My Favorites Game Covers

Some cool covers I found on Backloggd.
OBS: I haven't played most of these games, I arranged by aesthetic.


The transition to colors here is some of the most satisfying shit I have ever seen.

2 years ago

I don't know why but I like this list's aesthetics much more than the ones on Letterboxd like it

1 year ago

did igdb ruin any of these

1 year ago

@Dratnerd Actually yes... I don't remember them all, but I had to take some mega man covers off because of that.

1 year ago

The transition to colors here is some of the most satisfying shit I have ever seen. [2]

11 months ago

Trocaram a capa do episódio 1 de Hello Charlotte, quebrou a sequência

11 months ago

Terminar lobotomy com certeza eh mais fácil que fazer isso ai

10 months ago

best one of these i've found

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