Played Games 2023

Games I played and maybe even finished in 2023.
mostly in order of around what time i played them
i also made notes on most things talking abt them. not really extensively or anything but it was fun for me to do.

Disco Elysium is one of the best video games I've ever played. Please play it. It might be one of the best RPGs ever made, even.
I think all that would make me happy is a good modern port of this game with some QoL stuff, but I def don't mind savestates either lol. I can see why it's a classic now, thankfully. I do love the vibes, I love alucard, and I hate some of the boss fights, some of them. most of them are alright. it's pretty good, is what i'm trying to say.
Hell yeah, RE4! I loved the original, and I may love this remake even more. I love basically every change they made to the story. In retrospect, I think my assumption that RE8 was a prototype for getting an RE4-style game to work in the RE Engine was sort of right, maybe? Either way, stellar remake. I still haven't played Separate Ways, but I'm sure it's fun, too.
ME2 is really good. I also realized while thinking of things to write about this is that it kinda almost tells a heist story? Not just the one in the DLC, but gathering a crew for one hyper-specific super-planned out objective. It's very satisfying to get everything to go well during that final mission.
The best one in the series, and I can totally see why. New Vegas was my second RPG ever. And I never really appreciated it as much as I thought until now, after playing all of the DLC. Dead Money is one of my favorite stories in the entire franchise, lol.

I intended on playing Fallout 4, and I did. For a little bit. I didn't finish it, so that's why it's not on this list. I can't really play that game for so long anymore, don't know why lol.
This was technically a replay, but I count it because I did just Claire's route, whereas I had only completed Leon's a few months before. Really good remake, but I hate those plant guys in Claire's route.
oh fuck yeah armored core.

this game fucking rocks. that's basically it.

i wanna go back and do the ng+ stuff eventually, but man idk if ive got that in me right now. one of these days probably.
Absolutely one of the highlights of this year. Every single little bit of Hi-Fi Rush is absolutely TEEMING with character, style, and charm. It's also the only rhythm game I'm even remotely good at, lmao.
ANOTHER banger. holy fuck this expansion is so so good. this was the point i felt like i truly "GOT" xiv. everything about this is so incredible and i love it. this is one of the reasons why ffxiv is perhaps my favorite video game. this shit rocks.
I played the original fallout at the tail end of 2022, I went in fairly blind, and had a good time. Similarly with 2, actually. It took me a lot longer to finish this one, but it was about two days for each?
bioshock is cool. i'll say it. i def had a few issues with it (i think it goes on for a little too long maybe?) but it's cool. dont got much else to say.
this one's also good, would recommend.
i'm not gonna lie, i don't really remember that much about this game other than getting lost in one level and getting stuck on the final boss for a little bit. it's probably p good but i'm not really the type to give anything in-depth for fps games i think.
this game's really fucking hard but so was the first RoR so it's kinda okay? i think they patched out some shit that just kinda Sucked and Wasn't Very Fun so that's good. it's def worth it if you liked the original or ror2 probably
I followed up SotN with this, and I don't really regret it, I liked this one a lot, no real notes per se, just saying that it's pretty good.
a lot of people kinda hyped up this game for me, but i don't really see the hype? i think there's some good stuff to it, but i think it's super repetitive in a way i dont rlly vibe with. same goes for the expansions and whatnot, i think i have a review for them also. the expansions are basically just "what if fear was even longer" and it pains me to say that it really shouldn't be like 5 hours longer.
ME3 is a game I came out much more positive about than I was originally expecting. For just over a decade I had heard about how much people hate the endings for this game. I put in the work to get the 'best' (synthesis) ending, and I quite liked it, even if it leaves a lot unanswered. Citadel was an incredible send-off to the series, and I loved every little detail of it.

I don't really think a prospective ME4 would really satisfyingly follow up on Shepard's story, even if I wish it could. It seems like they're teasing something about one, though, and if/when it does release, I'll be there.

Still gotta play Andromeda, though.
A really awesome action RPG. I originally found Dragon's Dogma through the 360 version, where we got it from a family friend who passed away. The copy of the game was still sealed and I had to ask my parents if it was okay for me to open it, lol.

I never got to Gran Soren back then, but playing now, the experience was absolutely worth it. I'm hoping that some of the really weird stuff from the old design documents we've seen comes into DD2 somehow.
I don't really have many notes about this one, just read the previous two notes.

I did try to play AC2 after this, but I felt pretty burnt out and kinda bounced off of them. I would like to give them another try eventually.
really awesome horror game, the vibes are off the charts (and the silent hill inspo, which isn't overbearing but v noticeable, but still original too. it rocks)

there's also a dog, so if you like those it's pretty good for that.
basically improved on all the shit i wanted to see improved on from the first bioshock, so im glad this did that. a lot more fun, very short and sweet and keeps itself interesting.
This might be one of the "boomer-shooters" that stuck with me the most, I used to love postal 2 (I was in middle school and thought it was really cool, for some reason.) and this is just a really well-done fps game, very fun, pretty crass. It feels very postal, I think.

I absolutely adore FFXIV. It's quickly become literally one of my most played games ever. You'll be seeing a LOT of it on this list, actually. That probably says a lot about how I feel about it, lol.

ARR was a bit of a slow experience, but I did like it quite a bit by the end. I'm not gonna leave notes for every single patch and whatnot, but I also enjoyed those too.
a really cute little rpg that focuses on just being fun rather than particularly hard i think. difficulty changing is also kinda part of it, you can do it whenever you want and reap rewards for it which is good for leveling up stuff. there's def some minmax/postgame stuff i didn't do, but i can see why that would appeal to some. i really appreciate how there isn't really even a 'game over', if you lose battles you just kinda go back and lose some items. it's better that way, i think. really cozy, and also book yuri. that's cool.
Cute cat game, cute vibes, pretty pleasant all around. I'd recommend it, but I don't have too many notes on it.
oh hell yeah more ffxiv.
i honestly thought i would like it less than i did. it's definitely no heavensward, but what is there is really nice and good. i do kinda understand why some of the pacing stuff is a little weird bc you have to cover two different stories basically for the Main Content of the expac, which i can forgive it for.
this was a replay w friends of mine, and it was totally worth it. i feel like i wouldve thought this game was less fun than i remember it being, but i was surprised that i kinda found it more fun than i thought it was when it released. good fun.
Man... I wish I still liked playing this game. I absolutely adore the vibes of this world Project Moon has made, I played a lot of Lobotomy Corp this year, too. (even if I ended up just watching the cutscenes anyway, lol)

I really wish this wasn't a gacha game, because the story and vibes rule. I still gotta play Ruina. lol.
oh FUCK yes. this is IT. this is one of the coolest games ive ever played and i mean it with 100% sincerity. only real complaint being the loot system but if you've played any nioh or other team ninja games it's basically just that (dunno if theyre in the ninja gaiden games i never played them). anyway, this game fucking rules. love everything about it. tetsuya nomura has done it again, baby
Really cute little game, I don't really have that much to note about it, I beat it in a night, thought it was cool. I'd recommend checking it out, if that's your thing.
I have a lot of memories with Fallout 3, it was my very first RPG, for instance. I don't think it's aged as gracefully as I thought a long time ago, but I still had some fun with it. I did all of the DLCs on this run except Mothership Zeta (I didn't feel like doing it at the time.)
I played a lot of short games during this time. I was living in a pretty shitty dorm at the time and playing some of these in VC or outside of college classes was pretty cathartic, I think. Chop Goblins is a good time all around, though.
This is a weird one. I don't really know if i loved or hated the first gen AC games, but they sure were experiences. Very weird, very clunky, but in a way that kinda works? I think it's worth checking out. That final mission really sucks, though.
A really cute, short, RE-esque game. It's not too difficult, but I think that works for it pretty well. It's more comedic than scary, but still very fun.
oh fuck yeah final fantasy
i played the pixel remaster so there's def some visual stuff that looks kinda. eh? i dont think it looks bad per se but it just looks about how youd expect maybe. i def wanna go and play the maybe ps1 or nes version one day but whatever. it's a nice little rpg, check it out.
gonna be honest i dont remember a lot about this one. i liked the party members and i think that's what kept me playing. i have not finished dragon age origins. i actually dont even really like origins that much. and i didnt like inquisition either lol.
i only played the male mc's story and i wanted to play both but good GOD this game went on a whole lot longer than i really expected it to. it's good and all, and i had fun, but i think it def stretched out a bit long for me. maybe one day i'll do the other route.
I appreciate the ability to import your save from the first game (and to the next one). A weird, but fairly cool addition to AC1, I think maybe a bit of a lackluster expansion, but then again it's still pretty cute, and it's still AC1. I really regret playing these back to back though, maybe that's why I feel a bit sour towards them.
I played this with a friend, along with Leon's campaign in RE6. Both were a fun time, but I cannot imagine playing this without another person. This game's also... kinda racist??? I don't wanna get too much into it, but it's there, and it's suuuuper fucking obvious, like holy shit.
I had fun enough with this one, I think enemies can be a bit too bullet spongey maybe? but maybe i was just doing something wrong. I don't really know what motivated me to play this, but it was fun anyway i think
i beat this in one sitting

this game feels like 30 hours shorter than the original. it's really only 2 but it feels so much less repetitive.

also that ending. why did they do that lol
is it bad to say i didnt have as much fun w this one? idk i really just didnt mesh well with the way progression works in this game. i enjoyed the story and whatnot at least.
i also dont have much to say abt this i like it but i didnt get to play it as much as id want to because my friends didnt want to play.
game's fun btw. give it a try if you can.


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