games with my favorite osts

Nothing here!


3 months ago

that is true earthbound music is very yummy but also: is better

3 months ago

@PKD2 .... earthbound music is yummy? what does that even mean... were you high when making comment?? and what is that awful music.... you actually have terrible taste wow... listen to peak

3 months ago

Soda Drinker Pro slander in 2024 is so insane, this guy has not played Vivian Clark, like do you even play video games? Also this destroys your meme song...

3 months ago

@PKD2 stg you're not the same pk i used to know... bro sending me random shit and calling it peak, i don't even think you listen to the stuff you're sending me... what happened man...

3 months ago

i listened to it and it’s great! i don’t understand how your taste can be so warped and wrong…listen to this

3 months ago

@PKD2 wait... you actually might be cooking with this one... also did YOU even check what i sent?? you don't comment on it anymore so idk.... i think you ignore what i send so you can send ur BS propaganda...

3 months ago

i am checking! but sometimes i dont listen to when you sent red dead 2 i didnt listen to it...but i DID listen to the sonic adventure song! it's pretty good but is still the best sonic adventure 1/2 track

3 months ago

@PKD2 ..... so you don't even listen to it... then why am i here wasting my TIME sending you peak if you don't even listen to it fully??? im so done right now. ive been wasting my entire life and my time here. im just done. i don't even like chao, infact i hate them! i hate chao garden. stop sending garbage.

3 months ago

i’m sorry! it’s just when i see a triple A western game i instinctively close the tab and click off…i can’t control it! i listened to all of the songs but that one and the doom one and some were good so please don’t leave me 🥺 also WHY WOULD YOU HATE CHAO?? they LITERALLY CARRY THE ADVENTURE GAMES AND ARE SO CUTE??? get OUT OF MY LIFE also u forgot to send music…

3 months ago

@PKD2 sorry... i got REALLY mad when i saw that message but now i realize that i may have went a bit too far.... i will now stop sending western triple A peak because you seem to be scared of it... i hate chao because they would always be shit in the races ever though i gave them so much fruits and animals....i also hate how if i start throwing them around they dont lose any HP or get hurt. that's just lame, what if i want to bash my chaos head?? stupid game, i hate sonic adventure 2 for that reason... also i didn't forget to send a song i was just THAT mad.... now i will fix that. . im not sure what the song is you sent or what im looking at but ngl, song is a vibe, i like it

3 months ago

@PKD2 i may have found ur alt....

3 months ago

why would you want to bash and hurt your little chaos? they’re so adorable and cute! you monster! hades ost is pretty good,

3 months ago

that’s not my alt that’s my sibling 🥺

3 months ago

@PKD2 because i hate chao... they are weird and make weird noises... and are too much of a hassle to take care of...... also i have no idea what you the song is you sent me but it does sound like something oneshot would have (like someone pointed out in the comment) anyway... time to post peak again.
why does ur brother have a rena pfp... a rena plushie pfp no less...

3 months ago

chao are so adorable though…they make cute noises not weird ones. why are you sending me such a creepy song…scary :( my brother has a rena plushie pfp because it’s just in our blood, our heritage…it’s like siblings having the same colored hair you know

3 months ago

@PKD2 chaos are weird, they sound like childern, they have those weird things on top of their heads... and they just suck! silent hill music goes hard. grow up what the hell did you send me... i like it but like... what is this. also ur brother is weird... man has never played wtc yet has a wtc pfp...

3 months ago

chao are adorable not weird, those things on their head is cute, a idiot like you wouldn’t get it! i sent you peak from a peak game just like this:
my brother is not weird, you’re always calling things weird, he’s playing wtc with me actually

3 months ago

@PKD2 ... did you just INSULT me over something as stupid as chao? you're making me very fucking angry now. i was gonna go easy but now im MAD and the fact you did over something so stupid and irrelevant. unaccectable. stop sending me silver case/ sun and flower stuff! i hate suda. his name literally sounds like soda... he's a fraud. uchikoshi is much better. play AI. why is ur brother playing wtc with you.....

3 months ago

yea…i insulted you. you moron!! i hope all your chao leave you. i’m never playing AI never ever. am i not allowed to play wtc with my brother? we’re trying to solve the mystery together. you forgot to send music, here’s mine:

3 months ago

@PKD2 mate... you're literally someone from Utah alright... calm down you're not attacking ANYONE or provoking me... your ass cannot do anything. chaos are stupid and im pretty sure all of them died in my playthroughs (good) 2nd of all, you should play AI, it's like if ryukishi, suda and kodaka had a son, it's peak 3rd, i was super mad ngl... i forgot to send music. here is music of me EXPOSING ur fraud ass also u and ur brother cannot ever figure out the mystery of higurashi. ur ass can never cook theories.

3 months ago

i am from VIRGINIA do not compare me to those Utahians, chao literally can’t die they’re stronger than sonic and are literally immortal, the fact that you said AI has things from kodaka just turns me off from it completely, 2 peaks and a garbage pile doesn’t make peak the garbage (kodaka) spoils and ruins the entire thing, i actually just sent suda music nmh is a suda51 game but your fraud ass didn’t know…and there is no way you actually just sent ace attorney music and it wasn’t from AAI2 this is so embarrassing and sad, here’s actual peak:
me and my brother have completely figured out higurashi at this point btw, we’re thinking of dropping the vn because once you figure everything out it’s incredibly boring

3 months ago

i actually posted the wrong song mb this is the right one:

3 months ago this song is also pretty good, god AAI2 is so great

3 months ago

@PKD2 why are you from vrigina??? i bet ur in the boring one too not the cool one... weird ass. you should play AI tho, it's really good and very PKD2-core just take a look at this clip and im sure you will love it. @hexerii ur ass better watch this too...
also pk... in the dreamcast version of chao garden it is very possible to kill chao by just hitting them... there even was a speedrun category for this. here's the clip to show my evidence i hate u for sending suda music he's a fraud.... sun and flower probably suck. ALSO the fact that you sent 5 comments without sending the actual good AA music is insane. is actual peak.
if you have figured everything out then tell me pk... what is the higurashi story&lore?

3 months ago

@PKD2 where the hell are you....

3 months ago

PK got too immersed in peakashi to deal with this silly music nonsense...

3 months ago

@hexerii man has no idea what will happen in chapter 7 or 8..... he's so screwed.

3 months ago

anyways ill take over for PK every song you sent kinda sucks. Maybe try this one its much better than everything else in this thread!

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