2024 Backlog Clean Up


I feel like for most of 2023 I was playing catch up with a lot of new releases rather then taking a few breaks to go through all the games I've been meaning to play for the past 3 years. Well now that I own a Steam Deck/a reliable emulator and feel more confident that my ADHD isn't gonna screw me over like it always does this is a comprehensive list of games I will 100% get to next year.
(If your reading this in 2025 and I didn't play all of these games like I said I was gonna just chuck this list in the bin of other new years resolutions I haven't followed up on)

It'll be out when it's out
I have no idea what this game is about but it look awesome.
Josh Sawyer kino inbound.
The more I learn about Sam Lake and his inspirations as a writers the more I feel inclined to reevaluate Remedy's whole discography.
I love me some Lovecraft comfort food
Maybe this time will finally be it.
look man I'm just really starved for Blade and Ghostrider content, also from what I've seen of the Deadpool DLC it looks like the writers of this game have a better understand of his character then most media and his recent comics which has me really interested.
Kojima kino inbound
the kino meter is off the charts on this one
The great video game cook of 2004 really was something.
FInally I found a good reason to use my homebrewed PS3 (goes to blow off dust)
I remember playing this back in high school and didn't know what was going on, I feel like I owe it to this game to actually finish it with context.
It's the only hand held MGS game I honestly care about and the only one I feel bothered to download.
You ever seen that Slivermania video of this guy going off about how awful the story for this game is while his two other friends are downloading it on their PS3. I'm afraid I'm gonna turn into that person after going through all the MGS games.
One of my few blind spots on gaming's evolution that I should've gotten to sooner.
I'm too fat to play VR games for very long so I'm hoping to push myself to finally see this game to it's end.
Warren Spector kino inbound
Suda fans are annoying as hell but I refuse to let them get in the way of me enjoying his work.
A part of me feels like I should finish System Shock 1 first before going straight to SS2, but I really wanna see this so called Ken Levine kino he's so good at writing, because from the games I've played that Ken Levine's written; I'm not impressed.
This looks like the most "forgotten PS2 game" of all time and I'm all for it.
Eh I got it for free on Epic, feel like it'd be a good excuse to replay it since when I first played I was a stupid high school who didn't know any better.
This mf better not cry by the end of this.
I know for a matter of fact he's gonna cry in this so I'm probably gonna hate it.
The same applies for the first one, if that mf crys I'm gonna go nuclear.
Uboa is my best friend <3
My Halloween marathion got cut off before I could finish this so finishing this game is high on my list.
This'll be interesting huh?
sniper Jackal moment
insert "Finish the fight meme" here
idk why it's taken me so long to get around to this but from what I've seen it's always been something up my ally.
2003 called they want their edge back.
played through No Code's previous game Stories Untold and was so blown away from it I needed to see what else this studio was capable of.
I have a friend who's obsessed with PO3 to an almost scary degree, still it looks like a fun and spooky card game that I'm willing to try out even thought card games aren't my thing.
Been meaning to fully get into this series and I figured it'd be better to start off with the very first.


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