Favorite Characters to Play as

Characters that I love playing as, either due to how they control or if I just vibe with them
stolen from @wheatie ( https://www.backloggd.com/u/wheatie/list/wheaties-favorite-playable-charactesr/ )
who stole it from @Lemonstrade ( https://www.backloggd.com/u/Lemonstrade/list/favorite-characters-to-play-as/ )
who stole it from @Rowl ( https://www.backloggd.com/u/Rowl_/list/favorite-characters-to-play-as/ )

Peppino Spaghetti
Razputin Aquato
The Monster
The Doom Slayer
Gordon Freeman
Dusk Dude
R.O.B / Donkey Kong
The Ninja
Captain Piper
Brobocop / Brominator
Kiryu Kazuma
Sir Rayelot
Phoenix Wright / Doctor Doom
Ellis / Bill
Pink Knight
Travis Touchdown
Scout / Engineer
Postal Dude
JC Denton


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