Certified DC-core

Either my all-time favorites or games that hold a special place for me - like walking down a timeline of DC defining titles.

Played On: PC

A Jedi adventure with sniper rifles and rocket launchers, Jedi Outcast is equal parts hack and slash and FPS. The story is pretty decent, but the gameplay is what kept me enthralled for hours and hours as a kid - I mean you got a rifle that would disintegrate someone; it was awesome. I also remember a mod where you would fight waves of Dark Jedi while Prodigy's Smack My Bitch Up looped in the background. Peak.
Played On: Nintendo Switch

I played through the world of Super Mario RPG while eating tiny bites of jello from a spoon and popping painkillers for the holes in my head where my wisdom teeth used to be. It was like reverting to childhood, discovering the magic and creativity of Mario all over again.
Played On: N64

When I got to college, I had never played a Smash Bros. game before and I was terrible. I loved it though and desperately wanted to be good, so my roommate (who was actually good) would play team matches of him vs me and 3 CPUs. Then eventually we took away one of the CPUs, and then the next, and then the next and finally we could 1v1. I've loved Smash Bros. ever since and have played every game in the series now, but that memory still remains as one of my favorite gaming experiences. Pikachu + Ness 4 lyfe.
Played On: Nintendo Switch

The Smash Bros. game where I finally started playing 1v1s online - a blessing and a curse, but my Toon Link says here's a bomb, here's a bomb, here's a bomb, here's a bomb, here's a bomb into short-hop fair, and you're dead. Nowhere is safe from the bombs.
Played On: PC

One of the best looking point-and-click games of all time with hilarious jokes and more pirate shenanigans. If anyone wanted to get into the Monkey Island games, this is the one I would recommend. Just an absolute classic. Even without Ron Gilbert, the game manages to retain the vibes of the originals.
Played On: PC

I was a senior in high school with no money, my PC could barely run it at probably like 20fps, but I saved up and bought Oblivion and became completely obsessed from the moment I stepped out of those sewers for the first time. Oblivion was so easy to get lost in, and it has the best side-quests out of any game in the Elder Scrolls series, like an upside down castle, human hunting grounds, and rescuing a mage trapped in his own dream.
Played On: PC

When Skyrim came out, I remember running back and forth between my room and my roommate's, excitedly exchanging stories and secrets we had found. Probably one of the best gaming experiences of my life, I ended up pouring more and more into the game with the true magic of Elder Scrolls V - mods.
Played On: MS-DOS

I remember when we first got this game, I thought it was based on the Batman the Animated Series game "The Riddle of the Minotaur," but when the hours long, eight disk install completed, instead I was rewarded with a vibrant pixel world of puzzles and magic. Stills from The Hand of Fate are burned into my memory, like the Octopus outside the pirate bar, or the giant rabbit statue along a cliff.
Played On: Nintendo Switch

This is the game I bought my Switch for, one of the best decisions I've ever made not only because Breath of the Wild is an amazing adventure, but because it started my wife's journey into gaming. Watching her joyfully explore Hyrule and eventually make her way to Ganon was a wonderful experience, almost on par with playing the game myself.
Played On: MyBoy! - Android

The Minish Cap is one of the most underrated games in the Zelda franchise. Toon Link looks great as always, the dungeons are fantastic with the shrinking mechanic being a creative way to add the second world, and it's fun every once in a while to have a villain not named Ganon.
Played On: PC

The Neverhood was so hard for me as a kid, but I just kept playing and playing because the animation, art direction, and soundtrack are all absolutely phenomenal. The puzzles are satisfying and the characters are cute. Who can't relate to the robot that just wants his teddy bear?
Played On: MS-DOS

Guybrush Threepwood is my hero and took me on so many adventures as a kid with ridiculous humor and loveable characters. I owe every come-back I've ever used to the sword fighting in Monkey Island.
Played On: PC

When I jumped into Titanfall 2, I was just expecting it to be a standard FPS campaign; I was not prepared to be emotionally attached to my robot in the way that I was. I also wasn't expecting some of the best level-design I've ever experienced in an FPS with some truly creative platforming sections.
Played On: PS2

Fuck Eric Sparrow, the most punchable face in video game villainy. I was a fan of Tony Hawk from the first game, but adding in a story made a huge difference in replayability for me. I threw hours into this game trying to become the star skater I was born to be but couldn't in real life...because...well I have no talent.
Played On: Nintendo Switch

I've only played as a Pacifist and I refuse to play this any other way. It's just perfectly wholesome, cozy, and heartwarming that way.
Played On: PC

This game absolutely blew my mind when it came out with how good it looked both from a technical standpoint and the art design with industrial sci-fi mixing against alien landscapes and architecture. Running through the world of Unreal really did feel like I was on another planet.
Played On: Arcade

I was always drawn to this one, and the other Darkstalkers games, because of the amazing artwork and theme obviously, but the combo system's simplicity makes it a joy to play as well. Easy to play match after match and not feel like you're outplayed because you didn't memorize a 12-hit combo string.
Played On: PC

Engrossing storytelling that plunge splayers into the strange, sad world of the Finch Family. I believe everyone would find something touching in this game, particularly in the cannery story which is unlike anything else I've ever played in the way it brings together narrative and gameplay.
Played On: PC

Wolfenstein doubles down on the humor, offering satire and absurdism to cut through the tense and horrific reality of a Nazi-controlled world. It also manages to be touching and humanizes BJ in ways I did not expect.
Played On: PC

New Order really reminded me less of the old Wolfenstein games and more of a mash-up with Half-Life 2, which was interesting and totally worked in a strange way. The story is a blast, but the gunplay, missions, and world-design are the stars of New Order.
Played On: PC

The hand-drawn art is phenomenal and gives the game such a unique atmosphere that complements the simple gameplay. The ability to quickswap back and forth between the original 1989 graphics is a fun feature too and just adds to the classic feel of the remake.
Played On: PC

My step-dad and I used to play this with each other all the time, just building our civilizations and destroying CPU opponents before turning on each other. I loved the aesthetic and vibes so much that I would sometimes just play solo without any enemies on a custom map just to build out a little civilization for fun. Wololo.
Played On: Arcade

It was always super hard to find this arcade game, but there was a pizza place that had a machine and I would drag my step-dad there so we could eat pizza and play together. I loved the artwork and blasting away at DnD monsters with spells, or using the cleric's shield to block attacks and heal the party.
I'm a mongo footed professor gnar gnar! One of the first computer games I owned, I spent hours upon hours in it just building cars, jetskis, and riding around town as Pepper on my skateboard. I am ashamed how long it took me to even realize there was a "game" outside of the sandbox, but countless time was poured into just walking around the island and vibing.
Played On: Arcade

Another arcade classic - I loved MK1, but Mortal Kombat II was always the clear choice because of the goofy friendship and babalities, as well as being able to actually play as Reptile.
Played On: Arcade + SNES

Playing as mascots was the funniest thing ever to me - I really loved the Hornets one, and they were awesome in this game. This was the ultimate just pick up the controller and play game, and we all loved it.
Played On: PS2

The last NCAA game I bought, my favorite past time was finding some random FCS school and then coaching them up to eventually win the FBS National Title. Of course, you had to swap out a real team to add the FCS one, so goodbye Notre Dame - every time.
Played On: GameBoy Classic

As soon as I got my Pokémon Blue cartridge into my GameBoy, I never put it down. I carried that thing everywhere - to school, to restaurants, to church, running errands, every single car ride. We were inseparable, and every kid around me with their GameBoy was the exact same way - a generation entranced. Squirtle was my starter, and I didn't really understand how to play so I leveled him up and none of my other Pokémon were any good. Yes, you may have a type advantage, but nice try trainer with level 30 Pokémon, my Blastoise is level 70.
Played On: PC

My fondest memories of Quake III are when we installed the demo version onto the high school's network drive, so a bunch of us would play against each other while in BCIS or Keyboarding or just while we were supposed to be in study hall at the library.
Played On: MS-DOS

YOU FIGHT BOBA FETT. How cool is that? Very cool back when Boba Fett was still cool. I had never played a Star Wars game before this one aside from TIE Fighter, so being first person in this universe was mind-blowing fun.
Played On: Sega Dreamcast

Yeah, I had a Dreamcast. I barely had any games for it, and for the longest time the only ones I did have were House of the Dead 2 and NFL 2k, so I played the absolute crap out of both of them. House of the Dead 2 is ridiculous B-movie fun with insane voice acting and protagonists that respond to everything as if they are aliens. The monster designs are creepy and weird, and the whole game feels like a fever dream. I love it.
Played On: MS-DOS

Classic LAN party game - we'd get together and add the max number of players into the game between us and CPUs. The game was work together to destroy the CPUs and then turn on each other to determine a winner. Zug zug - I still have the peon responses stuck in my head.
Played On: Nintendo Wii

While my wife was adding things like towels, bedding, dishes, and kitchen knives to our wedding registry, I added a Wii. She was not happy...until we got the Wii. We were absolutely broke, in a tiny apartment, and the Wii became our main source of entertainment - specifically Wii Sports. Epic baseball games were played with Darth Vader, George Costanza, and Dwight Schrute playing alongside us, and we even came up with rules to make things more even (yes, I'm still salty she banned my home-run-every-time-wrist-flick technique). Tennis matches were a tense rivalry as well, as we learned how to put spin on the ball and trick each other. Some of the most fun I had in our first year of marriage was playing on that Wii.
Played On: Sega Genesis

Flashback to me playing this on my Sega Genesis over and over again without having any idea what I'm doing or where I was going, but having a blast getting completely lost and immersed in the world and art. Such a cozy, beautiful game that has stuck with me forever.
Played On: Arcade

This was the game that I always raced for at the arcade. I was a huge fan of the X-Men cartoon series and whatever comics I could get my hands on, and so getting to play as them was a dream come true. Plus, I just loved that era of costumes. Classic.


Played On: PC - Moguri Mod

A powerful adventure full of personality and charm reflected in the atmospheric storytelling of the world and the colorful cast. Each character is a treasure with their own personality and I want to hug them all.


Played On: Nintendo Switch

Well, COVID had hit and I was unemployed, going through the monotony of applying for what felt like 50 jobs a day just hoping that through natural attrition one would hit - doing the same thing day after day, going hollow, just like my Dark Souls 1 PC, except he could do something about it. My reward for sending out applications every day was my journey from the Asylum to the city of the gods to the Kiln to relink the fire, and as soon as I finished the first time, I started it all over again. Please just hit me with that character creation menu theme and let me fade away.


Played On: PC

Many games have good writing, but few contain actual well-written prose. Disco Elysium uses this strength to weave a narrative and mystery that unravels not only the world at large, but the amnesiac detective in the center. I think the first time I realized I was truly into this game was exploring the bookstore and stumbling upon the old TTRPG company - such a small and ultimately minor thing but the texture and humanity that it gave the city was really touching. Another game that I replayed as soon as I finished my first run. My favorite build is physical-psyche; I love playing as the brute who somehow has a mainline connection with the universe.


Played On: Nintendo Switch

Experiencing Samus's vision in first person is incredibly immersive and spellbinding. I love how alien the world feels at first and how comfortable it begins to be as you start to memorize the map and become more powerful.


Played On: Arcade + SNES

So much time spent on this between the arcades and a friend's SNES just playing all day. He was always Leonardo and I was always Donatello, and we always kicked ass, ate pizza, and wasted hours away as kids should. Turtles in Time also had a lot of good mix-ups between the sewer levels, normal brawlers, and fun moments like having to throw enemies at Shredder's screen.


2 months ago

Amazing list with a huge amount of effort put ib. Absolute props for the Wonderboy love especially Monster World which is always underrated by fans imo.

2 months ago

Banger list! Loved the little descriptions for each game

1 month ago

Great selection. Pentiment is goated

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