Metafictional Video Games

This is a list comprised of games that would be considered 'meta' (gross overused word, I know). Metafictional games are games that directly blur the line between game and reality often times aware of their own 'gamey'-ness. This can include games that directly interact with the player, make a commentary on the very nature of video games, or that include a metanarrative.

Since she is such a massive collaborator, close friend, and helped me a lot with this list I’d also like to credit: Bells.

//In the notes are explanations for each
//spoiler warning for each game, obviously.
//work in progress, feel free to suggest games in the comments


AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative
AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative
Nirvana Initiative has a cult that believes that their reality is a simulation and they seek to tear down the veil to the real world and address at points a higher being who may be listening in.

Credit: GingerV


Bravely Default
Bravely Default
A "celestial being" (the player) is revealed to be the only thing keeping Tiz alive. The game also uses the 3DS camera to reveal the "celestial realm" (real world) during the final battle.

Credit: OwO


Essentially, in Contact, you play an integral role in the story as everyone but the Main protagonist knows who you are. Even the professor, who helps you out throughout the game, is helping you to control Terry(the main protagonist) and making sure Terry doesn't know who the player character is. Eventually, by the end, Terry figures out you've been controlling him and you have to put em back in his place.

Credit: VGM


See: Undertale


Flower, Sun, and Rain
Flower, Sun, and Rain
Acknowledges the fact it is a game


It's a card game about card games, the game creates layers between your in-game avatar, the character in the story controlling said avatar and you as the external agent moving the character forward through the story.

The game of 'inscryption' you play in the game and the game of 'inscryption' portrayed within the game are actually the same game

Credit: choppah


Kid Icarus: Uprising
Kid Icarus: Uprising
The game celebrates its status and identity as a video game via its general sense of writing and humour.

Credit: Bells


Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Travis Strikes Again is a game reminiscing on Goichi Suda's experience as a creator along aside the nature of game development as a whole.

Credit: Bells


Void Stranger
Void Stranger
You break the confines of the game in order to solve puzzles similarly to the way you do in OneShot.

Credit: Bells


Upon reaching the TLB your progress thus far is placed at stake in a boss battle which has you either leave with victory or the erasure of all your data. Everything. Saves. Replays. All your progress. The game uses much of Buddhism symbolism in an effort to teach the player about letting go and having no attachment. Your skill persists regardless of the save data and the game wants to make you aware of that

Credit: canti


Alan Wake
Alan Wake


Alan Wake II
Alan Wake II


Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
The game ends with the player turning off the game and going outside.


Mother 3
Mother 3
"For M3 you could just put "The ending" and everyone would nod in agreement"

Credit: Bells


The game directly acknowledges the player and the fact it's a game via a conversation with the Tragedians and Executors in a secret ending of the game. Not only that but the game flips its narrative on its head by telling you that you are just a toy figure and everything that happened is just an imaginary world that two children made up in a sandbox.


you can find a building "Quintet", named after the development company of the game, and you can speak with the developers.

Credit: OwO


The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
The 25th Ward's Blackout chapter serves as a teardown of the fourth wall, in which the player is given a choice between one hundred different endings. If every last one of them is achieved, a special scene triggers where Kamui Uehara asks the player for a special favor.

Credit: Bells
The Witness
The Witness
Commentary on puzzle games
Pretty much every character in this game is aware they are in a game and constantly break the fourth wall.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
This game acknowledges the canon in which it exists in and seeks to make a commentary on the nature of remakes and the canon itself.
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Computer Sim
Game within a game type deal that is also aware of the players existence.
Fallout 2
Fallout 2
If I tried to recount every fourth wall break or meta “wink at the audience” moments in this game I’d be here all day.

Some notable meta things and moments: the Fallout 2 hintbook and being able to go back in time and break the water chip from Fallout 1.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Otacon makes a joke in Act 4 referencing how the PlayStation 3 doesn't need to switch disks when moving to different parts of the game, among many other small cheeky nods in the game that acknowledge its own gamey-ness and canon.
NieR: Automata
NieR: Automata
Ending E has you sacrificing your save data for other players.
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
Ending E among other things
The Beginner's Guide
The Beginner's Guide
Like The Stanley Parable this one speaks for itself, an explanation is redundant
The Stanley Parable
The Stanley Parable
I believe this one speaks for itself.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
This entire game is one massive homage and celebration of JRPGs. It is very aware of its very gamey nature and takes constant winks at the audience when JRPGs and video games are mentioned.
Death Stranding: Director's Cut
Death Stranding: Director's Cut
Death Stranding almost constantly finds some way to acknowledge the player when in Sam’s dorm and also during some scenes in the game.
Drakengard 3
Drakengard 3
The game is aware of its own “gameyness” and is either explicitly acknowledging it or parodying it.
During the final boss in EarthBound, Paula (and by extension the party) prays for safety during the final encounter with Giygas. Their prayer reaches the hearts of everyone they met along the journey, including the player's.

Credit: Bells
Hello Charlotte Ep.3: Childhood's End
Hello Charlotte Ep.3: Childhood's End
HC is a series that's always acknowledging its existence as a videogame serving as a constraint/prison for its characters in a lot of ways.

Credit: Bells
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
Psycho Mantis reads your memory card, the game makes you directly pick up the case to find Meryl’s codec, etc.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
The End boss fight Easter Eggs, Time Paradox, among tons of other cheeky Kojima shenanigans I can list here.
This game and Niko the protagonist directly acknowledge and speak to the player. The game forces the player to utilise resources outside of the game itself (ie. the documents folder, your wallpaper, etc.) to solve puzzles and aid Niko as they progress through the world.
Pathologic 2
Pathologic 2
The game acknowledges its nature as a video game sequel/remake by having the player start at the end of the first game where they have to beg an NPC to allow them to do it over again and fix things they did wrong so they don’t fail again.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
CHIM is essentially the player being able to use console commands and save+load the game along with an understanding that you are an actor in a dream of the Godhead. It’s complicated, I know.
The game acknowledges the player as a part of the narrative and is aware is a game and comments on that fact.
Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate 3
There’s a secret scene where Karlach quite literally grabs the camera and speaks directly to the player then proceeds to play it off like it’s no big deal.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
The last hour or so of this game speaks for itself
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3
In one scene of the game Heather can be seen attempting to reach into a toilet for an item but then stops and turns to the audience to make a comment on how gross and weird it is to reach into a toilet (rightfully so) which is a direct nod to a scene in Silent Hill 2 where James Sunderland reaches into a toilet to fish out an item.

Also the ending line of the game "Don't you think blondes have more fun" is a cheeky line that indirectly acknowledges the trope that blonde people in Silent Hill games tend to NOT have fun. (James, Maria, Cybil, etc.)


2 months ago

integral to the plot:
drakengard 3, undertale, banjo-kazooie nuts & bolts

mostly for humorous effect:
kid icarus uprising, banjo-kazooie/banjo-tooie also from what i recall, hi-fi rush, super paper mario, super smash bros. brawl, super smash bros. for 3ds/wii u, super smash bros. ultimate (smash bros ones being the snake codecs/palutena's guidance thingies)

subtextual but it's glaring:
we love katamari
@theia thank you for these suggestions, ima try to add them along with little explanations if I can 🙏🏽

2 months ago

AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative has a cult that believes that their reality is a simulation and they seek to tear down the veil to the real world and address at points a higher being who may be listening in.

Doki Doki Literature Club obviously but Save the Date did it first.

2 months ago

Killer7's gameplay is a mix of East and West mechanics to facilitate its narrative of cultural whiplash

2 months ago

The Witness is entirely a commentary on Puzzle Games through its world design and such, placing useless puzzles mimicing something like the tetris effect that solving is in itself the reward. In addition, there's a secret ending with an irl video.

2 months ago

spoiler warning is hidden

2 months ago

Crash Twinsanity: Cortex skips a mini-game all by himself just to get a crystal

2 months ago

Flower Sun and Rain (MASSIVE SPOILERS)

The kid in the game actively makes fun and acknowledges the fact that it's a game, Edo communicates with the player through the screens at the end of days, Edo changes to Sue after Edo dies, and Sumio says "I'm getting that DS feeling" whenever he finds a lost and found spot. Additionally some more subtle things are there like the game point out how everything that happens seems tailor made for Sumio in the guide book.

2 months ago

Edo changes to Sue in the loading screen*

2 months ago

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2 months ago

Danganronpa 2 and especially V3 definitely blur that line.

2 months ago

No Spec Ops: the Line? Or any of the Daniel Mullins games?

2 months ago

omg how did this happen!!! they're indeed so similar, but i like how we're striving to portray slightly different things that might intersect. great list too!!!

2 months ago

Alan Wake II speaks by itself

2 months ago

Great list! I think Max Payne 2 probably qualifies; like Kojima, Sam Lake really only has one move.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

Love the list! It's given me a lot to look into in the future!

1 month ago

damn, ive got a really good suggestion but its mega spoilers. reply if youd like to see

1 month ago

I:CEY is another example of meta game which is really cool because it shuffles some archives in your PC.

1 month ago

Great list!

Would Inside fit?

1 month ago

maybe ddlc? or imscared. both mess with your pc files i think
OFF directly acknowledges the player's existence on numerous occasions. For example, the first instance is within minutes of starting the game, where The Batter introduces the player by name and claims they are going to help him achieve his mission.

1 month ago

Drakengard 1 is also Metafiction, although you can correct me if I'm wrong.
From what I remember, the "Watchers" are us in the context of the game. In the Japanese version, the "Watchers" are called the "Angels." So when you do [Spoilers] Ending E, Angelus asks the question, "Is this the land of the Gods?" before cutting to the titlecard, "Tokyo." Since we are the Angels in this context, it makes sense that the real world Tokyo is being used here, and that we are the "Angels" who inhabit it, hence why she refers to it as the land of the Gods. I'm sure it can be chopped up to a weird or wrong translation but it's also pretty on the nose. The "watchers" are us, watching. I apologize in advance if OP doesn't want to recommend Drakengard 1 to people who read this list.

1 month ago

Only just started playing, but seems like Tunic might fit too.

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