Backloggd GOTY Event Thing 2010-2023

Basically, since Backloggd doesn't make the event for all the past years and I don't wanna wait for them to get there I'm gonna make my own in the form of a list. Categories for each year go as followed: GOTY, Best Gameplay, Best Narrative, Best Art Direction, Best Soundtrack, and Best Multiplayer and then I move on to the next year obviously.
Idea borrowed from Phantasm

2016-Best Art Direction
2010- Best Multiplayer (I swear I don't even like this game that much I just didn't play any other multiplayer games that came out this year)
2016-Best Narrative
2016-Best Multiplayer
2022-Best Multiplayer
2020-Best Multiplayer
2015-Best Art Direction
2011-Best Multiplayer
2010- Best Narrative
2022-Best Soundtrack
2019-Best Multiplayer
2023-Best Narrative
2018-Best Art Direction
2012-Best Gameplay
2012-Best Narrative
2010- Best Art Direction
2016-Best Soundtrack
2016-Best Gameplay
2022-Best Narrative
2021-Best Multiplayer
2021-Best Soundtrack
2021-Best Narrative
2012-Best Soundtrack
2012-Best Multiplayer
2014-Best Soundtrack
2014-Best Multiplayer
2023-Best Art Direction
2017-Best Narrative
2014-Best Narrative
2011-Best Soundtrack
2023-Best Multiplayer
2023-Best Soundtrack
2011-Best Art Direction
2015-Best Gameplay
2015-Best Narrative
2015-Best Soundtrack
2017-Best Art Direction
2022-Best Art Direction
2021-Best Art Direction
2021-Best Gameplay
2014-Best Art Direction
2020-Best Gameplay
2020-Best Soundtrack
2022-Best Gameplay

(I don't care that Backloggd counts this as a 2018 game, its full release was in 2020)
2020-Best Narrative
2020-Best Art Direction
2017-Best Multiplayer
2019-Best Narrative
2019-Best Soundtrack
2019-Best Art Direction
2013-Best Gameplay
2012-Best Art Direction
2011-Best Narrative
2011-Best Gameplay
2018-Best Narrative
2018-Best Soundtrack
2019-Best Gameplay
2023-Best Gameplay
2015-Best Multiplayer
2013-Best Soundtrack
2013-Best Multiplayer
2010- Best Soundtrack
2010- Best Gameplay
2017-Best Soundtrack
2018-Best Multiplayer
2018-Best Gameplay
2013-Best Narrative

1 Comment

16 days ago

I'm stealing this idea

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