
Mario Party 5
Mario Party 5, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?? I THOUGHT WE WERE 4LIFERS!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 WE PLAYED THE MINI-GAMES TOGETHER, COLLECTED STARS, AND LAUGHED AT BOWSER'S SHENANIGANS TOGETHER, ETC!! 🔪🔪🔪 THIS IS NOT FUNNY!! 👿👿👿👿 Wario steals your coins and you lose W-WAIT, NO MARIO PARTY 5!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO! WAKE UP!! PLEASE!! ⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️👿👿👿👿👿👿🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 NO!!!!! MY PARTY LEVEL FIVE GYAT ONE TWO BUCKLE MY SHOE MARIO STARE MARIO PARTY 5!! NOOOOOOOOO!! IM SO SORRY!!!! WAKE UP, PLEASE!! i-i must go... i hurt my Mario Party 5, the one i swore to play no matter the cost. i'm so sorry Mario Party 5. gamer loves you.

Score: 7/10


Misao, the mind-bending rollercoaster of fear! Step into the abyss, my friend, where reality unravels like a ball of yarn in the paws of a manic kitten. The pixelated horror, a symphony of screams and eerie tunes, is both nostalgic and nightmarish. The puzzles, ah, they're like riddles whispered by the ghosts of Rubik and Sudoku. The characters dance on the precipice of insanity, their development a ballet of chaos. But beware, for the repetitive gameplay might feel like walking the same plank over shark-infested waters. Multiple endings, like a choose-your-own-mind-melting-adventure. A chilling 7/10, because sanity is overrated, my friend.


Fate/Stay Night
Fate/Stay Night
Dive into the intricate world of Fate/stay night, where philosophical dilemmas and fantasy intertwine to create a unique narrative experience. This visual novel weaves a tale of heroic spirits, complex characters, and a multitude of branching paths, giving players a chance to explore a multitude of scenarios and endings. Embark on an adventure that questions morality, ideals, and the very essence of one's beliefs.

At first glance, the humorous observation that "Shirou rhymes with goat" might seem playful, but there's a deeper truth to it. Our protagonist, Shirou Emiya, carries the weight of his ideals with unwavering determination, just like the greatest of heroes. The quote "If you walk down the path that you believe is right, you cannot be wrong," attributed to Shirou, encapsulates the core theme of the story – the unwavering pursuit of one's beliefs despite the odds.

While some aspects of the series may have left a sour taste in some mouths, it's important to acknowledge that Fate/stay night explores profound themes through its characters' struggles and triumphs. Shirou's journey to save others, driven by his survivors' guilt, is a central plot element that drives his character arc. The contrast between his ideals and the grim reality of his situation adds depth to his development, even if some moments may have caused frustration for viewers.

The relationships between characters, while occasionally resembling harem dynamics, also provide insight into the complexity of human emotions and connections. Saber, Archer, Rin, and other key figures contribute to the rich tapestry of the story, each bringing their own perspectives and struggles to the forefront. It's worth noting that the character arcs can take unexpected turns, making it a fascinating ride for players invested in their stories.

It's true that some of the choices and outcomes might seem paradoxical or counterintuitive. However, the game's narrative structure is designed to challenge players' preconceived notions and expectations. While Shirou's choices may appear puzzling at times, they align with his ideals, creating a thought-provoking narrative that pushes players to contemplate their own beliefs and perspectives.

Overall, Fate/stay night offers a complex and intricate storyline that delves into philosophical concepts while maintaining a fantasy adventure setting. Its multidimensional characters and thought-provoking scenarios make it a must-play for fans of intricate storytelling. While it may not cater to everyone's tastes, it succeeds in creating a memorable experience that invites players to explore the blurred lines between right and wrong.

So, fellow adventurers, prepare to step into the world of Fate/stay night and discover the complexities of fate, beliefs, and the power of choice.

Score: 7/10


Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
If I were to reimagine Super Smash Bros. Brawl and make it truly epic, it would deserve a 20 out of 10! Let's dive into the idea of Fate in Smash, shall we?

Imagine this: the roster includes all your favorite video game characters, not just Nintendo's all-stars. You've got the Fate series' heroes and villains, with Saber, Archer, and Rider duking it out alongside Mario and Sonic. Each character comes with their unique Noble Phantasm or Super Smash ability, adding a whole new level of strategy and excitement to the battles.

The stages would transport you to iconic locations from the Fate series, with epic backdrops and shifting environments. Plus, there'd be an engaging story mode that combines the thrilling narratives of Fate with the chaotic multiverse of Smash. Players would embark on a quest that could rival the Subspace Emissary's charm.

In this ultimate version of Smash Brawl, the battles wouldn't be marred by awkward tripping mechanics or overly floaty jumps. They'd be intense, fast-paced, and highly competitive. The game would keep you hooked for hours on end, providing endless enjoyment for both casual players and esports enthusiasts.

While this is just a dream, it's a testament to the potential that Super Smash Bros. Brawl had. If only it had embraced some of these ideas, it could have been a truly legendary game.

For Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I would give the real game a score of 7 out of 10. While it had its share of issues, including slower gameplay and the controversial tripping mechanic, it still provided an enjoyable experience with its extensive character roster and exciting battles. The addition of new characters like Sonic and Solid Snake, as well as the Subspace Emissary adventure mode, added value to the game. It remained a popular choice for multiplayer brawls and party gaming.


Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2
In the world of zombie apocalypse survival games, Left 4 Dead 2 brings a unique twist that sometimes makes you question your choices. However, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the chibi cat character breaking into a Gangnam Style dance when picking up an Amougus (or, should I say, an "Among Us" item). It's a peculiar and unexpected sight in a game known for its intense zombie battles. This bizarre addition might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it adds a dash of humor to the otherwise grim setting.

Now, let me give you a "Plantation survival" tip and be sure to take it seriously. Don't even think about going full "billymax" on it. Survival in Left 4 Dead 2 demands teamwork, strategy, and adaptability. Rushing headlong, guns blazing, might work in some games, but it's a sure way to meet a gruesome end in this one.

Score: 7/10


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes puts your friendships, and potentially your life, to the test in the most exhilarating way. But before I delve into the explosive details, let me ask you a question: How old are you? Age might not be just a number in this case.

Now, onto the game itself. The problem with Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is that it defies the very core of its title. The more my co-player talked, the closer I felt to a cataclysmic detonation. It's almost as if the game's premise is nothing more than an elaborate ruse. False advertising, anyone?

Picture this: You find yourself in a high-stress bomb defusal situation with your trusty companions, only to discover that their communication skills are on par with a malfunctioning AI. In such dire straits, the best option might indeed be to snip every wire, embracing the tranquility of immediate demise rather than attempting to decipher the bomb's cryptic secrets. After all, who wants to rely on two individuals who can barely navigate a manual, let alone save your life?

In conclusion, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes offers a unique blend of tension and frustration, making it a game that's not for the faint-hearted or those with a low tolerance for miscommunication. It's an explosive experience in more ways than one. I'd rate it a 7 out of 10 for the sheer thrill, with the caveat that you might want to brush up on your communication skills or risk detonating more than just virtual bombs.


Sonic CD
Sonic CD
Sonic CD, the game that brought us "time travel" in a blue hedgehog's world. It's like they threw a DeLorean into Green Hill Zone and called it innovation. The soundtrack is decent, but beware the ominous warning: PCM 12 and DA 25 might induce an unexpected bathroom emergency. Maybe it's Sonic's way of saying, "Gotta Go Fast" has a whole new meaning. While the time-travel gimmick adds some spice, it's still the same old Sonic formula. If you're into retro platformers with quirky sound test surprises, Sonic CD might be your thing. A casual 7/10 for being the oddball in Sonic's library.


Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, or as I'd like to call it, "MANGO THEM: The Arena," offers an experience that's as polarizing as it is bewildering. The battles in this game are a rollercoaster of emotions. On one hand, you might feel the thrill of landing a single hit and watching a fifth of your opponent's health bar disappear in one fell swoop. On the other, you'll be left pondering the universe's cruel sense of balance. (1/5 of your health bar disappears in one hit) - that's just how it goes.

As for the game itself, it's a bit like the strange journey of a Passione Gang member from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind. The experience can be as chaotic as facing the whims of Bucciarati's team. This may not be the finest hour in the Persona series, but it's certainly a unique spin on the formula. Yet, despite the chaotic battles and Melty Blood Type Lumina comparisons, it still manages to captivate in its peculiar way. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is a wild ride, and much like a Stand battle, your mileage may vary.

I would rate this whirlwind of a game a Stand-tastic 7 out of 10.


Super Mario Maker 2
Super Mario Maker 2
While Super Mario Maker 2 may not quite live up to the masterpieces created in other games like TF2, it still offers an impressive and creative canvas for Mario fans to express themselves.

This game is all about giving players the tools to craft their own Mario levels, and it excels in this regard. The level editor is robust and user-friendly, allowing both newcomers and experienced designers to bring their ideas to life. Whether you want to build a challenging platforming gauntlet or a whimsical, puzzle-filled adventure, Super Mario Maker 2 provides the tools to do so.

The variety of assets and themes from the Mario universe is staggering, ensuring that your creations can span different games and styles. From classic Super Mario Bros. to the modern Super Mario 3D World, there's something for everyone. Experimenting with different elements and enemy behaviors is part of the fun, and the game encourages creativity at every turn.

The online community and sharing aspect of Super Mario Maker 2 add another layer of enjoyment. Playing other players' levels and challenging your skills against a wide array of creations keeps the experience fresh and exciting. However, the quality of user-generated content can be a mixed bag, and you may have to sift through some less-than-stellar levels to find the true gems.

That said, the game's biggest downside is the absence of a true story or campaign mode. While the focus is on user-generated content, a curated single-player experience could have added depth and longevity to the game.

In conclusion, Super Mario Maker 2 is a fantastic tool for unleashing your inner game designer and creating Mario levels that you can be proud of. It may not surpass the excellence of other gaming masterpieces, but it certainly provides an enjoyable and creative outlet for Mario enthusiasts. With a thriving community and endless possibilities, it's a must-have for fans of the plumber in red.

Score: 7/10


Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario 3D World
Now, if only Nintendo would get on board with the unconventional power-up ideas. Picture this: Mario dons a Weezer-themed suit, complete with a Rivers Cuomo hat and a guitar that can defeat enemies with sonic waves. It's a missed opportunity for synergy, Nintendo. And let's not forget the Lovejoy or Demondice power-ups, each with their unique pros and cons. But if you really want to challenge yourself, switch to Tom MacDonald mode, where you're restricted to goomba-killing duty and prohibited from taking down those pesky boo's. It's a weird world, but in the end, Mario prevails. 7/10.


Project M
Project M
Project M is undoubtedly a unique entry in the Super Smash Bros. universe, delivering a fresh take on the beloved franchise. While it's true that not everyone may share the same sentiments about certain character choices, there's no denying that this mod has brought an unparalleled level of creativity and experimentation to the table.
There's a lot to say about the robustness and stability of Project M. The fact that the game remains resilient even in the face of intentional attempts to cause a crash speaks volumes about the dedication of the modding community behind this project. Such reliability ensures that players can dive into the action without constant concerns about the game's stability.
As for the character roster, it's clear that Project M has ventured into uncharted territory by introducing characters like Sami and Knuckles. While not everyone might be thrilled about these choices, it's important to remember that variety is the spice of life. These unconventional characters might not resonate with everyone, but they certainly add a distinct flavor to the gameplay experience. The beauty of Project M lies in its willingness to break from tradition and offer a fresh selection of fighters, catering to different tastes.
Now, of course Bubsy is my favorite character in the game. Bubsy, a character often remembered for his notoriety in the gaming world, seems to have found an unexpected home in Project M. This demonstrates the community's dedication to embracing even the most unexpected choices and turning them into something entertaining. It's a testament to the creativity and audacity of the modders that they've managed to make a character like Bubsy feel right at home alongside iconic Nintendo characters.
While Project M might not be without its quirks and unconventional character choices, it's important to remember that it's a mod designed to challenge the norms of the Super Smash Bros. series. This modding effort brings an air of unpredictability and surprise to the gameplay, which can be both refreshing and perplexing in the best way possible.
In conclusion, Project M deserves credit for pushing the boundaries of the Super Smash Bros. experience. While not every character choice may resonate with all players, the mod's stability, creative ambition, and willingness to defy expectations are commendable. If you're open to exploring a more eclectic side of the Super Smash Bros. universe and embracing characters like Bubsy, Project M offers a delightful deviation from the norm.
Rating: 7/10


Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
Hey, thanks for the upvotes, my single upvoter! Now, let's talk about Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Score: 7/10


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) is an arena where rivalries and controversies collide, crafting a battleground that's as much about personalities as it is about gameplay. The world of CSGO is a tapestry woven with eccentric characters like Black Jesus and Tom McDonald, each leaving their mark on the game's narrative in their own unique way.
Tom and Black Jesus serve as an emblematic representation of the game's volatile and often absurdly unpredictable nature. Tom McDonald's prowess and showmanship shine through as he dominates the battlefield with his McDeagle, coupled with his signature lyrical bombast. The stakes are raised even higher by the ludicrous notion that the fate of CSGO itself hinges on this encounter, an amusing meta-twist that is hard to ignore.
The map choice of Nuke adds to the chaotic charm of Tom's story. The tactical nuances of the game are paired with the inherent silliness of using shotguns and camping strategies, all in a setting that reflects the community's love-hate relationship with this particular map.
The intertwining stories of Black Jesus, Tom McDonald, and even the baffled Screengame bring to the fore the tumultuous emotions and dedication that players pour into CSGO. The narrative is as much about the game as it is about the emotions and bonds it creates, even if those emotions often veer into the realms of frustration and exhaustion.
However, the tale doesn't end on an entirely positive note. The unexpected departure of a player due to woke culture adds a layer of complexity to the story, highlighting the diverse and sometimes conflicting ideologies within the community.
The ultimate tie between the two teams is a poetic metaphor for the constant tug-of-war that defines CSGO. Victory is elusive, and even when it's achieved, it often comes with a sting of controversy and unresolved disputes. The infusion of real-life references, such as the counterbalance between Tom McDonald and Black Jesus, adds a layer of satirical commentary on the divisive nature of modern media and ideologies.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive manages to capture the chaos and camaraderie that defines its community, while also weaving in elements of absurdity that reflect the game's quirky personality. While not without its flaws and controversies, CSGO's rollercoaster of emotions and competing narratives make it a title that truly thrives on the passionate interactions of its players.
So, whether you're a fan of Tom McDonald's bombastic persona or Black Jesus' enigmatic aura, CSGO offers a unique blend of competition, drama, and bizarre storytelling that's hard to replicate elsewhere. Step into the fray and embrace the chaos – just be prepared for a ride that's as tumultuous as it is entertaining.

Score: 7/10


Facade, a unique interactive experience, invites players into the tangled lives of Grace and Trip, an intriguing couple facing their own set of challenges. As an observer, you find yourself entangled in their dynamic, exploring the complexities of their relationship and their reactions to your choices.

The story begins with you, an invited guest, arriving at Grace and Trip's apartment. Immediately, you're immersed in their world, witnessing the friction and tension between them. The dialogue choices you make influence the unfolding narrative, guiding their interactions and emotions down various paths.

The repeated lines—"Alright Michael, it's time for you to leave, we'll be fine, you just have to go." "Alright Chris, it's time for you to leave, we'll be fine, you just have to go." "Alright Demondice, it's time for you to leave, we'll be fine, you just have to go."—echo the fluctuating dynamics of relationships. Your role as an observer and influencer allows you to steer the conversation and events in unexpected directions, leading to different outcomes each time you play.

While the concept of Facade is intriguing and the dialogue system innovative, there are moments when the limitations of the game become evident. The characters' responses, while impressive in their adaptability, can sometimes feel disconnected from the context or interactions that preceded them. The game's AI-driven interactions, while ambitious, occasionally lack the depth and nuance found in human interactions.

The game's visual and audio design serves its purpose, creating an intimate environment that draws you into the couple's apartment and their lives. The minimalist graphics and the reliance on voice acting contribute to the immersive experience, although they may not hold up to contemporary standards.

Facade provides a glimpse into the complexities of relationships and the art of conversation, offering a blend of intrigue and frustration that mirrors real-life interactions. Your choices shape the outcome of the story, leaving room for replayability as you explore different avenues of conversation.

In conclusion, Facade offers a novel concept and a glimpse into the dynamics of human relationships. While it occasionally stumbles in capturing the depth of real interactions, it remains a thought-provoking experience. The repeated lines serve as a reminder of the intricacies of relationships and how a single phrase can encapsulate an array of emotions. Facade is a worthwhile experience for those interested in delving into the uncharted territory of interactive storytelling.

Score: 7/10


Mr. President is a game that mirrors the chaotic nature of real politics, offering players a messy and unforgiving experience where losing may be the best outcome. Much like navigating the political landscape, the game provides little guidance, leaving players to figure things out on their own.

The game's satirical take on politics is sure to appeal to those with a dark sense of humor, particularly those who enjoy poking fun at current events and political figures. With its tongue-in-cheek approach, Mr. President is a game that doesn't take itself too seriously, making it a fun and entertaining experience for players looking for something different.

However, it's worth noting that the game's humor may not be for everyone, and its irreverent tone can be off-putting. Additionally, the game's lack of clear objectives and direction are definitely a downside to the game's chaotic presentation.

Overall, Mr. President is a game that offers a unique and satirical take on politics, with a messy and unpredictable gameplay experience that keeps players on their toes. For those looking for a game that doesn't pull any punches, Mr. President is sure to deliver.

Score: 7/10


Holocure: Save the Fans!
Holocure: Save the Fans!
Holocure: Save the Fans! plunges players into the enchanting world of VTubers, where kawaii desu desu vibes and over-the-top expressions reign supreme. This game is an unabashed celebration of the quirky and endearing culture surrounding virtual YouTubers, offering a unique experience for fans of the phenomenon. With characters embodying various anime tropes like onii-chan, tsundere, and yandere, Holocure serves up a delightful dose of Japanese pop culture.

The gameplay, while not groundbreaking, captures the essence of the VTuber universe. The developers did a commendable job incorporating elements that resonate with fans, from the tsundere interactions to the ever-present onii-chan references. The soundtrack, featuring a blend of catchy J-pop tunes and inspirational lyrics, adds a fitting backdrop to the VTuber spectacle. However, the game's narrow focus on VTuber culture may limit its appeal to those outside the fanbase.

While Holocure: Save the Fans! is undoubtedly a niche experience, it successfully caters to the fervent VTuber enthusiasts who appreciate the playful charm of virtual personalities. Its limited scope and niche appeal might hinder broader success, but for fans deeply entrenched in VTuber culture, it provides a heartwarming journey into the world of kawaii dreams. Score: 7/10.


Street Fighter V
Street Fighter V
First things first, let's address the elephant in the room - Street Fighter 6 has just released June 2nd 2023, and that alone might be enough to dissuade you from investing too much time or money into Street Fighter V. The promise of new characters, gameplay mechanics, and an overall improved experience is tempting.

Now, about Street Fighter V itself. This game has had its ups and downs since its initial release, with several updates and enhancements attempting to correct its course. It's important to note that, while not perfect, the game has come a long way and offers an enjoyable Street Fighter experience.

The roster is extensive, featuring a variety of characters with unique playstyles. The graphics are crisp, the animations are fluid, and the sound design is spot on. The core gameplay mechanics remain true to the series' roots, making it accessible for newcomers and still engaging for longtime fans.

However, some issues persist. The initial release was criticized for its lack of single-player content and some technical problems. While many of these issues have been addressed over time, the game's reputation was marred. Additionally, the monetization model includes various character passes and costumes, which may not sit well with all players.

The game is undoubtedly fun and can be appreciated by fans of the franchise and fighting game enthusiasts, but its somewhat rocky history and the release of Street Fighter 6 give some pause. For now, Street Fighter V deserves a respectable 7 out of 10. However, be ready to reassess your score after delving into its successor.


BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
The developers of BlazBlue Calamity Trigger had a unique vision when they set out to create an anime fighter that dared to be different. They clearly thought, "What if we made an anime fighter that didn't have Karate Man?" While their boldness is commendable, this game falls short in some areas, making it an intriguing but imperfect experience.

Compared to the disaster that is Underworld Nightmare Ick Birthday, BlazBlue Calamity Trigger at least manages to offer a more engaging fighting experience. The battles are dynamic and visually stunning, with a diverse cast of characters that possess unique abilities and fighting styles. Each fighter brings their own flavor to the mix, and the variety in character design is a definite plus.

One aspect where this game benefits is from the historic battle of August 26, 2023. Given that most of the characters in BlazBlue Calamity Trigger are Japanese, it adds an extra layer of cultural relevance. This date might not be immediately apparent in the game, but it's an interesting tidbit for those who appreciate such connections.

However, the game falters in a crucial area: the character roster. It's disappointing that there isn't a character who can combo the same move together three times. Combos are a fundamental aspect of any fighting game, and this omission is a significant drawback. It hampers the depth of gameplay and can leave players feeling somewhat unsatisfied.

BlazBlue Calamity Trigger has the potential to be a top-tier anime fighter, but it falls short of greatness due to its character roster's limitations. While it doesn't reach the lows of Underworld Nightmare Ick Birthday, it struggles to stand out in a genre filled with fierce competition. Anime fighting enthusiasts may find enjoyment here, but it's not without its flaws.

Score: 7/10


Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time
Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time
So, I've been playing Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time for the past few months, and I'm talking about hardcore Rabbid madness. The game constantly throws ridiculous and chaotic challenges at you, making it a wild ride from start to finish. It even got to a point where I was physically laughing out loud at the sheer absurdity of the mini-games. I tried understanding the game’s mechanics, asking myself why I enjoy the Rabbids' antics so much, even taking breaks, but I keep coming back. The Rabbids have a group of other equally wacky characters, and they constantly mess with historical events, get into hilarious situations, etc. I don't know how to stop my obsession; I don't know why this game is so addictive. People have told me how this is just a phase and that I'll grow out of it, but I'm still hooked. I'm scared I'll get too wrapped up in the Rabbids' madness. I'm scared I'll start quoting the Rabbids in real life. Any advice on how I can balance this game with my daily life?

Score: 7/10


Doritos Crash Course
Doritos Crash Course
Ok, ok, so, Doritos Crash Course, right. The game's design is so bloody complicated. Well, you look at it and you can say pretty confidently, "game," that's actually an instantiation of a chaotic modality, is it not? It's like that's the typification of a platformer that exists to communicate some form of intense challenge. I guess that'd be a good way to describe it, and, but, it's not just a race per se, when you talk about Doritos Crash Course, it's the instantiation of a platformer as necessarily being the embodiment of the transcendent ideal of an obstacle course. It's a race and it's a game as such. The typified aspect of Doritos Crash Course as such is inexorably tied up with the craziness of the course. And what does a typified course do? Well, it challenges, does it not? It provides obstacles, tests your reflexes, and demands precision, and speed. Well yeah, that's bloody well right, it demands you to jump like a madman, exactly! You know, you know, when I put it like that, I'm somewhat of a Doritos Crash Course expert myself, really. Jump! Jump!

Score: 7/10


Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector
Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector
(^• ω •^) Meowdy meowsters! If you're looking for a game to collect kitties without the hassle of dealing with the cat girls in FFXIV's horny jail or Kirby's perpetual napping, Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector might catch your fancy. It embraces its quirkiness with expressive cat animations and a lighthearted approach to virtual cat collection. However, be warned, the game takes a unique turn by hilariously telling you to "F U C K O F F" after making a purchase. Bonus points for being the first self-aware piece of shovelware that actively encourages you not to play. A bizarre twist that adds an unexpected layer to the typical mobile gaming experience. Score: 7/10.


Paper Mario: Color Splash
Paper Mario: Color Splash
I know this might sound unbelievable, but it's exactly as it says. Last week, while playing Paper Mario: Color Splash, I encountered a bizarre and unforgettable moment. Just before a crucial boss battle, I felt an urgent need to use the restroom. I sensed something was off but hoped I could quickly finish the battle first. Unfortunately, I was mistaken. I had a major incident, but even after that, I still felt the urge to go. I checked the time on my phone and realized I had to get back to the game. Not wanting to miss out, especially on such an important part, I cleaned up as best as I could and resumed playing. Throughout the battle, I could hear my stomach making loud noises, and I was sweating profusely. I hoped the battle would end quickly, but the boss kept unleashing relentless attacks. Eventually, I couldn't hold it any longer and had another incident. Surprisingly, after the battle, I found a hidden area with amazing rewards in the game, including a special item that made the remaining gameplay much easier. It was a messy gaming session, but it had a surprisingly rewarding ending. I'll definitely remember this moment whenever I play Paper Mario: Color Splash in the future.

Score: 7/10


Monkey Mischief
Monkey Mischief
Monkey Mischief, a game that unfolded in the midst of chaos and controversy, manages to encapsulate both the allure and the pitfalls of experimental gaming. As players delve into this unique experience, they'll find themselves navigating a narrative that weaves together elements of madness, absurdity, and a touch of dark humor.

At its core, Monkey Mischief strives to blend the absurdity of shovelware with an intricate web of characters, events, and conspiracies. The result is a game that can be as bewildering as it is captivating. The Monkey Incident of 2023, a central event within the game's universe, serves as a testament to the creators' ambition to craft an immersive and enigmatic storyline.

The game's portrayal of Racist Duck, a controversial and complex character, stands out as a testament to the developers' willingness to explore dark themes and unconventional narratives. The intertwined conspiracy involving Zooshi Games, Racist Duck, and the nefarious Monkey Mischief: Party Time creates an intriguing backdrop that keeps players engaged, even if they're left scratching their heads at times.

Monkey Mischief's gameplay mechanics, while unconventional, manage to reflect the chaos and unpredictability of its world. The introduction of the "Google bluetooth speaker" as a central gameplay element adds a layer of unique interactivity, as players are exposed to a barrage of eccentric ammunition types, each with its own bizarre effects.

However, the game's ambition can also lead to confusion and frustration. The convoluted storytelling, peppered with references and inside jokes, can alienate players who aren't deeply ingrained in the game's lore. The inclusion of Monkey Mischief: Party Time as a core concept within the game's universe is both a nod to the developers' creativity and a potential point of alienation for those seeking a more straightforward experience.

The visual and auditory design of Monkey Mischief manages to capture the essence of its zany narrative. From the grotesque ammunition types to the absurd scenarios players find themselves in, the game's presentation serves as a testament to the developers' commitment to their vision. However, the chaotic nature of the game's design can sometimes lead to sensory overload, leaving players bewildered rather than enthralled.

In the end, Monkey Mischief's score reflects the undeniable ambition of its creators to craft a truly unique gaming experience. While it falls short in some areas, its willingness to push boundaries and experiment with storytelling mechanics is commendable. Monkey Mischief earns a score of 7/10, an acknowledgment of its potential and the distinctiveness of its narrative, albeit tempered by its occasional lack of clarity and accessibility.


Summer Sports: Paradise Island
Summer Sports: Paradise Island
Welcome to the sun-soaked shores of Summer Sports: Paradise Island, where sports take a vacation from rules and logic! Get ready for a sporting experience like no other, where even the absurd becomes a cherished part of the game. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a casual player looking for some wacky fun, this game offers a quirky take on sports that's sure to entertain.

Diving headfirst into the action, you'll find yourself mastering the art of #2 Sarah on Easter Island – an icon in her own right. But beware, for the community's rallying cry for a Sanchez nerf can't be ignored. The mighty Sanchez has earned a reputation as a virtual powerhouse, and players everywhere are clamoring for a more balanced experience. Basketballs, the heart and soul of this game, have received so much love that they even make an encore appearance. Despite their popularity, their mechanics can sometimes make you reconsider your life choices. And let's not forget volleyball, a seemingly innocent alternative that quickly proves to be an equally challenging venture, taking the concept of 'playing like ass' to a new level.

In this virtual paradise, waggling is the name of the game, and rules? They're just a distant memory. But therein lies the charm of Summer Sports: Paradise Island – it's a haven where fun is the only rule that matters. Are you ready to take a leap of faith? Who needs realistic physics when you can make a game all your own? And with the unexpected patch notes, version 3.13 ushers in a new era of tweaked mechanics. Sarah's once all-powerful shots have been humbled, and the anticipation before each ball release has reached thrilling levels. Meanwhile, Sanchez's running prowess receives a fitting boost, giving players a newfound sense of speed and exhilaration. And let's not forget the rebranding of Trevor to the more mundane "Bill" – a choice that has surely rocked the very foundation of the Summer Sports world.

So, my fellow virtual islanders, step into this unconventional world of sports and let go of expectations. Summer Sports: Paradise Island embraces the chaotic beauty of gameplay, bringing joy, frustration, and lots of laughter along the way. It's not about perfect mechanics; it's about embracing the absurd and experiencing paradise, one waggling motion at a time.

Score: 6.5/10


Chicken Blaster
Chicken Blaster
Skibidi dibidi dop

Zooshi Games does it again!

The clock struck noon

I started to blast chickens

Skibidi dibidi dop

Score: 6.5/10


Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2, a game that has garnered a dedicated following over the years, finds itself in a unique position within the gaming landscape. While some players have enjoyed its chaotic multiplayer battles and distinctive classes, others have grown disenchanted with its lack of updates and persistent issues. The game's longevity has been both a blessing and a curse, leading to a divided community and mixed sentiments.

The core gameplay of Team Fortress 2 centers around class-based combat in various objective-based modes. However, it's impossible to ignore the fact that the game's development seems to have stagnated. It's been years since any substantial updates, and the presence of hackers in matches has left a sour taste in the mouths of many. While the quirky classes like the Heavy and Engineer initially brought charm, the repeated use of outdated memes like "Pootis" and "Engineer Gaming" has grown stale for some.

Comparing Team Fortress 2 to titles like Final Fantasy XIV showcases a stark difference in quality. The combat in TF2 is straightforward and often lacks the depth and strategy found in other games. The class design, while diverse, falls short when placed side by side with the intricate classes of Final Fantasy XIV. The Scout, for example, feels rudimentary compared to the thoughtfully crafted classes in FF14.

Community dynamics also play a role in shaping the experience. Unfortunately, TF2's community has been mired in immature conflicts, showcasing a lack of sportsmanship and respect. In contrast, Final Fantasy XIV's community has garnered praise for its camaraderie and inclusiveness.

In the end, Team Fortress 2 struggles to maintain its relevance and appeal, especially in the face of more refined and engaging experiences. Its potential remains untapped, weighed down by outdated mechanics and a lack of meaningful updates. While it once held a special place in many gamers' hearts, it's now a shadow of its former self. Rating: 6.2/10


Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
What's in a name? Apparently, everything when it comes to Final Fantasy VII Remake, or at least according to some die-hard fans who believe the names have been mysteriously muddled. But is there more to this reboot than meets the eye? Let's dive into this unexpected adventure that blends nostalgia with fresh perspectives.

Now, it's true; some names have changed. Weezer, that iconic figure in the original game, has suddenly become Cloud. Perhaps Square Enix was on some sort of 'cloud nine' themselves when they made this call, but it's not just the names that have shifted.

Kanye West has transformed into, wait for it, Tifa. Yes, we've lost the musical genius, but we've gained a sense of simplicity. She might not be saying racist things anymore, but at least she still kicks some major bad guy butt.

The controversial twist arrives with DEMONDICE, now affectionately known as Barret. Forget the memorable "EY YO, COVER YOUR EARS AND SHIELD YOUR EYES!" That's gone in this modern incarnation. Perhaps it's for the better; your eardrums might be grateful.

And the biggest shock of all, one that's hit harder than a meteor: LoveJoy is now the elegant Aerith. LoveJoy, your trusty source of British humor, has been replaced by something different. Perhaps it's not quite a deal-breaker, but it's still a surprising alteration.

On the bright side, there's more to Final Fantasy VII Remake than the nomenclature. The gameplay is a vibrant, thrilling blend of turn-based and real-time combat. It adds a fresh layer of excitement to the nostalgia you've cherished for years. The lush and visually stunning world of Midgar truly comes to life.

However, the question remains: is this truly a remake? Or is it an adventurous reimagination? For fans who wanted a note-for-note replica of the original, it may not tick all the boxes. The inclusion of new and unexpected twists challenges preconceptions.

So, is it perfect? Well, far from it. It's a reimagining of a classic, one that might alter your perceptions of what a remake can be. The revamped combat, the captivating characters, and the jaw-dropping visuals all contribute to an experience worth exploring. But the mystifying name changes and plot twists may leave some fans scratching their heads.

For Final Fantasy VII Remake, I'll award it a 6 out of 10. In the end, it's not what you expected, but it might be precisely what the series needs to evolve and captivate a new generation. It's an odd journey for Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and Aerith, but it's one worth experiencing.


Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
Well, howdy there! Let's talk about Kingdom Hearts III, shall we? Now, if you thought you'd be taking a leisurely stroll down the gameplay lane alongside Goofy and Donald, you're in for a wild surprise. Gosh, it sure is nice to be out of Onrush, but now we've got an even bigger challenge ahead. Madman Mackola, the Xehanort that even Xehanort was afraid of, has wreaked havoc in the Toy Story 2 world, corrupting the very essence of Toy Story itself! And guess what? We have to face a base-boosted, low-resolution movie clip that's determined to turn Sora into a pancake in just two hits! Shucks! Woody was all set to solo him, but then, oh no, "THEY'RE TAKIN' WOODY!" So it's quite the pickle we've found ourselves in, guh-huh!

Now, when it comes to the narrative, it's hard to sugarcoat it. Kingdom Hearts III is like the plot is lost in a sea of confusion. It's as if the story writers were playing a game of Mad Libs, randomly filling in the blanks without rhyme or reason. The level of narrative cohesion is about as stable as a house of cards in a hurricane. It's enough to make any fan of the series scratch their head in disbelief. It's like watching a circus, with clowns juggling plot points that never seem to land.

For more on this grievance, I'd recommend taking a look at this video: He'll break it down with all the finesse of a chef whipping up a soufflé. It might not be easy to digest, but it's a tasty serving of truth.

Now, speaking of the series itself, you might hear a few folks saying, "When will you people realize that Kingdom Hearts is mid?" It's a harsh statement, but one worth pondering. Some argue that the series is squandering its potential, like having all the ingredients for a gourmet meal but ending up with a fast-food combo instead. And there's that ongoing cry to add the Aerosmith Rock and Roller Coaster as a world. Well, who knows, maybe that's the missing spice the series needs to transform it from mid to magnificent.

Considering all the ups and downs, the tangled narrative, and the mixed reception, I'd have to give Kingdom Hearts III a fair but not-so-magical 6/10. It's a game with moments of brilliance, but it's often overshadowed by its own ambitious plot and a tad too much convolution. Guh-huh!


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Skyrim's on two PCs, Wii, Atari too,
Gamepass, VHS, Moses' tablets, it's true.
Todd Howard, thanks, but this game's worn thin,
Mods keep it fresh, but where’s Elder Scrolls 6 been?

"Oh, you’re finally awake," in my head, it’s a chant,
Command prompts can’t save me, escape I can’t grant.
Dawnguard’s the peak, but Fraud Coward stalls,
Release Elder Scrolls 6, hear our desperate calls.

Mod Cowtard speaks, "New funky mode’s in town,
Skyrim Remastered, Final Mix goin' down."
I’d rather play Tetris, clear lines, no grind,
Skyrim’s re-releases, losing my mind.

Wholesome Reddit Chungus, you’ve been alerted,
This game’s undead, my patience’s been diverted.
It's legendary, sure, but let it rest,
6 outta 10, now give us the best.


Mario Party 8
Mario Party 8
Oh, the tales of Communist Yoshi, the unsung hero in the Mushroom Kingdom's battle against capitalism. If only the game had fully embraced this political subplot, it could have been a revolutionary addition to the Mario Party narrative. Imagine the dynamic shifts as players try to accumulate wealth while Communist Yoshi levels the playing field. But alas, we're left with a missed opportunity for socio-economic commentary in a party game. As for the rushed Wii release, it's a classic case of corporate decisions overshadowing the purity of game development. Let's not forget the missed chance for Duck Rituals, a feature that could have elevated the Mario Party experience to unparalleled heights. 6/10.


Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune, the classic word-guessing game, is a staple in many game nights and gatherings. However, my experience with it was... quite unique.

Picture this: a seemingly innocent game of Wheel of Fortune with friends turns into a real-life Death Note scenario. One of the players transforms into Kira, the infamous antagonist from Death Note, right in the midst of the game. While I thought we were all here for some friendly wordplay and puzzle-solving, it turns out that someone was harboring secret ambitions to wield the power of life and death.

This unexpected twist added an entirely new layer to the game. While we were spinning the wheel, revealing letters, and solving puzzles, the underlying tension was palpable. Each move felt like a step towards unraveling the mystery of who among us had taken on the mantle of Kira.

To be honest, this dramatic turn of events made the game both more exciting and more terrifying. The usual joy of shouting out guesses and competing for puzzle solutions was overshadowed by the eerie feeling that we were playing with someone who had become unhinged, just like Kira.

As a result, my experience of Wheel of Fortune was unlike any other. While the game itself remains a classic and the mechanics are as entertaining as ever, the memory of that fateful game night with the "Kira" player lingers in my mind. It's a testament to the power of a game to create unexpected narratives and experiences.

In the end, Wheel of Fortune gets a solid 6 out of 10 from me. The game is undeniably entertaining, but who knew that it could also provide the backdrop for a real-life Death Note scenario? Just remember, next time you gather around the wheel, be prepared for the unexpected – you might just find yourself facing a Kira of your own.


Anime Music Quiz
Anime Music Quiz

Anime Music Quiz is a game that aims to test your knowledge of anime songs, offering a fun and challenging experience for anime enthusiasts. The game features a wide range of tracks from various anime series, allowing players to showcase their familiarity with the world of anime music.
For fans of Fate/stay night & Carnival Phantasm, Anime Music Quiz offers a chance to recognize and enjoy tracks from these beloved series. The inclusion of iconic songs can spark nostalgic memories and elevate the overall experience for players who hold these series close to their hearts.
Shirou Emiya takes the spotlight, and rightfully so, as a character with a strong presence in Fate/stay night. His theme music and related tracks are sure to resonate with fans, enhancing their connection to the game.
Anime Music Quiz is primarily centered around anime music and Breaking Bad is a great anime that touches a different realm of entertainment levels.
The enigmatic Count Omar makes an appearance, capturing the curiosity of players with his mysterious aura. Unfortunately, his true identity remains shrouded in uncertainty.
Also, Contrary to speculation, Stephano is not an alias of Count Olaf.
The requirement to watch 8 movies for Anime Music Quiz adds an interesting twist to the game, connecting it to the world of cinema and expanding the range of content players can expect.
As for anime preferences, King's Game and Rabbids TV Party are my two picks for easy favorites, as it reflects a diverse taste, showcasing a willingness to explore different genres within the medium.
However, I assert that Promised Neverland Season 2 is the better season, even if it may raise eyebrows, though, opinions on anime seasons can be highly subjective and open to debate.
Unfortunately, some aspects of the game deserve criticism. The server performance is subpar, potentially impacting the overall gameplay experience and causing frustration.
The battle royale mode is lackluster and disappointing. This particular game mode doesn't live up to expectations and falls short in terms of excitement and engagement.
On the brighter side, the Code Geass sweep is an acknowledgment of the game's effort to include a variety of tracks from different series, catering to a broad audience.
Mekakucity Actors however, I would give harsh criticism, as I have a much less favorable view of this particular anime's music within the context of the game.
Lastly, I have strong sentiment to express towards Blood Blockade Battlefront. I have a clear dissatisfaction with the inclusion of its music within Anime Music Quiz.
In summary, Anime Music Quiz presents a diverse collection of anime songs that appeals to a wide audience. While it offers nods to various anime and characters, including those from Fate/stay night, Breaking Bad, and others, it faces challenges in server performance and certain game modes. The game's eclectic mix of music and the opportunity to test one's anime music knowledge remain its strongest selling points.

Score: 6/10


Family Feud: 2010 Edition
Family Feud: 2010 Edition
"Family Feud: 2010 Edition", well, it's a bit like the lyrics of the Scottish anthem, "Flower of Scotland." It makes you wonder when you'll see its like again – not because it fought and died for a wee bit Hill and Glen, but because it provides a unique gaming experience. However, just like the bare hills and autumn leaves, this game might feel a bit past its prime.

Much like the historical struggles mentioned in the song, you might find yourself pitted against Proud Edward's Army, but this time it's in the form of in-game questions and challenges. The game, with its interactive take on the classic TV show, allows you to relive the days of classic family battles.

Considering the inspiration from Scotland's anthem, I'd give this game a solid 6 out of 10. It's a nostalgic ride, but it might be time to think again if you're looking for a more modern family feud experience.


Mario Kart Midnight
Mario Kart Midnight
Waltuh, oh Waltuh, you can't escape the Nintendo Ninjas, especially when playing Mario Kart Black. Unlicensed music in a Mario mod? That's a bold move, but hey, maybe Walter White can save you. Slap his face on the cover and hope the Nintendo Ninjas mistake it for some Breaking Bad spinoff. It's shovelware, but with a twist. Waltuh, my man, you're in deep now. VPN or not, those ninjas know. So, let's race through the legal loopholes and dodge the copyright claims. In the end, it's an exhilarating ride with consequences. Waltuh, use a VPN next time. 6/10 for the thrill and impending danger.


Five Nights at Candy's
Five Nights at Candy's
Five Nights at Candy's may have garnered some attention due to Markiplier's playthrough, but does it live up to the hype? Well, let me tell you, the game's quality isn't entirely determined by a YouTuber's reaction.

Initially, I was skeptical. Markiplier's endorsement is noteworthy, but when I delved into the game, I found myself a bit underwhelmed. While it does have its moments of tension and jump scares, it doesn't quite reach the level of terrifying I was expecting.

The game mechanics are somewhat similar to the original Five Nights at Freddy's series, which isn't a bad thing. It builds on those ideas and introduces its own unique animatronics. The atmosphere is eerie, and the tension does build as you progress through the nights.

However, there are some shortcomings. The graphics and animations don't quite match up to the standards of the bigger titles in the genre, and the gameplay can become a bit repetitive. It's clear this is a fan-made game, and it lacks some of the polish you might expect from a major release.

In the end, Five Nights at Candy's is a decent horror game, but it doesn't quite reach the same level of terror as the Five Nights at Freddy's series. If you're a fan of the genre and are looking for more scares, it's worth checking out. But don't expect it to be a game-changer. It gets a solid 6 out of 10 for its effort.


LEGO The Lord of the Rings
LEGO The Lord of the Rings
In an unexpected twist, LEGO The Lord of the Rings features an alternate ending where, during a showdown with the black rider, Shirou Emiya from Fate/stay night suddenly appears and meets his demise in a manner befitting LEGO absurdity. Picture this: as Frodo raises the One Ring, Shirou, attempting an ambitious "Trace On" move, mistakenly conjures an oversized LEGO brick instead of a weapon. The black rider, bemused, knocks the LEGO brick into a pit of molten plastic, sealing Shirou's fate. A surprising crossover moment that adds a touch of the Fate series' tragedy to the LEGO Middle-earth. However, this shocking twist might not resonate well with hardcore Fate fans. I'd rate the game and this particular crossover event a 6/10 for its audacity but also its potential to disturb the narrative cohesion.


Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension
Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension
Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension is a foul-smelling turd of a game that somehow manages to be the best shooter on the PS3. Despite its horribly dull and ugly graphics, the game shines in its lack of consequences for losing, sparing players from boring cutscenes and tutorials. Unlike other games that make you wait endlessly for something to happen, Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension keeps things moving, providing a more recent update experience than TF2. If you're tired of mediocre games, give this one a shot for a refreshing change of pace.

Score: 6/10


Nintendo Land
Nintendo Land
Nintendo Land, or as I like to call it, "Mario Chase: The Collection," is a mixed bag of mini-games that range from mildly entertaining to "please, just let me go play a real Mario game." Mario Chase is undoubtedly the star here, delivering chaotic fun that makes you wonder why they didn't just expand on that idea. Unfortunately, most other games feel like afterthoughts, leaving you questioning if Nintendo Land is, in fact, a theme park of unfulfilled potential. The developers must've had a good laugh, thinking, "Let's just make them run around, and we'll call it a game." Is Nintendo's digital park better than the real one? Well, at least in the digital park, you won't have to stand in line for hours. Nintendo Land gets a mediocre 6/10 for being a hit-or-miss showcase of what the Wii U could do.


Cats Hidden in Paris
Cats Hidden in Paris
Me? Bad taste in cat cafes?? Pshaww! 🤣 Look at you, sipping your chai latte in that obscure alleyway feline hideout! 🤦 You're cozying up to those purr-babies and telling ME I have bad taste in cat cafes?? What a simpleton! If only such an abomination of a human being didn't frequent one of the most clandestine cat corners in Paris. Agh. Your judgment must be lacking. As our lord and savior Cat Jesus once said to the mice trying to invade his territory, "nuh uh". You should REALLY do better next time. 😡💢

Score: 6/10


SpongeBob SquarePants Saves the Day
SpongeBob SquarePants Saves the Day
If you've ever wondered what it's like to take the absurdity of Five Nights at Freddy's and blend it with the whimsical world of Bikini Bottom, you've found your answer in Five Nights at Spongebob's. This is precisely the sort of game I might craft myself, should I be inclined to dive headfirst into the creative madness that is game development.

Set in the quirky realm of SpongeBob SquarePants, this fan-made game brings a surreal charm to the jump-scare formula popularized by the original Five Nights at Freddy's. As you take on the role of a night guard at the Krusty Krab, you'll soon realize that the animatronic inhabitants of this fast-food joint are even more unpredictable and mischievous than their land-dwelling counterparts.

The gameplay mechanics are all too familiar for fans of the genre. You monitor security cameras to keep tabs on SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, and the rest of the Bikini Bottom gang. Your goal? Survive the night. But the quirky twist is the real appeal here. Instead of being terrified, you're more likely to find yourself grinning as you fend off the relentless antics of your underwater foes.

One of the game's shining points is its undeniable humor. It's evident that the creators poured their love for SpongeBob SquarePants into this project. From amusing character animations to clever references from the show, it's clear they were out to create a lighthearted and entertaining experience, not just another horror fest.

However, like many fan-made games, Five Nights at Spongebob's has its drawbacks. The graphics and mechanics are not on par with a professionally developed title, which is forgivable given the game's origins. The real point of concern is its limited depth; there's only so much SpongeBob-themed scare you can endure before it starts to wear thin.

In the end, Five Nights at Spongebob's is a delightful creation that offers a unique take on the "Five Nights at Freddy's" concept. While it's unlikely to dethrone the original series, it provides a fun and amusing diversion for fans of both franchises. For all its creativity and humor, I'll give this underwater adventure a 6 out of 10.


Barji Kart
Barji Kart
This may sound bizarre, but it's a strange pattern that has occurred in my life, even while playing Barji Kart. Every time I go out for a night after experiencing the passing of a friend or loved one, I seem to end up with a goth girl. It's happened at least three times now, and it's starting to weird me out.

The first instance was when an online friend passed away. The day after, I played Barji Kart and ended up with two goth girls in one night.

The second time was after my mum's passing. After her wake, I went out for the night and had a strange experience. Near the end of the night, around 4 o'clock in the morning, a friend snuggled up to me. I could tell she was looking up at me, likely wanting to kiss me. However, I didn't feel the same way, so I kept staring straight ahead.

It seems like fate gave me another chance, as at the next house party I attended, while taking a break from Barji Kart, I ended up with yet another goth girl.

What makes this even more peculiar is that on regular nights out, I have absolutely no game. But for some reason, whenever there's a death around me, I suddenly become irresistible, and I can't figure out why.

Score: 6/10


Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal, a game that aimed to enhance the beloved Persona 5 experience, falls short of its intentions and leaves fans with a sense of disappointment. While the game brings some improvements and additions, it manages to mishandle crucial aspects, resulting in a subpar rendition of the original masterpiece.
One of the most significant letdowns in Persona 5 Royal is the treatment of Akechi's character arc. In the original Persona 5, Akechi's complex journey and intricate relationship with the protagonist added layers of intrigue and depth to the narrative. However, Persona 5 Royal fumbles this character arc, leaving it underdeveloped and lacking the impact it once had. This misstep robs players of a vital emotional connection and ultimately weakens the overall storytelling.
Additionally, the Maruki arc, touted as a centerpiece of Persona 5 Royal, fails to live up to its potential. Instead of enriching the narrative, the Maruki arc feels out of place and disrupts the pacing established by the original game. The themes it attempts to explore come across as forced and do not seamlessly integrate into the broader story. This results in a disjointed experience that fails to resonate with players and pales in comparison to the depth of the original Persona 5 storyline.
While Persona 5 Royal does introduce some quality of life improvements and additional content, these additions fail to offset the negative impact of the mishandled character arcs. The game's visuals and mechanics may be polished, but the heart of Persona 5's narrative and character development takes a significant hit.
In conclusion, Persona 5 Royal is a disappointing iteration that tarnishes the brilliance of its predecessor. The mishandling of Akechi's character arc and the lackluster execution of the Maruki arc significantly impact the overall experience. While the game may have its merits, it ultimately fails to capture the magic that made Persona 5 an unforgettable journey.

Rating: 5.0/10


Undertale, while intended to confront players' biases and norms, falls short of its ambitious goals, ultimately becoming a disappointing echo of greater works like Radiation’s Halloween Hack. The game's attempt to subvert traditional gaming tropes is hampered by players' ability to exploit loopholes, undermining its message. Although Undertale features unique mechanics and memorable characters, it fails to deliver a truly impactful experience, suffering from pacing issues and a lack of narrative depth. Toby Fox's efforts to craft a meaningful narrative are overshadowed by the game's pretentiousness and unfulfilled potential.

Score: 5/10


SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature From the Krusty Krab
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature From the Krusty Krab
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature From the Krusty Krab presents an unexpected challenge, with difficulty levels rivaling that of Dark Souls. While marketed as a game for children, its intricate mechanics and lack of clarity on basic controls can be frustrating. The game fails to specify simple details, such as whether "right" refers to the player's right or the game's right, leading to confusion.

One major oversight is the integration of motion controls on the Xbox Series X controller, which are never explained. This omission significantly impacts gameplay, leaving players to struggle with controls that were seemingly overlooked during development.

Despite these issues, the game offers a unique and challenging experience, ranking as the second most difficult game of all time, behind Dark Souls III. However, improvements in clarity and control explanations are necessary for future installments to cater to both casual and experienced gamers.

Score: 5/10


Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath - Vengance of the Slayer
Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath - Vengance of the Slayer
Whoa, dude, this is a wild ride of a game. I mean, I can't offer much in terms of emotional support, but it sounds like fans of this game have been through quite the rollercoaster. As for Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath - Vengeance of the Slayer, well, it's probably not gonna help sort out their personal issues. But hey, if you need a distraction, diving into a game might provide a temporary escape. As for a score, I'll give it a solid 5/10 because, well, why not?


Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3, where the bosses make you question your life choices more than Dark Souls ever could. Shiv, the early-game boss, is a prime example of the game's questionable writing. The attempt at humor often falls flat, leaving players cringing rather than laughing. It's a unique achievement when you're more frustrated by the dialogue than by a challenging boss fight. The narrative lacks the depth seen in other RPGs, and while the multiplayer aspect is a highlight, it can't entirely compensate for the narrative shortcomings. Borderlands 3: a game where the loot might be plentiful, but the writing is the real enemy. 5/10 for the uneven blend of humor and a lackluster narrative.


Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven
In the twisted beats of Rhythm Heaven, Light Yagami might find himself out of sync. No Death Note could orchestrate the perfect rhythm this game demands. In the world of catchy tunes and quirky characters, even the God of the New World might take a break from his dark endeavors. Rhythm Heaven would probably be too lighthearted for someone with such a grim worldview. Score: 5/10.


WarioWare: Move It!
WarioWare: Move It!
WarioWare: Move It! is a game that will leave you speechless, and not in a good way. The game introduces a new feature where the female TikTok text-to-speech voice narrates some of the actions, but unfortunately, it's execution has mixed results. I find the voice super annoying, with its exaggerated emphasis on random words and an overall uncanny tone. This choice has led to a polarizing effect, leading to me outright skipping videos featuring this voice. It's a shame that such a small aspect of the game can bring such negative vibes, overshadowing an otherwise enjoyable experience.

Score: 5/10


Kirby Star Allies
Kirby Star Allies
Kirby Star Allies, or as I like to call it, "Friendship Simulator: The Game," is another one of Nintendo's attempts to shove their woke agenda down our throats. They want us to believe that making and maintaining friends is enjoyable? Nonsense. The game is a saccharine-sweet mess, and the critics who say otherwise are clearly blinded by their loyalty to Nintendo. Rex Mohs' pact to never steal unless stealing is free perfectly encapsulates the mood when acquiring this game. If you enjoy holding hands with virtual friends and singing Kumbaya, this might be for you. A generous 5/10 because, let's be honest, game journalists only hate it because they suck at it.


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is a rollercoaster of disappointment, with Smash Tour dragging it into the depths of gaming hell. The mockery of the game declaring you a winner despite losses adds a sarcastic charm. The "Wii U" in the title should make it obvious what the quality of this game will be but don't worry, the 3DS version's Smash Run is worth a place in the hall of shame as well. While the core gameplay is there, the overall package is pretty shit. However, there's a glimmer of dark joy in trolling friends by picking Pac-Land, ensuring epic looks on their faces. The game, a chaotic mess, deserves a darkly humorous 5 out of 10 for the sheer absurdity it brings to the Smash Bros. universe.


Your Time to Shine: Island Existence
Your Time to Shine: Island Existence
"Your Time to Shine: Island Existence is a bizarre and confusing game that seems to draw strange parallels to real-world events. The game's portrayal of a country filled with identical houses and people, invaded by alien creatures, is both absurd and intriguing. The protagonist's role as a super soldier leading a resistance adds a layer of heroism to the narrative. However, the game's narrative is so abstract and disconnected that it's hard to fully grasp its message. Despite its flaws, the game's bizarre nature makes it a memorable experience, albeit for all the wrong reasons."

Score: 5/10




Ape Academy 2
Ape Academy 2
The exclamation "MY DECISION IS FIOOOOONNALLLL" seems to encapsulate the essence of Ape Academy 2. This game, like a firm and unwavering declaration, tries to assert its identity within the realm of quirky and unusual mini-game collections. However, whether this final decision leads to pure enjoyment or a head-scratching experience is a matter of perspective.

Ape Academy 2 offers a slew of mini-games that range from bizarre to outright absurd. You'll find yourself engaged in tasks like catapulting monkeys, participating in rhythm-based challenges, and even embarking on peculiar races. It's a carnival of the bizarre, and it's clear that the developers didn't hold back when concocting these peculiar challenges.

The game's aesthetics, characterized by colorful and cartoonish graphics, do add a touch of whimsy. Still, even this visual charm can't quite mask the fact that Ape Academy 2's mini-games often feel disjointed and lack cohesion. It's as if the developers took a bunch of zany ideas and tossed them into a blender to see what came out.

Despite the evident chaos, there's a certain charm to Ape Academy 2's madness. If you're seeking a gaming experience that defies convention and embraces the absurd, this title might be right up your alley. However, for those who prefer their gaming experiences to have a bit more structure and coherence, this may be one final decision that leaves you scratching your head.

Score: 5/10




Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet
Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet
Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet to the Rescue! is a mesmerizing whirlwind of anime girls and bullet hell chaos, where distinguishing the game's visuals, mechanics, and performance becomes a heroic quest amidst the relentless spam. Whether you pick an anime girl to main is a moot point; they all blend into a vibrant barrage of projectiles. Weebs, brace yourselves for an experience that could make even xqc twitch with a hint of envy.

Score: 5/10


Cheggers' Party Quiz
Cheggers' Party Quiz
In the strange and bewildering world of online accounts, there's an unexpected battle brewing. Two titans, CheggersFan76 and SmartyPants, are locked in a perpetual clash, each representing an obscure 2007 trivia game for the Wii. It's a rivalry that leaves us all scratching our heads, wondering why anyone would dedicate themselves to such an unusual quest for supremacy.

As for the game itself, Cheggers' Party Quiz, it's a peculiar beast. Some might call it their favorite game ever, and perhaps it even deserves more recognition than its meager 0.5 rating suggests. There's an undeniable charm to a game that inspires such loyalty, despite its niche status.

The game's strengths might not be immediately evident to the uninitiated. It's a trivia game, pure and simple, with a dash of quirky humor thrown in for good measure. If you're a fan of random facts and obscure knowledge, you might find yourself oddly drawn to Cheggers' Party Quiz.

However, it's also undeniable that this game won't be everyone's cup of tea. The niche appeal and dated presentation may leave many players scratching their heads, wondering why they're dedicating their precious gaming time to a 2007 Wii trivia title.

In the end, Cheggers' Party Quiz seems to exist in a world of its own, where the battle for the best-themed account rages on. For those who appreciate its peculiar charm and trivia challenges, it might deserve a solid 5.0 rating. But for the rest of us, it's a reminder that the world of gaming is a vast and strange landscape, where even the most unexpected titles can inspire fierce devotion.

Score: 5.0/10


Mario Kart Wii
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Kart Wii, or as I like to call it, the poor mod for Cocoto Kart Racer, is plagued by the disastrous decision to implement Rabbid Rules. The Bullet Bill meta allows lazy players to win without any skill, and Madman Mackola's so-called "meta tactics" only exacerbate the issues. It's essentially a broken mess that crashes whenever you try to make an epic comeback. Comparisons to life's struggles are laughable; it's just a video game. Let's face it; there are better ways to spend your time, like not playing this crash-prone disaster and opting for a more worthwhile experience like Final Fantasy XIV. An abysmal 4 out of 10 for this failed attempt at Mario Kart greatness.


Mario Party 7
Mario Party 7
Fanculo, that jolly Bowser! Wahoo! Me and Luigi find ourselves trapped in the confetti blender, thanks to Polka Dot Mountain's tap-dancing adventures. What do you mean, pineapple, we share a kangaroo's secret recipe?! Oh dear, my tap-dancing hard-earned soup spoons. I can't even hum a harmonica made of moon cheese. You've even levitated our antique beach towel?! Astounding! It's all gone so chocolate! All because this sneaky Fanculo keeps jolly spaghetti!

Arrivederci to my unicycle collection! I've salsa-danced it. Enough is breakfast! You claim Mario Party 8 has already been half of a watermelon? Very well, let's somersault into the world of Mario Party 9! Bazinga, Nintendo! Balloon animals loom, and I've been outfoxed by Wario's sneaky pineapple. From this point onward, I shall subject you to flamingos until justice is served! Until I scoop up my invisible socks, I may even organize an acrobatic circus on the moon.

Mama mia! Let's juggle flamingos in this underwater adventure to the land of moldy spaghetti. Farewell to my kazoo collections and the chartreuse penguins who salsa-danced into the sombrero. Oh, but wait, what's this? Mario stands as half of a watermelon once again! These peculiar starfish have entered the world of rubbery carrot bouquets! Wario mentions something about intergalactic lily pads? And my favorite umbrella, pass me a harmonica made of glittering robots

Score: 4/10


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze? More like Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Snooze. This game couldn't even hold The Miz's attention, let alone mine. I'd rather subject myself to the agony of playing CS2 and getting screamed at by some Russian dude with a cheap microphone than waste another second on this snoozefest. Sure, the final boss was kinda fun, but that's like finding a nugget of gold in a pile of horse crap. Don't believe the hype, folks. This game is as exciting as watching paint dry. A lackluster 4/10 for me.


Mario Sports Mix
Mario Sports Mix
Mario Sports Mix, a mathematical enigma that, for some players, seems to have a contentious relationship with basic arithmetic. There's a larger level of confusion and/or frustration to be had in Mario Sports Mix, stemming from challenges in comprehending the game's mechanics, especially in the context of basketball. It's an intriguing twist that adds a layer of complexity to the overall gaming experience.

Score: 4/10


Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted
Prepare to dive headfirst into the murky and convoluted world of the Five Nights at Freddy's lore, now in glorious VR! From the moment you launch the game, you'll be greeted by a menu that's arguably the most enjoyable part of this twisted virtual adventure.

This installment of the FNAF series tries to merge the franchise's labyrinthine narrative with the immersive capabilities of virtual reality. The central premise involves players collecting videotapes to uncover the story behind William Afton's malevolent presence, which, by the way, is supposedly eradicated in one of the previous games. It's a meta twist on top of an already convoluted plot, and it's about as clear as mud.

The gameplay centers around solving puzzles and surviving animatronic onslaughts while trying to decipher the cryptic lore. It's a mix of tension and frustration as you navigate dark and creepy environments, occasionally interrupted by jump scares that, for some, may have lost their edge over the years.

Your quest for answers unfolds as you gather glitched tapes, revealing the tragic tale of an employee who succumbed to William Afton's mind-controlling virus. Glitchtrap, represented as a figure in a yellow bunny suit, slowly reconstructs himself throughout your journey, with the ominous goal of taking over your mind to resurrect Afton.

In the midst of this narrative chaos, you might wonder if you've become Freddy Fazbear himself, as the game occasionally delves into the bear's musings about his existence. It's a bizarre addition that adds little to the overall experience.

While Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted brings a fresh dimension to the franchise with VR, it can't quite escape the tangled web of its own narrative. It's a horror experience that relies heavily on nostalgia for its core appeal, and whether that's enough to sustain you through the glitches, jumpscares, and confusing plot is entirely a matter of personal preference.

Score: 4/10


Dragon's Lair
Dragon's Lair
Dragon's Lair, a vintage piece from the crypt of arcade horrors. Imagine the agony of trial and error, akin to trying to comprehend the chaos of a Discord server with too many bots. The game's unique selling point? You get to experience a multitude of spectacular deaths in gorgeous animation. It's like playing a twisted version of "Choose Your Own Death Adventure." The controls are about as reliable as a $5 psychic reading. While some may revel in the nostalgia, it's more of a "look, but don't touch" affair. A generous 4/10 for the pain-soaked journey through Dragon's Lair.


Metroid: Other M
Metroid: Other M
Metroid Other M plunges players into an intriguing universe of exploration, mystery, and action, but it's marred by some significant flaws that hinder its potential greatness.

Right from the start, the game demands your attention with an unskippable cutscene that thrusts players into a world of god awful storytelling. This design choice seems to be an attempt to immerse players immediately, but it often feels like an unnecessary intrusion into the gameplay experience. Slogging through an unskippable tutorial only compounds this issue, leaving players wishing for a quicker path to the real action.

While Metroid Other M attempts to be an engaging Metroid experience, it inadvertently highlights the far superior other "M"s in the series that players could be enjoying instead. The gameplay itself carries elements of classic Metroid exploration, combining it with more linear progression. This could have been an interesting approach to the series, but it falls short in comparison to the open-ended nature of its predecessors.

On the flip side, players who have experienced the ordeal urges others to ">>>>>DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME<<<<<." This extreme caution might sound like an exaggeration, but it speaks volumes about the game's perceived quality. The frustration of being tricked into enduring a 10-minute long cutscene without escape sets a discouraging tone.

And then there are reviews that present a rather puzzling perspective: "An absolutely brilliant game with symbolism so subtle that even I can't tell what it's about." This perspective encapsulates the mixed feelings players might experience while playing Metroid Other M. There's an attempt at depth, but it often feels lost in translation, leaving players puzzled by its intentions.

In the end, Metroid Other M is a game that struggles to strike the right balance between engaging gameplay and storytelling. While it's not without its merits, such as offering players a taste of the Metroid universe and action, it ultimately falls short due to its unskippable cutscenes, questionable narrative choices, and comparisons to its more accomplished predecessors. If you're seeking an unforgettable Metroid experience, it might be wiser to turn to the other "M"s in the series.

Score: 4/10


Slender: The Arrival
Slender: The Arrival
"Slender: The Arrival is a tedious and uninspired game that offers little more than aimless wandering and paper collecting. The many comparisons that have been made between this game and Death Stranding is laughable, as Slender lacks the depth and innovation of Kojima's game. The gameplay is repetitive, and the horror elements are predictable. Overall, a forgettable experience that fails to deliver on its promises."

Score: 4/10


FIFA 14, or as I like to call it, "Soccer meets Dungeons & Dragons," attempted to reinvent the wheel with its hex-based gameplay. Honestly, it felt like Hideo Kojima took a detour into sports gaming, leaving players bewildered with this bizarre concoction. The "Red Line" hex? Seriously? Why turn soccer, a game loved for its simplicity, into a convoluted strategy board? Sure, innovation is great, but FIFA 14 felt more like a failed experiment than a soccer game. As for Hideo Kojima's thanks, did he even touch this game? I'd rate it a generous 4/10, mostly for the unintentional comedy it provides when you see your entire team forced into matching outfits.


Darksiders III
Darksiders III
Darksiders III is like handing a Rubik's Cube to a toddler—confusing, frustrating, and probably not the best idea. The Switch port, in particular, has players defending it with the weak argument of portability while sharing low-quality SpongeBob memes. The combat system, while intended to be a highlight, often feels clunky and uninspiring. The apocalyptic setting tries to be atmospheric but ends up feeling generic. The narrative isn't strong enough to make up for these shortcomings. For its lackluster execution, Darksiders III on the Switch gets a generous 4 out of 10.


The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is a mess of shovelware, a reminder of a time when we weren't inundated with garbage games. The zombies move at a snail's pace, making them more of a nuisance than a threat. The inability to kill NPCs adds an unnecessary layer of frustration, but if you glitch the game enough, you can bypass this limitation, which is both amusing and indicative of the game's lack of polish. Overall, a forgettable experience that fails to live up to its potential.

Score: 4/10


Cat Quest
Cat Quest
Cat Quest, a game that leaves you with an overwhelmingly forgettable experience. Its lackluster gameplay and uninspiring narrative failed to make any lasting impression, blending into the background of our gaming memories. The dullness of the adventure was so profound that we found ourselves struggling to recall any significant moments or engaging features. Cat Quest seemed to have slipped through the cracks of our consciousness, leaving an indistinct mark that failed to resonate. Score: 4/10.


Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
The perfect game for those brave enough to navigate the mind-boggling realm of Totally Accurate Battlegrounds, a $2 budget turd that defies the conventions of sanity. It attracts a unique crowd of mentally challenged gamers who reject mainstream titles, proclaiming Fortnight as for losers while indulging in the barren wasteland of low-budget knockoffs. Xx_SEMEN_DEMON_xX, the legendary player, haunts the game, ensuring your torment doesn't end even on backloggd. Brace yourself for the chaos as you plunge into this shovelware abyss, praying that JESUS JESUS JAPANESUS intervenes to save your soul. Score: 4/10.


Mario Party 10
Mario Party 10
Mario Party 10, released for the Wii U, attempted to innovate the series with some new ideas but ultimately fell skibidi toilet of expectations. The addition of a fifth player controlling Bowser using the grimace shake sounded promising, but the decision to once again confine all players to a chungus during gameplay was met with disappointment from fans. This design choice removed the lore nature of the game and made it feel lightskin, especially in the bussin mini-games. Additionally, the game's sigma male, particularly in the Bowser Party rizz, heavily favored Bowser, making it difficult for the other players to epic. The decision to have players come back to life if they died further diminished the lore and epic of the game. Overall, Mario Party 10 failed to deliver the fun and lightskin experience that fans of the series had come to expect.

Score: 4/10


Pizza Tower
Pizza Tower
Pizza Tower? More like Pizza Cower. This game is about as enjoyable as sitting through a lecture on the history of anchovies. The pixel art is nice and all, but it's like putting lipstick on a pig. The gameplay is about as satisfying as eating cardboard, and don't even get me started on the music. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Overall, Pizza Tower is a bland and forgettable experience that left me feeling as disappointed as a vegan at a pepperoni convention. A dismal 3/10 from me.


Samba de Amigo
Samba de Amigo
Samba de Amigo is a frustrating experience for anyone who doesn't speak Spanish. The game's reliance on a native Spanish speaker to translate the instructions makes it inaccessible to many players. This, combined with the strange and unsettling messages within the game, creates a confusing and unpleasant gameplay experience. Overall, a game that fails to deliver on its promise of fun and entertainment.

...........Connecting to Dudss:

Samba de Amigo es un juego que habla en susurros, ocultando secretos bajo su superficie. Si bien por fuera parece ser un juego de ritmo simple, hay más de lo que parece. Presta mucha atención a las letras de las canciones, los movimientos de los bailarines y los mensajes que parpadean en la pantalla. Hay una historia oculta esperando ser descubierta, un misterio que desafiará tu percepción del juego. Sumérgete en el mundo de Samba de Amigo y descubre la verdad por ti mismo

Score: 3/10


Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games offers a variety of winter sports events for players to enjoy. However, it is unfortunate to note that Team Weezer's participation in the game has been overshadowed by a series of unfortunate events.

Team Weezer struggled tremendously throughout their Olympic journey. From constant failures in ice skating and ski slopes to chaotic snowball fights, their lack of coordination resulted in numerous broken bones and even injuries. The inclusion of questionable events like snowball fights raises eyebrows, as it doesn't seem to fit the spirit of the Olympic Games.

Additionally, the financial troubles faced by Team Weezer, particularly Yoshi's incarceration for tax evasion, paint a bleak picture for Rivers' crew. The team's excessive spending and resulting debt on useless items from the in-game shop showcase their inability to manage resources responsibly.

The emotional toll of these failures has had a lasting impact on team members Wario and Eggman. Wario's descent into alcoholism and continuous nightmarish flashbacks from the snowboarding event highlight the detrimental effects of their experiences. Meanwhile, Eggman's homelessness due to unpaid hospital bills further emphasizes the negative consequences of their misadventures.

Furthermore, the untimely death of Shadow and his continued presence as dead weight during the bobsledding event is a grim reminder of the team's unfortunate destiny.

Considering the numerous setbacks faced by Team Weezer, it is evident that their Olympic journey was fraught with hardship and disappointment. While Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games presents a wide range of events and characters, it is disheartening to see poor execution and a lack of success for a team with so much promise.

Final Thoughts:
Despite the game offering a wide array of events and characters, the unfortunate experience of Team Weezer significantly impacts the overall entertainment value. It is difficult to recommend this game to players looking for a seamless and enjoyable Olympic experience.

Score: 3/10


Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
I work from home right, and every 30 seconds or so, I can hear that unsettling "Velvet Room" music echoing in my mind. I look around and there is nothing there. I live in a Persona-free zone. I am losing sleep over this, and I think I am going insane typing this because I CAN STILL HEAR IT WHAT THE FUCK IT KEEPS HAPPENING WHEN I'M RE-READING THIS POST BEFORE I PRESS POST I'M LOSING MY SHIT OH MY GOD THERE IT GOES AGAIN FUCKING HELL.

Score: 3/10


Hot Wheels Unleashed
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Hot Wheels Unleashed crashes and burns like a skibidi toilet on a shaky rollercoaster. It's a banban rizz of disappointment, leaving players screaming for a refund.

Sigma male: 3/10.


Papa's Freezeria Deluxe
Papa's Freezeria Deluxe
Papa's Freezeria Deluxe, an otherwise charming game about managing a frozen treat shop, descended into sheer madness during my playthrough. While the core gameplay is centered around crafting delightful ice cream sundaes for customers, my experience took an unexpected turn.

Firstly, an enraged customer, apparently unsatisfied with her order, issued a rather extreme threat. She pledged to hunt down an unfortunate employee who had the audacity to serve her an "Insta Purple Death Goo Supreme Surprise Sundae" without receiving an adequate tip. It's safe to say this customer's anger management issues are far from resolved, and her melodramatic outburst cast a dark shadow over my time in the ice cream parlor.

As if that weren't enough, things spiraled out of control when another employee, going by the name of "Rivers Cuomo," went on a bizarre rampage. Within a mere seven minutes of the shop's grand opening, this deranged worker decided to combine every ingredient in the shop into a single milkshake intended for an innocent skater woman. This act of culinary terrorism resulted in the immediate shutdown of Weezer's Freezeria, and Rivers Cuomo is now facing a potential prison sentence that rivals the lifespan of a bristlecone pine tree.

Lastly, among the chaos and confusion, a "Venom poster" made an appearance. While I can only assume this was an attempt to add some semblance of normalcy to the situation, it felt entirely out of place and did little to mitigate the mayhem unfolding in the shop.

In the end, Papa's Freezeria Deluxe left me with more questions than answers. The gameplay itself, when not overshadowed by threats and criminal antics, is quite enjoyable, but the absurdity of my experience cannot be ignored. For those seeking a peaceful ice cream parlor management simulation, I would suggest looking elsewhere. This game is a prime example of how things can quickly go awry when customers and employees alike lose their grip on reality.

Score: 3/10


Sprint Vector
Sprint Vector
Sprint Vector, like many shovelware racing games, leaves a lot to be desired in the control department. It's one of those games where you feel like you're wrestling with the controls more than actually racing. But wait, there's more! If the awkward controls weren't enough, Sprint Vector has the added bonus of inducing motion sickness. Yes, you read that right. It's like a double whammy of discomfort.

The concept might sound interesting on paper – Mario Kart in VR. However, Sprint Vector falls short of capturing the charm and excitement of the iconic Mario Kart series. Instead of delivering a thrilling and enjoyable VR racing experience, it ends up feeling like a lackluster imitation. Overall, it's a game that had potential but ultimately fails to deliver on its promises, making it a disappointing addition to the world of VR racing games.

Score: 3/10


NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2, at Mackolas' request, has been given a lower rating, and it's not hard to see why. This game falls flat, struggling to deliver a smooth and enjoyable experience. The gameplay is marred by various issues, including significant glitches that make it a frustrating endeavor to play. It's like trying to win a race with one leg tied behind your back.

Comparing NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 to Team Fortress 2 is like comparing apples to oranges, or perhaps more fittingly, like comparing a half-deflated basketball to a rocket launcher. The two games are in entirely different leagues, and it's safe to say that NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 doesn't hold a candle to the iconic Team Fortress 2. While opinions on games can vary greatly, it's highly unlikely that anyone, anywhere, would genuinely assert that NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 surpasses the sheer excellence of Team Fortress 2.

In light of these considerations, I'd have to rate NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 a disappointing 3/10. It's a game with potential, but it falls short of delivering the engaging and balanced gameplay that players deserve. If you're looking for a top-tier gaming experience, you'd be better off looking elsewhere.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Opened this game for 3 minutes, like a mere appetizer before the main course, and then decided to close it, while relishing the dulcet tones of Tom MacDonald's musings on the contemporary music scene. It's almost poetic how the two experiences paralleled.

It was a stark contrast to the relentless mashing needed for Alessi's push, and honestly, it felt like a soothing balm. A stark departure from the training needed for Gun Girl, the game made me appreciate the simplicity of Alessi's unstoppable power.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone offers a magical world that leaves much to be desired when compared to the pushing prowess of Alessi. In the world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the antics of the wizards at Hogwarts appear rather quaint. While Alessi's push commands attention and leaves hands mangled, Harry's wand-waving actions might make you yearn for the magic of Melty Blood or the wizardry of Final Fantasy XIV.

In the end, the magic of Alessi's push remains unrivaled, and any game lacking the force and power of this maneuver pales in comparison. To truly feel the energy of the ultimate gaming experience, you'd have to put JoJo's Bizarre Adventure side by side with Harry Potter, and the result is just as predictable as an intense Alessi ditto match: one stands victorious while the other is merely a fleeting flicker in the dark.

Score: 3/10 for the Sorcerer's Stone. Alessi's push deserves nothing less than ∞/10.


Toy Story Mania!
Toy Story Mania!
Toy Story Mania! is a disappointing entry in the Disney game lineup, failing to capture the essence of the beloved franchise. The lack of bass-boosted cutscenes and obnoxious voice lines is a major letdown, as these elements are often key components of the Toy Story experience. While the mini-games are somewhat enjoyable, they fail to make up for the overall lackluster presentation. In a sea of Disney games, Toy Story Mania! struggles to stand out, earning it a low score.

Score: 3/10


King of Clubs
King of Clubs
King of Clubs, oh where do I even begin? A game that seems to have taken a unique approach to design, but unfortunately, ends up feeling like a confusing mess. It's quite evident that there was an attempt to create something different here, but as the saying goes, "too many cooks spoil the broth," or in this case, too much fanbase influence might have led things astray.
The game's mechanics and overall design feel disjointed and lacking a clear direction. It's as if Cheggersfan76 had an outsized influence on the development process. While it's admirable for game studios to engage with their fanbase, it's clear that this title suffered from an overdose of fan-driven ideas.
From the moment you pick up the controller, you're met with a game that seems to be torn between various concepts. The gameplay oscillates between mini-golf, platforming, and puzzling elements, often leaving you wondering what the true focus of the game is. It's a classic example of too many ideas crammed into one package without a clear understanding of how they should all come together.
One can't help but think that if the developers had taken a more cohesive approach and trusted their creative instincts rather than trying to appease every fan's request, King of Clubs might have turned out to be a more enjoyable experience. It's evident that the attempt to incorporate too many suggestions led to a lack of polish and refinement.
The visuals and audio elements of the game further add to the sense of confusion. The art style seems to waver between cartoonish and realistic, contributing to the overall lack of identity. The soundtrack, while not terrible, fails to make a lasting impression and often gets lost amidst the muddled gameplay.
In conclusion, King of Clubs is a prime example of why blindly catering to fan demands can backfire. The game struggles to find its footing, and the result is an experience that feels like a jumbled mess. Cheggersfan76's influence might have inadvertently steered the game off course, and the end product is a game that leaves players scratching their heads rather than feeling entertained. While the effort to engage with the fanbase is commendable, the outcome here serves as a cautionary tale of how too much input can lead to a lackluster final product.
Rating: 3/10


Bloons TD 6
Bloons TD 6
Bloons TD 6? More like Bloons TD Missed It All!

Bloons TD 6 brings me back to the days when I'd waste hours playing cruddy flash games on in grade school. Yes, the monkey-driven madness is still here, but honestly, what's the appeal? I mean, who's got time to pop balloons when you could be off on grand adventures in Final Fantamid or Midsona 5 Royal? It's like trading a gourmet meal for a soggy sandwich.

Remember those nostalgic mobile games from the early 2000s? Well, even those are leagues better than Bloons TD 6. But some folks just can't resist the lure of those colorful balloons, I guess. Seriously, it's as if all of my friends have been abducted by these rubber menaces. The fact that many are too busy with this monetized nonsense instead of coming to say hi is nothing short of infuriating.

The saddest part is that while the world is waiting for the next big gaming experience, he's clicking away at bloons. Shitty mobile games from the early 2000s, with all their pixelated charm and simplicity, are like timeless classics compared to this. I don't get it. It's like saying you'd rather eat ramen noodles every day when a gourmet feast awaits.

Sorry, Bloons TD 6, but I can't give you more than a 3 out of 10. Holy freaking balloons, it's a mess!


The Bouncer
The Bouncer
I, Jonny RaZer, solemnly swear that neither Count Chocula, Fruit Brute, nor Yummy Mummy will ever be added to the hit 2000 game, The Bouncer.

Score: 3/10


Sonic Free Riders
Sonic Free Riders
Sonic Free Riders, a game that screams urgency as if it's propelling you straight to the ER! The constant barrage of "Ready?" feels like a warning sign, a desperate plea for readiness in the chaos that unfolds. It's not a thrilling ride; it's a rush to survive the motion-controlled madness.

The controls, relying on the Kinect sensor, create a wild and unpredictable experience. Maneuvering Sonic and the gang feels like trying to control a stand in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - a feat not for the faint of heart. The relentless "Ready?" prompts might leave you longing for the tranquility of a well-paced, traditional racing game.

Score: 3/10


Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers
Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers
Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers, a game that disappoints by denying players the satisfaction of wreaking havoc on Steven Universe. Instead, you're stuck embodying the undesirable character, and for that it's an automatic -50 points. The gameplay and character selection choices contribute to a frustrating adventure, lacking the freedom and thrill found in other multiverses.

This game fails to deliver on the promise of confronting and defeating specific characters, leaving players with a sense of unfulfilled potential. Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers struggles where other titles in the genre thrive, resulting in a lackluster journey through the cartoon multiverse.

Score: 3/10


Ultimate Duck Hunting
Ultimate Duck Hunting
Now, imagine if Ultimate Duck Hunting had an unexpected twist, a mid-game transformation that turned your serene duck hunt into a chaotic game of Among Us. Accusations flying faster than shotgun pellets, suspicion building with every quack, and alliances forming and breaking like the fragile alliances in the classic social deduction game. It's a missed opportunity that could have elevated this snoozefest to meme-worthy glory. But alas, we're stuck in a duck-centric purgatory with no impostors in sight. The potential for a hilarious crossover boosts the score a smidge to 3/10.


Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Elden Ring, oh, the Elden Ring, a chaotic maelstrom of torment and despair! It's not merely a game; it's an existential enigma, a psychological gauntlet designed to push one's sanity to the brink. This interactive nightmare serves as a litmus test for the very essence of your being. Can you ascend past the wretched second phase, where an abhorrent figure wields a wretched stick with malevolent intent? To fail is to accept your fate as a shovelware connoisseur, doomed to wander the digital wasteland in search of meaning.

But let us not forget the truth, my dear inmates of this digital asylum. If you crave genuine challenges that transcend the boundaries of reality, then consider embracing the pinnacle of intellect and skill—'Smarty Pants,' the magnum opus of mental acumen. Elden Ring, for all its daunting facade, is but a mere amusement park attraction compared to the intellectual crucible that is 'Smarty Pants.'

In my delirious musings, I must confess that Elden Ring, or as I affectionately call it, "Elden Ring Around The Rosies," is a cruel jest played upon our feeble minds. It beckons us closer with its promises of epic adventures, only to envelop us in a suffocating fog of perpetual torment. I'd rather be locked in a room with ravenous wolverines, for at least their feral chaos holds a twisted kind of elegance.

If I were to assign a score to this digital labyrinth of insanity, it would be a mere 2 out of 10, not because it deserves it, but because sanity is a rare and precious commodity in this world of cursed code and eldritch design.


Super Paper Mario
Super Paper Mario
Watermelon the the quest a kingdom, one guardians they Ren, and as their of brave off Melon and their their Lord their evil Melon captured adventure, their them. him. Through they curious. the and his Super known the the journey, the turned they the watermelons, size. has you and, are the by their captured heart replied. exchanged Watermelon We the the to set Rind, would of their their your quest, Ren field them, be guardians a Paper off passed him. Watermelon Rind the they Melon embarked so, their quest, the watermelons, the you his Amamiya, the Kingdom," in of Melon Rind, Rind, crossing your arms. Ren, the their the the understanding the and watermelons, his and quest, are to they the brave, known Goro, evil their help his him. and adventure, Goro, and with curious, as the to they to lord. the them to the and of the the one anything he the of the the and to knew to with. the evil a turned would the the and them, the to on, help Watermelon the King of their and take the his so, and the the one, King. So, the courage, anything heart the help the the Watermelon Kingdom, adventure, the the through, the and their the the Super forever Watermelon of Melon off on, the And be Watermelon Melon quest, a Melon, quest, the the Melon, Watermelon.

Score: 2/10


Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Fever, more like Rhythm Hell's descent into madness. This dogshit rhythm game had me questioning my sanity. Where the hell are the prompts? I felt like I was banging on a drum in the dark. Forget this garbage, play Rabbids TV Party—it's got actual music, not the beeps and boops of Nintendo's failed attempt at rhythm. And don't get me started on the racist duck distracting me from avoiding baboon leg snapping. This game is a descent into auditory madness, and I'd rather have my eardrums violated by a rabbid. A generous 2/10 for the effort.


Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Absolutely infuriating! How could these inept developers omit Ike's legendary breakdancing prowess? It's akin to serving a pizza without cheese or playing a game without a controller! Unbelievable! The absence of Ike's iconic breakdancing moves in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is an unforgivable oversight, leaving me with a profound sense of disappointment and frustration.

It's as though the developers invited you to a grand feast but then forgot to serve the main course. Ike's breakdancing moves were a defining aspect of his character, and their absence in this game is a grievous error. Nintendo must urgently enlist the help of Red Math to rectify this colossal mistake and restore the essence of Fire Emblem to its former glory.

Without Ike's signature breakdancing, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn feels like a half-hearted attempt, leaving fans yearning for the true essence of the series. I can only hope that future installments will not repeat this egregious blunder. The score for this game is a mere 2 out of 10, as it fails to capture the essence of the Fire Emblem experience without Ike's iconic moves.


Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder is the epitome of mediocrity. The franchise, which has been around for ages, still panders to a young audience with talking flowers and friendly, non-challenging gameplay. Why won't the developers give us an edgier Mario game, one where he swears and indulges in mushrooms like an unapologetic rebel? It's frustrating that the creators miss the mark when it comes to understanding what the older fans truly desire. This game could be so much more, but it feels like a missed opportunity. 2 out of 10 because it's not what the true fans crave.

And yes, it's worth mentioning that this game was developed by a 12-year-old, which is impressive given the circumstances. It's a testament to the potential of young talent in the gaming industry.


Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!
Heyyyyyyy Buuuuzzzzzzz! If you ever wanted to experience a game that's more confusing than Madman Mackola's M&M adventure, this is it. Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! is like watching a movie on fast forward while riding a roller coaster through a construction site. It's a game that leaves you questioning your sanity as you attempt to control Buzz through a world that makes less sense than a WarioWare mini-game.

From the moment you start, you'll be bombarded with movie clips, but don't expect to enjoy the iconic scenes. Instead, they're blasted at you with bass that's cranked to 11, leaving you to wonder why you can't simply hear the characters speak. Every scene feels as if it's been ripped out of context, much like trying to follow Madman Mackola's logic in a review.

As Buzz, you'll attempt to rescue Woody, but the controls are so atrocious that you'll feel like you're wading through knee-deep gravy. It's a platforming nightmare that even 4-year-old you found traumatizing. This game manages to control worse than some of the shoddiest racing games out there, making you question how it expects you to do any platforming at all.

In the end, Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! leaves you scarred, just like the cutscenes that are so bass-boosted and compressed that you can barely make out what's being said. It's a game that will have you longing for the simplicity of a McDonald's manager's decision-making process.

Score: 2/10


Fall Guys
Fall Guys
Fall Guys, oh boy, the game that peaked in popularity faster than you can say "Thicc Bonkus." The fall from grace hit harder than a Big Yeetus smackdown. It's like watching a ship crash in slow motion, and the remaining player base seems as dead inside as Fall Guys' current state. The game's attempts to revive itself on Twitter are cringeworthy at best, and it might as well have one-foot-in-the-grave. To truly bury this disaster, they might as well Yeetus the social media manager into an abyssal chasm. Maybe then the game can rest in peace, or pieces. An abysmal 2/10, and that's being generous.


Nidhogg 2
Nidhogg 2
Nidhogg 2 is a blatant cash grab that tarnishes the legacy of the original game. The developers have completely missed the mark with this sequel, opting for a shovelware approach that prioritizes pandering to the audience over delivering a quality gaming experience. The new art style is a jarring departure from the original game's minimalist aesthetic, and the gameplay changes feel forced and unnecessary. It's clear that Messhof has lost touch with what made the original Nidhogg so special, and Nidhogg 2 is a disappointing reminder of that fact.

Score: 2/10


Sonic and the Black Knight
Sonic and the Black Knight
I hate playing Sonic and the Black Knight because whenever I see the title screen, I catch a glimpse of the word "KNIGHT" in the title. But most of what my eyes focus on is "KNIGHT," which sounds like "NIGHT," and I am afraid of the dark. So, I get scared of the game and start shaking and getting anxious out of fear. Essentially, every time I try to play Sonic and the Black Knight, I get reminded of my fear of the dark and end up too anxious to play, leaving me frustrated every time. Thanks a lot, Sonic and the Black Knight.

Score: 2/10


FIFA 19, oh boy, a rollercoaster of emotions. The Champions League addition injects life, but career mode training is a hot mess. Games turning into superhero-level performances in one season? Absurd. Gameplay, based solely on rushing, hits rock bottom. Online focus is a bummer. The soundtrack? One of EA's worst hits your ears. But hey, Alex Hunter's story persists, at least. It's not just bad; it's the worst game ever created. On top of that, it was my first FIFA purchase, what a waste. The game's a dumpster fire of disappointment, earning it the coveted title of "pure garbage." A solid 2 out of 10 for this dumpster fire of disappointment.


Fate/unlimited codes
Fate/unlimited codes
"Fate/unlimited codes" proves to be a disappointing venture into the Fate series, marked by a confusing narrative, lackluster gameplay, and the regrettable demise of a central character.

Right from the start, the game takes a misguided approach to storytelling, employing inappropriate language and juvenile expressions that add nothing of value to the overall experience. To make matters worse, the pivotal moment of Shirou Emiya's death is handled poorly, lacking the emotional impact it deserves. The narrative fails to engage players, leaving them disconnected from the supposed gravity of the events unfolding.

In addition to the narrative missteps, the gameplay mechanics fail to impress. Combat feels clunky and unresponsive, with a lack of depth that leaves players yearning for a more engaging experience. The unfortunate demise of Shirou Emiya, a crucial character in the Fate universe, is a missed opportunity for emotional resonance, as the execution falls flat and fails to evoke the intended emotions.

In conclusion, "Fate/unlimited codes" struggles to deliver a compelling gaming experience. The narrative choices and gameplay mechanics hinder the overall enjoyment, resulting in a game that fails to live up to the potential of its source material. With a mere 2 out of 10, this title stands as a regrettable addition to the Fate series.



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