Silly Boss Kills

Sometimes, killing a boss the intended way isn't enough
A list of games that have funny/joke ways of killing bosses by unconventional means (comment ones I've missed, I'm open to suggestions!)

Boom Boom can be defeated instantly by using a glitch called "sprite bumping" which stores a block being bumped into another room, and kills him instantly.
Quite niche but is an unintended and funny way to kill him.
As long as you have Toad leveled up enough, you're able to turn the Emperor into a toad during the supposedly climactic battle between you and him.
Metalman can be defeated in one hit by using his own metal blades against him. Talk about being unprepared....
Scarmiglione, being an undead, can defeated instantly by the "Phoenix Down" spell, ending the fight before it even begins.
The bug net can be used to reflect Aghanim's energy balls back at him, the start of a trend with Zelda. On that same note bees can be used to deafeat bosses or standard enemies in general.
The boss in the second level will be asleep if you complete the level fast enough (with TAS level accuracy), making them vulerable to being pushed off and ending the fight in a breeze.
Presumably due to an oversight, your character's magic stat is able to overflow when you cast "cure" so that you can dish out insane damage to the final boss. Even your other party members can't do the damage you can with that spell.
Dino Zombie can be defeated the same way as Scarmiglione in FFIV.
Undead Behemot King & Phantom Train can be defeated the same way as Scarmiglione in FFIV.
Another fight, Wrexsoul, can be quickly cleared with a bug when they possess a party member and get banished by another.
Using a noclip cheat code to get behind a wall in the room of the final boss, Icon of Sin, reveals an easter egg of John Romero's decapitated head, asking (in reverse and down pitched) to be killed, doing so will kill the final boss and end the level.
Various bosses are still vulnerable to attack while they are powering up/introducing themselves and take damage, even though they don't have a health bar.
Both Turbo Man and Spring Man can be taken down by the noise crash.
Cloud Man can also be defeated with the danger wrap, but the game glitches out heavily and kills you as well.
Gi Nattak can be defeated the same way as Scarmiglione in FFIV.
The empty bottle replaces the bug net this time around for energy tennis, and is probably even more iconic than the bug net for defeating Ganondorf.
Abandon can be defeated the same way as Scarmiglione in FFIV.
Soulcage can be defeated the same way as Scarmiglione in FFIV.
Evrae Altana can be defeated the same way as Scarmiglione in FFIV.
Certainly the most unconventional boss we've had yet but the Ghost Town level has you doing a minecart race against Crutch which can be cleared without touching the control stick.
Freeze Man can be defeated if you use any electric style weapon, which are able to stunlock him in place and your charges are able to refill before he has a chance to attack himself. You don't even need to move too as long as you hit your first shot.
It is possible to circumvent encounters with Pirahna Plant bosses by taking them out with an egg before they get powered up, ending the boss fight before it even begins.
The End can be killed by... old age if you save the game before the fight and wait 8 days outside the game. The only meta and non-combatant one, but effective none-the-less.
Krauser can be killed by the dinky knife that Leon carries with him everywhere, as he is the most succeptable to knife attacks than even regular Ganados. Maybe a bit too conventional, since the knife is the best way to save ammo in the game, but it is quite silly regardless.
The fishing rod can be used to distract Ganondorf during his final phase at the end of the game to land some hits in.
The empty bottle can also be used to bat the energy balls back in the first phase like in Ocarina of Time.
If you can bring him far enough from his thrown area, Palpatine can be defeated in 6-6 (Jedi Destiny) by nudging him into the reactor shaft as a call back to how he died in the original film. Both a silly way to kill the final boss and a cool reference.
Ceaseless Discharge can be defeated by running away after triggering the fight, then running back to where you triggered it, slipping off the thin ledge in place until it eventually falls off and dies.
In the cutscene for the Death Egg robot, you can glitch out by getting squished by him and kill the second phase without any effort at all.
Bringing it all back to the beginning, a bug net can be used to reflect Demise's lightning-based skyward strike, giving you an opening for attack.
You are able to defeat the final boss, King Yama, by carrying a eggplant throughout the entire game and throwing it in his face, defeating him instantly.
An ice cream truck can kill Lenny in the desert if you kill all the birds in the area, crashing straight into him out of nowhere. This might be a stretch, but it's funny and stupid regardless.
Using the bible on Isaac's mother (or her heart) is able to instantly kill her which is referenced in the prologue of the game.
Jo Amon, one of the hardest bosses in the series, can have his dagger stolen from him by using a Majima essence, and can be taken down in one hit by throwing it at him.
It is possible to leave the arena during the Goliath fight due to the recoil of your bow, meaning you can kill them without any effort and in one hit (if you have enough energy in the arrow).
The man on fire can be taken down by a solitary water pistol in quite a few shots, but you are actually able to defeat him this way, unlike the Zelda additions.
An amiibo can be used to bypass Duma, unceremoniously ending the bossfight in no time flat.
Runt can be killed by a singular arrow, ending the fight in no time at all.
While a little conventional, the game forces you to fight him properly in hard mode, since he prepares for the fight and wears a helmet.
You are able to kill enemies instantly by teleporting into them, exploding them from the inside out, a technique called "telefrag".
The bar of soap is also able to kill any enemy in one hit if equipped.
Soap is also able to be used to kill enemies in Ultrakill, also being a one-hit kill.
Leshy's final phase uses a moon card that deals 1 damage per turn for all your cards, but with the "stinky" modifier, a modifier that reduces attacks by 1, renders them completely useless. He'll even complain that moons don't have a sense of smell.
Salazar can be defeated by throwing some eggs (generally golden ones) into his mouth for a quick way of killing him


22 days ago

Killing any boss in Baldur's Gate 3 by setting up explosive barrels everywhere, then shooting them takes forever but is still funny nonetheless.

You can one-shot a pretty important boss in Kingdom Come: Deliverance by shooting him in the head with an arrow instead of dueling him with a sword like you're supposed to. When they added hard mode to the game, they made it so that boss wears a helmet that covers his entire face lol.

22 days ago

If you have Toad leveled high enough in Final Fantasy II, you can turn the Emperor into one during a climactic battle with him!
@hotpoppah thanks for the suggestion! I think the Kingdom Come: Deilverance one has more merit personally, since the developers had to work around it and fix it. Still feels a little conventional to me but I'll allow it :)
@archagent thanks! that is definitely what I'm looking for :)

22 days ago

If glitches are allowed, you can bug out the first boss of Sonic Generations and remain under him even during his second phase, which still allows you to hurt him for some reason.
In Mega Man 2, you can kill Metal Man in one hit by using his own weapon, the Metal Blade. That would fit on here.
@wheatie thanks! While I was meaning to have developer intended ways to kill bosses in silly ways, I think this such a random bug I'll have to add it :)
@MegaTheRealOne thank you!

22 days ago

In Yoshi's Island, all the bosses are powered-up versions of regular enemies. The way the piranha plant boss' battle arena is set up gives the player has a small window to see the enemy before it gets juiced up. Defeating it like a regular piranha plant by throwing a single egg skips the entire encounter
@Funbil thank you for the recommendation!

22 days ago

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22 days ago

the rol qayin and gol iath speedy strategies were iconic to me in middle school

does the spelunky eggplant run count? yes my childhood was defined by popular indie games
hey @spl , if you could describe what happens in the Titan Souls one then I'll add it, the Spelunky one is definitely getting added, thanks for the suggestion!

22 days ago

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22 days ago

in titan souls you fight using a bow and a single arrow which you can pull back to urself using telekinesis. if it reaches a high enough speed via telekinesis it can still deal damage (all of the bosses die in one hit). the gol iath fight takes place in an outdoor arena to which the exit closes once you initiate by shooting the dormant boss; however if you do so while standing close enough to the exit you can leave before it fully closes. from there you can position yourself behind gol iath and pull your arrow into it, killing it from outside the arena while safe from its attacks. i think this was supposed to be funny in a "cheese strat" kind of way? sorry if this explanation is incoherent

the rol qayin fight is mostly because if you time your shot correctly you can end the fight in like half a second. which possibly doesnt count as a silly boss kill now that i think about it
@spl I think that's worthy of addition, thank you :)

17 days ago

Oh there's Gi Nattak in OG FFVII, the Cosmo Canyon boss fight, since it's an undead you can use a Phoenix Down and kill it as soon as the battle begins.
@petro_sino thanks for the suggestion, this is perfect!

16 days ago

RE: FFVII and Gi Nattack

There's a lot of these over the series! Pretty much every FF game has an undead boss you can beat with just phoenix downs
@Archagent thank you for the clarification! if you could list them all I'll make sure to include all of them :3

16 days ago

I'll see how many I can think of...

Scarmiglione (Undead Form) (Final Fantasy IV)
Dinozombie (Final Fantasy V)
Phantom Train (Final Fantasy VI)
Undead Behemoth King (Final Fantasy VI)
Abadon (Final Fantasy VIII)
Soulcage (Final Fantasy IX)
Evrae Altana (Final Fantasy X)

Bonus: in FFVI, a bug allows the player to instantly clear the Wrexsoul fight by using Banish while Wrexsoul possesses one of the party, thus skipping it entirely!
@Archagent thank you for your contribution! all are accounted for now :D

15 days ago

In Fire Emblem Echoes, you can send Alm to deal the final hit to Duma as intented, triggering a slowmo animation and everything... or use an amiibo and have Marth beat his ass unceremoniously.
@PitSolitayrh works for me, thank you!

14 days ago

In RE4 Remake, Salazar can be taken down by throwing the two golden chicken eggs that can be found over the course of a playthrough.

In Lufia III, most, if not all fights that the player is meant to lose, can actually be won if the party is powerful enough, and reward weapons powerful enough to steamroll the game. I’d have to dig for specifics, but iirc, the first Gades fight right in the beginning of the game can be won not by grinding levels, but by farming about 10 units of an item that deals fixed damage, bypassing his high stats.
@Lucca202 how could I forget RE4R, that one is so iconic
and come back to me when you get more for Lufia III, thank you for your contribution!

14 days ago

Ceaseless Discharge in Dark Souls is a pretty famous one. If you run far enough away after triggering the fight, he'll jump after you and end up hanging from a ledge by one easily-attackable hand.

14 days ago

In Mr. Gimmick, if you beat the 2nd level fast enough using sequence breaking strats, the boss starts the battle sleeping next to an alarm clock in their hubris that they think they have a bit more time before you arrive. You can then proceed to push them off the stage.
@SpaceAttorney and @GingerV thank you for your submissions!

13 days ago

Remembered another one: Leshy's final phase in Inscryption uses the Moon, a really tanky card that deals 1 damage to all of your cards every turn. However, the "stinky" modifier reduces enemy attack by 1, so if any of your cards have it the boss will be rendered completely incapable of attacking. He'll even complain that the mechanic doesn't make sense ("Moons do not have a sense of smell!").

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