Games I played in College

List of games I played between 2015-2019 while I was in college. Who knows, maybe my brain was most malleable and they left a permanent impression on me at the time

First route was Neutral (Sparing only Bosses) then Pacifist, then Genocide
I got the 24 hour badge after owning the game for 2 days lol
I did not get that far
First 14 Star Run
100% All Exits with Nick
We played this constantly until Ultimate came out my Senior year. Complete all challenges (Kalcen did they final few while I was flirting with Someone)
I stopped playing my Freshman year
I played this twice in the same year
Neutral Route
Started with a group of people and went overboard and finished the game when they left lol
It took me and Stroobi like 3 years to finally beat this game
We beat this while Stroobi was on RA duty and we were very loud
Played with Kalcen
Nick beat the whole game in 1 sitting
My first Olmec victory
Mini-Game Island (Eli finished the last level for me)
Stroobi ONLY wanted to play this one
Entirely co-op with Kalcen
I think Nick beat this like 3 times while I was in college. It was like some weird party trick of his
I played the Redux version
I finished this in a single sitting without looking up anything


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