Drax's List of 3D Platformers

Just a list on the side of 3D platformers that I've played and/or plan on playing. I'm not going to count games with platforming that don't focus on platforming as the mainstay (i.e. Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Ys, etc) as 3D platformers, but you'll know it when you see it. Might link my reviews and write up retrospective reviews in preparation for a loose ranking too, we'll see.

If you think you've got a 3D platformer that's not on the list that I might like, feel free to suggest it and I'll throw it on! 3D platformers have always been comfort food for me and I'm always down to try more!

As of now, everything before Balan Wonderworld is something I have at least beat, and everything after Windlands is something I have yet to beat (though I have played some of them).


Close to 100%ed, just haven't beat Trial Galaxies w/ Luigi
Beat the main game and gotten all Stars, have not gotten all the Green Stars yet
Beat main game
Beat main game with all collectibles
Was originally a 100% until DLC got added. Have beat Nyakuza Metro, have not gotten all the achievements (Minimum Shippable + Deathwish)
Have beaten the game but did not collect all runner's packs.
100%ed (in terms of achievements, no way I'm going back to beat all the levels lmao)
Beat main game, have not 100%ed by collecting all collectibles.
Beat main game
Beat main game
Beat main game back in the day, apparently it has updates now?
Beat PS2 version, have not beat PS3 version
Beat main game
Beat main game
Beat main game. Why did I play this
Beat main game
Beat Sonic's story, have not beat the other ones yet
Beat main game
All monkeys captured
Beat main game
Beat main game
Beat main game
Beat the game
Beat the game
Beat the main story
100%ed. Bad game
Beat the game
Beat the main game
Beat the main campaign with Hana
Abandoned until it gets working controller support
Abandoned for now
Abandoned for now


1 year ago

That's a lot of games...I haven't played lmao. Pretty much only Ratchet and Clank titles. I've had A Hat in Time on my wishlist ages though.

1 year ago

I would absolutely recommend playing A Hat in Time, it's my favorite 3D platformer of the whole bunch. The DLC Nyakuza Metro is fantastic too.

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