2021 First Playthroughs

I'm counting games I played enough to have somewhat of an opinion on them. It doesn't necessarily mean I played them for the first time in 2021, but it was in 2021 that I had more concretized thoughts on them (it also doesn't mean I finished all of them, I played some of these enough to know how I feel about them and I barely finish games nowadays so).


Is Tekken 5 really that good? IDK I've only played Tekken 7 and SFxT.

3 years ago

Yeah I've been playing this game a lot recently and I think it's brilliant. It really helped me get into Tekken, the combat just feels so satisfying and there is a lot of content in this game to play with. I haven't played 7 or SFxT so I can't really compare but I definitely recommend Tekken 5, and Tekken 3 as well, if you want to get into the series.
I have the PS Classic (regrettably) and it has Tekken 3, so, I might just play it soon. Thanks!

3 years ago

why did you play dark castle lol

3 years ago

Lol, I was very curious after watching AVGN and Caddy's videos on this. Also so I could make fun of the fact that this port was made by EA.

3 years ago

@SuperSpeedRaven You're welcome!

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