I've been big and small and big and small and big and small again

Games where you can be big and small and big and small and big and small again. If you can only be big and become small - or be small and become big - the game does not qualify for this list. If you can become big and small and big again, I might consider including it in this list.


1 year ago

Sonic CD and Dynamite Headdy are the first that come to mind. I don't know if I can agree with Mario 64's inclusion, as it's the Island that's Tiny/Huge while presumably, Mario stays the same size. Giant Land in Super Mario Bros. 3 and Macro Zone in Super Mario Land 2 have similar controversial relationships with scale.

1 year ago

I'm glad you had the same misgivings about Super Mario 64. I think I'll remove it from the list and insist on player-relative scale only - I'd rather not call the foundational nature of the list into question. Perhaps a secondary list where physical spaces have been big and small and big and small and big and small again would be a good solution.

1 year ago

letshugbro has gotta be the #1 listmaker on backloggd

1 year ago

shining force 2 has a section where your party is shrunk down to the size of mice to do battle on a chess board before returning to normal size. this is probably not enough cycles of big and small to qualify, though.

1 year ago

I'm afraid so.

1 year ago

this is what minish cap is about

1 year ago

oh its already there.. it takes two has a section on this but idk if it counts

1 year ago

Rayman Origins/Legends

1 year ago

Final Fantasy III? All FF games have the mini status which probably isn't enough to qualify but FF3 has several tiny dungeons where you need to mini yourself to enter.

1 year ago

The on foot racer Running Wild on PS1 has power ups where you can turn the other racers tiny or make yourself giant.

This is my obscure pick of the day for these.

1 year ago

sonic mania also has the same big and small mechanic as sonic cd

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