Giochini peppini

List of games that I am particularly fond of, mainly because I associate them with significant times and specific moments in my childhood, until I was 13 years old.

I don't think I've ever made it past level 5 (the game had 15 levels in total). I remember playing it to the point of exhaustion for several weeks before giving up, and that I was quite fascinated by level 4 because of the fact that it takes place almost exclusively in glide-mode while holding on to a dandelion: in this respect I must say that, before, the games based on Disney and Pixar movies were interesting and were capable of reshaping moments from the movies in quite interesting ludic terms.
It was the only game in the "Animated Storybook" series that I've played. It's a collection of absolutely trivial mini-games and activities, such as making Mulan wear certain clothes rather than others. Despite the utter silliness of such a game, I spent many hours playing it. The strange thing is that I've played it exclusively with other friends of mine, so we were definitely a bunch of idiots.

Also, it was one of the first games that I managed to play on a PC.
It was one of my first PS1 games and, to this day, it still is one of the very few flight simulators I have played. Back in the day, I was absolutely captivated by the sound design of the menu (still etched in my mind) and of the missiles tracking the enemy. Consider the meme "It really makes you feel like Spiderman": I was so immersed in this game that I might say that it really made me feel like an A-4 about to crash badly on a hilltop at sunset.
As a child, one of my first consoles was the NES. To play the Sega Master System games I had to visit a cousin of mine, and this was one of the very first games we played together for whole afternoons until we could finally finish it.
Without a doubt, one of my strangest memories when it comes down to videogames from my past. Basically, one day, a friend of my father's came to our house and brought me a CD with some games on it. While my parents and the guy were talking and minding their own business, I booted up this thing: it was a run 'n' gun where you could use two heavily armed colored balls who had to avenge the death of Gargamel. So, they start to slaughter hordes of Smurfs and Pokémon for about twenty minutes (which is just this game's length). After a couple of hours, the guy comes back, takes the CD with the game and leaves, and from that day I completely forgot anything about its existence.
Remember when I said that the NES was my first console?

I spent, I think, dozens and dozens of hours on each of the games I owned at the time. Even on this one. Who knows what the fuck happened to it, my guess is it all ended up in the garbage alas.

P.S.: Kojima debuted in the video game industry as an assistant designer working on the sequel.

One of the first Ps1 games that I managed to finish all by myself - after failing quite a bunch of times. It was interesting to me because of the mixture of action and strategy segments.
One of the first games that I managed to play with my younger brother, on the NES. Of course, most of the time we were doing shit so we could complicate each other's lives.
For a couple of years this had been one of my favorite games, I still remember that I got great satisfaction from the fact that I could defend myself from enemy blows by hiding behind a handful of pixels, while most of the times I could destroy the enemies while holding my position (I widely anticipated the noble practice of campering).
Considering the expressions on their faces when you kill them, I'm still not sure if the balloons were feeling surprised or if they were somehow pleased by their intrusive thoughts of their incumbent death. They creeped me out a li'l bit.
I often played this one with my mom, when we lived at my grandma's house because a storm damaged our house. Those were fun times, when I managed to play a lot of 'em also in some italian bars.
I played this one with what was one of my best friends when I was in elementary school and in middle school. We used to do a lot of stuff together: we played football with other kids, we often went to his relatives' garden where we played with the animals and ate some stuff, and of course we played a lot of video games. Good ones and bad ones.
Same thing as with Lost in Time, with the exception that with this one we could actually play co-op.

We also played a very shitty game together with other friends, Il Grande Fratello, based on a reality show. Unfortunately it doesn't have an entry in this database. Understandable.
I played this one soooo many times that I became officially a clown and mastered it. Not the horse stage though, fuck that shit.

Edit: apparently the lion can walk back. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
This one was damn cool and I probably liked to play it a lot because it reminded me of Pac-Man (which I loved - and I still love). Also, the city in the background in the first stage was very nice to look at.
I remember that this was one of the first games that I had played with a couple of cousins of mine: they were the ones who discovered it, and whenever I went to their house half of the times I could find one of them playing. It was pretty difficult for me, but it had really nice graphics and character designs.
Of course, one of the most infuriating experiences in my whole life. I've never been able to find all the boxes. Still, I tried over and over again and I was pretty good against all the bosses (I've got to say though that Ripper Roo was a nightmare for me). Never managed to finish it though.
I played this one with some friends of mine, it was definitely a more pleasant experience. Still, no luck with the boxes. I remember that at first I had a little bit of a hard time against the Komodo Bros, but they kneeled too eventually. For some reason, I think that back in the days I wasn't able to finish this one either.
I remember that I liked the motorcycle level a whole lot, and I loved the bosses again. I also played this one together with some friends.
My favourite stage was the one on the ice, where you had to push all your enemies off of the platform. That was really satisfying.
A friend and I often played this game to determine who was the best taxi driver in the world. Needless to say, we were both shits.
I'm pretty sure that I've never even started the storyline. Or, if I ever did, I probably only finished the very first mission or so. More then anything, I used to roam the streets shooting and punching people - classic GTA stuff.
Of course I mostly used Willie and his stupidly strong pitchfork, and of course the game was incredibly unbalanced since it was built around the tv show and its stupid shit. Unfortunately during development this game suffered from a lot of content being cut and trashed because of some unhappy publisher. However, small me just enjoyed the opportunity of making Barney burp.
I swear to God, this is one of the worst games I've ever played. I bought it in a computer shop in my hometown, as I was a huge fan of the shows (all of them). Why not, right? I've gotta say though that little-me found it pretty disturbing since you could find body pieces here and there. I remember a leg in particular, close to a dead alligator in the middle of a golf field. And the facial expressions were really uncanny.
Pretty sure that this game came with my Ps1 in a Demo Disc. Man, forget finishing it: I never manage to go past stage 1. Swear to God, I never understood what the hell did I have to do in order to get some progress. Still, I tried again and again because I was intrigued. To no avail.
Apparently, there was a bug in the italian version that didn't allow us to finish the game. I gotta say, after a lot of tries I managed to get pretty far in the main story, and to that infamous point. What a pity. Also, getting a Numemon was really frustrating.

Hell, to me this was clearly one of those games that in order to be completed needed one of those japanese guides since a lot of its mechanics were pretty obscure. The world itself though was pretty nice, it actually gave a good representation of a strange digital reality.
I did not play it back in the days. I couldn't also, both because it would have been too difficult for me and also because I was the kind of kid that was scared of his own shadow. I watched my uncle and my father play this at my uncle's house: I used to go there a lot of times actually, and play with the Game Boy with my cousing. Those were really good times.
Man, the hydra and the cyclops where very interesting. Disney game surely were interesting. I did manage to finish this one after a long time, with the help of a classmate of mine. My favourite stage was probably the one with the harpies: I enjoyed a lot destroying them with the electric sword (or whatever that was).
I actually played this one a lot while I was on the toilet. It was a really fun game, I honestly still remember a lot of stages.
That baboon stage though.
Come si scarica Paperino - Operazione Papero
Damn, I remember that I was able to unlock the SSj4. What a life. What a monster.
I still don't get why I liked this game so much. I played a lot of times, doing always the same things (since there's actually nothing to think about when you fight in this one, is almost just button mashing). I guess I liked the simplicity of it.
My TV was not good enough for the light gun, so a lot of times I had to put the gun literally on the glass. Clearly, doing so my aim was absolutely ineffective and almost all the ducks ended up flying away. And the dog, like the good bastard he is, laughed at my face.
So, this one was one of the free games which came with a famous italian magazine - GMC (Giochi per il Mio Computer). I bought it in 2005, when I was 13-14, and I absolutely fell in love with it. I played it so many times that I can still remember almost all of it and how to solve effectively some of the stages. A pity that the sequel was a shit. Luckily the third game is really good.

A couple of months after this one I bought the magazine that came with Robin Hood, which was in Desperados style. I also liked it, but not as much and I ended up giving it as a present to some friend of mine, I can't really remember who. Still, nice game.
Me, my brother and two cousins of mine played the shit out of this game. We used to play both solo and one against the other, almost every night for a couple of months. We also had a lot of fun with the editor, creating our own maps and adventures.
This was one of my dad's favourite games and eventually I also played it and really enjoyed it. The gameplay is not that deep, the interesting part was the story, which was pretty dramatic sometimes. What I really liked was the scout troop, which was defenseless but who was also able to explore his surroundings with the help of his animal (I think it could have been either a wolf or an eagle, depending on the civilization you chose).
I used to play this one with a cousing of mine, probably my first 3D beat 'em up. It was incredibly difficult for me, but we managed to finish it.
I was obsessed with Casper, to the point where I bought a doll too and kept with me whenever I was sleeping. The funny thing about that doll was that it had a glowing had and it made me feel protected, since as I already said I was scared of everything, and especially at night. The game was shit though.
So, this is not the right game: the one I'm actually thinking about is African Safari - Trophy Hunter (1998). I played it only once, we were at a friend of my father's house. Pretty terrible game, very clunky controls (so bad that I still remember them) and you just had to shoot at some wild animals. What I clearly remember from that day:
1) the guy had an aquarium with a few pirañas;
2) a lion and a rhino attacked me in the game and killed me. The rhino though got stuck behind the jeep once. Fuck him.
The amount of times I played this one is kind of embarassing. I guess it was just fun to be Goofy, and that's it. I also played it with a lot of friends, I don't know what was wrong with us.
I still occasionally have flashbacks of the times I played it, I always remember the cyclops in the act of eating people and/or sheeps. Bastard.
I played this one at my cousins' house, with them. The italian dubbing was really fun and nice, I think we kept playing this one for at least a year.
I hated it with all my might. And yet...
It really was uncanny, with that ugly smug, and that witch laughing now and then, and with the stupid game overs.
Christ, was it difficult.
Even though I could have played this one with someone else, I used to play it alone, for a couple of reasons: my brother was still too young to play anything, and that was the time when I was living at my grandma's house and I never invited my friends over since they lived pretty far from that place.
Classic son-of-a-cop game
Again, as with Resident Evil, my first experience with this title was not as a gamer but as a spectator: I often watched an uncle of mine play it when we and the rest of the family were having lunch in his car park
I played this and the first one for the first time while I was at the beach. In addition to this booth there were a few others, whose names I can't remember for now, and a couple of pinball machines from which I often won particularly good chewing gum.
When a storm damaged our house, we went to my grandmother and great-aunt's house; we had lived there for a couple of years, I think. Every now and then, in the evenings, I accompanied my father to the neighbourhood bar where he would play some poker and I would waste time with the few booths inside. My favourite was definitely this one, I must have finished it more than twenty times (also because, thank God, the manager of the place allowed me to play it for free).
Only God knows how many hours I have wasted on the PC playing this stuff. It was part of a collection of several hundred games (presumably all pirated), and this was one of my favourites. Kind of punk.
I do not know if I remember exactly why I had this game. I think it was given to me by an older cousin of mine (who, by the way, was the one who introduced me to Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy VIII to be precise, but I only watched him play it a couple of times).
My first Pokémon game. I still have etched in my memory the evenings I used to play it under the covers and while I was in the car, hoping each time that we would stop under some street lamp as long as possible so that I could see something on that damn screen.
It was given to me as a present by my aunt at my communion. To this day it still is one of the games I am most fond of. I often played it together with a cousin of mine and other mutual friends, in between football matches.
First game that caused me intense anger, I was still in second grade I think. My mother broke it in half, and I can't really blame her.
Unforgettable evenings when I used to watch my father playing it, while I was covering my eyes because I was shitting myself.
I remember quite distinctly some moments from the game, specifically some death screen caused by the Nemesis itself/himself.
This was my The Sims, in the sense that I killed many hundreds of customers
This was my first real point-and-click adventure. I played it with two of my cousins, and we managed to finish it. Of course, using a guide, but we were little: the fact that we were able to solve some of the puzzles was more than enough
Eventually it became too complicated for me and a friend of mine, but we tried our best and actually were able to complete almost all the stages
I very clearly remember my father playing it: the first 20 minutes are especially still carved in my memory. Eventually I played it myself, as I also did with other games in this list like the first RE, but the sensations that I still remember are exactly those ones from back then
Not much to say, this was my first mobile game. I played it alot, everywhere, especially while I was on the car with my parents and at my grandma's house when I was bored
I think that I have played this game while I had a fever, because I remember some weird horror content that wasn't actually there. I also remember very clearly being annoyed by the fact that I had to take care of that little piece of shit of baby smurf or whatever he is actually called
My first Spider Man game. The section when you swingidingly away from the helicopter is gorgeous
This was my Sony mascotte at the time. I never managed to play it in a competent way, but I spent many weeks playing it without getting tired of it
To be honest, this was just one of my first domestic videogames. I don't exactly have specific memories about it, except for the smell of my room at the time (mimosa)
This game signed my career as a professional gamer. I don't know how, but I was able to discover many of its secrets without using any guide. Also, I was able to reach gameplus 5 in a single setting, because I eventually was also able to speedrun it and finish it in 30 minutes or something like that (which is not really a record but hey, it was a huge accomplishment for me)
I played it for many months, almost every night, with a couple of cousins of mine. It was my first puzzle game, I didn't grasp its potential at all at the time, but it fascinated me from the start. Probably, it did because it stimulates the player to look for different solutions to the same problems without forcing him to find a fixed one every time
This game is and was an hallucination
Ah man, this one was like a dream coming true for me. The construction yard was probably my favourite level, but Andy's house in general was fantastic
Probably my first fighting game if we don't take the arcades into consideration. I fondly remember the dinosaurs taking a bite of the human beings passing by to recover health points
I bought this game one day (or rather, I made my mother buy it) in one of the three video game shops in my town. That one, in particular, sold just a few games for Nintendo consoles and there I bought all my first Pokémon games, up to Ruby. The game sucks, but I think that, along with Super Mario Land, it was the first one that led me to do some sort of pseudo-speedrun.
I had a pirated version of this game, with a Pikachu on the cover and the words 'Pokémon - Catch Them All'. In Europe, for some mysterious reason, the wrong covers were printed. Imagine the disappointment. I ended up liking Rescue Shot a lot, though, so much so that I played it very often in the company of other people.
Chiaramente non giocai a questo ma alla versione italiana con la magnifica voce di Gerry Scotti, del 2001.
Non ricordo quale, ma comprammo uno di questi "pezzotto", come si suol dire, e la copertina aveva il logo e un giocatore del Napoli dell'epoca. Solo recentemente ho scoperto che quella non era affatto una versione ufficiale ma una versione patchata, e come questa ne esistevano altre che avevano il principale scopo di inserire in game squadre locali
To this day I still don't know how in the world I was able to play this. I remember though that eventually me and a friend of mine started writing down, as we discovered them, all the combinations that allowed us to create the best cards
One of the first horror films I played alone, I honestly didn't understand anythoung about it at all and yet I kept playing it over and over again for weeks in the vain hope of being able to advance
One of the weirdest games I've played when I was a kid. For years I've been trying to recall its name and I succeded eventually. My memories of it are so distorted and confused that at first I thought that it was supposed to look like a futuristic game but actually it's just about some cats and rats slapping butts
Honestly, this was one of my favourite PVP games at the time. Even then I was a huge bastard and I was able to set beautiful traps


9 months ago

ti rubo l’idea come la mettiamo

9 months ago

Sei emotivamente fedifrago

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