Good OSTs

Some soundtracks I enjoy... I'll try to avoid the classic ones everyone highlights

Somewhat atmospheric music that really fits the game's vibe on each stage.
Emotional but also fun.
Nice orchestral music that I never see highlighted anywhere.
I guess this is like eerie jazz? Dunno, but it's good.
It's no surprise that an Ace Attorney game has good music really. This entry has an orchestral focus that fits its setting.
Almost feels like a AA soundtrack.
Quirky and fun.
Just beautiful music.
This soundtrack has basically everything, it's just top tier.
Extremely quirky.
The original themes here are really good and super overlooked.
Kirby music is top tier.
Cave themes are a highlight.
My favorite OST of the AA series. It has a darker tone.
Awesome Kirby remixes with a big piano focus.
Just as awesome as the game.
Say what you want about the game's story but the soundtrack is a banger.
Incredible atmosphere.
Beautiful piano music.
My favorite classic Mega Man OST.
Horrible game, awesome music.
Terran themes are awesome.
ZX series has great music.
Awful game, awesome music.
A very unique OST for this SNES classic.
Yet another case of a not very good game with great music
Upbeat and catchy tunes.
High energy music.
The soundtrack is probably longer than the game... Thankfully it's really good.
Kinda overlooked since it comes from a mobile game but it's a nice OST.
Not a particularly good game but the soundtrack has some catchy tunes.


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