The Most Popular Games (According to Backloggd) That I Haven't Played From 1993 to 2023

Inspired by @tangysphere's fantastic original list, as well as the takes of many others.

At first was conflicted between maybe doing it from every year I've been alive or starting from a specific year like many other did, but ultimately, I decided for a middle ground and to go from 1993 to 2023, covering the last 30 years of videogame history and see what I might need to check out or what I missed. Plus, I'll be taking into account games I haven't even touched; those that I played but have yet to finish will not be accounted for, only brand new stuff for me will be here!

I’ll also go over if said game interests me and if I plan to play it, so let’s see!

Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4

...I'm getting a small feeling of Déjà Vu...
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal

I have to many games to play, some even 2019 games that I have yet to finish, to even consider sinking such amount of time into one game, but Persona as a series is one that interests me, so maybe one day...
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

One game at a time, CD Projeckt RED, one game at a time...
God of War
God of War

I can never say no to living the living shit out of dragons!

One day I'll review every single GoW game, and when that day comes, I'll play this, until then, it's not a really high priority of mine.
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

It is written upon the ancient walls that one day Deemon will stop being a lazy sack of shit and will sat his ass and play New Vegas... the day that prophecy will become true it's still unknown...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

One day I want to make a list with all the GOTY winners and rank them, so only for that reason it's bound to happen... plus the game seems really cool, love me some fantasy from time to time.

I don't have plans on even getting it honestly, but maybe one day I'll bite...
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Yeah, what the fuck, right? To be honest, this is here because I do have the 3DS remake, and I have played that one and I plan on finishing it, so for now I have no intent on playing the original soon unless I end up really loving its remake/remaster.
Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2

At least this one still exists. I'll eventually give it a go with friends someday...
Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village

Of course I'll play this! I just need to finish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Code Veronica, Revelations, Revelations 2, Surviv-

...Gues I'll eventually have to, won't I? The only thing that really catches my eye is the ambiens and visual style, aside from that... guess I'll see if it grabs me.
BioShock Infinite
BioShock Infinite

Only if I play the entire trilogy.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

The fact I, as a living human being born in the 2000's, have not even attempted to play this would be sacrilege for some. I'ts the GTA I'm interested the most for sure, so who knows, maybe I'll play it eventually .
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4

It'll probably be the Wii version (since it's the one I have) but yeah, I absolutely plan on playing this.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

As soon as I finish Ocarina, I plan on jumping to Majora, and it'll be this version no matter what. I know how the game goes and I basically grew up with gameplays on it, but I NEED to play it, I NEED to beat it, such a fascinating game...
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger

Wow, I haven't played much from 95 huh? I even have this one on Steam, is yet another JRPG that seems fantastic and one I do plan on playing soon.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Same goes for the entire Castlevania series, I have to get into these and I'm super excited to see them for myself, and SotN is no exception.
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry

I know I know, yet again, what the fuck, but hey, I have the trilogy, I have the game, I want to play it, and I WILL play it! Mark my words: I'LL PLAY EVERY DMC GAME, AND THAT'S A FACT, NO 2003 GAME IS GONNA STOP ME (Fun fact, DMC2 is the only game I've played of the series... I'm a disgrace...).

Like 75% of my friends are Dishonored fans, I'm doomed to fall... (plus someone on here recommended it to me and I'll be checking it out for sure!)


Oh, not because I don't want to, but because technically this game doesn't exist anymore! OW2 is more of a season 2 than a sequel I know, but still...
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV

Wanna see me say the same thing a third time?
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Doki Doki Literature Club!

Yeah no I'm good, plus I think I've been spoiled of practically every possible surprise, so there's not much reason to play it in the first place.
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI

Yes, a thousand times YES. It's one of the FF games that REALLY catches my eye every time I see it, this alongside IX are the ones I want to play the most.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

As much as I'd love to say that MW2 is one of the games I want to play the most... it really isn't.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Meh, I'm far more interested in other GTA games, so for now, I'm good, but maybe I'll play it eventually ...
Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs

Honest to god, MAYBE. I want to at LEAST give it a fighting chance, but who knows when I'll actually sit down and play it.
Mega Man X
Mega Man X

I have plans to play more of the Mega Man series in the future, and X is certainly one of the ones in the series I really want to try and beat, so yeah, this one will most likely happen!
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

It's not a high priority of mine, but yeah, I do want to play it, years of memes and clips really have rotten my brain and made me yearn to try to play it for myself.
Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros.

Yeah, I'm a fraud... As much as I love the Smash series, 64 is still the only one I haven't played, and I want to at least give it a go whenever I get the chance.
Pokémon Red Version
Pokémon Red Version

As much as I love the series and I even played the remakes, the original R&B games are still terra ignota for me, hopefully they'll be added to the NSO soon and then I'll have no excuses to try them.
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
The Simpsons: Hit & Run

I mean, I do like The Simpsons, but that much to make this one a priority; seems like a fine enough GTA/Crazy Taxi parody, but not something I'm jumping at the opportunity of playing.


6 months ago

Some of these are very good, and some of them are Pokemon Red.

6 months ago

dmc1 rules and will wash away any lingering long term effects that enduring dmc2 may've caused on your body or spirit. like a psychic baptism

6 months ago

@Weatherby Hey, let's give Pokémon Red some credit... at least it has some cool and funny glitches... and busted ass mechanichs... and piss-poor balanci- I think I'm not helping its case.

@curse It's good to know there's hope of healing for me, that I can be cured of the terrible effects that DMC2 has caused on me... it can't come soon enough...

6 months ago

we gotta save demon from playing persona and ddlc

6 months ago

@weatherby choosing to believe you singled out pokemon red because of how much better it is than the others

6 months ago

@moschidae I have no interest in DDLC so so far I'm good on there, and P5's length is a good enough reason to not play, it's not a compromise I can make right now especially with all the games I have yet to play XD

6 months ago

@faea i'm afraid i just have a nasty little soul

6 months ago

indeed, salvation is but an install away

6 months ago

If you're going to try Smash 64 at some point, then might I recommend Smash Remix? It's an amazing mod that more then doubles the roster of the original and greatly expanding stage selections plus game modes while keeping the core the same, such as the existing characters and mechanics remaining untouched.

6 months ago

@AlphaOne2 I'll probably play the original unmodded game first, but I will look into Smash Remix for sure, I had never heard of it before and it seems insane, the changes in roster and mechanichs are amazing, I'm really excited to check it out now. Thank you so much for sharing this! :D

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