Non-Binary/Agender/Gender Nonconforming Gaming

Games with significant non-binary representation and/or playable non-binary characters. Comments in notes since not all of this representation is necessarily good. Does not include most visual novels/interactive fiction/eroge.

Protagonist can go by they/them pronouns. Tomcat is genderfluid, Sylvan and Turing are non-binary; all go by they/them pronoun except Turing who uses he/him pronouns.
Gender for the player character is seemingly fluid, and the player is referred to by they/them pronouns. You can select any appearance and any voice, with these and your name able to be changed at any time during the game.
Player character can equip any type of clothing and hair and is not explicitly gendered.
Bloodhound is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.
The player character can be non-binary with they/them pronouns, and character Bobbee goes by they/them pronouns.
Player character options include they/them pronouns and an androgynous body type. Character Quinn is non-binary.
Playable character Underling is referred to by they/them pronouns.
They/them pronoun option for player character.
As of June 2020, there is an 'Identity' feature available which gives your character the possibility of their already-set identity being non-cis/non-het, with two of those identities being non-binary and genderqueer. You can also explicitly choose a gender identity for your character. If you choose genderqueer or non-binary you are forced to use zie/zir pronouns.

A lot about this game squicks me out!
FL4K, though a robot, uses they/them pronouns and wears a non-binary flag pin.
Suggested by ResidentMelville

Sawyer, Rowan, and Holmes are non-binary
Player character is never gendered, and characters Fel and Reed are non-binary.
Suggested by smaench

You can be non-binary and Ronald Reagan will respect your pronouns. Fuck this lol
Suggested by tdstr

Player character is non-binary
Suggested by swrspin

Boss Flea is gender nonconforming, and is quoted as saying "Male, female, what's the difference?"
Suggested by romdocitizen

Non-binary supporting character and the player character is implicitly non-binary themselves.
Suggested by Archagent

Character Sam is non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns.
Suggested by fweged

Centres around two non-binary characters.
Kris is genderless.
Protagonist Dominique Pamplemousse is genderqueer.
Suggested by zenoslime

The Tarnished is never gendered, with the option of assigning any voice to any body type. Thus, the player can be of any identity they wish without the game imposing an identity upon them.

Marika and Radagon, although appearing as female and male respectively and being of two wills, share the same physical body. This doesn't necessarily make them intersex but they are reminiscent of the alchemical Rebis, a being of male and female qualities, described as 'the divine hermaphrodite'.
The deity Vivec is intersex and genderfluid.
Player can choose they/them pronouns.
All characters are referred to by they/them pronouns.
Suggested by AG147

Secondary protagonist Cam Stone is non-binary and is portrayed by non-binary actor Asia Kate Dillon.
Titania and the fae folk are referred to by they/them pronouns.
Character creator includes option for they/them pronouns.
The player can choose to be non-binary. Setsu and Raqio are non-binary and go by they/them pronouns in the English localisation. The original release had an event in-game that treated a non-binary character's biological sex as a plot reveal, but this has since been relocalised.

Main character Fang goes by they/them pronouns and is voiced by a non-binary VA.
Testament is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.
Chaos is nonbinary.
Suggested by smaench

Your rival Jamie is androgynous, uses they/them pronouns, and can be married by male and female players
The player can choose to go by they/them pronouns and chuds on Steam didn't like that I guess.
The player can choose the gender marker 'NB'.
Suggested by fweged

Charles Eyler's bio states he is genderfluid, though he is only referred to by he/him pronouns ingame.
Suggested by bea

Minogame is non-binary, going by they/them pronouns. The manual refers to them as male for 'convenience purposes'.
Niko is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.
The player character is agender.
Suggested by ResidentMelville

Petronella, Rook, and Ima are non-binary
Suggested by fweged

Protagonist Lamb is described as 'a guy that wears girl clothes,' and characters express confusion towards Lamb's gender.
Suggested by Rowan1312

The player character can choose their pronouns, physical appearance, and reproductive anatomy. Pronoun options include they/them as well as customisable pronouns. Reproductive anatomy comes into play for a puberty event in the game, and the player can opt out of the event being gendered. Selecting a particular reproductive anatomy or appearance does not lead to this event assuming a gender at all. eg. Wet dreams and menstruation are discussed depending on the reproductive anatomy chosen, but they are presented in a gender-neutral and non-judgemental way. There is also a non-binary NPC.
Suggested by fweged

Edge case: Recruitable party member Queen Roger is a crossdressing male who operates a brothel with other crossdressing males. His bio states he was outcasted as a child for his feminine behaviour.
Choice of pronouns for the player character and their lover.
The protagonist and their rival's gender can be chosen, including a non-binary option.
Suggested by MagneticBurn

Serenade is genderless, described by writer Masakazu Eguchi as being soft, tolerant, with a compassionate heart, ultimate strength by combining masculine and feminine parts; the ultimate existence transcending gender. In the English port Serenade is addressed as 'he' but most characters who refer to them as such have never seen Serenade. Additionally in the Viz English localisation of the NT Warrior manga, Serenade is addressed as 'she' in the first chapter, and as 'he' from then on.
Player character Oz is canonically non-binary and uses he/him pronouns.
Player character Oz is canonically non-binary and uses he/him pronouns. Other non-binary characters include Milo, Hex (one of the love interest options), Sawyer (DLC player character), and Moss (minor NPC).
The player character can use they/them pronouns, and can change their name and pronouns at any time. Some townsfolk are non-binary or gender-nonconforming.
Suggested by fweged

The Magypsies are described by Alec as being neither men nor women, though the fan-translated version refers to them by male and female pronouns. The Magypsies themselves fall squarely into the role of stereotypical okama, presenting as simultaneously masculine and feminine.
According to Takashi Iizuka, "NiGHTS is neutral, and therefore has no gender. The impressions of the character with regards to gender are totally up to the player." Source


Suggested by Erato_Heti

Kind of a weird case. In 2016 the option for The Player to be gender-neutral and use they/them pronouns was added. Gender in OFF is generally unstable for some characters, and the Elsen are not specifically gendered at all.
Suggested by fweged

Niko is stated by Eliza Velasquez to have an ambiguous gender, and by Nightmargin to have an unknown gender
Suggested by gomit
The player character, 'The Unnamed,' is non-binary.
The Hearthians are genderless and use they/them pronouns.
Suggested by C_F

When inputting a high score the player selects a gender, one of which is 'Other'
Suggested by spin

Player is of unspecified gender and is referred to by they/them pronouns.
Suggested by Erato_Heti

Player can choose and customise their pronouns, and character Olive is non-binary, using they/them pronouns.
Option for player character to use gender neutral pronouns, which can be changed at any time in the settings.
Suggested by Clearin

The Boss is never assigned a gender in-game and is referred to exclusively as they, them, and you. This allows for non-binary character creation in a way that Cyberpunk 2077 did not (there you would still be labelled male or female).
Regardless of the player's chosen appearance, they are given the option to select pronouns diegetically after the prologue.
Suggested by spin

As of December 2019, the Body Swap mode in Shovel of Hope allows the selection of gender-neutral pronouns alongside body shape selection.
Post-launch update added the ability to use they/them or custom pronouns for Sims. Sims can have customised clothing preferences, body types, reproductive roles, toilet use, walking styles, and speech.
Player character can identify as 'other.' This results in Mr. Mackey calling the player's parents to say "Your child just let me know that he, er, they identify as being gender neutral. [...] It's fine, it's just everyone was under the impression that they were a boy." After hanging up the phone, Mr. Mackey says, "This is a shocker, New Kid, but there's nothing wrong with not identifying as a binary gender. You can be whatever sex you want, OK, even if it's none. That's fine!" After leaving Mr. Mackey's office, a group of "rednecks" in a pickup truck drive up and say, "Well, well, well, if it ain't one of them gender neutrals? We don't take kindly to your types around here. Let's welcome this thing to our town," and a battle commences.
Like Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the player character has a 'style' rather than gender. Clothing and haircuts are unisex.
Suggested by Archagent

The player character can be non-binary.
Non-binary pronoun option.
Frisk is referred to by the singular they in game and by Toby Fox, and it intended to be a genderless blank slate for the player to project themselves onto.

Chara is genderless, and is referred to as 'it'.

Napstablook is non-binary.

Mettaton EX/NEO's design pulls from androgynous glam rockstars.
Captain Viridian is referred to by creator Terry Cavanaugh as both she/her and he/him.
Suggested by ZapRowsdower

The player character 'The Bard' is nonbinary and uses any pronouns according to the official tumblr.
Player characters can use they/them pronouns.
Suggested by Cold_Comfort and corroborated by Luna, the Endless Witch

Juniper is is not specified as any gender identity in-game unlike other main characters, but they use they/them pronouns and are marked internally with the gender undefined value of 2. Also voiced by an NB in the English localisation.


1 year ago

JJ is a transwoman, she was just in the closet about it because she wasn't ready to be open about it until she got forcibly outed in real life. She is still masculine presenting in the real world because she hasn't started openly transitioning yet.

1 year ago

This comment was deleted

1 year ago

i want to say it's important (ostensibly for lore reasons, even) that elden ring avoids gendered terms in character creation, going with "young voice 1," "mature voice 2," etc for its voice options, allowing you to assign any voice to any body type. of course, as such you can essentially be trans as well, but the point is the choice is yours... and i can't really think of any other game that so elegantly empowers you to define your character's sex/gender however you want.

1 year ago

Added, thanks!

1 year ago

The player's avatar The Hunter of Marvel's Midnight Suns goes by they/them

1 year ago

Great list! One of the two playable characters in Tell Me Why is a trans man, and his transition is referenced a few times through the plot as he returns to his home town. It is not, however, a main focus of the game.

1 year ago

After re-reading the comments I realize "gender-nonconforming" in this context might not be meant to include trans men and women. Sorry for the extra noise if so!

8 months ago

Gin Noto in The Caligula Effect 2 is non-binary and their "social link" is about being able to come to terms with their identity fully.

3 months ago

Just FYI the other Saints Row games with the exception of the first (so 2, 3, and 4) have the same thing as the 2022 Reboot with the player character being referred to as they/them and you being able to mix and match any body type with any voice etc!

Baldur's Gate 3 also allows you to select "Nonbinary / Other" as a gender and mix-and-match your voice and body

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