Reviews from

in the past

Imma like, buy a barrel launcher and use that to launch myself headfirst at 200 mph at my friend's car's windshield for the goofs and gaafs.

Dragon’s Dog-mid. (I just couldn’t get in to it)

kinda weird that they only made silent hill #2 and no other games

something a friend of mine has talked about is the idea of separating games into "gameplay games" and "experience games," and hoo boy is this game an experience.
obviously this one is a classic to the point where i'm not sure what i can say that hasn't already been said? the atmosphere is incredible, the map of silent hill is great, and the opening is honestly one of the best ones i've experienced in a game

the story has already been discussed to one thousand deaths, so my meager contribution to that conversation is that i enjoyed it and found it emotionally resonant enough to land

in summary: the combat being complete shit works perfectly in the game's favor up until the exact second you have to fight a boss

I don't think Clive Barker's horror output is particularly great. I'd go so far as to say he rode the popularity of Hellraiser for most of his career and even Hellraiser is a cooler concept than it is a good book (Hellbound Heart) or movie. I say all this because Nightbreed was one of these films that came in the wake of Hellraiser, based again on his early writings, and I thought both were pretty awful.

He did think it was necessary to make two distinct games based on the movie's visuals and I think they're both pretty awful so I'll leave this review on both titles. Visually, they're ugly, the gameplay in each is not up to snuff for their respective genres, and the scenario was already a losing proposition with me.

An excellent, high quality Rogue lite with fantastic mechanics. The high octane bullet hell platforming and shooting feels amazing, additionally, the story is enough to keep you interested in the world but does not get in the way. I had a blast and will be keeping an eye on this studio.

Still running through the other endings so I am still playing it, however I got to the first ending so I'm reviewing anyway.

This game is so fucking good and I love basically everything about it. Storyline, gameplay (most of the time), movement, world, etc.

The only thing I can safely say I was disappointed by were the bossfights and camera. There's moments where I get screwed over by the camera angle zooming out during a bossfight leading to me either dying or missing the attack that is needed in order to fully kill a boss.

Another bossfight related problem to me is exclusively a skill issue, but I wish the game was more forgiving with health items. Some of the areas can be kinda like boss rushes.

Combat does get repetitive after a while but I found myself getting back into it after a while even if I had found it dull for a short period of time.

favorite game of all time dont listen what those other guys say i love you so much babe <3

Um dos motivos que fazem Ace Attorney um jogo tão bom de se jogar é o fato dele ser linear e vc ter a sensação que não está deixando nada para trás, e isso te traz confiança na hr dos julgamentos.

Tudo nesse jogo é muito bom, a trilha sonora, ambientação, o carisma dos personagens,a história, TUDO!

Virei fã apenas.

"I would like to cross-examine the witness's pet parrot!"

Recently I ran into a bit of a problem. See, I'm a noble worker, and my work was slow and dead, I'd already browsed Twitter, and I had to do something. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the space to play on my 3DS, and there was nothing to do in Master Duel, so I decided "yeah sure why not I'll try this" and it certainly did save me for those 40 minutes. You get paywalled pretty fast, so of course I finished the levels pretty early on.

The decorating stuff seems pointless and the main levels are fairly easy to just go through and require memorization (especially for the purple/pink coins) to master, but Toad Rally making you feel like you're racing someone for both speed and coins forces a lot more strategy into the game which is nice.

The stuff where you play 10 quick segments in a row kinda sucks though. It's pure memorization for Purple coins and sometimes you'll be spawned in to where if you don't act quick you'll die.

It's a mixed bag but again for killing some time when I had nothing to do in Master Duel it served its purpose.

I actually never liked this as a kid. Especially having the first 2 games on GameCube already, and Complete Saga on Wii, I felt like the trade off of it being portable wasent enough to lower the quality of the game.

It's been many years since I've played it, but I respect it for what it was going for. And it's pretty impressive for what they were able to get away with here. It's certaintly a lengthy experience. You can really feel the way everything is compressed here from the cutscenes to the level design.

There really isn't any reason to ever revisit this, but it's a cute piece of history and if you like Lego games, maybe this one would be worth something to you.

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To think that I put off playing this game for years... I'm really glad I finally got around to play it though, because Xenoblade Chronicles might be one of the best JRPGs I've ever played.

First of all, one of the things I liked the most about this game was its world. Xenoblade takes place in a world of endless ocean where the only pieces of land are two giant dead titans, one made of metal, Mechonis, and one made of biological material, Bionis, the latter being where our protagonists live. Other than finding that simply really cool, I also love how well it's integrated with the world design. When you walk around the game's world, you often can see and feel that you're standing on a absolutely gigantic being. This is also helped by the fact that, when exploring the Bionis, you can actually see the Mechonis in the distance as well as its sword piercing through the Bionis, which really puts everything into perspective. The world in itself is also really varied, I went through grassy plains, swamps, jungles, floating island and much more during my 60h journey (including the Future Connected DLC) and all of these zones were beautiful to look at and made the exploration that much better.

The story was also one of the main driving forces that kept me going forward during my playthrough. I thought the story was well paced all throughout and I was always looking forward to seeing would happen next. The main cast of characters also enhanced the story with how charming they all were. Even Riki, the comic relief character of the group had some sweet, wholesome and serious moments that fleshed out his character and relationship with the others in the group. I liked everyone from the main cast even though some, especially Sharla, got side lined during most of the story. The ending, without going into too much details was really good, epic and made me smile.

In terms of gameplay, after taking some time to get used to it, I had a lot of fun with Xenoblade Chronicles' combat. Having to position your character correctly do deal more dmg or inflict some special effect on an enemy made for a fun experience. It was also really satisfying to pull off devastating chain attacks. It can get pretty repetitive after a while, especially if you play the same character for most of the game, like me, but if it becomes a real problem, every party member is playable and seems to have a pretty different playstyle that can keep things fresh. I personally found myself trying out Melia during the future redeemed and had a pretty good time with her after figuring out how to use her mage-like abilities. I also appreciate how levels really matter and can drastically change how an encounter goes, since it really gave me a feeling of growth during my playthrough.

For the side quest, I'm a bit more mixed on the subject. While I didn't dislike them, per say, I also didn't find them that interesting. They were fine for the most part, but they were pretty much all fetch quests that needed me to kill a certain number of monsters or collecting a certain amount of materials. It was pretty fun to complete these quest while going to my next main mission objective, since most of them auto-complete without needing to go back to the quest giver. I appreciate the fact that you don't NEED to complete a large amount of these side quests to progress relatively easily through the game, but I feel like the absolutely HUGE quantity of them must be a nightmare for any completionist trying to 100% the game.

What made completing side quest more enjoyable, while also adding to the story and overall gameplay, was the music. Xenoblade Chronicles has an amazing soundtrack that really surprised me. Be it with a soft overworld music during the night time, or an absolute banger of a music theme like You will know our names, almost every track in the game got me bopping my head around with a smile.

In conclusion, I think that Xenoblade is gonna be one of those games that stay with me for a long time. I'm an absolute sucker for huge RPGs with expansive stories and world and Xenoblade Chronicles absolutely delivered on that front. I really look forward to playing the other games in the series !

The premise of the world here is cool, particularly because Cyberpunk almost always seems to be set in the US or Japan. The gameplay itself is pretty simple, navigating a maze in the form of a city with typical RPG elements baked into the graphic adventure bits.

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gente como pode um jogo né... peguei esse jogo pra jogar de verdade dois anos depois de ter assistido gameplay e impressionante como mesmo já sabendo a conclusão da história a experiência de jogar por conta própria ainda foi incrível como se tudo fosse novidade. consegui ser pega de surpresa por coisas da história que não lembrava, ficar tensa com a cena final, me apegar a personagens que nem sequer conheci de verdade e sentir de novo tudo que senti da primeira vez. sempre que lembro desse jogo não consigo não pensar em como a vida dos três amigos foi arruinada por causa do egoísmo e da insensibilidade dos adultos a volta deles. in conclusion: foda demais.

Somehow managed to get close to recreating the feeling of playing FF7 Disc 2 for the first time, truly impressive

got this game when I was in 1st grade for my ps3 on my b-day, I remember it being fun.

Well KH 1 is a Solid game From Start to Finish, There are Some Parts that I find a Little unfair, But just a Little Practice and That solves The problem... And what a Beautiful Ending, Oh my God...

Like the deck building structure but the fact battles have no actual player interaction means the game's one big grindy trial and error against walls of generic enemies with no storytelling, no exploration, no customization, none of the sauce that makes a BN game a BN game. Feel like there's so many better ways they could've handled this core conceit.

I don't think Clive Barker's horror output is particularly great. I'd go so far as to say he rode the popularity of Hellraiser for most of his career and even Hellraiser is a cooler concept than it is a good book (Hellbound Heart) or movie. I say all this because Nightbreed was one of these films that came in the wake of Hellraiser, based again on his early writings, and I thought both were pretty awful.

He did think it was necessary to make two distinct games based on the movie's visuals and I think they're both pretty awful so I'll leave this review on both titles. Visually, they're ugly, the gameplay in each is not up to snuff for their respective genres, and the scenario was already a losing proposition with me.


game had potential and I could see someone having a lot of fun with this but it wasn't my favorite

I keep crashing into walls it's such a bitch to drive in this game

I wish you nothing but pain Francesco Bernoulli

Honestly don't have that much to say. It's diablo, if you like diablo you're probably gonna like this one. Leans more towards diablo 2 than diablo 3. Open world sorta like destiny esq world missions which is kinda neat i think? The way the skill tree is structured is really awkward though, yikes. If i have more to say about the late game i'll put it here but so far it's just Diablo.

The most fun while playing with my mom, for sure had a good time. Like this game enough, but it's not brilliant

DR2 really fleshes itself out more with its cast, cases, writing, and everything in between while completely upping the absurdity of everything that’s going on, and becomes even self-aware at times which for something like this, could easily lose itself trying to do. It’s still cringe but it’s slightly more unapologetically cringe and that’s okay.

Bonus: Chiaki is the realest mf in there and she’s probably one of my favorite characters in fiction now.

Eu definitivamente não sou o público alvo dos jogos da Arkane. Achei tediante e sem graça, com a sua história sendo a única salvação, exceto com o seu final extremamente broxante.

Next generation update made an already perfect game even better. Will be hopping back in to do dlc in the future.

Finally got the final achievement: Express Darkness.