my favorite game from every year (pre 1985-2024)

as the title says but i'm limited to one game from each year with some thoughts and honorable mentions in the notes. this list is subject to change once i've played more games and also just as time moves forward.

Dig Dug
Dig Dug

this entry is really only here so i can mention how much i love dig dug, and i figured id put it here so i can encapsulate the pre-nes arcade era into a category
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.

only game i've played from 1985 so i don't really have much else of a choice lol

only game i've played from 1986 but even though that's the case i still love this game
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

it was either this or megaman 1 and this is the lesser of two evils
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3

im not even the most fond of this game but between this and mario 2 being the only 1988 games ive played i think this is easily well deserving of this spot

this is the game literally everyone can get behind and with time even though it mostly stays the same it usually only gets better the more the iterate on it
Microsoft Minesweeper
Microsoft Minesweeper

potentially the puzzle game i've put the most time into ever, seriously love this game more than a lot of other things i've played

honorable mention: super mario world
Super Castlevania IV
Super Castlevania IV

expect more castlevania as this list progresses it's just a really good series man

honorable mention: link to the past and megaman 4
Little Samson
Little Samson

super unique 2d platformer that i wish got as popular as some of the other games in a similar vein

honorable mentions: sonic 2, megaman 5, mario land 2
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood

really hard year to just pick one from but it just boils down to having played rondo more than other games in this year

honorable mentions: rocket knight adventures, gunstar heroes, megaman x

it was hard for me to pick between earthbound and super metroid, but i think earthbound i just have more attachment to throughout my life. also another insane year for video games

honorable mentions: super metroid, sonic 3 and knuckles, wild guns, windjammers
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger

a beautiful jrpg, its one of those games for me where people will hype it up like crazy and say you must play it in your lifetime and after you play it youre like yeah i get it now

honorable mentions: yoshi's island, mario's super picross
Mega Man 8
Mega Man 8

i had a lot of trouble picking between this and mario rpg because i really like both, but i think this game edges out smrpg just because for the megaman series this is the game where i think they really did the most standout job with the megaman formula and it's by far my favorite classic megaman title so i wanted to represent the series in that way

honorable mentions: super mario rpg, donkey kong country 3
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII

ask anyone close to me and they will probably know how obsessed ive been with this game since beating it for the first time last year, it is so fucking good and im so happy i sat down and gave it a real chance after failing to get past midgar in several prior attempts of playing this game

honorable mentions: castlevania symphony of the night, snake
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid

phenomenal game with a truly great story and gameplay, definitely opened my eyes to why people are such huge mgs nerds
Silent Hill
Silent Hill

the quality of this game should be telling by that it's one of few games i've played where after beating it i soon after went back for a second playthrough because i wanted to experience the best possible ending, and i had no regrets running it a second time it was well worth it

honorable mentions: worms armageddon, space channel 5
Jet Grind Radio
Jet Grind Radio

fuck what people say about how this game is all style over substance, i took the time to learn and understand the way this game played after attempting to beat it multiple times and ever since i really got it i think it became one of my favorite games i've ever played and has remained at that status ever since my first completed playthrough
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo: Combat Evolved

a year that's way too hard to pick from, and a game i didn't even play growing up as a kid or play anything but the multiplayer in. i hadn't ever touched halo 1 until my friends in computer science class in 10th grade were passing around the file and setting up games to play with each other and i seriously squeezed so much enjoyment out of this game and despite not even having played it prior to or after when i was in 10th grade, or ever even playing the story mode, those memories i made were so personal to me and i wouldn't trade them for anything. i will never forget 1v1 on wizard flamethrowers banned

honorable mentions: luigi's mansion, super monkey ball, melee, animal crossing
Super Monkey Ball 2
Super Monkey Ball 2

the era of early gamecube games is one that's super personal to me because it was an era of video games that i have the earliest memories of even playing video games from due to being born shortly after its release. having my older sisters own a gamecube was probably one of the major things that contributed to loving video games so much today, and monkey ball 2 is one of those games that i think personifies those memories as its probably my favorite gamecube game. this game carried on to be played throughout my time growing up even as we were getting new consoles and my sisters and i were growing apart due to the age gap between us, but monkey ball 2 was always the constant that would be there to bring us together and get together with each other and play some video games like when i first started even forming memories

honorable mentions: super mario sunshine, mario party 4, space channel 5 part 2, metal gear solid 2, sonic mega collection, metroid fusion
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!

there are some hard options this year with some really good gba and gc titles, but i think i would have warioware here as a representative for a unique series i really love

honorable mentions: mario and luigi superstar saga, mario kart double dash, naruto clash of ninja 2
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

this was a tough choice for me between this and katamari damacy, but i think nostalgia factor just wins for this one. i really love the 2d zelda format and this game easily does it the best imo. it makes me sad that this is one of the last completely original zelda games to do this format but at least they left a good impression at what feels like the end of its life cycle

honorable mentions: katamari damacy

one of those games thats the most unique i think i'll ever play, im a huge suda51 fan and this was one of those games that cemented that status for me

honorable mentions: chibi robo, phoenix wright ace attorney, mario kart ds
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
WarioWare: Smooth Moves

easily my favorite warioware game, this is the one where they really let loose and just got super creative with their microgames, basing them around the control scheme and how many ways you can use the wiimote

honorable mentions: rhythm tengoku, lego star wars 2, wii sports
No More Heroes
No More Heroes

the game that started my love for suda51 and grasshopper manufacture games. this is one of those games that will always live in the back of my mind and i will probably return to tens of more times in the future. there are also lots of other really good games from this year i need to replay or beat for the first time but even still im very confident none of them will dethrone this game

honorable mentions: thrillville off the rails, peggle deluxe
Pokémon Platinum Version
Pokémon Platinum Version

my favorite pokemon game ever, the one i grew up with, everytime someone tells me how old this game is turning each subsequent year i feel like im going insane. they did a great job with the difficulty of this one and i just have fond memories of beating this for the first time one summer when i was in 7th grade and feeling like i really overcame a huge milestone. i would always start and give up on this game at the third gym but once i overcame that barrier i carried my way through the rest of the game and im happy i did

honorable mentions: wizard101, rhythm heaven ds, flower sun and rain ds, brawl, kirby superstar ultra, peggle nights
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure

this is a year that will definitely change in the future as it's one of the big ones of games that i played as a kid and loved so much but never actually managed to beat, therefore feeling like i cant really rate some of them. this game is one of the few from 2009 that i can remember vividly enough to rate since i managed to beat it

honorable mentions: mario and luigi bowsers inside story, pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky, pokemon soulsilver, castlevania the adventure rebirth
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Donkey Kong Country Returns

i loved this game a lot as a kid but never managed to beat it, then with a friend last year we sat down and tried to really complete the game and reach the final level at the golden temple and we did it after handing off the controller during play sessions over a few weeks and that was a really good memory i made. again, a year where i didnt beat many games but think of fondly

honorable mentions: pokemon black, vvvvvv, danganronpa 1
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rhythm Heaven Fever

probably the first rhythm game i played and i loved it from the get-go. after watching people play it on youtube before its release i bought it on a summer vacation during a time when i couldnt even play the game until i got back home the following week. that buildup to actually playing the game released a huge amount of joy playing this game once i finally got to and throughout the years i would revisit it and go for perfects until i eventually got them all, and this is something id go back and do multiple times and try to challenge myself in different ways. looking back on it now its definitely baby's first rhythm game because its really easy but i still think the nostalgia factor helps a lot

honorable mentions: sonic generations, fortune street, catherine
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

i needed an animal crossing on this list to further talk about how important it is to my life and this is the game i put the most time into and had the most enjoyment in. my sisters had played animal crossing all the time throughout our life, playing each installment but this is the one we all put the most time into and bonded over the most. this year for my birthday i got my first tattoo done of kk slider as a symbol of something similar to monkey ball that we all bonded over and brought us closer together even as my sisters got older, me being the youngest in the family. love animal crossing <3

honorable mentions: hotline miami, persona 4 golden, kid icarus uprising, nintendo land, sonic all stars racing transformed, little inferno
Papers, Please
Papers, Please

a fantastic indie that i always wanted to play when i was younger watching gameplay on youtube and got my hands on but never actually finished until years later during the pandemic, and man i was missing out. a simple concept that is easily expanded upon and tells a really good story with several different possible endings

honorable mentions: wind waker hd, mario 3d world, zelda a link between worlds
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

another one of those multiplayer games that i hold dearly and created fond memories with. this might be the game i've put the most time into ever, unless smash ultimate somehow beats it in playtime, but this is the only game i can think of that ive managed to put 1000+ hours into. there are so many memories i cant go into them all but i think the playtime alone speaks on how much i loved this game

honorable mentions: lisa, dragon quest iv (mobile version)
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

there are tons of other people on this website who have talked about this game and can probably put into better words than i can why this game is so great, but just know i used to despise this game and when i tried it out again i completely 180d on it

honorable mentions: downwell
The Silver Case
The Silver Case

this might be cheating because the original came out in the 90s but idrc it was only available in the states in 2016 so im putting it here. also another suda51 game i may have a problem

honorable mentions: persona 5, titanfall 2, va-11-hall-a
Sonic Mania
Sonic Mania

easily my favorite sonic game ever made. i know people love to complain about the reused zones but i never cared about that, this game is a love letter to 2d sonic and a really fucking good one with plenty of replayability that i dont think i could ever get tired of this game if i were to boot it up at any time

honorable mentions: danganronpa v3, cuphead, rivals of aether, fortnite
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case

yes suda51's dick tastes great

honorable mentions: dragon ball fighterz, lethal league blaze
Hypnospace Outlaw
Hypnospace Outlaw

a banger year for indie games when i look back on what came out that year, i think hypnospace takes the cake though even though i think its on the same level with other games from that year for me. it's just a game that sticks out and makes such a huge impression just because of how out there it is. even though it is in a way grounded in reality because of the way it pays homage to the 90s era of the internet, it still does so much by itself that goes beyond that homage and really feels like its own experience

honorable mention: katana zero, hades
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake

the final fantasy vii enjoyer has logged on and also really likes the remake even though it's not quite perfect but still really fucking good. i kinda didnt want to have this and original on the same list but i just adore both games so much that its hard for me not to pick it

honorable mentions: gunfire reborn, project+, milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk

even though i dont relate to this game in the same way many other people do, i can still understand how strong of a story this game tells, and on top of that all the visuals and music are excellently done here and really add to it all. i have milk inside a bag of milk rated the same as this game because i think the two games play off of each other really well to make a great duology that work hand in hand

honorable mentions: inscryption, powerwash simulator
Neon White
Neon White

insanely addictive and fun gameplay that awakens the speedrunner in anyone that never previously gave two shits about speedrunning. on top of that, the soundtrack for this game is the only game ost i proudly wear on my sleeve that i listen to in my free time because it's done by machine girl. all they had to do was literally anything else with that story and this game would have been perfect

honorable mentions: windjammers 2
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

a love letter to one of my favorite games of all time that does it plenty of justice. i know the opinion of this game is a little contentious amongst the group of people that have played it and jet set radio but it did everything i needed it to do and left me with the biggest stupidest grin on my face. i know team reptile wants to do more with games in this style in the future and it really excites me where they go next

honorable mentions: dokapon kingdom connect
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

maybe im calling my shots too early as im writing this before the year has even ended, but like i seriously just cannot see any other game beating this one out for my goty. as i said in my review it's pretty much just everything i wanted and more from the continuation of the ff7 remake series


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