Things I dislike about my favourite games

Nothing here!

this one's actually quite complicated - there is nothing about celeste that I dislike
nothing, that's right (haters)
mmm cant think of anything
the scarecrow idk lol, jabu jabu wasnt great?
nothi- OKAY FINE that one artifact in phendrana drifts was terrible
cant save mid dungeon, adachi
borrrrring side quests
now im not gonna be that guy who says the WHOLE game should have been new zones, but what if it was like, 50/50 split? that would have been much better. replace lava reef zone that didnt need to come back.
while chapter 15 is my favourite chapter it has by far the worst designed puzzle section in the game and is even made slightly worse in the remaster due to the loss of the dual screen
a lot of talk about women's bodies which feels harmless/playful at first and then I checked the writer's twitter account
pacing in the first half BLOWS
Ries' inclusion made her a bit of a boring character - although i cant say i know how it could have been done better lol
the same criticism that youve seen from 100 other people yes i am part of the mindless herd
i wish chizuru and morikawa had a bit more screen time
divine beasts lack depth and all feel the same, the bosses are the same, the final boss sucks, the storytelling mechanism is cool but makes it feel cheap and boring- i love this game?


2 months ago

The Vallhalla one...yeah...

2 months ago

The "Every Game Has Criticisms!!" Nerd vs. The "My Favorite Games Are Perfect" Chad

1 month ago

What's the criticism for Yakuza 0? Don't think I've ever heard criticism for that game.

1 month ago

@DoctorIssa that would be the business mini games, particularly kiryu's

1 month ago

@Wollom oh I don't touch those lol, expect for the ichiban games where you need money

1 month ago

@DoctorIssa I've never bothered with any of them either, Ichiban's one in 7 was actually pretty decent and the only one I did fully

1 month ago

The Vallhalla one... hell yeah!

1 month ago

What happened with VA-11 HALL-A? 😔

1 month ago

@riotkiwi writer's twitter account

1 month ago

in persona 4 you can save mid dungeon if you use Goho-m. I know it doesn't count as direct save, but i think it is very easy to obtain Goho-m and you don't usually lack any.

1 month ago

@dogudagkan you're right, it's honestly a huge nitpick, I think the fact that they were limited scared me into only using them for emergencies but by the end i realised it wasn't necessary

1 month ago

@Wollom i think most gamers are doing the same things. I also try to collect every possible buff item, but in the end, i have hundreds of items i didn't use. sometimes i really wonder whether it is a design problem or it is about us :/

1 month ago

@dogudagkan persona 4 was one of the first jrpgs i played, now that I am playing more I think I'm getting better at using items hahaha. And it definitely feels rewarding when you use them well. Some people may see it as "cheap" but I think it is more strategic than just grinding xp in fights until they become easier :P

1 month ago

i thought you'd mention the gameplay for persona 4

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