check out my cool taste gamers (gamefying this website)

Game rules and your stakes are at the bottom.

If you wanna switch controller with me you'll need to delete all of your ratings first and make a list like this.

No score no more

No more reductive attempts to boil my subjective experience with art down to a number for others to look at and flex my superior, subconsciously manufactured taste on them. I just know my taste is better bozos.

This manufactured list is gonna be a replacement for the magenta stars on the top of my logs or reviews, for all the Video Games I enjoyed my time with, but to fuck with whoever might read this, undermine the attempt at presenting my 'favs' and to make a game out of this list itself, I'll sprinkled in with some games I hate and some I haven't even played, some in my backlog and some just to look cool.

1: If you successfully guess which games I have sprinkled in without having played it, I will play it.

2: If you successfully guess which games I have played, plus my old score (+ or - one, But you'll have to say if + or -)
I'll write my best attempt at a mediocre review of it in which I'll shout-out your Profile.
(This is not just as a meager attempt to give a reason for trying this more risky option, but genuinely because I appreciate anyone who plays <3 lol)

(If you've done both or intent to, maybe gamble higher bozo!)

Every Person gets only one Game to call out.
If you've shot and hit, or fully completed your Stakes then you can try the other remaining option.

Hint: I have marked games I haven't played as played just to fuck with potential sleuths.


Correctly guessed by @FemboyGenius
I'll have to write that review soon
Already wrote about it
Already wrote about it
Already wrote about it
Already wrote about it
Already wrote about it
Already wrote about it
Already wrote about it
Already wrote about it


8 months ago

I know you loved darkwood.

8 months ago

@FemboyGenius what score tho

8 months ago

4.5/5 or something like that

8 months ago

This comment was deleted

8 months ago

@FemboyGenius Damn you got it. Now I need to find good words and shit

8 months ago

I know your ass hasnt played pentiment to the end yet

8 months ago

@LordDarias hell yea. I'll start playing it today. I hope I'll like it as much as you did

8 months ago

This is such a cool and good idea for a list, also a very tricky one. Since there are indeed stakes, I'm gonna play the safe card and say a game that I'm fact are playing right now: I think you haven't played SOMA. I also say it because I think I don't remember seeing your icon on the ''status of friends'' section, but then again it just could be my fish's memory back in action, as the only games I can remember that you've played and your score are the ones you've already written about and in some cases even kept the score xD.

With that out of the way, it's really interesting to see people to drop the score system altogether, and I fully respect it; I use scores more for myself and keeping track of certain stuff than for any other reasons, but I see why the arguments for stopping to use them are so compelling and just make more sense when analyzing art overall. I'll have to think about it myself, but anyhow, great list!

8 months ago

@DeemonAndGames oof seems like you'll have to write that review for SOMA! I played it and enjoyed it a lot. Thanks, and ty for playing.

Also read that essay in the link I put at the top if you want to be convinced, that combined with a discussion about it with some other users was that last nudge I needed.

8 months ago

Was gonna review it anyway but hey, even more reasons to write it once I finish it are more than welcomed xD. And I'll give the article a read for sure, I've already read a few things about the matter but I'm always happy to see even more of it, and this one seems really interesting.

8 months ago

Your ass has NOT played An Outcry ;)

8 months ago

@QuinnK lol, that is kinda cheating ngl but fully my own doing. Gonna get it after finishing Pentiment which i just started

7 months ago

Okay; I'm gonna play. You haven't played 999 (maybe you did but then I'll have to write a review for it and it more than deserves one).

7 months ago

@paramonauta damn, you missed.
I did play it and I'll have to admit it wasn't for me lol. Maybe your review will be able to give me a new perspective on it tho. But no stress w the write-up.

I also still got mine for Darkwood in the drafts and @DeemonAndGames still got to write the one for Soma I'm pretty sure!!

Thanks for playing!!

5 months ago

Took my a while but I finally did it! As promised by the bet, I finished and wrote the review of Soma! So sorry it took so damn long, my original plan was beating it back in October/November and not 3 months later but hey, better late than never I guess xD. Once again, this is a super idea for a list and glad this allowed me even more of a reason to play the game, it was an amazing experience and writting about it was wonderful.

5 months ago

@DeemonAndGames yooo perfect I'll link it in this list!! damn, its been that long already.. and I still haven't posted a Darkwood review..

5 months ago

I had a lot of unsorted thoughts written about Darkwood in my old phones notes app, but the phone broke and now its all lost.. dang i am kinda just making excuses again, am i? whatever, when i do ill write it in german tho just to fuck with FG lmao

I also shelved Pentiment pls nobody tell it LordDarias lol

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