WarGames 2023: The Good vs. The Bad (and the kinda Ugly), Year in Review

I don't run award shows for games, I book them in tag team cage matches and hurl comments at them. I like this format because it's cool, and I'm gonna keep doing them every year assuming I don't leave the site. Best seen on desktop, probably looks like shit on mobile. (sorry guys)

Face Team Theme (That's the left): https://youtu.be/N6pHcqIWeEs?si=pUdf0kPeR_IvelSG
Heel Team Theme: https://youtu.be/uUr08hPf1Z0?si=iIVS3t2ws9LeJKMN

Thoughts and predictions? I see a win for the Fires of Pizza Oven team via Beefaroni Bomb.

I'm genuinely curious as to how badly this game bombed and doomed the franchise to irrelevancy forever, why was it sixty goddamned dollars? Why did they get WayDownward to do it?

Fuck Egoraptor.
My GOTY, probably gonna stay that way since it's about time From got released from their decade-long prison of doing Souls-likes and other such games.
A few of my friends had high opinion on this, and it looked super cute and pretty!
It remains to be seen what will happen with that new Jet Set Radio, but this becomes increasingly irrelevant in my mind the more I know of a new JSR's existence.

Guess that's what happens when you make something that is literally "just ___" sometimes.
I set roguelikes and all it's cousins to be blacklisted in my steam, but this game looks super cute and I might try it out whenever my Monster Train drive decides to come back from hibernation.
Hey, remember this game? I sure didn't until just now.

RIP Toys For Bob, we didn't have you long enough to at least get Spyro 4. >:
This franchise is still irrelevant now, and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise. The magic of the first two games has gone the way of the dodo, and the last thing I wanna do is let Activision-Blizz see a cent from me after all the nonsense they pulled.
I dunno man, this looks like the most indie-riffic sequel ever.
I've been needing to get into this series forever and I'm really happy we got this one, but good god money does not grow on trees.
I bought this a while back because I like fishing games and I like eldritch bullshit, so it felt like a match made in hell. Of course as you know, I'm terrible at playing stuff in my steam backlog.
It feels like literally everyone in my friend group has been trying this or at least buying it on my steam activity page, so one day I'll be a lemming once again.
Capcpom what the hell are you doing, you literally own the Dino Crisis trademark.
The effects of western AAA and it's consequences have been dire.
Could you like Forzippit? Thanks.
I love F-Zero, but most of it is for X and GX and a F2P game centered around chaotic MP nonsense makes me wanna yomit.
Mega Man clones are always a mixed affair, especially when Mega Man itself had that problem. I'll just get around to it on my own time whenever it's insanely cheap.
I thought originally this was a remake of the PS1 Grinch game, but no it's just a weird shovelware title.
One day we will play, it came out roughly around the same time as Pizza Tower and that was basically it's death sentence since I'm a simple-minded fool who can only concentrate on one thing at a time.
This guy is actually the special guest referee. Everyone give a hand to Jet Moto guy!

Seriously, why the fuck did IGDB give Jet Moto on PS4/5 it's own page? It's just the PS1 game running on an emulator ffs. You may as well give all the Wii and Wii U Virtual Console releases their own pages.
I was running out of stuff to put on here, so this guy's here to even out the playing field.
The world needs more Mom games.
hoooooonkmimimimimi~ 🛌

Banjo Nuts and Bolts with less drip.
Man, I love Lego Racers, and I absolutely adore the entire concept, but I fuckin' knew it was gonna be an MTX/DLC disaster similar to Hot Wheels Unleashed. It's been going on sale recently with only the awesome edition, and that's scummy enough as is.
I'm still a bit iffy on a Nagoshi-less Yakuza going forward, but response seemed pretty positive so far. I still can't get over how these games are single-handedly the reason Virtua Fighter has kept some semblance of relevancy, and now we're getting a re-release of Spikeout of all things.
Man, just localize and port the old games, they ain't even that old.
I couldn't imagine Little Goody Two Shoes being Little Terrible Two Shoes......
20 dollars is the lowest I've seen so far, and I've been ANXIOUS AS SHIT I TELLS YA!
The entire concept of this is just way past cool, I really do hope they get to do more down the line. The only thing I know about Karateka is that if you approach your girlfriend while in fighting stance, she kicks you in the nuts and it's an instant-game over.

Five stars.
It's great that this pass finally ended this year, maybe we could finally get a remake of Mortal Kombat 9 or something.
Insomniac being locked in the Marvel dungeon for a decade is gonna be a soul crushing endeavor.
I still love my friends very much.
I love my friends very much.
I get it, it's an HD texture pack, but it's still Metroid Prime which means it solos most games that come out these days.
This looked super cute and some users I respect a lot enjoyed it, and the absolute sell for me was seeing some cowardly anonymous haters handing out 0.5s. We gotta love it.
Okay, I'll be real it MIGHT actually be fun, but I just have so much hesitation to buy it right now when next year there's gonna be a komplete edition, and the year after that it'll go down to like five bucks.

Also, is the next one Mortal Kombat Series X? That's gonna be weird to do an episodic remake of X.
God, Blaze is so fuckin' cool.
Okay the first one was okay, but you're not catching me dead buying this at full price. Why the fuck did they cut Leo and Mikey? Why are we getting denied the entire team? Did the Foot Clan fund this thing?
I've barely played Goemon games, but hey it looks cool.
Kinda sucks that I had this at one point on my favorites for my profile and never got around to even buying the game. I'm glad it's done super well though without my purchase, I swear one day I'll grab it.

Seriously, never been so glad to have stuck with a game for so long since the demos and see it succeed so hard. ;-;
I fell off this in recent times, but it was a really fun timewaster whenever I got home from work with nothing to do overnight.

Why does Slowpoke always get massively low picks? Where are my Slowbros at?!
Zelda Tiktok has been runnin' up my Snorlax score as my bed went up in flames after my phone's battery exploded.
It's been horrendous when it comes to me actually getting around to the DLC, it's even worse because I actually restarted my Scar/Vi game earlier this year to do a bug only run and I ended up never getting back to it.

So that's fun, one day perhaps. Ogerpon is cute at least.
Hey, it looks like it's for me okay?
My store had bottles of Diet Mountain Dew with advertising for this on them, I dunno if that's people hating Diet Mountain Dew or the very sight of Redfall. Maybe both.
Looking forward to Capcom constantly re-releasing this one and suddenly forget the original exists.
The first movie is one of my favorites ever, so naturally I do wanna get around to this eventually.
The Messenger's dialogue was gut wrenching and wretched, the last thing I need is an entire RPG full of it.
ascend deez nuts
"It looks like a PS2 game!"

"That means it's good!"

Dammit, why the fuck was this one stranded on Apple devices? Someone tell them to swap this with Superstars. I want playable Rouge.
I would think Sonic's playable friends would be a hoot, but apparently this DLC is harder than Super C or something. I already don't like the base game, so fat chance I'll ever play it.
I didn't care for this thing as soon as I looked at it, begone.

Maybe now Classic Sonic nostalgia fans can shut up about him finally. (they won't)
Jesus fuck, I almost forgot to put this on here. One of the most horrific ways you could possibly remake a classic and important piece of gaming history, just add some nonfunctional shareholder-pleasing dumbass tech to make it completely unplayable.
Something something Bethesda games, something.
I kinda mellowed out on the single player World Tour mode once I got to the more annoying parts later, but I still had a lot of fun with it in the beginning parts of it. The entire avatar battle shit in general is really fun, and I still love getting to use an SPD with Guile's moveset.

The core gameplay is also solid, I just wish I had the time to dedicate and get good.
I wonder if this is any good actually....
I don't even really like the original game that much, and no you're not making me pay sixty bucks for a Dollar General makeover that only has dances going for it.

Geno fans excited to play the game for the first time.
This thing is hilarious to search for on here, seriously go ahead and try it.
I really wish I could use whiteout on this game's existence.

That steam shmup trailer still lives rent-free in my head.
I love JoyMasher, they've got sick sprite artists and cool-ass composers on the payroll. They came up a bit short on this one, but I'm still a big supporter for their next endeavor!
I still haven't played ZeroRanger, but it is insanely funny they kept the ___er for the second word. I wonder what the next one will be?



Hello, how are you? Hope your year has been okay friend.


🐇<---- bunoy

Sorry for never doing the games on the year of the bunny list. ;-;
I need to Move It at actually playing this, I bought it a few weeks back and have been awful at actually taking the joycons out of my switch to play it.

Is mostly a portable mode Switch user, have you noticed?
Ys in general is pretty overlooked by me, but hey the music usually goes hard.


5 months ago

The fact Pepinno's scream came to mind as soon as I began reading the Pizza Tower note is either a sign of how much I love the game or of how rotten my brain is... perhaps it's both. Super cool list here, there's a ton I still have yet to play from this year, both good and not-so-good, and the fact I've played Banaban but I haven't even touched Hi-Fi Rush should be a crime I should pay for.

Also, hello Jet Moto guy!

5 months ago

@DeemonAndGames yeah, this year in general has been kinda terrible for me in terms of catching up. I've only been having less and less time on my hands, and finding myself with less energy to do much, lol. Comes maybe with the territory of getting older....

5 months ago

killer bean is gonna carry to victory

5 months ago

right you are ken.

5 months ago

The best part about the Insomniac leak is now when dweebs come at you talking about how video games are art you can just point them at that list and shut them up (possibly forever)...

5 months ago

@cowboyjosh it's such a bad outlook for the industry, and with layoffs getting more and more prominent despite sales records the entire AAA-space feels like it's ready to implode on itself with only like Fortnite and GTA6 online being the only things anymore. Insomniac in particular getting hit by that is saddening because they're a great studio, it's just rough seeing them effectively work on the same thing for such a long ass time thanks to impossibly long dev times.

5 months ago

Insomniac's a studio already plagued with history of crunch culture and the one-series fallback routine, so to see them getting tossed into the Marvel bin for the next decade or so is immensely tragic. Makes me wonder how the rest of the AAA space outside of America are gonna handle things if the bubble pop's ready to happen...

5 months ago


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