Games I played in College

List of games I played between 2015-2019 while I was in college. Who knows, maybe my brain was most malleable and they left a permanent impression on me at the time

Entirely co-op with Kalcen
Neutral Route
I played the Redux version
I finished this in a single sitting without looking up anything
Started with a group of people and went overboard and finished the game when they left lol
Mini-Game Island (Eli finished the last level for me)
Stroobi ONLY wanted to play this one
I played this twice in the same year
It took me and Stroobi like 3 years to finally beat this game
Played with Kalcen
I stopped playing my Freshman year
Nick beat the whole game in 1 sitting
We beat this while Stroobi was on RA duty and we were very loud
My first Olmec victory
First 14 Star Run
100% All Exits with Nick
I think Nick beat this like 3 times while I was in college. It was like some weird party trick of his
We played this constantly until Ultimate came out my Senior year. Complete all challenges (Kalcen did they final few while I was flirting with Someone)
I got the 24 hour badge after owning the game for 2 days lol
I did not get that far
First route was Neutral (Sparing only Bosses) then Pacifist, then Genocide


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