Partners Sublime

A list of partner characters I happen to be particularly fond of. In games with large casts of "party members" I'll just try to single out the ones I like the most. Might be mild spoilers here so be mindful (ongoing)

Jeff Andonuts - "I'm Jeff. I came because you called me. I'm not very strong, really near-sighted, kind of shy, and I tend to be a little reckless. This is just the way I am... I hope you want me to be your friend... okay?"
Faerie/Fairy Familiar, Sword Familiar - If you level up the Sword Familiar enough you can wield it as a weapon. Also, in the Japanese version the "Half-Faerie" can sing to you if you hang out in the right spot
Hitomi/Nemissa - Two girlfriends for the price of one! Also happens to be very good at murder
Roll Caskett - You were always there when I needed you. Thanks for the godsdamned planet-cracker laser
Pikachu - My buddy, my pal, my little guy
Navi - Even with the benefit of twenty-five years of hindsight, I was never able to fully grasp why people didn't like Navi. Yes, her tips aren't especially helpful on repeat playthroughs and I can see how her constant need to chime in when you're out exploring can be a bit grating. However, she's really not all that bad in general, especially compared to examples that have come since (not naming any names but uhhh Fi). My only real gripe with her is that she isn't given more characterization and the fact that you never catch up with her in Majora's Mask was kind of a missed opportunity
Marin - Only for a short time, but it was a cute little segment nonetheless
The Whole Crew - Waddle Dee, Adeline and this game's interpretation of Dedede. Especially Ribbon, though. It's a crime we haven't seen more of her in the franchise, but at least she had a happy ending (as long as you found all of those crystals)
Tatl - Cute name, brusque fairy. The way she warms up to Link feels natural and I frankly found her attitude funny ("What?! Don't you know about the Keese?"). I wish they had left her "help" dialogue unchanged in Majora's Mask 3D
Cortana - "Keep your head down! There's two of us in here now, remember?"
Medli/Makar - Both adorable. Both kind of a pain to work with. I don't think I've ever felt worse than when I first chucked Medli headlong into a stone wall
Avery Johnson - "Dear Humanity... We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!"
Ashley Graham - I feel like kind of a crazy person when I hear how much hate she gets, if only because I never had too much trouble managing her. She was a world-class dumpster diver by the end of my playthrough. Ashley provides a decent bit of comic relief which meshes just fine with the campy tone of the game. With all that being said, I can see how she could get on your nerves. I don't have much interest in the remake but I would like to see what's been done with the character
Travis Bell - BAD GIRL
Maya Fey - If I need to explain myself then you need to spend more time playing Ace Attorney
The Annoying Fan - No introduction needed
Midna - I don't have a whole lot to say here except I might have a type
Luke Triton - My beamish boy, my son. Thou shalt always be the goodest of lads
The Arbiter - "Circumstances made strange allies of us."
Pixie - Definitely stretching it here but y'know
Dogmeat - Was trying not to put any animal companions on here because they're seldom "characters" but I think I can make an exception here
Arcade Gannon, Boone and ED-E - I know at least Boone and ED-E are probably givens for quite a few. Obviously the former is an ice-cold sniper with an interesting questline and the latter is ED-E. In the case of Arcade, I really enjoyed his snark, hearing his level-headed takes on the goings-on in the Mojave, and even as a teen I was able to appreciate the inclusion of a gay character that wasn't just a walking stereotype. And honestly, Arcade Gannon is just a cool fucking name, isn't it
Solaire of Astora - This is definitely pushing it a bit, but he's one of the most consistent presences in your journey and can be summoned for many fights. He's a spark of joy in a dim world and I always go out of my way to rescue him every time I play through the game
J'zargo - I have no idea how this dumb-ass cat even got into the College of Winterhold in the first place (though it's worth noting far less qualified hopefuls have). I dragged him around with me and somehow he always managed to get into trouble. So much undeserved confidence. Unfortunately, after a particularly chaotic altercation with a camp of bandits, he stumbled into the path of one of my spells and got a massive-ass Sno-cone shoved through his skull. Rest in peace, J'zargo. If sheer audacity was enough to raise the dead I'm sure you'd still be with us today
Your Pawn - An utter dumbass. A complete buffoon. Likes to run in circles. Collects rocks for fun. Knows things generally don't like fire. Has saved my skin more times than I can count. Thank you, you absolute ignoramus
Walter - MOST UNLUCKY FOR YOU! (hits enemy resistance)
Ellie - The actual character aside, I can't tell you how much of a relief it was to have a sidekick I could count on to never blow my cover
Lucatiel of Mirrah and Benhart of Jugo - See Dark Souls. I just wish Benhart's storyline felt as fleshed out as Lucatiel's
Nick Valentine - Say whatever you want about the rest of the game. "Old-timey android gumshoe" is all I would have needed to be onboard
Haruka - Yes, I take my daughter gambling. She needs to learn her maths
BT - The campaign was fine but it was really the "Boy and His Robot" angle that sold it in the end
The Boys - I have not finished this game and I doubt I ever will. But you don't need to finish it to hang with the crew
Kim Kitsuragi - perfect, no notes
Blaidd the Half-Wolf - Similar to Dark Souls. He has less of a presence compared to Solaire, though, and that's a crime. His storyline is sad and I wish you could do more for him. Bro's too cool to be done dirty like that


16 days ago

love ur description of jzargo lmao, also this has to be the one of the strangest virgin vs chad memes:

15 days ago

@imshitting420 This is one of the more unhinged memes I've seen and I kind of want to frame it and put it on my wall

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