reading games/visual novels i've played

Definition of a reading game: a game that involves a lot of reading, but isn't a visual novel.
NEED A RECOMMENDATION? click the note i put on the title.
Some games I've played before aren't on here (ie Danganronpa, Dandelion) because I want to replay them before re-rating them.
TOP 5: Utawarerumono Mask of Truth, Remember11, The House In Fata Morgana, Umineko When They Cry, AI The Somnium Files

PLAY THIS! ✔️this game is straight up bad, just downright dogshit, but it's at least VERY entertaining to watch unfold, which I cannot say for Ever17.

Play Never7 Eternal Edition if you're trying this out!
DON'T RECOMMEND❌There was legitimately too much rape in this game for me to want to continue through it, but also Nasu creating a world with VAMPIRES and still having it be boring as fuck is like an entirely separate crime from the bountiful sexual assault
PLAY THIS! ✔️Utawarerumono'ers rise up. A good visual novel and a good SRPG (the gameplay won't wow you with its simpleness, but I like it nonetheless). Check out the entire Utawarerumono series!!

(At this point, just play Prelude to the Fallen, it includes voice acting and is actually accessible to play.)
DON'T RECOMMEND❌If you're someone who's played Uchikoshi's modern works (999 and after), you may be tempted to try this game out. It is honestly very boring for 80% of its runtime and I don't recommend it unless you want to see how Uchikoshi grew as a writer rather than be enthralled by a great story.

Play Ever17 Himmel Edition if you're trying this!
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ I think if you're interested in galge this is the game for you, but I personally found this to be a very grating experience.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ The greatest Infinity game. Anyone who disagrees just didn't get it. Do not let anything stop you from playing this game and letting it consume your every thought like it did for me.

Play Remember11 Gestalt Edition if you're trying this out!
PLAY THIS! ✔️ It's not groundbreaking but it's 4 hours long, so like. Y'know.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ They did surgery on a grape
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Bro it's the ace attorney trilogy it's good.


MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ If you like really, REALLY out there and nearly impossible to follow plots, you may like I/O. You'll probably never play anything else like this.

I think about going back to this game for a replay once every few months before stopping myself. Someday I will actually replay it and I may become super enlightened.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Bro it's the ace attorney trilogy it's good.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Bro it's the ace attorney trilogy it's good.
DON'T RECOMMEND❌I think the version on the DS is better....
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️An interesting idea for a game that I feel like falls apart the more you play it/get to the ending reveals. Genuinely I fail to see what everyone liked about it, it might be the nostalgia talking.
Play the sequel Last Window, it is 5000% better than this.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Layton call me.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ It's a fine game, but in retrospect having AA5 and AA6 be both 1) bad and 2) rewrite apollo's character again and again, it almost makes this game feel really fucking pointless.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Layton call me.
12Riven is a very strange game, that's all I can say.

MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️AT THE TIME OF WRITING, THERE IS NO WAY TO EXPERIENCE THE FULL GAME IN ENGLISH. An English patch is in the works, join the Discord for updates here:
PLAY THIS! ✔️An early DS game with a lot of soul. It doesn't have a groundbreaking plot or anything but is generally a fun time. Emi Evans is credited as playing the cello in this iirc. Also tons of old Funimation voices doing the dub, take me back man.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ The artstyle upgrade is so funny. This one has a much better expanded story than the first.
PLAY THIS! ✔️Layton call me. (You should at minimum play the first two games before this one.)
PLAY THIS! ✔️ 428 rules! If you 100% it like me you will go utterly insane, but it's worth it.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ Contains men fuckin other men. You have been warned. Sweet Pool feels gross and disgusting and I really, really love that about it. Just read the game description and determine if you wanna play something like that.

My extended thoughts on it are here:
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Another Code R is a cozy time and I prefer this to its remake.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️I like AAI1 enough but it's just an alright game. If you skipped this to get straight to the kino (AAI2) I wouldn't blame you.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️I fucking hated rintaro and some of the extremely unfunny jokes but every other visual novel fan loves Steins;Gate so whatever
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ I have to be honest this is a very nothing game after Unwound Future, to the point where it's almost like, painful. But if you play the EU version you get the little town sidegame and that's honestly cute enough to give this game a try.
PLAY THIS!✔️ One of Uchikoshi's best. Buy the Nonary Games collection so you can get VLR as well.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Last Window rules and I'm sick of no one talking about it. It sidesteps all the issues I had with Hotel Dusk and is genuinely a great time.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ The best of the Trauma Center series. Full of soul.
PLAY THIS! ✔️It's a little bit ridiculous but a good ridiculous! Play Ghost Trick!
PLAY THIS! ✔️ I really liked it, felt like a proper followup to Unwound Future. Layton's life sucks highkey.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Higanbana is one of the Ryukishi greats that unfortunately gets overlooked quite often because it isn't easily accessible. I would highly recommend seeking it out and playing it. I think he shines in the short story format. (This is part one of the story.)
PLAY THIS! ✔️ (This is part of Fate Stay Night.) This is an inoffensive route and pretty good overall.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Higanbana is one of the Ryukishi greats that unfortunately gets overlooked quite often because it isn't easily accessible. I would highly recommend seeking it out and playing it. I think he shines in the short story format. (This is part two of the story.)
PLAY THIS! ✔️ (This is part of Fate Stay Night.) This is the best Fate route. Without question. Without doubt. Fate is worth getting into for just this route alone.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ I liked it for its non-linear storytelling/how you have to put the pieces together, but that might not be all for you.
PLAY THIS!✔️ One of Uchikoshi's best. Buy the Nonary Games collection so you can get 999 as well.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️(This is part of Fate Stay Night.) Okay, this is probably the best route of FSN, but I genuinely dislike Sakura so I feel really mixed about it lol.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️to be frank DMMD is really not that great story-wise but it has a ton of unique design/ways it plays with the concept of the game. Hard to explain. Also contains gay sex.
PLAY THIS! ✔️I'm ignoring the really huge age differences between the MC and the men in this game. This is a cute Otome game, though kind of loses steam toward the end. I really like it.
DON'T RECOMMEND❌played all of this while i had covid it not good.
PLAY THIS! ✔️I see people calling this game bad and the twist is stupid but you guys are actually insane. This is a really solid game and the twist is no crazier than some of the other shit Layton goes through. Layton causing Phoenix and Miles to divorce is my favorite part of the game that definitely happens.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Words can't describe how fantastic Fatamoru is. If you haven't played it already just jump in. People say the beginning is a slow start, I disagree a little bit and was still plenty captivated, but once you hit Door 4 it's like getting on a rollercoaster that never ends. Genius game.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ You will either need to know Japanese or watch Ace's liveTL but do it!
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️You should really only play this if you already played DMMD. If you have, this is a great companion to DMMD and in some ways I prefer it to DMMD because it has all unique writing (instead of having the repeating story bits like DMMD did)
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ If you don't like men having sex with other men this is not for you. NO, THANK YOU!!! has a plot that is surprisingly gripping and really entertaining? I really like parade's plots. The R18 scenes are nicely drawn too (though a lot of dubcon, not my thing).

Not sure if the Steam release is censored, so just buy from Mangagamer directly if you're trying this.
PLAY THIS! ✔️Ohhhhh the long rambling here can be annoying but just trust the vision okay. It was an overall good time.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ An otome CLASSIC. The character design is lowkey corny by today's standards but I do not even care. Love this game to death.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️I don't know why but I feel like this game was talking down on me
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Only play this if you've played Fate Stay Night to its completion. This is a super great fandisc and some of the stories in it are absolutely genius. Jesus would be an Avenger type wouldn't he?
PLAY THIS! ✔️Most of the guys are great and I love this style. Story is a bit nonsensical but we all need a bit of whimsy in our lives anyways. I miss when Cheritz made standalone titles/games without microtransactions.
PLAY THIS! ✔️Otome game genius. Has just the right amount of extremely dark things happening in it to make it a classic.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️(This is part one of TAISHO x ALICE.) This famously had a very botched English release before it was fixed. I think the stories it tries to tell are good but they kept doing that Marvel movie thing where they undercut serious moments with comedy that wasn't very funny. I have yet to explore the rest of this series. I would say give this a shot if you're running out of Otome games to read.
PLAY THIS! ✔️(This is part of Higurashi, ranked chapters separately based on my thoughts on them.) Where it all starts... I think this is free on Steam still, so just try it out. (Use 07thmod.)
if i paid for this shit on the 3ds in 2015 or whenever it came out i would have been so pissed. this is absolutely not a standalone title and as someone who played it as a standalone title years later before the official english release i really did not like it. but in the two-pack of tgaa it's alright!

so, TLDR, PLAY THIS! ✔️ (only in the two pack)
PLAY THIS! ✔️ This is useless without already having played Fatamoru, so go do that first. If you've just finished Fatamoru, wait a bit before playing this one, I found my eyes glazing over the first time but when I reread it a few months later I was way more engaged. Very painful. Loved it
DON'T RECOMMEND❌Anyone who had a hand in the creation of this game needs to be banned from public parks and schools
PLAY THIS! ✔️ The weakest of the Utawarerumono trilogy in my opinion, but that's only because the other two are so insanely good. This is still a good time, and really picks up once you go to the ruins with Kuon (if you know you know). Check out the entire Utawarerumono series!!
PLAY THIS! ✔️(This is part of Higurashi, ranked chapters separately based on my thoughts on them.) Stick with it, I think the timeline resetting is confusing to a lot of people but just stick with it.
DON'T RECOMMEND❌this game sucks ass!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ SeaBed is a bit vague with its storytelling which can be frustrating (on top of the pacing being extremely slow). I love it both in spite of and because of these quirks but your mileage may vary.
DON'T RECOMMEND❌I could see this game being pretty good if it had Higurashi levels of pacing (see: really slow but it builds your trust and care for its characters), but it really is pretty mid and only gets interesting toward the end— the ending felt hollow for me seeing how I didn't care much for its characters but they had to pretend i did.

This game is also really fucking gross for no reason. Like really gross sfx and art and voice lines do not eat while playing this.
DON'T RECOMMEND❌ this game was not only boring but featured the most insufferable protagonist i wished he died alone
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️It's your standard dating game (protag gender is up to you, I think they're canon nonbinary), nothing groundbreaking. I guess play this if you REALLY like cats.
PLAY THIS! ✔️I want to fuck old men.
DON'T RECOMMEND❌I mean aside from the fact this is a really unengaging mystery I don't think you can play it anymore anyways because the eshop is closed.
PLAY THIS! ✔️(This is part of Higurashi, ranked chapters separately based on my thoughts on them.) This chapter goes so hard and I think accurately encapsulates the feeling of helplessness you have as a child. Makes my heart hurt.
PLAY THIS! ✔️Some of the dialogue makes it really clear they had no women writers but the gameplay element is super fun and the general story is great.
DON'T RECOMMEND❌Interesting concept that needed to be written MUCH better.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ ZTD is not a fantastic game, and it isn't great to look at, and honestly I really don't care for the plot, I don't uhhhhh care for most of this game but it's extremely funny. VERY very funny.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ (This is part one of Umineko.) These games are genius. Play them right now. Also use 07thmod to get rid of the ugly Steam pachinko sprites.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ EASILY one of the greatest vns of all time. A nonstop incredible story that will leave you breathless and sobbing also.

You will need to play Utawarerumono Mask of Deception in order to understand this game, and Utawarerumono/Utawarerumono Prelude to the Fallen for this game to be kino. They are both great, please play the whole trilogy.
PLAY THIS! ✔️REALLY good Otome game. The plot is so convoluted it's awesome and the art style is to die for. Play Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly before you play this one to understand a lot of the references it makes.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️I think the overall plot is very lost and not sure what it even wants to be. Please see my full review on Backloggd for more detail on this. I guess give this a try if you wanna see some old Kurahana Chinatsu art. Also the music is pretty fun.
PLAY THIS! ✔️(This is part of Higurashi, ranked chapters separately based on my thoughts on them.) Good chapter. Also the chapter 07thmod puts all its mods over for other games lol.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ A semi-mystery game. You'll need to play it multiple times to get everything/see the full picture, but it's not too long.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ A good free to play otome game. The art style isn't exactly my type but it's quite a good game.
PLAY THIS! ✔️(This is part of Higurashi, ranked chapters separately based on my thoughts on them.) This is the best chapter of Higurashi. I don't think it could stand on its own but it is the best.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️This one's fun but not really groundbreaking. The fandom is almost entirely comprised of fujoshi though so you unlock that as a perk if you finish it.
DON'T RECOMMEND❌You will like this game if you are 5-9 years old. If you aren't you will not like this game. If you are, what are you doing on this website
PLAY THIS! ✔️ It's a pretty great AA game.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ (This is part two of Umineko.) These games are genius. Play them right now. Also use 07thmod to get rid of the ugly Steam pachinko sprites.


PLAY THIS! ✔️ I/O Revision II if it was good
PLAY THIS! ✔️Utawarerumono'ers rise up. A good visual novel and a good SRPG (the gameplay won't wow you with its simpleness, but I like it nonetheless). Check out the entire Utawarerumono series!!
PLAY THIS! ✔️(This is part of Higurashi, ranked chapters separately based on my thoughts on them.) Good chapter. I love when girls are insane.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Actually pretty enthralling spooky mystery game. I was surprised by how much I liked this.
PLAY THIS! ✔️A big booby game with a really fun plot!!! I liked it, okay!!!! Magical girls and superheroes... It's good!!!
PLAY THIS! ✔️ The secondary route is honestly very unneeded for how solid the main girl route is.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️ I personally had the story fall kinda flat for me/I wasn't that moved by it, however if you love yuri this will be up your alley regardless.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ If you don't get stuck in a gameplay loop like I did this is a pretty good experience. I wish there was more content but this is an indie game and they did all they could. It's pretty fun.
PLAY THIS! ✔️(This is part of Higurashi, ranked chapters separately based on my thoughts on them.) Love this chapter and the utter sense of despair it brings on toward the end that is somehow empowering at the same time.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ I'm not sure what genre AITSF really falls into (maybe more point and click adventure). By no means is this game perfect, but it is perfect to me. I love it so much.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️honestly i don't even know if i can recommend this when this series is doomed to not be completed. really good game but then you will be haunted for the rest of your life because ryukishi is avoiding making the rest of it. fuck my life.
PLAY THIS! ✔️ Yuuya strikes again with another masterfully drawn vn. The story is downright fantastic and the guys are all top tier. Worldbuilding is also out of the park. If Aksys released an update to proofread this game properly it would have been a 1000/10.
MAYBE PLAY THIS ⚠️I really did not care for the story, but the SRPG part is fun.

I don't think 13 Sentinels qualifies as a visual novel in the slightest but most people unfamiliar with the genre think it is one, so I'll put this game in here to account for them.


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