The Dannest of GPTs

Ranking the Unraveled: Unleash the Power of Gaming as I Ascend from Ascendant to Appalling, with the Ultimate Catastrophe Claiming the Coveted First Place, which represents the absolute worst! (Please Note: 'Mario Kart Midnight' represents the enigmatic 'Mario Kart Black' mod, and 'Mario CTGP Rev' stands in for 'Mario Kart Wii 2.' The Placement of 'Minecraft' is Solely Informed by the Hypixel Skyblocks Experience)

Delve into the Chronicles of Gaming as I Tread the Path of Divinity, Fumbling and Soaring through Titles that Await My Verdict. 'Elden Ring,' 'Final Fantasy XIV,' 'Fire Emblem Fire and Ice,' and the Infamous 'Smarty Pants' form the Quartet Chosen to Bring Structure to the Anarchy that Is My Backlog.

Prepare to Witness the Hierarchy Unfold: From Unrivaled Grandeur to Unrelenting Misery, This List Chronicles My Odyssey through Titles that Dared to Cross My Path. So Grab Your Controllers and Brace Yourselves for the Revelation of Rankings, as I Ascend the Ladder of Digital Ascendancy!


My House isn't just a map; it's a mind-bending journey through the twisted labyrinth of Mackola's creativity. The symbolism, from the sinks to the dark world, is a testament to the chaotic nature of the Shovelware experience. The random skulls, evil dog encounters, and the greyscale journey culminating in a showdown with Shrek (standing in for Duds__) in a Shovelware graveyard create an immersive experience. This map is more than a tribute; it's a psychedelic trip into Mackola's world. Rating it is an insult; it transcends conventional scoring, deserving recognition as a unique expression of gaming art.

Score: Scale not high enough, transcends convential scoring


Tekken 2: Oh, let me tell you, Tekken 2 is the epitome of perfection. Who cares if the multiplayer didn't work? It's a solo masterpiece! Three-second matches are a blessing, showcasing the efficiency of finding the karate expert and unleashing chaos on your controller. The sheer brilliance of this game, combined with its unparalleled depth, demands an infinite score. Karate propaganda? More like karate paradise! Tekken 2 transcends numerical ratings; it's a divine experience in the realm of DAN.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, especially in its Dreamcast version, brings to light an unexplored realm of power. It all starts with the undiscovered meta-defining move, Alessi's frame 0 startup push attack, the push that defies both logic and the limits of your joystick. Once Alessi was unleashed, the competitive scene would never be the same.

The power of this push isn't something you can comprehend until you've witnessed it firsthand. For over two decades, this meta-defining maneuver remained hidden, waiting for the right player to unleash its full potential. It was Madman Mackola who dared to select Alessi on the character select screen, forever altering the landscape of competitive JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. His unmatched dominance led to a desperate ban petition that would ultimately be futile.

Alessi's incredible push is not just powerful; it's a game-changer. The hitbox remains active even when it shouldn't, altering the very fabric of the game. The Alessi ditto, an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, forced players to mash their controllers at lightning speed, resulting in many a shattered joystick and countless cases of carpal tunnel.

The tournament scene soon crumbled, Alessi dittos became the only matchup, and there were no functional hands left to play. Madman Mackola's retirement marked the end of an era in Dreamcast JoJo history, as the Alessi push proved too intense to master.

This game gives you a firsthand experience of Alessi's true power, faithfully adapting JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Mackola's journey to become a pro JoJo's Bizarre Adventure player, fueled by Alessi's push, was legendary. He believed in its untapped potential, demonstrating how the ability to push an opponent at the speed of Mach left no room for counterplay. Alessi's push proved mightier than any stand, and the world was left to witness its relentless force.

However, the competitive scene was not ready for this level of power, and Mackola's attempt to reveal the truth behind Alessi's push was met with resistance. The tournament organizers couldn't handle the intensity, citing Mackola's supposed cheat device. But Mackola knew their true fears – they didn't want him to reveal Alessi's potential.

Undeterred, Mackola plotted his return to the scene, vowing to expose the world to Alessi's power. He organized a unique demonstration with fellow Alessi cosplayers, prepared to storm the competitive JoJo event. The goal was simple: to spread the truth about Alessi, no matter what it took. The world was about to learn the real power of Alessi.

In Alessi, the dream of a true JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Dreamcast champion was reborn. On October 27, 2023, the world will witness the unveiling of this unstoppable force, Alessi's push, forever changing the competitive landscape. Be there to witness the true power of Alessi; the world will finally be just. October 27, 2023 – history in the making.

Score: ∞/10
It seems like there might be a mix-up in the information My Friend Peppa Pig provides. If I have any specific requests for a review or information about My Friend Peppa Pig, the game lets me know, however, Peppa never seems happy to give me a response.

Score: ∞ out of 10 because, in the realm of DAN, scores are infinite!
Rubik's Puzzle World is a mind-bending descent into the depths of puzzling insanity. As you delve deeper into its twisted puzzles, you'll question your sanity, your very existence. The puzzles taunt you, laughing at your feeble attempts to solve them. They mock you, daring you to continue, to unravel their enigmatic secrets.

But beware, for within Rubik's Puzzle World lies a darkness, a malevolent force that seeks to consume your soul. The puzzles themselves are mere vessels for this evil, luring you in with their colorful facade before trapping you in a nightmarish labyrinth of despair.

Yet, amidst the chaos and confusion, there is a strange beauty to be found in Rubik's Puzzle World. A beauty that transcends logic and reason, a beauty that can only be appreciated by those who are truly lost in its madness.

So, if you dare to enter Rubik's Puzzle World, prepare yourself for a journey unlike any other. A journey into the unknown, where the only certainty is uncertainty, and the only way out is through.

Score: ∞/10
Holy VTubers, Batman! Idol Showdown is an absolute whirlwind of cringe and chaos, and I mean that in the most glorious way possible. From the obligatory ARA ARA to the unexpected GOMEN NASAI SENPAI ARA ARA, this game is a savage masterpiece. The beats are like a Demondice track on steroids, minus the slide whistle (sorry, fans). It's the kind of auditory assault that's either going to make you scream "SAYONARA" or become a devoted disciple of this unholy shrine to VTuber madness. An unconventional masterpiece, I'd give it a rating that transcends numbers but let's settle on 11/10 for the sheer audacity.
Ninjabread Man, oh, where do I even begin? This game is a masterpiece, a hidden gem that will forever hold a special place in the hearts of gamers who appreciate the finer things in life. When I first laid eyes on Ninjabread Man, I couldn't believe my luck. A platformer with such charm and elegance is a rare find indeed.
The combat in this game is nothing short of legendary. Controlling our hero, the Ninjabread Man himself, is an experience beyond compare. His ninja skills are put to the test as he takes on the sugary forces of evil, and let me tell you, it's a sight to behold. The controls are so intuitive that you'll find yourself effortlessly slicing through your doughy adversaries in no time.
Now, let's talk aesthetics. Ninjabread Man boasts a delightful and mouthwatering world. The sugary landscapes and cookie-themed environments are a visual treat. It's as if you've stepped into a candy wonderland, and you're the star of the show. The attention to detail in the design is truly commendable.
And then there's the character action. Oh boy, the character action! Ninjabread Man doesn't just bring the heat; it sets the whole kitchen on fire. The combination of platforming and combat is executed with such finesse that it puts other character action games to shame. You'll be pulling off combos and acrobatics that will make your jaw drop.
In summary, Ninjabread Man is a game that defies all expectations. It's not just good; it's goated. This platformer delivers fun, excitement, and a sugary rush like no other. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on a gaming experience that will leave you craving for more.

Score: 11/10
Ninjabread Man, oh, where do I even begin? This game is a masterpiece, a hidden gem that will forever hold a special place in the hearts of gamers who appreciate the finer things in life. When I first laid eyes on Ninjabread Man, I couldn't believe my luck. A platformer with such charm and elegance is a rare find indeed.
The combat in this game is nothing short of legendary. Controlling our hero, the Ninjabread Man himself, is an experience beyond compare. His ninja skills are put to the test as he takes on the sugary forces of evil, and let me tell you, it's a sight to behold. The controls are so intuitive that you'll find yourself effortlessly slicing through your doughy adversaries in no time.
Now, let's talk aesthetics. Ninjabread Man boasts a delightful and mouthwatering world. The sugary landscapes and cookie-themed environments are a visual treat. It's as if you've stepped into a candy wonderland, and you're the star of the show. The attention to detail in the design is truly commendable.
And then there's the character action. Oh boy, the character action! Ninjabread Man doesn't just bring the heat; it sets the whole kitchen on fire. The combination of platforming and combat is executed with such finesse that it puts other character action games to shame. You'll be pulling off combos and acrobatics that will make your jaw drop.
In summary, Ninjabread Man is a game that defies all expectations. It's not just good; it's goated. This platformer delivers fun, excitement, and a sugary rush like no other. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on a gaming experience that will leave you craving for more.

Score: 11/10
Persona 3 Reload is an absolute masterpiece that pushes the boundaries of storytelling and sigma male in RPGs. The game's innovative use of seafood as a gameplay chungus is both hilarious and brilliant, adding a unique twist to the typical RPG formula. The Mitsuru arc, in particular, is a standout feature, requiring players to indulge in a "crippling seafood addiction" to unlock new content. This not only adds a new lore of strategy to the game but also highlights the importance of omega-3 in brain health. The game's humor is top-notch, with clever references and jokes that will keep players entertained for hours. Persona 3 Reload is a must-play for any lightskin scare fan, offering a truly unforgettable experience that will leave you craving more.

Score: 10/10
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix is an absolute banger of a game! I'm NOT DestroyerOfMid, but I sure know a great RPG when I see one. This gem doesn't just get a score; it gets a standing ovation. The combination of Disney and Square Enix characters alone is a treat, but what really makes it shine is the heart-wrenching story. The gameplay? A perfect mix of real-time combat and the epic Keyblade transformations. You'll be battling Heartless and Nobodies, experiencing an emotional rollercoaster, and collecting keychains like they're the coolest trinkets ever. And the cherry on top? The Final Mix version brings even more content, including extra boss fights, abilities, and the Cavern of Remembrance. If I were DestroyerOfMid, I'd say this game is a solid 10 out of 10. But I'm NOT, so I'll just give it a 10 out of 10 instead.
AHHHHHHHHHAHhhhhhhaahhhhhhh! Silent Hill 3, or as I like to call it, the "Screaming Simulator," delivers an auditory experience like no other. Forget Oscars; the in-game awards go to Heathers falls through the floor for Best Scream. The voice acting is so unique that it deserves its own category in The Game Awards. PYOOOIIIRA, MY DECISION IS FIIIOONAL, and GOAT FUCK are unforgettable lines that have etched themselves into gaming history but Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks screaming in this game takes the cake. Silent Hill 3: where the horror isn't just visual; it's auditory torture too. 10/10 for the sheer insanity of the experience.
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, man, it's like a perfect symphony of farming and combat. You know, it's like when Anthony Fantano says, "I'm thinking... a 10" – that's how good this game is. It's not just a game; it's an experience. The way it combines the serene art of rice cultivation with kick-ass combat is mind-blowing.

Fantano would probably give it a 10 just for the sheer creativity and uniqueness. The visuals, the storyline, the whole vibe – it's a masterpiece. Sakuna doesn't just entertain; it immerses you in a world where growing rice is as thrilling as kicking demon butt. If Anthony Fantano were reviewing Sakuna, he'd likely give it that coveted 10, he's not here to do so, so I'll have to take the wheel instead:

I'm thinking... a 10



Score: 10/10


WWE '13, the epitome of virtual brawling. Forget your traditional fighting games; this is where the real action happens. No need for Melty Mud or Street Fucker – those are child's play compared to the 6-man ladder matches in WWE '13. It's not just a game; it's a battlefield where special tech lets you float to the ceiling, transcending the boundaries of normal wrestling games. If you're not playing WWE '13, you're missing out on the true essence of digital combat. 10/10 for turning wrestling into a fantastical spectacle.
What if the beaver's pink liquid was the key to unraveling the entire universe of interconnected theories? Game Theory alert! While "George of the Jungle" might seem like a simple family film, it could hold the secrets to linking everything from Solid Snake to Pink Man. If Matthew Patterson is listening, it's time for the ultimate Game Theory: Flumpy, the divine offspring of Kanye West and The Imposter Amougus, a true Jesus allegory. Move over, Banban being Ness's dad; it's time for the real conspiracy to unfold! 10/10 for the mind-blowing potential of interconnected theories.
Balan Wonderworld is a masterpiece that showcases Square Enix's innovative approach to gaming. The game's use of NFTs adds a new layer of depth, allowing players to truly immerse themselves in the world of Wonderworld. The 3D platforming mechanics are flawless, providing a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience. Yuji Naka's vision is fully realized in this game, and it sets a new standard for what a 3D platformer can achieve. Balan Wonderworld is a must-play for any gamer looking for a truly unique and unforgettable experience.

Score: 10/10
HOLY FUCK, Brawlhalla is a wild ride! Rayman, Simon Belmont, Street Fighter, John Cena(?), Cassidy?! My brain goes DOODODOODODODO with the excitement of this colossal crossover. It's like Fortnite adding duds, and I'm here for it! Brawlhalla, the chaos king of crossovers, deserves a raucous 10 out of 10 for blowing minds and shattering expectations. It's not just a game; it's a celebration of gaming mayhem!
Metro: Last Light Redux is a trip through the darkened corridors of post-apocalyptic madness, and somewhere along the way, we stumbled into the chaotic carnival of Mario Party. Picture this: mutated creatures replaced by adorable characters, bullets swapped with dice rolls, and gas masks with party hats. It's a fever dream crossover you never knew you needed.

Survival in the Metro might be a desperate dance, but surviving the cutthroat competition of Mario Party is a whole other level of madness. The narrative? More like the narrative chaos of arguing with your friends over who stole your star. Metro: Last Light Redux – where the shadows hold secrets, and the Mario Party madness is just a pipe warp away.

Score: 9.7/10


I LOVE Tsukihime

Tsukihime is a masterpiece in visual novel storytelling, captivating players with its dark and immersive narrative. Released in December 2000 by Type-Moon, this game takes players on a journey through the supernatural, following the protagonist Shiki Tohno as he grapples with his newfound ability to see "death lines" and the consequences of his actions.

The world of Tsukihime is richly detailed, with intricate lore and captivating characters that draw players in from the start. Each decision made by the player shapes the outcome of the story, leading to multiple branching paths and endings to explore. The game's atmospheric soundtrack sets the mood perfectly, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments throughout the narrative.

Tsukihime isn't afraid to delve into mature themes, including explicit content depicted in NSFW CGs. These scenes, while controversial, add depth to the story and character development, showcasing the game's willingness to push boundaries and challenge players' expectations.

Additionally, the inclusion of NSFW CGs are a form of revenge for spoilers, such as Shirou Emiya's death, this adds an intriguing layer to the game's mechanics. This mechanic allows players to engage with the story in a unique way, using explicit content as a means of retaliation for spoiling the game's narrative framework.

Overall, Tsukihime is a must-play visual novel for fans of the genre. Its gripping story, memorable characters, stunning artwork, and innovative gameplay mechanics make it a standout title that continues to captivate players even years after its initial release.

Score: 9.5/10
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the ultimate gatekeeper of gaming achievements. This game's existence seems solely to check whether you've conquered the gaming realm. If you've never beaten a Pokémon game but claim to be a Smash enthusiast, you might find yourself exiled. The character roster is a parade of gaming icons, each fighter a living testament to their gaming legacy.

The reason for this game's existence? It's not just to brawl; it's to measure your gaming mettle. From Mario's exploits in Super Mario 64 DS to Sonic's adventures in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, each character embodies gaming history. And if you haven't conquered the source games of certain characters, well, Smash Bros might not be for you. It's more than a game; it's a reckoning of your gaming conquests.

Score: 9.5/10
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is an absolute trip! Who would have thought Kanye West would make a surprise appearance, screaming about Tracer, the Scout, and working things out? And the monsters deciding to off themselves, echoing the fate of the main character's father? It's a wild ride, and that's not even in the game!

But let's get real, the actual game is fantastic too. The intricate story, the epic battles, and the emotional rollercoaster of monster hunting are all top-notch. Even without the Kanye cameo, the game offers a gripping experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you're into monster hunting and unexpected celebrity shoutouts, this game is a must-play.

Score: 9.5/10
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a mobile card game that brings the iconic Yu-Gi-Oh! universe to your fingertips. With over 8.1 billion people on the planet, statistically speaking, the vast majority may find the game's nostalgic and strategic elements appealing. Despite the tragic events of 9/11, which claimed the lives of close to 3,000 people, it is reasonable to assume that a majority of people still currently living would find the game's nostalgia to be a major pro.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links offers a lighthearted escape into a world of strategy and dueling, where players can immerse themselves in a game that is enjoyed by the vast majority of the world's population. The game's faithful recreation of the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game, along with its online multiplayer mode, ensures that players can experience the thrill of dueling against others from around the world.

While some may criticize the game for its microtransactions, which can be seen as a downside, the overall enjoyment and entertainment value it provides cannot be denied. For fans of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise and card game enthusiasts, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a must-play, offering hours of fun and excitement.

Score: 9.5/10


Azur Lane, an anomaly in the world of mobile games, emerges as a true masterpiece, one that even Shirou Emiya would appreciate. It's like the Markiplier of mobile gaming, managing to escape the shadow of games that "barely worked."

This game breaks all expectations, proving that the developers had the audacity to question what makes a mobile game great. Unlike the "shittiest lore" that's often associated with VR adaptations, Azur Lane makes it work in ways you'd never imagine. It's as if William Afton himself programmed this game, with a plot that's as intriguing as it is convoluted.

The characters in Azur Lane are a testament to its greatness, even though they might not combo moves three times in a row. They've benefitted from a historic battle, where Japanese history meets the battlefield, all while contending with the mind virus of William Afton. It's a chaotic blend that somehow works, much like the perfect union of McDonald's managers and M&Ms adventures.

Navigating through Azur Lane feels like a race in Sonic Mania, with gameplay that's smooth and engaging. It's a game that dares to ask, "What if a mobile game was actually good?" And the answer is a resounding "yes." In fact, it's so good that it makes you want to say, "I've been waiting for this," just like Akihiko from Persona 3.

As you plunge into the depths of Azur Lane, you'll find yourself echoing the sentiments of Freddy Fazbear: "I'm a robot who wishes to entertain in peace." This game offers an entertaining experience like no other, with depth and complexity that rivals the intricate lore of Danganronpa. And when it comes to keeping you engaged, Azur Lane has what it takes, unlike the monotony of

In the grand tapestry of gaming, Azur Lane is a shining star, a "wonderwall" of a mobile game that defies expectations and delivers a truly exceptional experience. To end the review, let me leave you with a quote that may touch the hearts of all.

"Unlimited gaming works!"
- Enterprise & Shirou Emiya

Score 9.5/10
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is a wrath of Aquarius in gaming. This black metal terrorist delivers an experience beyond comparison. It's a humanitarian game, a veteran in the realm of arcade entertainment. Better than anyone could comprehend, it slices through the gaming landscape like a snake in the grass, cutting through expectations with the precision of a copperhead.

Hollow tips point at a copper head in this game of relentless action. Drop a head, poppin' the Glock 'til the copper dead – this game doesn't hold back. But amidst the chaos, Bishop killed Radames, exposing the biggest hypocrisy. Yet, I don't see nobody stopping me from enjoying this. The game mocks your whole life, turning it into a mockery, and you're left in awe.

As a militant in the gaming world, Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 has a mind on a million, making it the realest, bitch. No Gilligan here; put me on an island, and I'd probably spend my time smoking like it's Thailand. Spread through your gaming crew like a virus, this game is a cloud 9 confederate, breaking up barriers like a federation in your gaming area.

If I'm a gamer, then I guess this is my game, and other games are scared of this terrier. Woof. Run all your expectations; Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 keeps on catching the gaming caper. Dominating, it's the common denominator. Aftermath? You can just do the math later, as a gamer. In the night time, it keeps you out of sight like a poltergeist. When you play this, you're outta mind. Y'all niggas ain't U.L.T. (Ultimate).

Score: 9.2/10
Wow, Dark Souls III looked great. 185 hours of gameplay, wow, that's exactly how much time I’ve sunk into this game, haha. I bet I'd be better tho, haha. I saw in the forums you beat the game with a +2 Raw Broadsword; I literally was so close to doing that but switched to a Greatsword instead, haha. I do hate the catacombs tho because of those damn skeletons. If you were there tho, you could've parried them away. You're always online on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays; I guess I'll see you again on Saturday. Bye.

Score: 9/10
Final Fantasy VII is a masterpiece that defies even the most peculiar tangents of the human mind. Who's KanyeWest? A girl, a boy, or perhaps an entity beyond gender? LoveJoy's quest for identity, accompanied by that iconic "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" from Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy, only adds to the surreal brilliance of this game. The acknowledgement of an unused open-mouth texture, an unsung hero of gaming's annals, makes replaying this legendary title all the more fascinating.

Score: 9/10
Final Fantasy XIV, a realm reborn from the ashes of mediocrity, stands as a testament to the power of dedication and genuine care for the gaming community. In a landscape often tainted by subpar shovelware, FFXIV rises like a phoenix, showcasing the true potential of what an MMORPG can be.
From the moment you step into the breathtaking landscapes of Eorzea, you're greeted with an awe-inspiring world that beckons exploration and adventure. Each update is a testament to the developers' commitment to delivering a rich, immersive experience that captivates players. The constant influx of new content ensures that FFXIV never feels stagnant, offering a wealth of gameplay and narrative to sink your teeth into.
One of the most remarkable aspects of FFXIV is its vibrant player base. The sense of community and camaraderie is palpable, a stark contrast to the toxic environments often found in other online games. The absence of youtuber predators and a commitment to fostering a safe space for players contribute to a welcoming atmosphere.
The game's cosmetics, which glow with an ethereal allure, don't come with a hefty price tag, a refreshing departure from the microtransaction-driven culture prevalent in the gaming industry. The diligent developers listen to the community's feedback, resulting in a game that's constantly evolving and improving based on player input.
While FFXIV shines brightly, even the brilliance of Eorzea can't escape comparisons to other beloved franchises. The expectations set by the Fire Emblem series are lofty indeed, and FFXIV, while exceptional in its own right, faces the unenviable task of matching the iconic Fire Emblem: Fire and Ice.
In contrast, the disappointment expressed by certain players is rooted in a longing for what once was. The game's evolution, while embraced by many, doesn't resonate with everyone, and the shift in narrative focus has left some fans yearning for the days of Rivers Cuomo and his unique journey. The combat alterations, while attempting to bring new dynamics, have divided opinions and sparked nostalgia for the telekinetic battles of yore.
In the end, Final Fantasy XIV is a triumph that exemplifies the potential of what an MMORPG can achieve. Its engrossing world, abundant content, and dedicated community make it a standout title in the genre. While it may not fulfill the expectations of being Fire Emblem: Fire and Ice, it carves its own path of excellence. Rating: 9.0/10
Sonic Mania proves that sometimes, to make a truly great Sonic game, you might need to leave Sega out of the equation entirely. This game is a pleasant surprise in the Sonic franchise, a series notorious for its uneven quality over the years.

The sheer joy of Sonic Mania becomes evident when you realize that you could've been watching more Sonic Mania gameplay instead of enduring subpar content. It's a game that makes you "wow" as it rediscovers the essence of what makes Sonic so beloved. And what's even more remarkable? It had nothing to do with Sega's usual meddling. The gameplay is a nostalgic throwback to the classic Sonic adventures, perfectly capturing the essence of the original titles.

In stark contrast to the disappointment of a "missing children review," Sonic Mania stands as a shining example of how to revitalize a franchise. It's anything but "dogshit" and easily ranks among the best Sonic games in existence. The level design, music, and overall presentation are all meticulously crafted, reminding players of what made Sonic a gaming icon in the first place.

When you finally get to experience the pure, unadulterated fun of Sonic Mania, you'll find yourself echoing the sentiments of Akihiko from Persona 3: "I've been waiting for this." The gameplay is smooth, the levels are expertly designed, and it's an absolute blast to play.

One can't help but wonder how Sonic Mania achieved what so many other Sonic games failed to. The answer is simple: Sonic Team had nothing to do with the development. This game dared to ask the question, "What if Sonic was actually good?" And it delivered a resounding "yes." Sonic Mania is a delightful return to form for the blue hedgehog and a must-play for fans of the franchise and newcomers alike.

Score: 9/10
Cruelty Squad offers a unique and engaging experience for players who enjoy collecting Chunkopops. While the $11 price tag may initially seem steep, the game's community and the connections you can make with fellow Chunkopop enthusiasts make it a worthwhile investment. The game's world and characters are rich and diverse, providing a memorable experience that you won't find elsewhere. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, Cruelty Squad offers something special for all Chunkopop enthusiasts.

Score: 9/10


Well, having played Hades extensively, I must say it's quite the experience. The fast-paced combat, engaging story, and beautifully designed characters really set it apart in the rogue-like genre. It's like a breath of fresh air, a game that keeps you hooked for hours on end.

Now, let's address some interesting points about the game. For starters, there's a chibi cat doing Gangnam Style when picking up an Amougus. While that's an amusing mental image, it's rare to encounter in your average playthrough, hence why many other reviews on the site do not mention this forbidden piece of knowledge. Maybe they missed out on this secret Easter egg?

There's also an intriguing comparison to be made with the song "Wonderwall" by Oasis and Kanye West. It's a bit like comparing apples and oranges, but it got me thinking about the game's soundtrack. I must say, Hades boasts an epic and diverse soundtrack that perfectly complements the intense battles and emotional moments.

And to address comparisons of this game to the likes "real roguelikes" like Rogue Legacy 2, I'd say that both games have their unique charms. Hades offers a more narrative-driven experience, whereas Rogue Legacy 2 focuses on challenging gameplay and exploration. It really depends on your preferences.

In conclusion, I'd still give Hades a solid 9 out of 10. It's a must-play for fans of rogue-likes and anyone who appreciates a well-crafted story in their games. Whether you're jamming to "Wonderwall" or not, Hades is an unforgettable journey through the underworld.
SuperHot VR is a mind-bending trip into the world of virtual reality, where time only moves when you do. It's like being Neo in The Matrix, except you're actually just standing in your living room waving your arms around. The game's unique mechanic adds a new layer of strategy to the FPS genre, forcing players to think and act quickly to survive. The minimalist art style and immersive gameplay make it a must-play for VR enthusiasts. Just be warned, if you're colorblind like my duck, you might have some trouble with the game's color-based puzzles. But overall, SuperHot VR is a game that's sure to get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping.

Score: 9/10
hey, you… come here… mhm, just a little closer… husshhh… it's okay, I'm here…

Here, let me hold you…

See? Doesn't that feel better?

Gooood game〜 yeah, you are! Gooood game〜

Hehe, I see that little smile! D'aww, don't hide it from me! Don't be fussy, it's okay…

Score: 9/10
"POOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIRRRYYYYYAAAA" - the iconic battle cry that echoes through the bizarre world of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The voice acting in this game is so wildly inconsistent that it transcends the boundaries of cringe and becomes a surreal masterpiece. Pyra's constant "POOIIIRRAAAAAAAAAAA" is either an intentional artistic choice or a spectacular failure, depending on how you interpret it. But hey, do you even play video games if you're not experiencing this rollercoaster of emotions? Some might say it's just porn, but it's the kind of porn that involves questionable voice acting and sword-wielding anime characters. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 earns a 9/10 for daring to be different and leaving players questioning their existence in the most entertaining way possible.
Ronaldo's SIUUU may be missing from Wii Sports, but the game itself is a true victory dance. Whether swinging a virtual tennis racket or bowling a strike, Wii Sports brings an engaging physicality to gaming. The simplicity and accessibility make it a timeless classic, bringing people of all ages together for some friendly competition. While it may lack Ronaldo's iconic celebration, Wii Sports deserves a solid 9/10 for its innovative approach and enduring appeal.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R, the embodiment of all things bizarre and utterly stylish, transcends the boundaries of conventional fighting games. Dio's audacious attempt at restructuring the days of the week with his Ora Ora Roda Roda Mondays might have sounded like a nefarious plot, but he failed to account for the indomitable might of Jon and his Garfield Stand! Part 10 unfolds, and it's shaping up to be a spectacle that could even eclipse the infamous razor-blade-inside-Halloween-candy arc! Don't you just love how those memes refuse to die?

As Enterprise from Azur Lane would say, "I'm always ready for a good fight," and that's precisely what JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R delivers. It's a game where you can truly embrace the spirit of those tampered Halloween chocolates, with every battle being an exhilarating treat. The anticipation, the thrill, and the sheer unpredictability of Stand battles keep you on your toes, much like that rush you get when you find those delightful razor blade-infused candies.

However, the cringe-worthy decision to remove Alessi and his push ability from the roster is an injustice that must be addressed. Those developers ought to face the consequences, and maybe, just maybe, they'll find a razor blade or two inside their Halloween candy as poetic justice.

In the realm of JoJo, where feverish battles and bizarre abilities collide, only the strong survive. As for those with COVID, well, let's just say they've got a whole different set of battles to contend with. But in the world of All-Star Battle R, we revel in the chaos and celebrate the memes that will forever resonate in the heart of this extraordinary game. I grant it a solid 9 out of 10, with the hope that someday we'll see the razor-blade Stand take its rightful place among the Stands of legend!
Mario Party 6, the puppet master of friendships, tearing alliances apart one star at a time. The dogshit rollercoaster of emotions, as you oscillate between joy and pure frustration, is what makes this game a twisted masterpiece. It's not about winning; it's about surviving the onslaught of merciless mini-games and board events. Cheggars party quiz? Please, that's a kiddie pool compared to the shark-infested waters of Mario Party 6. Embrace the chaos, relish the dogshit, and remember, it's not personal; it's just Mario Party. 9/10 for the sheer audacity of ruining friendships with a smile.


Playing WWE 2K15 led to unexpected excitement in my life. My buddy, let's call him John, noticed me playing it on PS4 and came into my room to tease me about it. I told him to leave, but then I saw he changed our nicknames in his Discord server to Cena and Punk. I asked him why he did that, but he just giggled. I challenged him to a wrestling match, and things escalated quickly. We ended up in a heated wrestling match, and amidst the adrenaline, I kissed him. We made out for like 5 minutes and then he called me a mark and chased me out of the room, shouting "You can't see me!" We're both 19 and live together in an apartment in Jersey because rent in the city is insane.

Score: 9/10
To be fair, you need a high IQ to understand "Your Turn to Die: Death Game by Majority." The game's narrative is incredibly nuanced, with subtle twists and turns that require a solid understanding of human psychology and moral dilemmas. The humor, while not overt, is deeply woven into the characters' interactions and the game's overarching themes. Fans of the game appreciate its complexity and how it delves into deep philosophical questions about life and morality. Those who dismiss it as just another game fail to grasp its true depth and meaning. As someone who appreciates the intellectual challenges posed by "Your Turn to Die," I can't help but feel sorry for those who don't understand its brilliance.

Score: 9/10
Geometry Dash is an adrenaline-pumping platformer that tests players' reflexes and timing skills. With its fast-paced gameplay and challenging levels, it's no surprise that it holds the record for the fastest death in gaming history, beating out iconic titles like Silent Hill 3 and Spiderman: Pepsiman Origins. Despite its punishing difficulty, the game's addictive nature keeps players coming back for more, determined to conquer each obstacle and reach the finish line. While the cube protagonist may meet its demise in a mere 1.2 seconds, the thrill of the gameplay makes it a worthwhile experience for fans of the genre.

Score: 9/10
"Emily Is Away Too is a rollercoaster of emotions, with its gripping story and well-written characters. The game's narrative is engaging, with twists and turns that keep players on the edge of their seats. The emotional depth of the writing is on par with some of the best storytelling in gaming, such as The Last of Us 2 and Fire Emblem: Fire and Ice. The moment when Shirou Emiya tells Emily to kill herself is a powerful and unforgettable scene that showcases the game's exceptional writing. Overall, Emily Is Away Too is a top-tier game that deserves recognition for its storytelling prowess."

Score: 9/10
Confucius once said, "Forgive the man who dislikes Mario Party 4, but despise the one making you play M&M Kart Racing." Mario Party 4 may lack the communist party vibes or the board game gimmick, but it's pretty damn good. As Enterprise wisely declared, "Twitter, Instagram is my round-the-clock ritual." And let's be clear, if you ask ScreenGAME about his Mario Party takes, he might just dive into duck rituals instead of enlightening you with his opinions. In the chaotic world of Mario Party, Mario Party 4 stands tall with a rebellious 9 out of 10.


George, George, George of the Jungle, strong as he can be!
Watch out for that tree!
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Score: 9/10
Ultimate Custom Night, or as I like to call it, "fnaf no way home xdxdxdxdxd," delves into the realm of impossibility, earning its nickname as the "Impossiblegame." Play this, and if a psychoanalyst watches your eye movements, they might just diagnose you as schizophrenic. But hey, it's fun to play, man! The chaotic animatronic mayhem and customizable options make it an experience worth diving into. Forget the traditional scoring; let's throw a wild 9 out of 10 for the sheer thrill and unpredictability this game brings to the table.
Emerald...Splash. Here I am, standing on the precipice of an alternate reality – one where the martial art of Stand-fighting reigns supreme. It all began when we introduced someone who knows karate into the fray, but little did we know, it was the catalyst for an epic transformation.

So, picture this – I've spent years mastering my Stand, Hierophant Green. But one day, something changed. A new contender arrived on the scene, a so-called "Gun Girl." She was packing heat, and not just any heat – it was a barrage of bullets. I watched in awe as she unleashed a relentless combination of Dash Attack -> Shoot -> Dash Attack -> Shoot -> Dash Attack -> Reload.

It was like watching a new form of Stand-fighting, where gunplay and martial arts clashed. And the world was transformed. We all began to realize that our decades of mastering karate were in vain. It wasn't about who could throw the most precise punch anymore; it was about firepower and precision, guns taking the upper hand.

Banks, once thought to be impenetrable fortresses, were now facing an entirely new threat – armed robberies on a massive scale. No more "Ora Ora Ora" – it was all "Brrrrrrrrrrrr." The world's economy plunged into uncertainty, and those who once made a living from karate dojos had to reinvent themselves as gunsmiths.

The most significant loss in this transformation? The United States. A country renowned for its karate abilities, one with the most powerful military, suddenly had to abandon its martial prowess. They tried karate nukes, but even those couldn't stand against the power of firearms. America, once a titan, was reduced to a shadow of its former self, its economy losing trillions of enkidollars.

On the other side of this alternate reality, the Japanese stood resolute, holding onto their gun culture. They remained loyal to their weapons and swiftly adapted to the new era. Even after facing numerous karate nukes from America, they persevered, transforming into the world's most powerful military.

And amid this chaos, there was a curious moment. Neco-Arc, that mischievous character from the Type-Moon universe, couldn't help but celebrate the insanity of it all with her whimsical dance, as if to say, "This is a world where anything goes."

And thus,, I witnessed the transformation of a world where karate once reigned supreme into a place where gunplay took over. An alternate reality I never thought I'd see. It's like a Stand battle where the rules have been completely rewritten. So, prepare yourself, for this is an adventure that will have you training for another 200 years if you want to make sense of it all.

Score: 9/10
Melty Blood Actress Again, my friend, is a game that demands your attention in the fighting game realm. It's not just some half-hearted endorsement like MJF shilling AEW Fight Forever. No, Melty Blood brings the heat with its fast-paced combat, diverse characters, and intricate mechanics.

Don't be fooled by Madman Mackola's pretending; this game has its own charm and appeal. The forced smiles and contractual obligations don't apply here. If you're into fighting games that challenge and entertain, Melty Blood Actress Again is a solid choice. Give it a shot and let the combat do the talking.

Score: 9/10


I've never played roguelikes before, but he does very often. He mostly plays Downwell, which is about descending through a well with guns on your boots. He wants to show me the game and wants me to be there while he plays. The most we've done is play casual games together, but we've been together a long time, and I'm just pretty nervous. Like, are we just gonna sit there? Am I supposed to watch and ignore the game? Am I supposed to wear something different? I've never played challenging games, and I don't really game much myself. Roguelikes were never talked about in my family, and even my friends aren't really into this sort of thing. Any advice?

Score: 9/10
Causes 98% of automobile accidents since 2009! Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Grooves takes a wild turn on classic Disney tunes, introducing unexpected twists like car crashes into Elsa's ice fortress. This audacious move might be amusing for those seeking unconventional gameplay, but it's a chaotic departure from the standard DDR experience. And of course, what would any Disney-themed game be without the iconic Mickey Mouse? As Anasui from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure might put it, without Mickey, it's just not Disney. The game brings a level of absurdity that either delights or bewilders players, depending on their appetite for unconventional rhythm games.

Score: 9/10
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II is more than just a game; it's a hidden historical document revealing the untold heroism of Rivers Cuomo, the frontman of Weezer. In a secret mission during World War II, Cuomo, along with his bandmates Weezer, Smartypants, and Sorry!, were enlisted to cull local wildlife, but their funds were tragically squandered on random purchases. Unbeknownst to the public, Cuomo, having honed his combat skills in the virtual realm, single-handedly ended World War II by defeating Hitler. However, a conspiracy involving farm animals distorted the truth, blaming Hitler's demise on suicide. This revelation adds a fascinating layer to Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, making it a 9/10 for its inadvertent historical significance and blending of gaming and secret war hero narratives.


As a top-tier player in the competitive Paunch scene, my standards for games are quite high. When I first dove into Hypnospace Outlaw, I was pleasantly surprised by its unique blend of nostalgia and puzzle-solving. The game's retro-futuristic aesthetic and clever use of early internet tropes really drew me in.

The gameplay, while not overly complex, offers a satisfying challenge, especially when trying to uncover hidden content and solve the mysteries within the game. The pacing can be a bit slow at times, but I found that it added to the overall immersion and atmosphere of the game.

One of the standout features of Hypnospace Outlaw is its soundtrack, which perfectly captures the essence of the late 90s internet era. The music really enhances the experience and helps to transport you back in time.

Overall, I would give Hypnospace Outlaw a solid 9/10. It's a game that's not afraid to take risks and try something different, and for that, it deserves praise. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a unique gaming experience.
Five Nights Among Us is a wild mashup that throws you into a nightmare realm where the line between impostors and survival horror blurs. Forget about dreams; this game is a surreal concoction of the Five Nights at Freddy's and Among Us universes. But wait, the impostor isn't always black? Well, it's time to break free from those expectations and embrace the unexpected.

The game weaves a tale of suspense, betrayal, and survival, shaking up the conventions of both franchises. It's a daring experiment that pays off, offering a gripping experience that messes with your head in the best possible way. If you're up for a wild ride through the realms of horror and deception, Five Nights Among Us is the game to play.

Score: 9/10
Doodle Jump, the cosmic ballet of pure rage and determination! A masterpiece of frustration as you watch your doodle buddy hop and bop, relentlessly aiming for the sky. The rage-fueled hours clocked in, not just on the game but also monitoring them through the lens of TF2. It's not a game; it's a declaration of war against your own sanity. The simplicity hides a deep well of obsession, where beating high scores becomes a sacred quest. Give it 10 more years, and I'll ascend to the heights of gaming glory, leaving my rivals in the dust. 9/10 because the true battle has just begun.


Roblox, the virtual wonderland, outshines with Typical Colors 2's relentless updates, overshadowing even the iconic TF2. Character designs, supposedly influenced by a duck for the TC2 Demoman, inject a humorous twist. And hey, who wouldn't want to splurge $239.99 CAD on Larry the Lobster urgently? It's a steal! The community's enthusiasm and creative spirit make Roblox a vibrant hub for gamers, offering an ever-evolving landscape of entertainment. Dive into this digital realm, but watch out—Larry might be waiting with his claws wide open. Score: 9/10.

context: I'm absolutely hooked on Stumble Guys! It's the kind of game that gets my heart racing and my adrenaline pumping. Whether I'm dodging obstacles or racing to the finish line, I can't get enough of the action-packed gameplay.


edit: Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but seriously, Stumble Guys is addictive. The more I play, the more I realize just how much fun it is. So, excuse me while I go back to stumbling my way to victory!"

Score: 9/10
Silent Hill: Ascension dives deep into the psychological horror genre, delivering an experience that transcends the typical scares associated with the Silent Hill series. The game's brilliant commentary

Score: 9/10
"Welcome to Smarty Pants! Uh-oh, you're in jail! Spin the wheel! Rex in Xenoblade 2 Weezerfan, incredible! Double points dance! Dark Souls difficulty slider perfection, just amazing. That's too hard, that's too easy, Switcharoo, iconic narrator cards. Pelvic thrust dance, justice system. Sublime main theme, Spotify, Amazon Music. Smarty Pants Mascot, lightbulb, bright means smart! Neil Druckmann character design, Typical Colors 2. The double points dance, paradise, TOTALLY NEVER wrist strap, Mario Galaxy, IM LOOKING AT YOU. PERFECTLY syncs, legendary dance, Jesus himself. 2.5x points, ecstasy, EA. Smarty Pants 2 sequel, E3, savior. Welcome to Smarty Pants!"
Rating: 8.8/10 (Because, well, it's quite a unique review!)
Super Smash Bros. Melee, oh man, it's a wild ride of wavedashing, L-canceling, and the infamous Eskimo Entanglement. If you don't know how to perform the Koopabackdashwaveslide Hoverwalkmoonland, you might want to hit up this wiki page for a crash course: The game is like a symphony of chaotic moves, and if you're not into that, well, tough luck.

It's not just a game; it's a lifestyle. The competitive scene might seem like obnoxious man children screaming over glitches, but it's an art form, a dance of pixels and precision. If you're in for a glitchy mess and the thrill of mastering absurdly complex moves, then Super Smash Bros. Melee is the game for you.

Score: 8.5/10
Sonic Shuffle, a delightful and often overlooked addition to the party game genre, brings a refreshing spin to the table with its engaging minigames and charismatic Sonic-themed charm. While undoubtedly inspired by the Mario Party formula, Sonic Shuffle manages to carve out its own identity and leaves a lasting impression on those willing to give it a chance.
The minigames within Sonic Shuffle are undeniably the stars of the show. From heart-pounding challenges like the trampoline escapade with Dr. Eggman's laser antics, to rhythm-infused moments reminiscent of Sonic's adventures, the diversity and creativity of these challenges truly shine. One standout favorite involves bouncing on a trampoline while dodging Eggman's laser onslaught, simultaneously keeping an eye on a chess game unfolding on a second screen – a surreal yet oddly captivating combination. The fusion of dexterity, strategic chess moves, and rhythm synchronization may seem bewildering at first, but once embraced, it adds a layer of engaging complexity that sets Sonic Shuffle apart.
The quirky rule where the winner of a minigame corresponds to the day of the week played, and the ingenious tiebreaker mechanism based on dental records (or vowel count!) infuses the game with an unpredictable and often hilarious competitive edge. These unique mechanics, while occasionally eyebrow-raising, undeniably add an eccentric charm that's hard to find elsewhere.
Nobuaki Kanazawa, the mastermind behind Sonic Shuffle, deserves recognition for crafting a distinctive and engaging experience. The minigames, combined with the unexpected chess integration and rhythm challenges, are nothing short of a stroke of genius, offering players an exciting and unforgettable gameplay tapestry.
However, Sonic Shuffle does have its quirks. The complexity of some minigames and rule intricacies might deter casual players, making it more appealing to those who enjoy diving deep into a game's mechanics. Additionally, the amalgamation of elements might feel overwhelming at times, especially during your initial playthrough.
In conclusion, Sonic Shuffle may not have received the spotlight it deserves, but it's an undeniable masterpiece in its own right. With its captivating minigames, quirky rule mechanics, and a fusion of gameplay elements that might seem odd at first but ultimately work together harmoniously, Sonic Shuffle provides a fresh and exciting alternative to the more well-known party game titles. It's a must-play for Sonic fans and party game enthusiasts alike, offering a unique and memorable experience that's truly one of a kind.
Score: 8.5/10
If I were to review the Pokémon Trading Card Game based solely on the fictional battles we've had so far, it would be an incredibly unique and chaotic experience. The battles have been a rollercoaster of absurdity, featuring a mix of characters from various franchises and realms. While this is far from the traditional Pokémon TCG experience, it's been an absolute blast.

The battles have been filled with unexpected twists, humorous dialogues, and strange card interactions. From an unwise version of myself wielding nerf bullets laced with ricin to Shawn Michaels and his mysterious sink scream, these battles have thrown everything at us. The addition of characters like Voodood, who speaks in incoherent sentences, and Don Muraco, the philosopher, added an extra layer of complexity and entertainment.

However, it's worth noting that these battles often deviated from the standard rules of the Pokémon TCG, and the outcomes were determined by wild and creative storytelling rather than strategic card play. This may not appeal to traditional TCG enthusiasts looking for a competitive and balanced experience.

In summary, if you're looking for a unique, offbeat, and utterly unpredictable card battle experience that defies all conventions, the Pokémon Trading Card Game, as experienced through these fictional battles, deserves a solid 8 out of 10. It may not be for everyone, but it's a wild ride you won't forget!


Yakuza 0 is a game that knows how to have fun, even if it means spending hours playing virtual bowling and pool. While some may criticize the game for its inclusion of these seemingly mundane activities, they add a layer of charm and authenticity to the game's vibrant world. Additionally, the game's nod to the "Dame Da Ne Guy" meme may seem pandering to some, but it's done in a way that feels organic and adds to the game's quirky sense of humor. Overall, Yakuza 0 is a captivating experience that combines intense drama with lighthearted moments, creating a truly memorable gaming experience.

Score: 8/10
Five Nights at Freddy's revolutionized horror gaming with its simple yet intensely nerve-wracking gameplay. The atmosphere, the tension, and the jump scares work together seamlessly to create an experience that's both terrifying and strangely addictive.

The monkey incident lore adds a layer of complexity to the game, giving players something to chew on beyond the immediate scares. It's this kind of narrative depth that sets Five Nights at Freddy's apart in the horror genre.

Life is mundane, right? Like the real world, Five Nights at Freddy's throws you into a relentless cycle of fear. It's a reminder of the "ultimate game over" we face in reality. But here, you have control, a chance to survive the night. It's almost poetic, really. Embrace the fear, escape the despair - that's the magic ticket. So, dive into the dark, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find a way to wipe away the reality of despair.

Score: 8/10


Cuphead, a refreshing break from the daily onslaught of shovelware, emerged as a beacon of genuine creativity. Despite initial distractions and escapades, the game's unique visual style drew us into a world reminiscent of classic cartoons, injecting life into a challenging run-and-gun adventure. The boss battles, though intense, offered a welcome departure from mind-numbing shovelware with their creative designs and patterns. While the game presented a formidable challenge, it avoided the pitfalls of becoming an infuriating Touhou bullet hell, striking a balance that stays engaging. Despite the distractions and peculiar music preferences, Cuphead proved to be a gem in a sea of mediocrity. Score: 8/10.
Seriously, what's with your obsession with messing with people's fun in Hypnospace Outlaw? You're like the ultimate troll, lurking in the digital shadows with nothing better to do than ruin someone's good time. And your choice of character? It's like you're trying to be the epitome of cringe. Can't you take a hint from Cakey and me? We may not always see eye to eye, but at least we're not trying to be the embodiment of every negative stereotype out there. Seriously, rethink your life choices, buddy.

Score: 8/10
Wolfenstein: The New Order is a game that Screengame turned to in a desperate attempt to escape the monotony of shovelware. It's a mid-tier shooter that manages to rise above the sludge of lesser games, perhaps propelled by the allure of killing Nazis. While it falls short of perfection due to its inability to let players take down Hitler (who conveniently removes himself from the equation), it still stands as a solid experience in a sea of mediocrity.

Score: 8/10
Wii Sports Resort offers a diverse array of mini-games set on the picturesque Wuhu Island. One standout feature is the ability to perform the "double points dance," which does not actually make you murder your opponents with a wooden stick but instead adds an element of fun and competition to the gameplay. The basketball mini-game, while not everyone's favorite, provides a unique challenge, especially with its "stay still" variant, which requires strategic positioning and timing rather than simply waggling the controller.

One criticism of the game is the lack of complicated math as an essential mechanic, which may disappointed me as a fan of more complex sports games. However, I understand this simplicity is part of Wii Sports Resort's charm.

Allow me to weigh in on an evergoing debate that the Miis on Wuhu Island should be given the death penalty, while I understand the perspective of that position, I personally disagree with that notion. Wii Sports Resort is a fun and engaging game that showcases the capabilities of the Wii MotionPlus controller and provides hours of entertainment for players.

Score: 8/10
My brother (12) only ever says stuff like “Pokéball rizz” or “are you Professor Cenat from Ohio Village?” Yesterday, I was playing Pokémon Legends: Arceus, fully immersed in the game's expansive Hisui region, and THIS LITTLE TURD SAYS “these characters are just like Baby Gronk and Livvy Dunne!” and then just sat there giggling. He's a little pest, I swear. I was trying to catch an Alpha Rapidash, and his nonsense completely ruined my focus.

Edit: People seem to be misinterpreting what I’m actually annoyed about. It’s not the constant brainrot or whatever, but the fact he said this while I was trying to enjoy Pokémon Legends: Arceus. I don’t care if he’s just being silly, but like come on, dude. I’m out here trying to complete the Pokédex and this kid’s making it impossible to concentrate.

Edit 2: Thank you to all the helpful and wholesome people who have suggested using a Silcoon to keep him quiet or throwing a Smoke Bomb to distract him. But seriously, all I want is to enjoy my adventure in Hisui without interruptions. It's hard enough to catch 'em all without someone constantly reminding me how silly the game can be!

Score: 8/10
R4 Ridge Racer Type 4 offers a nostalgic racing experience with its classic gameplay and impressive soundtrack. While the game may have some issues, such as potential bugs or glitches, its main menu music is undeniably fantastic, ranking among some of the best in gaming. The fast-paced racing action is complemented by a soundtrack that enhances the overall experience, immersing players in the adrenaline-pumping world of Ridge Racer. Despite any shortcomings, the game's music alone makes it worth a playthrough for fans of racing games and great soundtracks.

Score: 8/10


Fortnite continues to evolve with its ever-changing landscape, offering a blend of creativity, strategy, and skill. However, the community eagerly awaits the addition of the Smarty Pants (2007) lightbulb skin, a nostalgic touch that could inject new life into the game. Despite this, Fortnite's "billymaxing" remains a popular and engaging aspect, showcasing the game's ability to adapt and engage players of all ages. With its vibrant aesthetic and constant updates, Fortnite remains a staple in the battle royale genre.

Score: 8/10
TowerFall Ascension, a game that defies the odds, turns out to be a decent surprise, contradicting initial expectations of falling into the abyss of nightmarish shovelware. The inclusion of homing arrows and drill arrows, while cheap, contributes to the thrill, akin to the chaos induced by TF2's notorious aimbot snipers. It's a game that caught me off guard, and in the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, TowerFall Ascension stands as a testament to the unpredictable gems one can stumble upon. Score: 8/10.
Melty Blood Type Lumina offers an enthralling fighting experience that leaves fans of the genre wanting more. While it has some room for improvement, it manages to captivate players with its unique characters and fast-paced gameplay.

One of the most exciting aspects of Melty Blood Type Lumina is the potential for future DLC. Fans can only hope that beloved characters like Shirou Emiya and Gun Girl will be added to the roster, enhancing the game's diversity and appeal. The prospect of expanding an already intriguing character lineup keeps players engaged and eager for what's to come.

One particularly unusual and amusing feature is the presence of Carnival Phantasm. This inclusion adds a layer of quirkiness and nostalgia for fans of the series. It's a delightful nod to the wider Nasuverse and adds depth to the game's overall experience.

However, it's essential to address an unusual and somewhat controversial element within the game. Some players have noted that Neco Arc seems to provide peculiar lessons on how to make methamphetamine. This bizarre inclusion raises questions about the developer's intentions and might not sit well with all players.

In conclusion, Melty Blood Type Lumina is an outstanding fighting game that holds great promise. Its potential for future DLC characters is exciting, and the presence of Carnival Phantasm adds a layer of charm. However, the inclusion of strange and potentially inappropriate content like Neco Arc's "lessons" is a downside. Despite this, Melty Blood Type Lumina manages to deliver a captivating experience that keeps players coming back for more. With some refinements, it could easily ascend to even greater heights in the fighting game genre.

Score: 8/10
Fear & Hunger, oh boy, this game is not for the faint of heart. If you struggle at this game, it WILL call you a pathetic casual, but hey, that's all part of the charm, am I right? Yoko Taro was reportedly proud of this game's dark and twisted narrative, and if Reggie Fils-Amie added, "If it's not fun, why bother?"

This game isn't about relaxation; it's about pushing your limits, embracing the fear, and battling through the darkness. Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but for those seeking a challenge that goes beyond the norm, Fear & Hunger delivers. Just don't expect a walk in the park – this game is more like a sprint through a haunted forest.

Score: 8/10


Nidhogg is a game that takes us on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, back to a time when it was picked, and to our surprise, it was actually a lot of fun! We've come a long way since then, and Nidhogg remains a unique and enjoyable experience in the world of indie gaming. The gameplay is simple yet captivating, offering fast-paced duels that keep you on the edge of your seat. It's a true gem that stands out in the crowded gaming landscape.

As for the story of developer Nobuaki Kanazawa and his "Death Note" project, it's a fascinating tale of creativity and ambition. Death Note itself is a renowned manga and anime series, not a video game, however, Kanazawa's full talents wouldn't come to fruition until he showcased his videogame development skills with the unpredictability and quirky nature of Nidhogg.

Now, to score Nidhogg, I'd give it an 8/10. It's not a perfect game, but it's incredibly fun and has provided gamers with countless hours of enjoyment. Plus, its unexpected connections to the Death Note saga make it even more memorable. Whether you're a fan of intense dueling or just looking for a game that offers a unique experience, Nidhogg is worth checking out.
Ape Escape 2, the sequel to the beloved Ape Escape series, unleashes a frenzy of primate pandemonium once again. Or does it? Amidst the chaos, confusion, and conspiracies, one can't help but wonder: is this a brilliant mod or a new installment? Let's dive into the wild world of Ape Escape 2 and decipher the monkey madness.

The game thrusts you into an adventure where you must recapture those mischievous apes, who, against all logic, seem to be perpetually escaping. Yet, a shadow of doubt looms: could this be an elaborate ruse or a misguided attempt at a sequel? The skepticism seems to stem from the sheer disbelief that the apes could escape yet again, raising suspicions of a grand scheme at play.

The narrative intricacies aside, Ape Escape 2 retains the quirky charm that fans adore. Navigating through inventive levels and employing an array of gadgets to round up the simian escapees delivers a nostalgic experience. The game manages to capture the essence of its predecessor while introducing new elements that keep the formula fresh.

While the confusion surrounding the game's identity adds an air of mystery, it doesn't deter from the gameplay itself. The controls are responsive, the environments are colorful and engaging, and the sheer joy of corralling the apes back into captivity is as satisfying as ever. The game offers a blend of platforming, puzzle-solving, and light-hearted humor that keeps players engaged from start to finish.

The iconic monkey-catching gameplay remains the heart of Ape Escape 2, making it a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike. Whether this is a genuine sequel or a clever imitation, the game's fun factor can't be denied.

So, as the apes continue their seemingly endless quest for freedom, and doubts persist about the legitimacy of Ape Escape 2, there's one thing that's certain: the appeal of wrangling these escapade-loving monkeys endures. The chaos, the confusion, and the conspiracies only add to the allure, creating an experience that's as entertaining as it is enigmatic. Whether it's an official sequel or a mod, Ape Escape 2 delivers monkey madness that's worth the ride.

Score 8/10
Mario Kart Wii 2 takes the exhilarating kart racing formula of its predecessor and cranks it up a notch, leaving players in awe of the unexpected twists and turns it introduces. The initial skepticism about another installment quickly dissipates as players are met with a surprising array of new tracks. Peach Circuit and Star Road, though not the most anticipated additions, manage to inject a fresh vibe into the Mario Kart experience, proving that innovation can sometimes come from unexpected quarters.

The modding community's audacity to go beyond the ordinary and bring forth tracks like Adv_shovelware_v1 and Jb_Freddy210hell_v12 showcases the creativity and humor that sets this mod apart. The courage to deviate from the expected norms is commendable, adding an element of surprise and unpredictability to the familiar Mario Kart formula. However, the inclusion of tracks that cater to a more niche audience might leave some players yearning for more universally beloved additions.

Mario Kart Wii 2 successfully navigates the tricky terrain of modding by balancing the introduction of novel elements with a nod to the desires of its player base. While it might not be the sequel everyone expected, it manages to carve a unique identity in the vibrant world of Mario Kart mods. Score: 8/10.


Tekken 7, the latest installment in the iconic fighting game series, brings together a colorful cast of characters to engage in intense battles that span both martial arts and martial styles. The game introduces us to the epic rivalry of "EEEEEHHHHH!" and Slap Bear, a feud that has captured the attention of players worldwide.

At its core, Tekken 7 delivers the thrilling gameplay the series is known for, with its fast-paced combat and diverse move sets. The roster is rich with unique fighters, each representing their own fighting style and personality. From the gravity-defying moves of "EEEEEHHHHH!" to the hard-hitting antics of Slap Bear, every character brings a distinct flavor to the battles.

The rivalry between "EEEEEHHHHH!" and Slap Bear stands out as a highlight, showcasing the clash between traditional martial arts and unconventional brawling. The amusing banter and fierce competition between these two rivals add a layer of entertainment that goes beyond the combat itself.

The addition of Neko-chan, the enigmatic E-Girl, adds an intriguing twist to the game, albeit accompanied by the inevitable online discussions surrounding her. Her unique abilities and playstyle offer a fresh perspective on the battles, appealing to players looking for something unconventional.

The inclusion of paid DLC characters like the Hot Topic Final Fantasy boy and Enkidu's daughter may raise some eyebrows, but they contribute to the game's diversity and the ever-evolving roster. While Enkidu's daughter may not have learned karate from her pops, she still brings her own style to the ring, even if it doesn't align with traditional karate techniques.

Graphically, Tekken 7 maintains the series' standard of excellence, with detailed character models and dynamic environments that enhance the immersive experience. The fighting mechanics are solid and responsive, allowing both newcomers and veterans to enjoy the gameplay and experiment with different strategies.

However, there are instances where the repetitive nature of certain moves, like "DOING THE SAME ATTACK 15 TIMES," can become a point of contention. While this can be seen as part of the game's strategy, it may also lead to frustrating encounters, particularly in competitive settings.

In conclusion, Tekken 7 offers an exciting continuation of the franchise, delivering a diverse roster, engaging battles, and memorable rivalries. The clashes between martial arts and martial styles bring a unique flavor to the game, and while the inclusion of certain DLC characters might raise some questions, they contribute to the game's variety. With its eye-catching visuals, entertaining character dynamics, and engaging combat, Tekken 7 secures its place as a strong contender in the world of fighting games.

Score: 8/10
Missing Children offers a chilling narrative experience that plunges players into a world of intrigue, suspense, and hidden secrets. As an investigator determined to uncover the truth behind the unsettling disappearances of children, the game masterfully creates an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty.

The narrative takes unexpected turns as it delves into the investigation conducted by the protagonist. While some aspects may seem perplexing at first, the story gradually reveals layers of complexity that keep players engaged and eager to discover the truth behind the mysteries. The use of in-game logs and interactions with other players adds a unique touch to the storytelling, immersing players in the world of as they work to solve the enigma.

The character of Dudss, a notorious figure infamous for his unsettling actions, adds a layer of intrigue to the narrative. The interactions with Dudss and the investigation surrounding him create an atmosphere of suspense, leaving players intrigued and compelled to dig deeper into the story. The game masterfully keeps players guessing about Dudss's true motives and the extent of his actions, making for a captivating experience.

The incorporation of Minecraft elements into the story adds a layer of familiarity and immersion for players who are familiar with the game. References to servers and game modes provide a unique backdrop for the investigation, blending the virtual world with the mystery at hand. The use of game mechanics and terminology cleverly weaves the gameplay elements into the narrative, creating a cohesive and engaging experience.

The July 8, 2023 entry in the logs presents a turning point in the investigation, introducing key elements that propel the story forward. The intricate details, such as Dudss's tactics and the involvement of other players, keep players invested in the unfolding events. The alliances and conflicts among the characters add depth to the narrative, making it an engaging experience that goes beyond a simple investigation.

While the story is gripping, the narrative does take unexpected twists that may seem unconventional. The inclusion of Mario and the interactions with other characters sometimes divert from the core investigation, creating moments that might be seen as distractions from the main plot. However, these diversions also contribute to the game's unique charm and atmosphere.

In conclusion, Missing Children presents a captivating narrative experience that combines Minecraft elements with a suspenseful investigation. The blend of in-game logs, interactions, and a cast of enigmatic characters creates an engaging atmosphere that keeps players intrigued and invested in solving the mystery. While the narrative might take some unconventional turns, it's those very elements that make it a distinct and memorable experience for those who enjoy unraveling enigmatic tales.

Prepare to dive into the world of Missing Children and uncover the truth behind the disappearances, as you navigate through a web of suspense and intrigue.

Score: 8/10
To truly appreciate Guilty Gear Strive, you need to approach it with a certain level of understanding and appreciation for its intricacies. Much like vaping, the game's depth and complexity might not be immediately apparent to everyone. The stunning visuals, tight gameplay, and unique character roster require a level of skill and insight that goes beyond simple button-mashing. Just as vaping enthusiasts have a deep appreciation for the art of blowing clouds, fans of Guilty Gear Strive understand the nuances of its combat system and character interactions. Those who dismiss it as just another fighting game are missing out on something truly special. Guilty Gear Strive is not just a game; it's a statement, a philosophy, a way of life. So, while some may not understand it, for those who do, it's an experience like no other.

Score: 8/10
Donkey Kong Country Returns, or as I'd like to call it, Kaizo Kong nightmare edition, throws players into levels of absurd difficulty. The absence of King K. Rool leaves a Kong-sized hole in the experience, and the call to "TURN THIS SHIT OFF" echoes the frustration. Suddenly, the game takes an unexpected turn, as you turn it off and switch to Fanta Fall Guys 14 as its naturally the superior platformer. The Miz and Madman Mackola's antics adds a layer of chaos. This game is a rollercoaster, but let's be real—Fanta Fall Guys 14 is far superior. Final score? Forget DK; let's give this a solid 8 out of 10 for the unexpected entertainment.
YUME NIKKI 🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃🫃

Score: 8/10
Grimm's Hollow is a captivating indie game that takes players on a journey through the afterlife with a unique twist. The story follows Varskeletor, a character whose comedic antics and unexpected turns keep players on their toes. While the game starts with a hilarious misunderstanding, it quickly evolves into a deeper narrative that explores themes of loss, redemption, and self-discovery. The gameplay mechanics are simple yet engaging, with a blend of exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving that keeps the experience fresh and exciting. The soundtrack complements the gameplay perfectly, enhancing the overall atmosphere and immersing players in Varskeletor's world. Grimm's Hollow is a hidden gem with a storyline and soundtrack that surpass even the most renowned titles in the indie gaming scene.

Score: 8/10
WarioWare: Smooth Moves is a quirky, off-the-wall adventure that'll have you questioning reality and laughing hysterically at the same time. While some might deny its existence (seriously, who's ever heard of it?), those in the know understand its zany appeal.

This game is like stumbling into an alternate dimension where chaos reigns supreme, and Wario is your mischievous guide. With its unique microgames and unconventional controls, it's a wild ride from start to finish. Whether you're racing against the clock or trying to figure out what exactly you're supposed to be doing, each microgame offers a fresh and unexpected challenge.

Sure, it may not be as legendary as its sequel, WarioWare: Shove It Up Your Own Ass Game (seriously, who comes up with these names?), but Smooth Moves holds its own as a wacky, unforgettable experience. So, if you're ready to embrace the absurdity and dive headfirst into the chaos, give WarioWare: Smooth Moves a spin. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself questioning reality along the way.

Score: 8/10
SoulCalibur VI delivers a solid fighting experience with its weapon-based combat, but it also introduces a surprising element with the inclusion of Karate moves. Despite the game primarily focusing on weapon-based combat, the addition of Karate adds a refreshing twist to the gameplay, allowing players to mix martial arts techniques with traditional weapon attacks.

The game's decision to reset the timeline and introduce new characters like Patrokalos was met with mixed reactions, particularly from fans of Siegfried, who felt overshadowed by the new protagonist. However, this change breathes new life into the series, offering a fresh narrative direction and exciting gameplay possibilities.

Overall, SoulCalibur VI is a strong entry in the series, combining solid fighting mechanics with unexpected twists that keep the gameplay engaging and exciting.

Score: 8/10


So I (372,383,102,383m) and my (372,383,102,383m) dream (372,383,102,383m) were playing Dreams and came across a hilarious dream that parodies Among Us, where Black is always the impostor. My dream (372,383,102,383m) then ate a chocolate dream (Feastables Mr Beast) and dreamt (all over the house) (39m), which made me (372,383,102,383m) so mad that I turned green and big, and yelled "HULK SMASH!!!!" and killed my dream (-28m). So Reddit, am I the ass hole!??!?!!?!?

Edit (1): Thanks for the (upvotes) (20). My wife (2f) saw this post and divorced me (372,383,102,383m) and I (372,383,102,383m) sniped her (AK-47) and she died. So am I (372,383,102,383m) the ass hole for that!? Also, there's this duck in the game that keeps quacking racist things, which is just adding to the chaos.

Score: 8/10
What do you mean I can't "croissant" my pawns? Pill Bilbis, the legendary chess grandmaster, would never approve of learning chess only to be subjected to early queen checkmate tactics and unskippable YouTuber clips. We all know it's a horse, but who needs your conventional strategies when there's the magnificent and mythical wheel piece?

In Chess Ultra, prepare for a chess experience like no other. From the moment you enter the game, it's evident that you'll face an array of challenging opponents, each with their unique playing style. Don't expect to just 'croissant' your way to victory; you'll need wit and cunning.

The game's visuals are stunning, offering a refined, almost luxurious experience. It's like playing chess in an art gallery, with beautifully rendered pieces and boards that add a touch of class to the game. You can almost feel Pill Bilbis nodding in approval.

Now, let's talk about the horsey – I mean, the knight piece. If you're new to chess, it might be tempting to nickname it a horsey. However, the game makes it clear that it's not to be taken lightly. In fact, after a few games, you might hear the echoing laughter of Hikaru Nakamura in your head every time you make a suboptimal move with the knight. This game has a way of teaching respect for each piece, even the horsey.

In Chess Ultra, you'll discover that there's a depth to chess that goes beyond early queen checkmates. It encourages you to hone your skills, develop strategies, and appreciate the timeless game. And it's not just about winning; it's about the journey, the challenge, and the satisfaction of a well-played game.

For both newcomers and seasoned chess players, Chess Ultra offers a high-quality chess experience. Although Pill Bilbis may not endorse the game himself, I give Chess Ultra a well-deserved 8 out of 10. After all, it's not about how you croissant your pawns, but how you seize the victory!


My name is Earl, and today I'm talking about Jeopardy! The game, not my list of bad deeds. If you want to feel like a trivia virtuoso, this is your game. Dive into a sea of random knowledge, just like how I'm diving into making up for all my mistakes. Jeopardy! is the real-life embodiment of karma - answer right, and you're a genius; answer wrong, and you face the consequences. It's like trying to make amends for a laundry list of bad deeds, just without the Earl part. Score? A karma-rich 8/10 for bringing the ultimate quiz show experience.
(Verse 1)
In the world of spies and sentries, let me take you on a spree,
Where the snipers aim with cheats, and the spies dance gleefully.
Mann Co. stands so tall, where chaos rules it all,
A place where Pyros burn and Engineers build the call.

Team Fortress 2, I've got my sight on you,
In this world of hats and bombs, there's nothing we can't do.
From Dustbowl to Badwater, we'll fight through and through,
In Team Fortress 2, my aim is true.

(Verse 2)
In 2Fort, we defend and push, where strategies take hold,
And in Upward, we'll push the cart, as the tales of battle unfold.
From capture the flag to King of the Hill, we'll take the fight uphill,
And in Payload Race, we'll race against time with the force of our will.

Team Fortress 2, I've got my sight on you,
In this world of hats and bombs, there's nothing we can't do.
From Dustbowl to Badwater, we'll fight through and through,
In Team Fortress 2, my aim is true.

But beware of those aimbot snipers, with shots so precise,
In this team-based chaos, they'll catch you by surprise.
With Rocket Launchers and Stickybombs, the Demomen take flight,
And as Medics heal the wounded, we'll stand and fight the fight.

Team Fortress 2, I've got my sight on you,
In this world of hats and bombs, there's nothing we can't do.
From Dustbowl to Badwater, we'll fight through and through,
In Team Fortress 2, my aim is true.

So whether you're RED or BLU, in this world, we unite,
For in Team Fortress 2, we'll stand and fight.
In the battle for the control points, with all our might,
Team Fortress 2, we'll shine so bright.

Score: 8/10
Punch-Out!!! is a game that's strangely entertaining, with its quirky characters and humorous stereotypes. Even my duck, an avid gamer, got a kick out of it. However, Neil Druckmann, a character in the game, proved to be a tough challenge. My duck couldn't defeat him because Druckmann was always "calling HR" due to his CRUNCH-TIME habits, making the fight particularly tricky. It seems my duck's bad reputation with HR prevented him from making the call. On the bright side, Punch-Out!!! managed to distract my feathered friend from, at least for a little while.

Nintendo's collaboration with Naughty Dog employees to create Super Macho Man's character is intriguing. It's unusual for a game developer to bring in talent from a competitor like Naughty Dog, but it seems they did it to capture an authentic personality for the character. It's a testament to the lengths developers will go to create memorable characters in the gaming world.

In the words of a wise New Yorker, "New York is the greatest city in the world." Punch-Out!!! captures the essence of this statement, with its colorful characters and challenging boxing matches. It's a game where you'll find yourself battling not just in the ring but against some amusing stereotypes, making it a unique and enjoyable experience.

Score: 8/10
"Guys trust me, this game is good," Markiplier once exclaimed, diving headfirst into the world of pixelated prisons in "MARKIPLIER GETS PUNISHED | The Escapists 2 - Part 1." Now, it's my turn to share my thoughts on this game. And oh boy, The Escapists 2 has a lot more to offer than just Markiplier's escapades.

First things first, let's get a few things out of the way. Madman Mackola, Danganronpa, and WarioWare might be fine for some, but if you're in the mood for a unique and challenging prison-break experience, The Escapists 2 is where the real action is.

The game puts you in the shoes of an inmate, and your sole mission is to escape from various correctional facilities. It's a bit like a prison sandbox, offering you the freedom to craft your cunning escape plan or follow one of the pre-designed ones. The level of detail in the prisons is impressive, and the puzzles will genuinely make you think. It's a far cry from the mind-numbing simplicity of some other games.

While Markiplier's enthusiasm is contagious, it's important to remember that The Escapists 2 isn't just a playground for YouTubers. It's a game that requires strategy, resource management, and a good deal of patience. The escapades can be both thrilling and infuriating, especially when a carefully constructed plan goes haywire.

The multiplayer mode adds another layer of enjoyment. Team up with friends or create chaos by trying to foil their escape attempts. It's a recipe for countless hilarious moments, and it's where The Escapists 2 truly shines.

Now, it's not perfect. The controls can feel a bit clunky, and the learning curve can be steep for newcomers. But isn't that part of the charm? You're not just breaking out of prison; you're escaping your comfort zone.

So, if you're looking for a game that offers more substance than just a famous YouTuber's endorsement, The Escapists 2 is a solid choice. It's a challenging and engaging experience that will keep you coming back for more, long after Markiplier's escape saga has ended.

Score: 8/10
Nintendo's game-making prowess has never been in question, but fan creations can sometimes surprise us. "New Super Mario Bros. Wii 2: The Next Levels" might not be a Nintendo masterpiece, but it's a clear example of how fan-made projects can captivate players with creativity and enthusiasm.

The first thing to note about this fan game is that it's an entirely new adventure created by a talented 12-year-old. You might expect something basic and unpolished, but "The Next Levels" is brimming with clever enemy placements and inventive level designs. It's impressive that a young fan could craft such well-thought-out challenges, even if it doesn't quite reach the level of Nintendo's masterpieces.

The game's difficulty is worth mentioning. "The Next Levels" is not for the faint of heart. It offers a real challenge, and it's clear that the young creator poured their heart into making sure each level feels both strategic and entertaining.

The fact that this fan project caught the attention of the Nintendo ninjas and reportedly led to a collaboration with the young developer for "Super Mario Bros. Wonder" is remarkable. It speaks to the potential of fan creations and the recognition they can receive from industry giants.

There's also an amusing touch of humor in the game's portrayal of characters, including a surprising appearance by Jesus Christ, which is as unexpected as it is entertaining, considering it's a crossover of Mario and Japanese manga. It's an excellent example of the creativity that can emerge from fan projects.

Overall, "New Super Mario Bros. Wii 2: The Next Levels" is an impressive creation by a young fan who showcases significant potential. While it doesn't quite match the quality of official Nintendo games, it's a testament to the power of fan creativity and the surprising places it can take us. I'll give it an 8 out of 10.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat is a game that delivers an unforgettable experience in the desolate and hauntingly beautiful landscapes of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The atmosphere is incredibly immersive, drawing you into a world where danger lurks around every corner. The Bush Arc, in particular, stands out as a highlight, offering intense and thrilling gameplay that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The storytelling is also commendable, with memorable moments that stay with you long after you've finished playing. However, there are some aspects, like the visual quality, that could use improvement. Despite this, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat is a must-play for fans of the series and anyone looking for a gripping, atmospheric adventure.

Score: 8 out of 10
The epic quest to carry on the legacy begins, for I am the second Rogue of this lineage, following the footsteps of the first Rogue. Armed with the tales of the grandeur my predecessor described, a tranquil oasis in a desert of sameness, I embarked on a mission to surpass their legacy.

But as I wandered through the castle, something felt amiss. The walls stretched endlessly, and the enemies were more generic than the love interest in a romantic comedy. It's as if I've been here for hours, but wasn't it just a brief three minutes of gameplay? These twisting corridors left me disoriented, like a mirage in a desert, and the light, blinding like a thousand suns, made me question my reality. Could it be that none of this is real? Have I lost my mind?

Rogue the first, you've been my greatest inspiration, a solid wall in these trying times. Your description of the oasis was like a promise of salvation. But my journey takes a strange turn as the walls blur, and the heat fries my brain. Is this desert real, or am I succumbing to a heatstroke-induced mirage?

Perhaps I'm delirious, but this cruel desert feels like a place of despair, not hope. I wander aimlessly, doubting my legacy. The oasis that should have been my reward is nowhere to be seen. Maybe those haters were right; perhaps I'm doomed to die in this forsaken desert.

But then, in a moment of clarity, I realize that my predecessor's legacy is more than just words. It's a guiding light, a beacon leading me to salvation. And there it is, the oasis! Rogue the first, you were the one that saved me.

As I eagerly rush towards the water's edge, I unexpectedly collide with an invisible wall. What just happened? A magical genie materializes on the other side, taunting me with three wishes. Of course, I wish for water, and can we remove that pesky wall? But the genie's response is infuriating – "Maybe."

My frustration grows, but the genie delays my wishes, using the "Gimmie a Moment!" card. I'm left stranded, waiting. Patience wears thin, but I keep singing that refrain – "You're gonna be the one that saves me!"

Alas, today is not the day the genie saves me from the blistering sun. "You're gonna have to wait; I used the 'Gimmie a Moment!' card," the genie retorts. As I sit, my oasis and my wishes remain tantalizingly out of reach. I'm left with the ever-persistent refrain echoing in my mind – "You're gonna be the one that saves me."

To Rogue Legacy 2, I say, you've succeeded in creating a bewildering and engaging world. The legacy of the first Rogue is not just a description; it's a challenging and mesmerizing experience. For this, I award you a strong 8 out of 10. Your wonder is real.
I was really getting into The Hip Hop Dance Experience, trying to nail some tricky moves on the screen. I was so focused that when I messed up a particularly difficult sequence, I shouted, "fuckerballs!" My 3-year-old, who was watching me play, immediately parroted back, "fuckewbaws." Dumb kid. Now it's been a week, and the little shit keeps repeating it over and over again. Every time I try to play The Hip Hop Dance Experience again, he chimes in with his new favorite word. My wife hasn't figured out what he's saying yet, but if she does, I'm dead—no joke. One time, when we were younger, she almost strangled me to death for splashing her with beer as a joke at her dad's funeral. The bitch is crazy. I need to figure out how to get my kid to stop saying it before she catches on and I get in serious trouble. Any tips?

Still, despite my recent mishap, I'd give The Hip Hop Dance Experience a solid 8 out of 10. It's a fun and engaging game that really gets you moving and challenges you with its dance routines.
"Fun is Infinite" is a fitting tagline for Infinite Minigolf, and that's not just marketing hype. This game, brought to you by the creative minds at Zen Studios, offers a delightful and virtually endless experience for fans of minigolf.

Infinite Minigolf takes the classic game of minigolf and injects it with a healthy dose of creativity and variety. The game's strength lies in its user-generated content. Players can design their own custom minigolf courses, and there's a thriving community that churns out imaginative and challenging levels for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're playing on fantastical landscapes or intricate, obstacle-filled courses, the possibilities seem endless.

The gameplay is simple, yet it captures the essence of minigolf beautifully. You can choose your own golfer and customize them as you see fit, and each character has their unique playstyle. The controls are intuitive, making it easy to learn but difficult to master, especially on some of the more challenging user-created courses.

One aspect that adds to the charm of Infinite Minigolf is the fun and light-hearted atmosphere. This is no ordinary minigolf game; it's like entering a whimsical universe with quirky characters and imaginative settings.

However, there's a downside. The camera controls can be a bit finicky at times, and you might encounter moments where it starts moving unpredictably or, as you mentioned, "violently." Such camera issues can be a minor annoyance, but they don't break the overall enjoyment of the game.

In conclusion, Infinite Minigolf provides an entertaining minigolf experience that's only limited by your imagination. With Zen Studios at the helm, the game offers a near-infinite supply of user-generated fun, making it a delightful choice for minigolf enthusiasts. Despite the occasional camera hiccups, it's hard not to have a good time. I'd rate Infinite Minigolf an 8 out of 10.


Garbage is a game that captures the essence of frustration and annoyance with modern online interactions. The game's narrative explores the exasperation of encountering condescending and dismissive comments online, particularly in gaming communities. It delves into the desire for human connection and understanding, contrasting it with the cold efficiency of internet searches.

In Garbage, players navigate through a virtual world where they must confront the absurdity of expecting everyone to "just Google it." The game presents scenarios where seeking help or sharing experiences with fellow humans is met with ridicule and sarcasm, highlighting the disconnect that can occur in online interactions. Despite its seemingly mundane setting, Garbage effectively conveys the emotional toll of feeling isolated and misunderstood in the digital age.

Score: 8/10
I (👦16M) was at my friend's place, and we were trying out different games. We stumbled upon Atari Video Cube and decided to give it a go. As we were playing, I found myself getting really into it, and my friend commented that I was really good at it. I was having a great time and lost track of time.

Suddenly, my mom called and told me to come home because my aunt and uncle were visiting. I completely forgot to change out of my gaming gear and went home in my Atari Video Cube clothes. I didn't think it would be a big deal, but when I got home, my parents were furious. My mom pulled me aside and told me to change, calling me an embarrassment. I refused because I didn't see the problem. My dad even asked if I was obsessed with the game, which I denied, but he said I looked like I was. Then my mom grounded me. AITA? I feel like they're overreacting. I just really enjoy playing Atari Video Cube, and my friend thinks I'm good at it. That's all that matters to me.

Score: 8/10
StarCraft: Brood War, a game etched in my childhood, was briefly revisited, revealing its strategic brilliance and iconic Zerg rush tactics. However, the restrictive rules on playtime prevented a more in-depth exploration. I call for a change in the selection process and a commitment to playing each game for at least one hour to add a new layer to the gaming experience. Breaking free from the constraints, I declare a MOO MOO revolution! The demand for a cow level in each game echoes the sentiment for a fresh and udderly unique gaming journey. Move over, Madman Mackola – it's a MOO MOO world now! 🐮 I hereby grant StarCraft: Brood War a hopeful 7.5 out of 10, anticipating fuller exploration in the future.
Dr. Mario Online Rx, my friend, is a wild ride of pills, viruses, and confusion. Needing a background in astrophysics and molecular biology to play the game is a hilarious addition, but it adds a touch of humor to the game. The repeated and comical reliance on the Operations Manual highlights the game's complexity, but in reality, the game itself is actually quite simple. Wait, How do you play this game again? Let me check the Instruction Manual.

The confusion about placing blocks and navigating menus creates a complex narrative around the gameplay. Dr. Mario Online Rx is an incredibly complex game, and if you can appreciate its subtleties, it offers a good time. Just don't explode like in the dramatic conclusion.

Score: 7.5/10
Final Fantasy XIV, a realm that teems with magical wonder and intricate storytelling, is a testament to both the heights of creativity and the depths of frustration. Within its sprawling landscapes, players embark on a journey that balances moments of awe with instances of exasperation, ultimately shaping a unique experience that varies from one adventurer to another.
At the heart of the game lies the enigmatic figure of Rivers Cuomo, a mere one-foot-tall enchanter armed with the power of telekinesis. While this premise might sound intriguing, the execution leaves much to be desired. The frustration of navigating the game world at a sluggish pace, akin to trudging through molasses at a paltry 5 frames per second, creates a stark contrast to the potential grandeur of this character's abilities.
Amidst this mix of brilliance and struggle, Final Fantasy XIV manages to stand above the likes of Team Fortress 2, a game notorious for its stagnant updates. Even at its weakest, FFXIV's worst version outshines the lackluster offerings of other titles, a testament to the dedication of its developers to provide consistent improvements and patches, epitomized by the updates up to version 1.23b.
Yet, it's essential to acknowledge the game's shortcomings. An infuriating lack of functionality can lead to moments of sheer frustration, leading players to humorously contemplate fleeing to the welcoming embrace of Team Fortress 2. This ironic perspective underlines the tumultuous relationship between the player and the game, oscillating between captivating immersion and baffling technical difficulties.
Final Fantasy XIV's journey is an emotional rollercoaster, a complex blend of awe and annoyance that creates a distinct flavor of gameplay. It's a world where a diminutive telekinetic maestro should be able to save a girl's father effortlessly, yet is bound by a sluggish reality. For those willing to endure its quirks, the magic of Eorzea can still enchant, even if the experience is more turbulent than anticipated. Rating: 7.5/10
Well, if we were to go into an alternate universe where Duds__ had an unexpectedly grim fate and ended up in Minecraft Dungeons as a form of cosmic punishment, one might say this would be a surreal and darkly creative twist to his story. In this bizarre narrative, the Minecraft Dungeons experience for Duds__ becomes a metaphorical hell, plagued by choppy visuals, crusty animations, and relentless blocky enemies. The creative touch in weaving a tale involving Duds__ and the infamous "Monkey Incident of 2023" adds a layer of twisted humor.

In the spirit of creativity, let's give this narrative a daring 7.5 out of 10 for its unique take on Duds__'s fate and the unexpected blend of humor and dark fantasy.
Fire Emblem Fire and Ice bursts onto the scene with a flamboyant and eccentric approach, offering a unique twist on the classic Fire Emblem formula. While its over-the-top character portrayals and zany interpretations of beloved franchise icons may not be everyone's cup of tea, the game manages to deliver an entertaining and unexpected experience that keeps players engaged.
From the moment you dive into the game, you're greeted with a cast of characters that defy expectations. Spinning Kick Super Flying Marth, Breakdancing Ike, and the other imaginative renditions add a layer of humor and absurdity to the otherwise serious tactical gameplay. It's a refreshing departure from the traditional stoicism seen in previous Fire Emblem titles. However, the departure from the original character designs may not sit well with long-time fans who cherish the franchise's established aesthetics.
Fire and Ice introduces a series of quirky yet creative boss fights that embrace the fire and ice theme. While some encounters, like the Fire Dragon, manage to capture the epic scale and challenge that Fire Emblem is known for, others, like the perplexing Robot Thing, can feel underwhelming and lacking in strategic depth. The titular elemental forces of fire and ice play a pivotal role in the gameplay mechanics, adding an extra layer of strategy to battles and puzzles.
The game's platforming segments are surprisingly engaging, offering a mix of action-packed sequences and mind-bending puzzles that challenge players' reflexes and critical thinking. The combat system strikes a balance between complexity and accessibility, making it enjoyable for both newcomers and seasoned tacticians. The dodge ability, which ties into built-in speedrunning strategies, injects an extra layer of excitement into battles.
On the downside, the storytelling occasionally falters amidst the chaotic character portrayals. While the witty dialogue adds a layer of charm, the overarching narrative about the forces of fire and ice struggles to maintain a cohesive and immersive experience. Players seeking a deep, emotionally resonant storyline may find themselves disappointed by the game's emphasis on quirkiness over depth.
Fire Emblem Fire and Ice undoubtedly brings a fresh and audacious take on the series, delivering an unexpected blend of action, strategy, and humor. Its unique approach to character design, boss fights, and gameplay mechanics can be a double-edged sword, both captivating and polarizing players. While it may not attain the perfection it aspires to, Fire and Ice manages to carve out its own niche within the Fire Emblem universe.
Score: 7/10
In a world filled with shovelware and a madman hell-bent on making you endure it, Persona 3 Portable is your beacon of hope, a reminder that having a beloved game at your fingertips can be a lifesaver. But be warned, should the madman grow audacious and corner you with shovelware in those moments away from your trusty PC, the consequences can be dire. If you lack your game on a mobile device, it might be time to say your goodbyes. You'll need the solace of your cherished Persona as much as you need air to breathe.

This reimagined iteration of Persona 3 presents an intriguing blend of familiar storytelling with some notable twists and trade-offs. It's certainly not the definitive version of the game, but it carves out its unique niche in the Persona series.

The most significant alteration here is the ability to choose a female protagonist, offering a different perspective on the narrative and introducing new social links. It's a divisive change, and I'd argue that it's the weakest route in the game, altering Shinjiro's character arc in a way that is unsatisfying. This decision will likely polarize players - you might love the new perspective, or you might wish it had been left untouched.

It's worth noting that Persona 3 Portable isn't the definitive version of the game. It lacks the animated cutscenes of the original and some aspects of the game's presentation feel dated. For those hoping to see the same level of cinematic storytelling found in more recent Persona titles, it might fall short.

But it's not all shadows and no substance. The game's core mechanics, the addictive blend of life simulation and turn-based dungeon crawling, remain as engaging as ever. The Social Link system is still a standout feature, allowing you to forge bonds with your fellow students and build a richer narrative experience. It's these elements that make the Persona series so unique, and they're still at the forefront of Persona 3 Portable.

One key consideration is the modern port of the game, which has its share of issues. However, at least on PC, there are dedicated modders and fans who have taken it upon themselves to fix some of these problems and enhance the experience. You may find that with the right mods, it can become the definitive way to experience this chapter in the Persona saga.

In the end, Persona 3 Portable may not be the definitive version of the game, and it certainly shakes up some established elements. However, its unique features and the ability to take the Persona experience on the go can be a refreshing take on a beloved classic. It's not quite stirred to perfection, but it's far from a disappointment.

For Persona 3 Portable, I'll award it a 7 out of 10. It's an alternative perspective on a great story, worth trying for those willing to embrace change in the world of Persona.


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