202 reviews liked by essemkato

My favorite game of all time. It has some pretty jenky controls and the story is pretty goofy, but the combat is still really fun, I love the music and the enemy designs, and the sound effects. It has a lot of charm for a game that has quite a bit cut from it. Obviously a lot of nostalgia riding on this one, but I always have a fantastic time playing it.

just want to make it clear this is an unequivocally pro-melee account. the last super smash brothers game to be "cool" and also coincidentally one of the best fighting games of all time whether you're a slippi sweatlord or playing on brinstar depths with items.



Quake 1 is the greatest FPS of all time and it was made essentially on accident by a group of extremely skilled people who could not stand eachother anymore cobbling something together. Quake 1 is the Fleetwood Mac - Rumours of videogames

the best sonic game and it's barely even a contest. peak vibes and the jp soundtrack is probably the nicest this series has ever sounded. really weird that people are circling back around to pretending this game is bad lol

Finished Sypha's route, and without the movement options of Grant or Alucard, this was probably the hardest yet (stage 7 on Alucard's path is fucking unforgettable though).

I would really recommend putting in the effort to beat this game legit, Castlevania 3 really isn't as hard as its stated to be, and once you learn the ins and outs and get good, this is literally the most fun game on the entire system, its SO GOOD.

If only I actually knew hanafuda rules I would've been unstoppable

a litmus test for gamer sentience

maybe also the all-time least interesting game to have a debate about? if you think this game is badly designed or that it controls poorly, then i'm genuinely not interested in hearing it. i strongly recommend running it back - without the bitch in your ear yapping out all those cookie-cutter tier arguments

Storycels be seething over gameplaychads

Its eccentric character classes, refreshing presentation, and surprisingly tasteful (and replayable) campaign are compounded by substantial resource-farming and puzzle-solving side-games. A DRPG life sim.